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package sun.text.normalizer;

DLF docs must define behavior when Replaceable is mutated underneath the iterator. This and ICUCharacterIterator share some code, maybe they should share an implementation, or the common state and implementation should be moved up into UCharacterIterator. What are first, last, and getBeginIndex doing here?!?!?!
/** * DLF docs must define behavior when Replaceable is mutated underneath * the iterator. * * This and ICUCharacterIterator share some code, maybe they should share * an implementation, or the common state and implementation should be * moved up into UCharacterIterator. * * What are first, last, and getBeginIndex doing here?!?!?! */
public class ReplaceableUCharacterIterator extends UCharacterIterator { // public constructor ------------------------------------------------------
Public constructor
  • str – text which the iterator will be based on
/** * Public constructor * @param str text which the iterator will be based on */
public ReplaceableUCharacterIterator(String str){ if(str==null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.replaceable = new ReplaceableString(str); this.currentIndex = 0; } //// for StringPrep
Public constructor
  • buf – buffer of text on which the iterator will be based
/** * Public constructor * @param buf buffer of text on which the iterator will be based */
public ReplaceableUCharacterIterator(StringBuffer buf){ if(buf==null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.replaceable = new ReplaceableString(buf); this.currentIndex = 0; } // public methods ----------------------------------------------------------
Creates a copy of this iterator, does not clone the underlying Replaceableobject
Returns:copy of this iterator
/** * Creates a copy of this iterator, does not clone the underlying * <code>Replaceable</code>object * @return copy of this iterator */
public Object clone(){ try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; // never invoked } }
Returns the current UTF16 character.
Returns:current UTF16 character
/** * Returns the current UTF16 character. * @return current UTF16 character */
public int current(){ if (currentIndex < replaceable.length()) { return replaceable.charAt(currentIndex); } return DONE; }
Returns the length of the text
Returns:length of the text
/** * Returns the length of the text * @return length of the text */
public int getLength(){ return replaceable.length(); }
Gets the current currentIndex in text.
Returns:current currentIndex in text.
/** * Gets the current currentIndex in text. * @return current currentIndex in text. */
public int getIndex(){ return currentIndex; }
Returns next UTF16 character and increments the iterator's currentIndex by 1. If the resulting currentIndex is greater or equal to the text length, the currentIndex is reset to the text length and a value of DONECODEPOINT is returned.
Returns:next UTF16 character in text or DONE if the new currentIndex is off the end of the text range.
/** * Returns next UTF16 character and increments the iterator's currentIndex by 1. * If the resulting currentIndex is greater or equal to the text length, the * currentIndex is reset to the text length and a value of DONECODEPOINT is * returned. * @return next UTF16 character in text or DONE if the new currentIndex is off the * end of the text range. */
public int next(){ if (currentIndex < replaceable.length()) { return replaceable.charAt(currentIndex++); } return DONE; }
Returns previous UTF16 character and decrements the iterator's currentIndex by 1. If the resulting currentIndex is less than 0, the currentIndex is reset to 0 and a value of DONECODEPOINT is returned.
Returns:next UTF16 character in text or DONE if the new currentIndex is off the start of the text range.
/** * Returns previous UTF16 character and decrements the iterator's currentIndex by * 1. * If the resulting currentIndex is less than 0, the currentIndex is reset to 0 and a * value of DONECODEPOINT is returned. * @return next UTF16 character in text or DONE if the new currentIndex is off the * start of the text range. */
public int previous(){ if (currentIndex > 0) { return replaceable.charAt(--currentIndex); } return DONE; }

Sets the currentIndex to the specified currentIndex in the text and returns that single UTF16 character at currentIndex. This assumes the text is stored as 16-bit code units.

  • currentIndex – the currentIndex within the text.
Returns:the character at the specified currentIndex or DONE if the specified currentIndex is equal to the end of the text.
/** * <p>Sets the currentIndex to the specified currentIndex in the text and returns that * single UTF16 character at currentIndex. * This assumes the text is stored as 16-bit code units.</p> * @param currentIndex the currentIndex within the text. * @exception IllegalArgumentException is thrown if an invalid currentIndex is * supplied. i.e. currentIndex is out of bounds. * @return the character at the specified currentIndex or DONE if the specified * currentIndex is equal to the end of the text. */
public void setIndex(int currentIndex) { if (currentIndex < 0 || currentIndex > replaceable.length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.currentIndex = currentIndex; } //// for StringPrep public int getText(char[] fillIn, int offset){ int length = replaceable.length(); if(offset < 0 || offset + length > fillIn.length){ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(length)); } replaceable.getChars(0,length,fillIn,offset); return length; } // private data members ----------------------------------------------------
Replacable object
/** * Replacable object */
private Replaceable replaceable;
Current currentIndex
/** * Current currentIndex */
private int currentIndex; }