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package sun.tools.jar;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.security.*;

import sun.net.www.MessageHeader;
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;

import sun.security.pkcs.*;
import sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId;

A signature file as defined in the Manifest and Signature Format. It has essentially the same structure as a Manifest file in that it is a set of RFC 822 headers (sections). The first section contains meta data relevant to the entire file (i.e "Signature-Version:1.0") and each subsequent section contains data relevant to specific entries: entry sections.

Each entry section contains the name of an entry (which must have a counterpart in the manifest). Like the manifest it contains a hash, the hash of the manifest section correspondind to the name. Since the manifest entry contains the hash of the data, this is equivalent to a signature of the data, plus the attributes of the manifest entry.

This signature file format deal with PKCS7 encoded DSA signature block. It should be straightforward to extent to support other algorithms.

Author: David Brown, Benjamin Renaud
/** * <p>A signature file as defined in the <a * href="manifest.html">Manifest and Signature Format</a>. It has * essentially the same structure as a Manifest file in that it is a * set of RFC 822 headers (sections). The first section contains meta * data relevant to the entire file (i.e "Signature-Version:1.0") and * each subsequent section contains data relevant to specific entries: * entry sections. * * <p>Each entry section contains the name of an entry (which must * have a counterpart in the manifest). Like the manifest it contains * a hash, the hash of the manifest section correspondind to the * name. Since the manifest entry contains the hash of the data, this * is equivalent to a signature of the data, plus the attributes of * the manifest entry. * * <p>This signature file format deal with PKCS7 encoded DSA signature * block. It should be straightforward to extent to support other * algorithms. * * @author David Brown * @author Benjamin Renaud */
public class SignatureFile { /* Are we debugging? */ static final boolean debug = false; /* list of headers that all pertain to a particular file in the * archive */ private Vector entries = new Vector(); /* Right now we only support SHA hashes */ static final String[] hashes = {"SHA"}; static final void debug(String s) { if (debug) System.out.println("sig> " + s); } /* * The manifest we're working with. */ private Manifest manifest; /* * The file name for the file. This is the raw name, i.e. the * extention-less 8 character name (such as MYSIGN) which wil be * used to build the signature filename (MYSIGN.SF) and the block * filename (MYSIGN.DSA) */ private String rawName; /* The digital signature block corresponding to this signature * file. */ private PKCS7 signatureBlock;
Private constructor which takes a name a given signature file. The name must be extension-less and less or equal to 8 character in length.
/** * Private constructor which takes a name a given signature * file. The name must be extension-less and less or equal to 8 * character in length. */
private SignatureFile(String name) throws JarException { entries = new Vector(); if (name != null) { if (name.length() > 8 || name.indexOf('.') != -1) { throw new JarException("invalid file name"); } rawName = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } }
Private constructor which takes a name a given signature file and a new file predicate. If it is a new file, a main header will be added.
/** * Private constructor which takes a name a given signature file * and a new file predicate. If it is a new file, a main header * will be added. */
private SignatureFile(String name, boolean newFile) throws JarException { this(name); if (newFile) { MessageHeader globals = new MessageHeader(); globals.set("Signature-Version", "1.0"); entries.addElement(globals); } }
Constructs a new Signature file corresponding to a given Manifest. All entries in the manifest are signed.
  • manifest – the manifest to use.
  • name – for this signature file. This should be less than 8 characters, and without a suffix (i.e. without a period in it.
/** * Constructs a new Signature file corresponding to a given * Manifest. All entries in the manifest are signed. * * @param manifest the manifest to use. * * @param name for this signature file. This should * be less than 8 characters, and without a suffix (i.e. * without a period in it. * * @exception JarException if an invalid name is passed in. */
public SignatureFile(Manifest manifest, String name) throws JarException { this(name, true); this.manifest = manifest; Enumeration enum_ = manifest.entries(); while (enum_.hasMoreElements()) { MessageHeader mh = (MessageHeader)enum_.nextElement(); String entryName = mh.findValue("Name"); if (entryName != null) { add(entryName); } } }
Constructs a new Signature file corresponding to a given Manifest. Specific entries in the manifest are signed.
  • manifest – the manifest to use.
  • entries – the entries to sign.
  • filename – for this signature file. This should be less than 8 characters, and without a suffix (i.e. without a period in it.
/** * Constructs a new Signature file corresponding to a given * Manifest. Specific entries in the manifest are signed. * * @param manifest the manifest to use. * * @param entries the entries to sign. * * @param filename for this signature file. This should * be less than 8 characters, and without a suffix (i.e. * without a period in it. * * @exception JarException if an invalid name is passed in. */
public SignatureFile(Manifest manifest, String[] entries, String filename) throws JarException { this(filename, true); this.manifest = manifest; add(entries); }
Construct a Signature file from an input stream.
  • IOException – if an invalid name is passed in or if a stream exception occurs.
/** * Construct a Signature file from an input stream. * * @exception IOException if an invalid name is passed in or if a * stream exception occurs. */
public SignatureFile(InputStream is, String filename) throws IOException { this(filename); while (is.available() > 0) { MessageHeader m = new MessageHeader(is); entries.addElement(m); } }
Construct a Signature file from an input stream.
  • IOException – if an invalid name is passed in or if a stream exception occurs.
/** * Construct a Signature file from an input stream. * * @exception IOException if an invalid name is passed in or if a * stream exception occurs. */
public SignatureFile(InputStream is) throws IOException { this(is, null); } public SignatureFile(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { this(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); }
Returns the name of the signature file, ending with a ".SF" suffix
/** * Returns the name of the signature file, ending with a ".SF" * suffix */
public String getName() { return "META-INF/" + rawName + ".SF"; }
Returns the name of the block file, ending with a block suffix such as ".DSA".
/** * Returns the name of the block file, ending with a block suffix * such as ".DSA". */
public String getBlockName() { String suffix = "DSA"; if (signatureBlock != null) { SignerInfo info = signatureBlock.getSignerInfos()[0]; suffix = info.getDigestEncryptionAlgorithmId().getName(); String temp = AlgorithmId.getEncAlgFromSigAlg(suffix); if (temp != null) suffix = temp; } return "META-INF/" + rawName + "." + suffix; }
Returns the signature block associated with this file.
/** * Returns the signature block associated with this file. */
public PKCS7 getBlock() { return signatureBlock; }
Sets the signature block associated with this file.
/** * Sets the signature block associated with this file. */
public void setBlock(PKCS7 block) { this.signatureBlock = block; }
Add a set of entries from the current manifest.
/** * Add a set of entries from the current manifest. */
public void add(String[] entries) throws JarException { for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { add (entries[i]); } }
Add a specific entry from the current manifest.
/** * Add a specific entry from the current manifest. */
public void add(String entry) throws JarException { MessageHeader mh = manifest.getEntry(entry); if (mh == null) { throw new JarException("entry " + entry + " not in manifest"); } MessageHeader smh; try { smh = computeEntry(mh); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JarException(e.getMessage()); } entries.addElement(smh); }
Get the entry corresponding to a given name. Returns null if the entry does not exist.
/** * Get the entry corresponding to a given name. Returns null if *the entry does not exist. */
public MessageHeader getEntry(String name) { Enumeration enum_ = entries(); while(enum_.hasMoreElements()) { MessageHeader mh = (MessageHeader)enum_.nextElement(); if (name.equals(mh.findValue("Name"))) { return mh; } } return null; }
Returns the n-th entry. The global header is a entry 0.
/** * Returns the n-th entry. The global header is a entry 0. */
public MessageHeader entryAt(int n) { return (MessageHeader) entries.elementAt(n); }
Returns an enumeration of the entries.
/** * Returns an enumeration of the entries. */
public Enumeration entries() { return entries.elements(); }
Given a manifest entry, computes the signature entry for this manifest entry.
/** * Given a manifest entry, computes the signature entry for this * manifest entry. */
private MessageHeader computeEntry(MessageHeader mh) throws IOException { MessageHeader smh = new MessageHeader(); String name = mh.findValue("Name"); if (name == null) { return null; } smh.set("Name", name); BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder(); try { for (int i = 0; i < hashes.length; ++i) { MessageDigest dig = getDigest(hashes[i]); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); mh.print(ps); byte[] headerBytes = baos.toByteArray(); byte[] digest = dig.digest(headerBytes); smh.set(hashes[i] + "-Digest", encoder.encode(digest)); } return smh; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new JarException(e.getMessage()); } } private Hashtable digests = new Hashtable(); private MessageDigest getDigest(String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest dig = (MessageDigest)digests.get(algorithm); if (dig == null) { dig = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); digests.put(algorithm, dig); } dig.reset(); return dig; }
Add a signature file at current position in a stream
/** * Add a signature file at current position in a stream */
public void stream(OutputStream os) throws IOException { /* the first header in the file should be the global one. * It should say "SignatureFile-Version: x.x"; barf if not */ MessageHeader globals = (MessageHeader) entries.elementAt(0); if (globals.findValue("Signature-Version") == null) { throw new JarException("Signature file requires " + "Signature-Version: 1.0 in 1st header"); } PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os); globals.print(ps); for (int i = 1; i < entries.size(); ++i) { MessageHeader mh = (MessageHeader) entries.elementAt(i); mh.print(ps); } } }