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package sun.text.normalizer;

Standalone utility class providing UTF16 character conversions and indexing conversions.

Code that uses strings alone rarely need modification. By design, UTF-16 does not allow overlap, so searching for strings is a safe operation. Similarly, concatenation is always safe. Substringing is safe if the start and end are both on UTF-32 boundaries. In normal code, the values for start and end are on those boundaries, since they arose from operations like searching. If not, the nearest UTF-32 boundaries can be determined using bounds().


The following examples illustrate use of some of these methods.

// iteration forwards: Original
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
    char ch = s.charAt(i);
// iteration forwards: Changes for UTF-32
int ch;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i+=UTF16.getCharCount(ch)) {
    ch = UTF16.charAt(s,i);
// iteration backwards: Original
for (int i = s.length() -1; i >= 0; --i) {
    char ch = s.charAt(i);
// iteration backwards: Changes for UTF-32
int ch;
for (int i = s.length() -1; i > 0; i-=UTF16.getCharCount(ch)) {
    ch = UTF16.charAt(s,i);
  • Naming: For clarity, High and Low surrogates are called Lead and Trail in the API, which gives a better sense of their ordering in a string. offset16 and offset32 are used to distinguish offsets to UTF-16 boundaries vs offsets to UTF-32 boundaries. int char32 is used to contain UTF-32 characters, as opposed to char16, which is a UTF-16 code unit.
  • Roundtripping Offsets: You can always roundtrip from a UTF-32 offset to a UTF-16 offset and back. Because of the difference in structure, you can roundtrip from a UTF-16 offset to a UTF-32 offset and back if and only if bounds(string, offset16) != TRAIL.
  • Exceptions: The error checking will throw an exception if indices are out of bounds. Other than than that, all methods will behave reasonably, even if unmatched surrogates or out-of-bounds UTF-32 values are present. UCharacter.isLegal() can be used to check for validity if desired.
  • Unmatched Surrogates: If the string contains unmatched surrogates, then these are counted as one UTF-32 value. This matches their iteration behavior, which is vital. It also matches common display practice as missing glyphs (see the Unicode Standard Section 5.4, 5.5).
  • Optimization: The method implementations may need optimization if the compiler doesn't fold static final methods. Since surrogate pairs will form an exceeding small percentage of all the text in the world, the singleton case should always be optimized for.
Author:Mark Davis, with help from Markus Scherer
@stableICU 2.1
/** * <p>Standalone utility class providing UTF16 character conversions and * indexing conversions.</p> * <p>Code that uses strings alone rarely need modification. * By design, UTF-16 does not allow overlap, so searching for strings is a safe * operation. Similarly, concatenation is always safe. Substringing is safe if * the start and end are both on UTF-32 boundaries. In normal code, the values * for start and end are on those boundaries, since they arose from operations * like searching. If not, the nearest UTF-32 boundaries can be determined * using <code>bounds()</code>.</p> * <strong>Examples:</strong> * <p>The following examples illustrate use of some of these methods. * <pre> * // iteration forwards: Original * for (int i = 0; i &lt; s.length(); ++i) { * char ch = s.charAt(i); * doSomethingWith(ch); * } * * // iteration forwards: Changes for UTF-32 * int ch; * for (int i = 0; i &lt; s.length(); i+=UTF16.getCharCount(ch)) { * ch = UTF16.charAt(s,i); * doSomethingWith(ch); * } * * // iteration backwards: Original * for (int i = s.length() -1; i >= 0; --i) { * char ch = s.charAt(i); * doSomethingWith(ch); * } * * // iteration backwards: Changes for UTF-32 * int ch; * for (int i = s.length() -1; i > 0; i-=UTF16.getCharCount(ch)) { * ch = UTF16.charAt(s,i); * doSomethingWith(ch); * } * </pre> * <strong>Notes:</strong> * <ul> * <li> * <strong>Naming:</strong> For clarity, High and Low surrogates are called * <code>Lead</code> and <code>Trail</code> in the API, which gives a better * sense of their ordering in a string. <code>offset16</code> and * <code>offset32</code> are used to distinguish offsets to UTF-16 * boundaries vs offsets to UTF-32 boundaries. <code>int char32</code> is * used to contain UTF-32 characters, as opposed to <code>char16</code>, * which is a UTF-16 code unit. * </li> * <li> * <strong>Roundtripping Offsets:</strong> You can always roundtrip from a * UTF-32 offset to a UTF-16 offset and back. Because of the difference in * structure, you can roundtrip from a UTF-16 offset to a UTF-32 offset and * back if and only if <code>bounds(string, offset16) != TRAIL</code>. * </li> * <li> * <strong>Exceptions:</strong> The error checking will throw an exception * if indices are out of bounds. Other than than that, all methods will * behave reasonably, even if unmatched surrogates or out-of-bounds UTF-32 * values are present. <code>UCharacter.isLegal()</code> can be used to check * for validity if desired. * </li> * <li> * <strong>Unmatched Surrogates:</strong> If the string contains unmatched * surrogates, then these are counted as one UTF-32 value. This matches * their iteration behavior, which is vital. It also matches common display * practice as missing glyphs (see the Unicode Standard Section 5.4, 5.5). * </li> * <li> * <strong>Optimization:</strong> The method implementations may need * optimization if the compiler doesn't fold static final methods. Since * surrogate pairs will form an exceeding small percentage of all the text * in the world, the singleton case should always be optimized for. * </li> * </ul> * @author Mark Davis, with help from Markus Scherer * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public final class UTF16 { // public variables ---------------------------------------------------
The lowest Unicode code point value.
@stableICU 2.1
/** * The lowest Unicode code point value. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int CODEPOINT_MIN_VALUE = 0;
The highest Unicode code point value (scalar value) according to the Unicode Standard.
@stableICU 2.1
/** * The highest Unicode code point value (scalar value) according to the * Unicode Standard. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int CODEPOINT_MAX_VALUE = 0x10ffff;
The minimum value for Supplementary code points
@stableICU 2.1
/** * The minimum value for Supplementary code points * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE = 0x10000;
Lead surrogate minimum value
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Lead surrogate minimum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE = 0xD800;
Trail surrogate minimum value
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Trail surrogate minimum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE = 0xDC00;
Lead surrogate maximum value
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Lead surrogate maximum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE = 0xDBFF;
Trail surrogate maximum value
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Trail surrogate maximum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE = 0xDFFF;
Surrogate minimum value
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Surrogate minimum value * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static final int SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE = LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE; // public method ------------------------------------------------------
Extract a single UTF-32 value from a string. Used when iterating forwards or backwards (with UTF16.getCharCount(), as well as random access. If a validity check is required, use UCharacter.isLegal() on the return value. If the char retrieved is part of a surrogate pair, its supplementary character will be returned. If a complete supplementary character is not found the incomplete character will be returned
  • source – array of UTF-16 chars
  • offset16 – UTF-16 offset to the start of the character.
Returns:UTF-32 value for the UTF-32 value that contains the char at offset16. The boundaries of that codepoint are the same as in bounds32().
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Extract a single UTF-32 value from a string. * Used when iterating forwards or backwards (with * <code>UTF16.getCharCount()</code>, as well as random access. If a * validity check is required, use * <code><a href="../lang/UCharacter.html#isLegal(char)"> * UCharacter.isLegal()</a></code> on the return value. * If the char retrieved is part of a surrogate pair, its supplementary * character will be returned. If a complete supplementary character is * not found the incomplete character will be returned * @param source array of UTF-16 chars * @param offset16 UTF-16 offset to the start of the character. * @return UTF-32 value for the UTF-32 value that contains the char at * offset16. The boundaries of that codepoint are the same as in * <code>bounds32()</code>. * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if offset16 is out of * bounds. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static int charAt(String source, int offset16) { if (offset16 < 0 || offset16 >= source.length()) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset16); } char single = source.charAt(offset16); if (single < LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE || single > TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { return single; } // Convert the UTF-16 surrogate pair if necessary. // For simplicity in usage, and because the frequency of pairs is // low, look both directions. if (single <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { ++ offset16; if (source.length() != offset16) { char trail = source.charAt(offset16); if (trail >= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && trail <= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(single, trail); } } } else { -- offset16; if (offset16 >= 0) { // single is a trail surrogate so char lead = source.charAt(offset16); if (lead >= LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && lead <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(lead, single); } } } return single; // return unmatched surrogate }
Extract a single UTF-32 value from a substring. Used when iterating forwards or backwards (with UTF16.getCharCount(), as well as random access. If a validity check is required, use UCharacter.isLegal() on the return value. If the char retrieved is part of a surrogate pair, its supplementary character will be returned. If a complete supplementary character is not found the incomplete character will be returned
  • source – array of UTF-16 chars
  • start – offset to substring in the source array for analyzing
  • limit – offset to substring in the source array for analyzing
  • offset16 – UTF-16 offset relative to start
Returns:UTF-32 value for the UTF-32 value that contains the char at offset16. The boundaries of that codepoint are the same as in bounds32().
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Extract a single UTF-32 value from a substring. * Used when iterating forwards or backwards (with * <code>UTF16.getCharCount()</code>, as well as random access. If a * validity check is required, use * <code><a href="../lang/UCharacter.html#isLegal(char)">UCharacter.isLegal() * </a></code> on the return value. * If the char retrieved is part of a surrogate pair, its supplementary * character will be returned. If a complete supplementary character is * not found the incomplete character will be returned * @param source array of UTF-16 chars * @param start offset to substring in the source array for analyzing * @param limit offset to substring in the source array for analyzing * @param offset16 UTF-16 offset relative to start * @return UTF-32 value for the UTF-32 value that contains the char at * offset16. The boundaries of that codepoint are the same as in * <code>bounds32()</code>. * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if offset16 is not within * the range of start and limit. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static int charAt(char source[], int start, int limit, int offset16) { offset16 += start; if (offset16 < start || offset16 >= limit) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset16); } char single = source[offset16]; if (!isSurrogate(single)) { return single; } // Convert the UTF-16 surrogate pair if necessary. // For simplicity in usage, and because the frequency of pairs is // low, look both directions. if (single <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { offset16 ++; if (offset16 >= limit) { return single; } char trail = source[offset16]; if (isTrailSurrogate(trail)) { return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(single, trail); } } else { // isTrailSurrogate(single), so if (offset16 == start) { return single; } offset16 --; char lead = source[offset16]; if (isLeadSurrogate(lead)) return UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(lead, single); } return single; // return unmatched surrogate }
Determines how many chars this char32 requires. If a validity check is required, use isLegal() on char32 before calling.
  • char32 – the input codepoint.
Returns:2 if is in supplementary space, otherwise 1.
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Determines how many chars this char32 requires. * If a validity check is required, use <code> * <a href="../lang/UCharacter.html#isLegal(char)">isLegal()</a></code> on * char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input codepoint. * @return 2 if is in supplementary space, otherwise 1. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static int getCharCount(int char32) { if (char32 < SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return 1; } return 2; }
Determines whether the code value is a surrogate.
  • char16 – the input character.
Returns:true iff the input character is a surrogate.
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Determines whether the code value is a surrogate. * @param char16 the input character. * @return true iff the input character is a surrogate. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static boolean isSurrogate(char char16) { return LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE <= char16 && char16 <= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE; }
Determines whether the character is a trail surrogate.
  • char16 – the input character.
Returns:true iff the input character is a trail surrogate.
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Determines whether the character is a trail surrogate. * @param char16 the input character. * @return true iff the input character is a trail surrogate. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static boolean isTrailSurrogate(char char16) { return (TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE <= char16 && char16 <= TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE); }
Determines whether the character is a lead surrogate.
  • char16 – the input character.
Returns:true iff the input character is a lead surrogate
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Determines whether the character is a lead surrogate. * @param char16 the input character. * @return true iff the input character is a lead surrogate * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static boolean isLeadSurrogate(char char16) { return LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE <= char16 && char16 <= LEAD_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE; }
Returns the lead surrogate. If a validity check is required, use isLegal() on char32 before calling.
  • char32 – the input character.
Returns:lead surrogate if the getCharCount(ch) is 2;
and 0 otherwise (note: 0 is not a valid lead surrogate).
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Returns the lead surrogate. * If a validity check is required, use * <code><a href="../lang/UCharacter.html#isLegal(char)">isLegal()</a></code> * on char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input character. * @return lead surrogate if the getCharCount(ch) is 2; <br> * and 0 otherwise (note: 0 is not a valid lead surrogate). * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static char getLeadSurrogate(int char32) { if (char32 >= SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return (char)(LEAD_SURROGATE_OFFSET_ + (char32 >> LEAD_SURROGATE_SHIFT_)); } return 0; }
Returns the trail surrogate. If a validity check is required, use isLegal() on char32 before calling.
  • char32 – the input character.
Returns:the trail surrogate if the getCharCount(ch) is 2;
otherwise the character itself
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Returns the trail surrogate. * If a validity check is required, use * <code><a href="../lang/UCharacter.html#isLegal(char)">isLegal()</a></code> * on char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input character. * @return the trail surrogate if the getCharCount(ch) is 2; <br>otherwise * the character itself * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static char getTrailSurrogate(int char32) { if (char32 >= SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return (char)(TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE + (char32 & TRAIL_SURROGATE_MASK_)); } return (char)char32; }
Convenience method corresponding to String.valueOf(char). Returns a one or two char string containing the UTF-32 value in UTF16 format. If a validity check is required, use isLegal() on char32 before calling.
  • char32 – the input character.
Returns:string value of char32 in UTF16 format
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Convenience method corresponding to String.valueOf(char). Returns a one * or two char string containing the UTF-32 value in UTF16 format. If a * validity check is required, use * <code><a href="../lang/UCharacter.html#isLegal(char)">isLegal()</a></code> * on char32 before calling. * @param char32 the input character. * @return string value of char32 in UTF16 format * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if char32 is a invalid * codepoint. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static String valueOf(int char32) { if (char32 < CODEPOINT_MIN_VALUE || char32 > CODEPOINT_MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal codepoint"); } return toString(char32); }
Append a single UTF-32 value to the end of a StringBuffer. If a validity check is required, use isLegal() on char32 before calling.
  • target – the buffer to append to
  • char32 – value to append.
Returns:the updated StringBuffer
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Append a single UTF-32 value to the end of a StringBuffer. * If a validity check is required, use * <code><a href="../lang/UCharacter.html#isLegal(char)">isLegal()</a></code> * on char32 before calling. * @param target the buffer to append to * @param char32 value to append. * @return the updated StringBuffer * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown when char32 does not lie * within the range of the Unicode codepoints * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static StringBuffer append(StringBuffer target, int char32) { // Check for irregular values if (char32 < CODEPOINT_MIN_VALUE || char32 > CODEPOINT_MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal codepoint: " + Integer.toHexString(char32)); } // Write the UTF-16 values if (char32 >= SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { target.append(getLeadSurrogate(char32)); target.append(getTrailSurrogate(char32)); } else { target.append((char)char32); } return target; } //// for StringPrep
Shifts offset16 by the argument number of codepoints within a subarray.
  • source – char array
  • start – position of the subarray to be performed on
  • limit – position of the subarray to be performed on
  • offset16 – UTF16 position to shift relative to start
  • shift32 – number of codepoints to shift
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException – if the new offset16 is out of bounds with respect to the subarray or the subarray bounds are out of range.
Returns:new shifted offset16 relative to start
@stableICU 2.1
/** * Shifts offset16 by the argument number of codepoints within a subarray. * @param source char array * @param start position of the subarray to be performed on * @param limit position of the subarray to be performed on * @param offset16 UTF16 position to shift relative to start * @param shift32 number of codepoints to shift * @return new shifted offset16 relative to start * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the new offset16 is out of * bounds with respect to the subarray or the subarray bounds * are out of range. * @stable ICU 2.1 */
public static int moveCodePointOffset(char source[], int start, int limit, int offset16, int shift32) { int size = source.length; int count; char ch; int result = offset16 + start; if (start<0 || limit<start) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(start); } if (limit>size) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(limit); } if (offset16<0 || result>limit) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset16); } if (shift32 > 0 ) { if (shift32 + result > size) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(result); } count = shift32; while (result < limit && count > 0) { ch = source[result]; if (isLeadSurrogate(ch) && (result+1 < limit) && isTrailSurrogate(source[result+1])) { result ++; } count --; result ++; } } else { if (result + shift32 < start) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(result); } for (count=-shift32; count>0; count--) { result--; if (result<start) { break; } ch = source[result]; if (isTrailSurrogate(ch) && result>start && isLeadSurrogate(source[result-1])) { result--; } } } if (count != 0) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(shift32); } result -= start; return result; } // private data members -------------------------------------------------
Shift value for lead surrogate to form a supplementary character.
/** * Shift value for lead surrogate to form a supplementary character. */
private static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_SHIFT_ = 10;
Mask to retrieve the significant value from a trail surrogate.
/** * Mask to retrieve the significant value from a trail surrogate. */
private static final int TRAIL_SURROGATE_MASK_ = 0x3FF;
Value that all lead surrogate starts with
/** * Value that all lead surrogate starts with */
private static final int LEAD_SURROGATE_OFFSET_ = LEAD_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE - (SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE >> LEAD_SURROGATE_SHIFT_); // private methods ------------------------------------------------------

Converts argument code point and returns a String object representing the code point's value in UTF16 format.

This method does not check for the validity of the codepoint, the results are not guaranteed if a invalid codepoint is passed as argument.

The result is a string whose length is 1 for non-supplementary code points, 2 otherwise.

  • ch – code point
Returns:string representation of the code point
/** * <p>Converts argument code point and returns a String object representing * the code point's value in UTF16 format.</p> * <p>This method does not check for the validity of the codepoint, the * results are not guaranteed if a invalid codepoint is passed as * argument.</p> * <p>The result is a string whose length is 1 for non-supplementary code * points, 2 otherwise.</p> * @param ch code point * @return string representation of the code point */
private static String toString(int ch) { if (ch < SUPPLEMENTARY_MIN_VALUE) { return String.valueOf((char)ch); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(getLeadSurrogate(ch)); result.append(getTrailSurrogate(ch)); return result.toString(); } }