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package sun.text.normalizer;

import java.util.HashMap;

Class to store version numbers of the form major.minor.milli.micro.
@stableICU 2.6
/** * Class to store version numbers of the form major.minor.milli.micro. * @author synwee * @stable ICU 2.6 */
public final class VersionInfo { // public methods ------------------------------------------------------
Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version.
  • version – version String in the format of "major.minor.milli.micro" or "major.minor.milli" or "major.minor" or "major", where major, minor, milli, micro are non-negative numbers <= 255. If the trailing version numbers are not specified they are taken as 0s. E.g. Version "3.1" is equivalent to "".
  • throws an IllegalArgumentException when the argument version – is not in the right format
Returns:an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version.
@stableICU 2.6
/** * Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version. * @param version version String in the format of "major.minor.milli.micro" * or "major.minor.milli" or "major.minor" or "major", * where major, minor, milli, micro are non-negative numbers * <= 255. If the trailing version numbers are * not specified they are taken as 0s. E.g. Version "3.1" is * equivalent to "". * @return an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version. * @exception throws an IllegalArgumentException when the argument version * is not in the right format * @stable ICU 2.6 */
public static VersionInfo getInstance(String version) { int length = version.length(); int array[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; int count = 0; int index = 0; while (count < 4 && index < length) { char c = version.charAt(index); if (c == '.') { count ++; } else { c -= '0'; if (c < 0 || c > 9) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER_); } array[count] *= 10; array[count] += c; } index ++; } if (index != length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid version number: String '" + version + "' exceeds version format"); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { if (array[i] < 0 || array[i] > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER_); } } return getInstance(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]); }
Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version.
  • major – major version, non-negative number <= 255.
  • minor – minor version, non-negative number <= 255.
  • milli – milli version, non-negative number <= 255.
  • micro – micro version, non-negative number <= 255.
  • throws an IllegalArgumentException when either arguments are – negative or > 255
@stableICU 2.6
/** * Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version. * @param major major version, non-negative number <= 255. * @param minor minor version, non-negative number <= 255. * @param milli milli version, non-negative number <= 255. * @param micro micro version, non-negative number <= 255. * @exception throws an IllegalArgumentException when either arguments are * negative or > 255 * @stable ICU 2.6 */
public static VersionInfo getInstance(int major, int minor, int milli, int micro) { // checks if it is in the hashmap // else if (major < 0 || major > 255 || minor < 0 || minor > 255 || milli < 0 || milli > 255 || micro < 0 || micro > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER_); } int version = getInt(major, minor, milli, micro); Integer key = new Integer(version); Object result = MAP_.get(key); if (result == null) { result = new VersionInfo(version); MAP_.put(key, result); } return (VersionInfo)result; }
Compares other with this VersionInfo.
  • other – VersionInfo to be compared
Returns:0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has version information equals to this object. Less than 0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has version information greater than this object. Greater than 0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has version information less than this object.
@stableICU 2.6
/** * Compares other with this VersionInfo. * @param other VersionInfo to be compared * @return 0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has version * information equals to this object. * Less than 0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has * version information greater than this object. * Greater than 0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that * has version information less than this object. * @stable ICU 2.6 */
public int compareTo(VersionInfo other) { return m_version_ - other.m_version_; } // private data members ----------------------------------------------
Version number stored as a byte for each of the major, minor, milli and micro numbers in the 32 bit int. Most significant for the major and the least significant contains the micro numbers.
/** * Version number stored as a byte for each of the major, minor, milli and * micro numbers in the 32 bit int. * Most significant for the major and the least significant contains the * micro numbers. */
private int m_version_;
Map of singletons
/** * Map of singletons */
private static final HashMap MAP_ = new HashMap();
Error statement string
/** * Error statement string */
private static final String INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER_ = "Invalid version number: Version number may be negative or greater than 255"; // private constructor -----------------------------------------------
Constructor with int
  • compactversion – a 32 bit int with each byte representing a number
/** * Constructor with int * @param compactversion a 32 bit int with each byte representing a number */
private VersionInfo(int compactversion) { m_version_ = compactversion; }
Gets the int from the version numbers
  • major – non-negative version number
  • minor – non-negativeversion number
  • milli – non-negativeversion number
  • micro – non-negativeversion number
/** * Gets the int from the version numbers * @param major non-negative version number * @param minor non-negativeversion number * @param milli non-negativeversion number * @param micro non-negativeversion number */
private static int getInt(int major, int minor, int milli, int micro) { return (major << 24) | (minor << 16) | (milli << 8) | micro; } }