package org.junit.rules;

import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;

A base class for Rules (like TemporaryFolder) that set up an external resource before a test (a file, socket, server, database connection, etc.), and guarantee to tear it down afterward:
public static class UsesExternalResource {
 Server myServer= new Server();
 public ExternalResource resource= new ExternalResource() {
     protected void before() throws Throwable {
     protected void after() {
 public void testFoo() {
     new Client().run(myServer);
/** * A base class for Rules (like TemporaryFolder) that set up an external * resource before a test (a file, socket, server, database connection, etc.), * and guarantee to tear it down afterward: * * <pre> * public static class UsesExternalResource { * Server myServer= new Server(); * * &#064;Rule * public ExternalResource resource= new ExternalResource() { * &#064;Override * protected void before() throws Throwable { * myServer.connect(); * }; * * &#064;Override * protected void after() { * myServer.disconnect(); * }; * }; * * &#064;Test * public void testFoo() { * new Client().run(myServer); * } * } * </pre> * * @since 4.7 */
public abstract class ExternalResource implements TestRule { public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { return statement(base); } private Statement statement(final Statement base) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { before(); try { base.evaluate(); } finally { after(); } } }; }
Override to set up your specific external resource.
  • Throwable – if setup fails (which will disable after
/** * Override to set up your specific external resource. * * @throws Throwable if setup fails (which will disable {@code after} */
protected void before() throws Throwable { // do nothing }
Override to tear down your specific external resource.
/** * Override to tear down your specific external resource. */
protected void after() { // do nothing } }