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package sun.text.normalizer;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;

Author: Ram Viswanadha
/** * @author Ram Viswanadha */
public final class NormalizerImpl { // Static block for the class to initialize its own self static final NormalizerImpl IMPL; static { try { IMPL = new NormalizerImpl(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } static final int UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK =0xFF; static final long UNSIGNED_INT_MASK = 0xffffffffL; /* * This new implementation of the normalization code loads its data from * unorm.icu, which is generated with the gennorm tool. * The format of that file is described at the end of this file. */ private static final String DATA_FILE_NAME = "/sun/text/resources/unorm.icu"; // norm32 value constants // quick check flags 0..3 set mean "no" for their forms public static final int QC_NFC=0x11; /* no|maybe */ public static final int QC_NFKC=0x22; /* no|maybe */ public static final int QC_NFD=4; /* no */ public static final int QC_NFKD=8; /* no */ public static final int QC_ANY_NO=0xf; /* quick check flags 4..5 mean "maybe" for their forms; * test flags>=QC_MAYBE */ public static final int QC_MAYBE=0x10; public static final int QC_ANY_MAYBE=0x30; public static final int QC_MASK=0x3f; private static final int COMBINES_FWD=0x40; private static final int COMBINES_BACK=0x80; public static final int COMBINES_ANY=0xc0; // UnicodeData.txt combining class in bits 15. private static final int CC_SHIFT=8; public static final int CC_MASK=0xff00; // 16 bits for the index to UChars and other extra data private static final int EXTRA_SHIFT=16; /* norm32 value constants using >16 bits */ private static final long MIN_SPECIAL = (long)(0xfc000000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long SURROGATES_TOP = (long)(0xfff00000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long MIN_HANGUL = (long)(0xfff00000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long MIN_JAMO_V = (long)(0xfff20000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long JAMO_V_TOP = (long)(0xfff30000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); /* indexes[] value names */ /* number of bytes in normalization trie */ static final int INDEX_TRIE_SIZE = 0; /* number of chars in extra data */ static final int INDEX_CHAR_COUNT = 1; /* number of uint16_t words for combining data */ static final int INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT = 2; /* first code point with quick check NFC NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFC_NO_MAYBE = 6; /* first code point with quick check NFKC NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFKC_NO_MAYBE = 7; /* first code point with quick check NFD NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE = 8; /* first code point with quick check NFKD NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE = 9; /* number of bytes in FCD trie */ static final int INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE = 10; /* number of bytes in the auxiliary trie */ static final int INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE = 11; /* changing this requires a new formatVersion */ static final int INDEX_TOP = 32; /* AUX constants */ /* value constants for auxTrie */ private static final int AUX_UNSAFE_SHIFT = 11; private static final int AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT = 10; private static final int AUX_NFC_SKIPPABLE_F_SHIFT = 12; private static final int AUX_MAX_FNC = ((int)1<<AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT); private static final int AUX_UNSAFE_MASK = (int)((1<<AUX_UNSAFE_SHIFT) & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final int AUX_FNC_MASK = (int)((AUX_MAX_FNC-1) & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final int AUX_COMP_EX_MASK = (int)((1<<AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT) & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long AUX_NFC_SKIP_F_MASK = ((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK&1)<<AUX_NFC_SKIPPABLE_F_SHIFT); private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 20; /*******************************/ /* Wrappers for Trie implementations */ static final class NormTrieImpl implements Trie.DataManipulate{ static IntTrie normTrie= null;
Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate.
  • property – data value for a surrogate from the trie, including the folding offset
Returns:data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate
/** * Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's * data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate. * @param property data value for a surrogate from the trie, including * the folding offset * @return data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate */
/* normTrie: 32-bit trie result may contain a special extraData index with the folding offset */ public int getFoldingOffset(int value){ return BMP_INDEX_LENGTH+ ((value>>(EXTRA_SHIFT-SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS))& (0x3ff<<SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS)); } } static final class FCDTrieImpl implements Trie.DataManipulate{ static CharTrie fcdTrie=null;
Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate.
  • property – data value for a surrogate from the trie, including the folding offset
Returns:data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate
/** * Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's * data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate. * @param property data value for a surrogate from the trie, including * the folding offset * @return data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate */
/* fcdTrie: the folding offset is the lead FCD value itself */ public int getFoldingOffset(int value){ return value; } } static final class AuxTrieImpl implements Trie.DataManipulate{ static CharTrie auxTrie = null;
Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate.
  • property – data value for a surrogate from the trie, including the folding offset
Returns:data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate
/** * Called by com.ibm.icu.util.Trie to extract from a lead surrogate's * data the index array offset of the indexes for that lead surrogate. * @param property data value for a surrogate from the trie, including * the folding offset * @return data offset or 0 if there is no data for the lead surrogate */
/* auxTrie: the folding offset is in bits 9..0 of the 16-bit trie result */ public int getFoldingOffset(int value){ return (int)(value &AUX_FNC_MASK)<<SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS; } } /****************************************************/ private static FCDTrieImpl fcdTrieImpl; private static NormTrieImpl normTrieImpl; private static AuxTrieImpl auxTrieImpl; private static int[] indexes; private static char[] combiningTable; private static char[] extraData; private static boolean isDataLoaded; private static boolean isFormatVersion_2_1; private static boolean isFormatVersion_2_2; private static byte[] unicodeVersion;
Default buffer size of datafile
/** * Default buffer size of datafile */
private static final int DATA_BUFFER_SIZE = 25000;
FCD check: everything below this code point is known to have a 0 lead combining class
/** * FCD check: everything below this code point is known to have a 0 * lead combining class */
public static final int MIN_WITH_LEAD_CC=0x300;
Bit 7 of the length byte for a decomposition string in extra data is a flag indicating whether the decomposition string is preceded by a 16-bit word with the leading and trailing cc of the decomposition (like for A-umlaut); if not, then both cc's are zero (like for compatibility ideographs).
/** * Bit 7 of the length byte for a decomposition string in extra data is * a flag indicating whether the decomposition string is * preceded by a 16-bit word with the leading and trailing cc * of the decomposition (like for A-umlaut); * if not, then both cc's are zero (like for compatibility ideographs). */
private static final int DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC=0x80;
Bits 6..0 of the length byte contain the actual length.
/** * Bits 6..0 of the length byte contain the actual length. */
private static final int DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK=0x7f;
Length of the BMP portion of the index (stage 1) array.
/** Length of the BMP portion of the index (stage 1) array. */
private static final int BMP_INDEX_LENGTH=0x10000>>Trie.INDEX_STAGE_1_SHIFT_;
Number of bits of a trail surrogate that are used in index table lookups.
/** Number of bits of a trail surrogate that are used in index table * lookups. */
private static final int SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS=10-Trie.INDEX_STAGE_1_SHIFT_; // public utility public static int getFromIndexesArr(int index){ return indexes[index]; } // protected constructor ---------------------------------------------
  • thrown – when data reading fails or data corrupted
/** * Constructor * @exception thrown when data reading fails or data corrupted */
private NormalizerImpl() throws IOException { //data should be loaded only once if(!isDataLoaded){ // jar access InputStream i = ICUData.getRequiredStream(DATA_FILE_NAME); BufferedInputStream b = new BufferedInputStream(i,DATA_BUFFER_SIZE); NormalizerDataReader reader = new NormalizerDataReader(b); // read the indexes indexes = reader.readIndexes(NormalizerImpl.INDEX_TOP); byte[] normBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_TRIE_SIZE]]; int combiningTableTop = indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT]; combiningTable = new char[combiningTableTop]; int extraDataTop = indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_CHAR_COUNT]; extraData = new char[extraDataTop]; byte[] fcdBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE]]; byte[] auxBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE]]; fcdTrieImpl = new FCDTrieImpl(); normTrieImpl = new NormTrieImpl(); auxTrieImpl = new AuxTrieImpl(); // load the rest of the data data and initialize the data members reader.read(normBytes, fcdBytes,auxBytes, extraData, combiningTable); NormTrieImpl.normTrie = new IntTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(normBytes),normTrieImpl ); FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie = new CharTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(fcdBytes),fcdTrieImpl ); AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie = new CharTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(auxBytes),auxTrieImpl ); // we reached here without any exceptions so the data is fully // loaded set the variable to true isDataLoaded = true; // get the data format version byte[] formatVersion = reader.getDataFormatVersion(); isFormatVersion_2_1 =( formatVersion[0]>2 || (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=1) ); isFormatVersion_2_2 =( formatVersion[0]>2 || (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=2) ); unicodeVersion = reader.getUnicodeVersion(); b.close(); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Korean Hangul and Jamo constants */ public static final int JAMO_L_BASE=0x1100; /* "lead" jamo */ public static final int JAMO_V_BASE=0x1161; /* "vowel" jamo */ public static final int JAMO_T_BASE=0x11a7; /* "trail" jamo */ public static final int HANGUL_BASE=0xac00; public static final int JAMO_L_COUNT=19; public static final int JAMO_V_COUNT=21; public static final int JAMO_T_COUNT=28; public static final int HANGUL_COUNT=JAMO_L_COUNT*JAMO_V_COUNT*JAMO_T_COUNT; private static boolean isHangulWithoutJamoT(char c) { c-=HANGUL_BASE; return c<HANGUL_COUNT && c%JAMO_T_COUNT==0; } /* norm32 helpers */ /* is this a norm32 with a regular index? */ private static boolean isNorm32Regular(long norm32) { return norm32<MIN_SPECIAL; } /* is this a norm32 with a special index for a lead surrogate? */ private static boolean isNorm32LeadSurrogate(long norm32) { return MIN_SPECIAL<=norm32 && norm32<SURROGATES_TOP; } /* is this a norm32 with a special index for a Hangul syllable or a Jamo? */ private static boolean isNorm32HangulOrJamo(long norm32) { return norm32>=MIN_HANGUL; } /* * Given norm32 for Jamo V or T, * is this a Jamo V? */ private static boolean isJamoVTNorm32JamoV(long norm32) { return norm32<JAMO_V_TOP; } /* data access primitives ----------------------------------------------- */ public static long/*unsigned*/ getNorm32(char c) { return ((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & (NormTrieImpl.normTrie.getLeadValue(c))); } public static long/*unsigned*/ getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(long norm32, char c2) { /* * the surrogate index in norm32 stores only the number of the surrogate * index block see gennorm/store.c/getFoldedNormValue() */ return ((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK) & NormTrieImpl.normTrie.getTrailValue((int)norm32, c2)); } ///CLOVER:OFF private static long getNorm32(int c){ return (UNSIGNED_INT_MASK&(NormTrieImpl.normTrie.getCodePointValue(c))); } /* * get a norm32 from text with complete code points * (like from decompositions) */ private static long/*unsigned*/ getNorm32(char[] p,int start, int/*unsigned*/ mask) { long/*unsigned*/ norm32= getNorm32(p[start]); if(((norm32&mask)>0) && isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) { /* *p is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, p[start+1]); } return norm32; } //// for StringPrep public static VersionInfo getUnicodeVersion(){ return VersionInfo.getInstance(unicodeVersion[0], unicodeVersion[1], unicodeVersion[2], unicodeVersion[3]); } public static char getFCD16(char c) { return FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getLeadValue(c); } public static char getFCD16FromSurrogatePair(char fcd16, char c2) { /* the surrogate index in fcd16 is an absolute offset over the * start of stage 1 * */ return FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getTrailValue(fcd16, c2); } public static int getFCD16(int c) { return FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getCodePointValue(c); } private static int getExtraDataIndex(long norm32) { return (int)(norm32>>EXTRA_SHIFT); } private static final class DecomposeArgs{ int /*unsigned byte*/ cc; int /*unsigned byte*/ trailCC; int length; }
get the canonical or compatibility decomposition for one character
Returns:index into the extraData array
/** * * get the canonical or compatibility decomposition for one character * * @return index into the extraData array */
private static int/*index*/ decompose(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, int/*unsigned*/ qcMask, DecomposeArgs args) { int p= getExtraDataIndex(norm32); args.length=extraData[p++]; if((norm32&qcMask&QC_NFKD)!=0 && args.length>=0x100) { /* use compatibility decomposition, skip canonical data */ p+=((args.length>>7)&1)+(args.length&DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK); args.length>>=8; } if((args.length&DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC)>0) { /* get the lead and trail cc's */ char bothCCs=extraData[p++]; args.cc=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (bothCCs>>8); args.trailCC=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & bothCCs; } else { /* lead and trail cc's are both 0 */ args.cc=args.trailCC=0; } args.length&=DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK; return p; }
get the canonical decomposition for one character
Returns:index into the extraData array
/** * get the canonical decomposition for one character * @return index into the extraData array */
private static int decompose(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, DecomposeArgs args) { int p= getExtraDataIndex(norm32); args.length=extraData[p++]; if((args.length&DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC)>0) { /* get the lead and trail cc's */ char bothCCs=extraData[p++]; args.cc=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (bothCCs>>8); args.trailCC=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & bothCCs; } else { /* lead and trail cc's are both 0 */ args.cc=args.trailCC=0; } args.length&=DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK; return p; } private static final class NextCCArgs{ char[] source; int next; int limit; char c; char c2; } /* * get the combining class of (c, c2)= args.source[args.next++] * before: args.next<args.limit after: args.next<=args.limit * if only one code unit is used, then c2==0 */ private static int /*unsigned byte*/ getNextCC(NextCCArgs args) { long /*unsigned*/ norm32; args.c=args.source[args.next++]; norm32= getNorm32(args.c); if((norm32 & CC_MASK)==0) { args.c2=0; return 0; } else { if(!isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) { args.c2=0; } else { /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ if(args.next!=args.limit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c2=args.source[args.next])){ ++args.next; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, args.c2); } else { args.c2=0; return 0; } } return (int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32>>CC_SHIFT)); } } private static final class PrevArgs{ char[] src; int start; int current; char c; char c2; } /* * read backwards and get norm32 * return 0 if the character is <minC * if c2!=0 then (c2, c) is a surrogate pair (reversed - c2 is first * surrogate but read second!) */ private static long /*unsigned*/ getPrevNorm32(PrevArgs args, int/*unsigned*/ minC, int/*unsigned*/ mask) { long/*unsigned*/ norm32; args.c=args.src[--args.current]; args.c2=0; /* check for a surrogate before getting norm32 to see if we need to * predecrement further */ if(args.c<minC) { return 0; } else if(!UTF16.isSurrogate(args.c)) { return getNorm32(args.c); } else if(UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(args.c)) { /* unpaired first surrogate */ return 0; } else if(args.current!=args.start && UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(args.c2=args.src[args.current-1])) { --args.current; norm32=getNorm32(args.c2); if((norm32&mask)==0) { /* all surrogate pairs with this lead surrogate have * only irrelevant data */ return 0; } else { /* norm32 must be a surrogate special */ return getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, args.c); } } else { /* unpaired second surrogate */ args.c2=0; return 0; } } /* * get the combining class of (c, c2)=*--p * before: start<p after: start<=p */ private static int /*unsigned byte*/ getPrevCC(PrevArgs args) { return (int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK)&(getPrevNorm32(args, MIN_WITH_LEAD_CC, CC_MASK)>>CC_SHIFT)); } /* * is this a safe boundary character for NF*D? * (lead cc==0) */ public static boolean isNFDSafe(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, int/*unsigned*/ccOrQCMask, int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask) { if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) { return true; /* cc==0 and no decomposition: this is NF*D safe */ } /* inspect its decomposition - maybe a Hangul but not a surrogate here*/ if(isNorm32Regular(norm32) && (norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) { DecomposeArgs args=new DecomposeArgs(); /* decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data */ decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, args); return args.cc==0; } else { /* no decomposition (or Hangul), test the cc directly */ return (norm32&CC_MASK)==0; } } /* * is this (or does its decomposition begin with) a "true starter"? * (cc==0 and NF*C_YES) */ public static boolean isTrueStarter(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, int/*unsigned*/ ccOrQCMask, int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask) { if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) { return true; /* this is a true starter (could be Hangul or Jamo L)*/ } /* inspect its decomposition - not a Hangul or a surrogate here */ if((norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) { int p; /* index into extra data array */ DecomposeArgs args=new DecomposeArgs(); /* decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data */ p=decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, args); if(args.cc==0) { int/*unsigned*/ qcMask=ccOrQCMask&QC_MASK; /* does it begin with NFC_YES? */ if((getNorm32(extraData,p, qcMask)&qcMask)==0) { /* yes, the decomposition begins with a true starter */ return true; } } } return false; } /* reorder UTF-16 in-place ---------------------------------------------- */
simpler, single-character version of mergeOrdered() - bubble-insert one single code point into the preceding string which is already canonically ordered (c, c2) may or may not yet have been inserted at src[current]..src[p] it must be p=current+lengthof(c, c2) i.e. p=current+(c2==0 ? 1 : 2) before: src[start]..src[current] is already ordered, and src[current]..src[p] may or may not hold (c, c2) but must be exactly the same length as (c, c2) after: src[start]..src[p] is ordered
Returns:the trailing combining class
/** * simpler, single-character version of mergeOrdered() - * bubble-insert one single code point into the preceding string * which is already canonically ordered * (c, c2) may or may not yet have been inserted at src[current]..src[p] * * it must be p=current+lengthof(c, c2) i.e. p=current+(c2==0 ? 1 : 2) * * before: src[start]..src[current] is already ordered, and * src[current]..src[p] may or may not hold (c, c2) but * must be exactly the same length as (c, c2) * after: src[start]..src[p] is ordered * * @return the trailing combining class */
private static int/*unsigned byte*/ insertOrdered(char[] source, int start, int current, int p, char c, char c2, int/*unsigned byte*/ cc) { int back, preBack; int r; int prevCC, trailCC=cc; if(start<current && cc!=0) { // search for the insertion point where cc>=prevCC preBack=back=current; PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs(); prevArgs.current = current; prevArgs.start = start; prevArgs.src = source; // get the prevCC prevCC=getPrevCC(prevArgs); preBack = prevArgs.current; if(cc<prevCC) { // this will be the last code point, so keep its cc trailCC=prevCC; back=preBack; while(start<preBack) { prevCC=getPrevCC(prevArgs); preBack=prevArgs.current; if(cc>=prevCC) { break; } back=preBack; } // this is where we are right now with all these indicies: // [start]..[pPreBack] 0..? code points that we can ignore // [pPreBack]..[pBack] 0..1 code points with prevCC<=cc // [pBack]..[current] 0..n code points with >cc, move up to insert (c, c2) // [current]..[p] 1 code point (c, c2) with cc // move the code units in between up r=p; do { source[--r]=source[--current]; } while(back!=current); } } // insert (c, c2) source[current]=c; if(c2!=0) { source[(current+1)]=c2; } // we know the cc of the last code point return trailCC; }
merge two UTF-16 string parts together to canonically order (order by combining classes) their concatenation the two strings may already be adjacent, so that the merging is done in-place if the two strings are not adjacent, then the buffer holding the first one must be large enough the second string may or may not be ordered in itself before: [start]..[current] is already ordered, and [next]..[limit] may be ordered in itself, but is not in relation to [start..current[ after: [start..current+(limit-next)[ is ordered the algorithm is a simple bubble-sort that takes the characters from src[next++] and inserts them in correct combining class order into the preceding part of the string since this function is called much less often than the single-code point insertOrdered(), it just uses that for easier maintenance
Returns:the trailing combining class
/** * merge two UTF-16 string parts together * to canonically order (order by combining classes) their concatenation * * the two strings may already be adjacent, so that the merging is done * in-place if the two strings are not adjacent, then the buffer holding the * first one must be large enough * the second string may or may not be ordered in itself * * before: [start]..[current] is already ordered, and * [next]..[limit] may be ordered in itself, but * is not in relation to [start..current[ * after: [start..current+(limit-next)[ is ordered * * the algorithm is a simple bubble-sort that takes the characters from * src[next++] and inserts them in correct combining class order into the * preceding part of the string * * since this function is called much less often than the single-code point * insertOrdered(), it just uses that for easier maintenance * * @return the trailing combining class */
private static int /*unsigned byte*/ mergeOrdered(char[] source, int start, int current, char[] data, int next, int limit, boolean isOrdered) { int r; int /*unsigned byte*/ cc, trailCC=0; boolean adjacent; adjacent= current==next; NextCCArgs ncArgs = new NextCCArgs(); ncArgs.source = data; ncArgs.next = next; ncArgs.limit = limit; if(start!=current || !isOrdered) { while(ncArgs.next<ncArgs.limit) { cc=getNextCC(ncArgs); if(cc==0) { // does not bubble back trailCC=0; if(adjacent) { current=ncArgs.next; } else { data[current++]=ncArgs.c; if(ncArgs.c2!=0) { data[current++]=ncArgs.c2; } } if(isOrdered) { break; } else { start=current; } } else { r=current+(ncArgs.c2==0 ? 1 : 2); trailCC=insertOrdered(source,start, current, r, ncArgs.c, ncArgs.c2, cc); current=r; } } } if(ncArgs.next==ncArgs.limit) { // we know the cc of the last code point return trailCC; } else { if(!adjacent) { // copy the second string part do { source[current++]=data[ncArgs.next++]; } while(ncArgs.next!=ncArgs.limit); ncArgs.limit=current; } PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs(); prevArgs.src = data; prevArgs.start = start; prevArgs.current = ncArgs.limit; return getPrevCC(prevArgs); } } private static int /*unsigned byte*/ mergeOrdered(char[] source, int start, int current, char[] data, final int next, final int limit) { return mergeOrdered(source,start,current,data,next,limit,true); } public static NormalizerBase.QuickCheckResult quickCheck(char[] src, int srcStart, int srcLimit, int minNoMaybe, int qcMask, int options, boolean allowMaybe, UnicodeSet nx){ int ccOrQCMask; long norm32; char c, c2; char cc, prevCC; long qcNorm32; NormalizerBase.QuickCheckResult result; ComposePartArgs args = new ComposePartArgs(); char[] buffer ; int start = srcStart; if(!isDataLoaded) { return NormalizerBase.MAYBE; } // initialize ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask; result=NormalizerBase.YES; prevCC=0; for(;;) { for(;;) { if(srcStart==srcLimit) { return result; } else if((c=src[srcStart++])>=minNoMaybe && (( norm32=getNorm32(c)) & ccOrQCMask)!=0) { break; } prevCC=0; } // check one above-minimum, relevant code unit if(isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) { // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 if(srcStart!=srcLimit&& UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcStart])) { ++srcStart; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32,c2); } else { norm32=0; c2=0; } }else{ c2=0; } if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) { /* excluded: norm32==0 */ norm32=0; } // check the combining order cc=(char)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xFF); if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) { return NormalizerBase.NO; } prevCC=cc; // check for "no" or "maybe" quick check flags qcNorm32 = norm32 & qcMask; if((qcNorm32& QC_ANY_NO)>=1) { result= NormalizerBase.NO; break; } else if(qcNorm32!=0) { // "maybe" can only occur for NFC and NFKC if(allowMaybe){ result=NormalizerBase.MAYBE; }else{ // normalize a section around here to see if it is really // normalized or not int prevStarter; int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask; decompQCMask=(qcMask<<2)&0xf; // decomposition quick check mask // find the previous starter // set prevStarter to the beginning of the current character prevStarter=srcStart-1; if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(src[prevStarter])) { // safe because unpaired surrogates do not result // in "maybe" --prevStarter; } prevStarter=findPreviousStarter(src, start, prevStarter, ccOrQCMask, decompQCMask, (char)minNoMaybe); // find the next true starter in [src..limit[ - modifies // src to point to the next starter srcStart=findNextStarter(src,srcStart, srcLimit, qcMask, decompQCMask,(char) minNoMaybe); //set the args for compose part args.prevCC = prevCC; // decompose and recompose [prevStarter..src[ buffer = composePart(args,prevStarter,src,srcStart,srcLimit,options,nx); // compare the normalized version with the original if(0!=strCompare(buffer,0,args.length,src,prevStarter,(srcStart-prevStarter), false)) { result=NormalizerBase.NO; // normalization differs break; } // continue after the next starter } } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------ // make NFD & NFKD //------------------------------------------------------ public static int decompose(char[] src,int srcStart,int srcLimit, char[] dest,int destStart,int destLimit, boolean compat,int[] outTrailCC, UnicodeSet nx) { char[] buffer = new char[3]; int prevSrc; long norm32; int ccOrQCMask, qcMask; int reorderStartIndex, length; char c, c2, minNoMaybe; int/*unsigned byte*/ cc, prevCC, trailCC; char[] p; int pStart; int destIndex = destStart; int srcIndex = srcStart; if(!compat) { minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE]; qcMask=QC_NFD; } else { minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE]; qcMask=QC_NFKD; } /* initialize */ ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask; reorderStartIndex=0; prevCC=0; norm32=0; c=0; pStart=0; cc=trailCC=-1;//initialize to bogus value for(;;) { /* count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for * the quick check */ prevSrc=srcIndex; while(srcIndex!=srcLimit &&((c=src[srcIndex])<minNoMaybe || ((norm32=getNorm32(c))&ccOrQCMask)==0)){ prevCC=0; ++srcIndex; } /* copy these code units all at once */ if(srcIndex!=prevSrc) { length=(int)(srcIndex-prevSrc); if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) { System.arraycopy(src,prevSrc,dest,destIndex,length); } destIndex+=length; reorderStartIndex=destIndex; } /* end of source reached? */ if(srcIndex==srcLimit) { break; } /* c already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src*/ ++srcIndex; /* check one above-minimum, relevant code unit */ /* * generally, set p and length to the decomposition string * in simple cases, p==NULL and (c, c2) will hold the length code * units to append in all cases, set cc to the lead and trailCC to * the trail combining class * * the following merge-sort of the current character into the * preceding, canonically ordered result text will use the * optimized insertOrdered() * if there is only one single code point to process; * this is indicated with p==NULL, and (c, c2) is the character to * insert * ((c, 0) for a BMP character and (lead surrogate, trail surrogate) * for a supplementary character) * otherwise, p[length] is merged in with _mergeOrdered() */ if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) { if(nx_contains(nx, c)) { c2=0; p=null; length=1; } else { // Hangul syllable: decompose algorithmically p=buffer; pStart=0; cc=trailCC=0; c-=HANGUL_BASE; c2=(char)(c%JAMO_T_COUNT); c/=JAMO_T_COUNT; if(c2>0) { buffer[2]=(char)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2); length=3; } else { length=2; } buffer[1]=(char)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT); buffer[0]=(char)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT); } } else { if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { c2=0; length=1; } else { // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 if(srcIndex!=srcLimit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcIndex])) { ++srcIndex; length=2; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } else { c2=0; length=1; norm32=0; } } /* get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's */ if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) { /* excluded: norm32==0 */ cc=trailCC=0; p=null; } else if((norm32&qcMask)==0) { /* c does not decompose */ cc=trailCC=(int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32>>CC_SHIFT)); p=null; pStart=-1; } else { DecomposeArgs arg = new DecomposeArgs(); /* c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length * extra data */ pStart=decompose(norm32, qcMask, arg); p=extraData; length=arg.length; cc=arg.cc; trailCC=arg.trailCC; if(length==1) { /* fastpath a single code unit from decomposition */ c=p[pStart]; c2=0; p=null; pStart=-1; } } } /* append the decomposition to the destination buffer, assume * length>0 */ if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) { int reorderSplit=destIndex; if(p==null) { /* fastpath: single code point */ if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) { /* (c, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding * text */ destIndex+=length; trailCC=insertOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit, destIndex, c, c2, cc); } else { /* just append (c, c2) */ dest[destIndex++]=c; if(c2!=0) { dest[destIndex++]=c2; } } } else { /* general: multiple code points (ordered by themselves) * from decomposition */ if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) { /* the decomposition is out of order with respect to the * preceding text */ destIndex+=length; trailCC=mergeOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit,p, pStart,pStart+length); } else { /* just append the decomposition */ do { dest[destIndex++]=p[pStart++]; } while(--length>0); } } } else { /* buffer overflow */ /* keep incrementing the destIndex for preflighting */ destIndex+=length; } prevCC=trailCC; if(prevCC==0) { reorderStartIndex=destIndex; } } outTrailCC[0]=prevCC; return destIndex - destStart; } /* make NFC & NFKC ------------------------------------------------------ */ private static final class NextCombiningArgs{ char[] source; int start; //int limit; char c; char c2; int/*unsigned*/ combiningIndex; char /*unsigned byte*/ cc; } /* get the composition properties of the next character */ private static int /*unsigned*/ getNextCombining(NextCombiningArgs args, int limit, UnicodeSet nx) { long/*unsigned*/ norm32; int combineFlags; /* get properties */ args.c=args.source[args.start++]; norm32=getNorm32(args.c); /* preset output values for most characters */ args.c2=0; args.combiningIndex=0; args.cc=0; if((norm32&(CC_MASK|COMBINES_ANY))==0) { return 0; } else { if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { /* set cc etc. below */ } else if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) { /* a compatibility decomposition contained Jamos */ args.combiningIndex=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&(0xfff0| (norm32>>EXTRA_SHIFT))); return (int)(norm32&COMBINES_ANY); } else { /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ if(args.start!=limit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c2= args.source[args.start])) { ++args.start; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, args.c2); } else { args.c2=0; return 0; } } if(nx_contains(nx, args.c, args.c2)) { return 0; /* excluded: norm32==0 */ } args.cc= (char)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xff); combineFlags=(int)(norm32&COMBINES_ANY); if(combineFlags!=0) { int index = getExtraDataIndex(norm32); args.combiningIndex=index>0 ? extraData[(index-1)] :0; } return combineFlags; } } /* * given a composition-result starter (c, c2) - which means its cc==0, * it combines forward, it has extra data, its norm32!=0, * it is not a Hangul or Jamo, * get just its combineFwdIndex * * norm32(c) is special if and only if c2!=0 */ private static int/*unsigned*/ getCombiningIndexFromStarter(char c,char c2){ long/*unsigned*/ norm32; norm32=getNorm32(c); if(c2!=0) { norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } return extraData[(getExtraDataIndex(norm32)-1)]; } /* * Find the recomposition result for * a forward-combining character * (specified with a pointer to its part of the combiningTable[]) * and a backward-combining character * (specified with its combineBackIndex). * * If these two characters combine, then set (value, value2) * with the code unit(s) of the composition character. * * Return value: * 0 do not combine * 1 combine * >1 combine, and the composition is a forward-combining starter * * See unormimp.h for a description of the composition table format. */ private static int/*unsigned*/ combine(char[]table,int tableStart, int/*unsinged*/ combineBackIndex, int[] outValues) { int/*unsigned*/ key; int value,value2; if(outValues.length<2){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* search in the starter's composition table */ for(;;) { key=table[tableStart++]; if(key>=combineBackIndex) { break; } tableStart+= ((table[tableStart]&0x8000) != 0)? 2 : 1; } /* mask off bit 15, the last-entry-in-the-list flag */ if((key&0x7fff)==combineBackIndex) { /* found! combine! */ value=table[tableStart]; /* is the composition a starter that combines forward? */ key=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&((value&0x2000)+1)); /* get the composition result code point from the variable-length * result value */ if((value&0x8000) != 0) { if((value&0x4000) != 0) { /* surrogate pair composition result */ value=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&((value&0x3ff)|0xd800)); value2=table[tableStart+1]; } else { /* BMP composition result U+2000..U+ffff */ value=table[tableStart+1]; value2=0; } } else { /* BMP composition result U+0000..U+1fff */ value&=0x1fff; value2=0; } outValues[0]=value; outValues[1]=value2; return key; } else { /* not found */ return 0; } } private static final class RecomposeArgs{ char[] source; int start; int limit; } /* * recompose the characters in [p..limit[ * (which is in NFD - decomposed and canonically ordered), * adjust limit, and return the trailing cc * * since for NFKC we may get Jamos in decompositions, we need to * recompose those too * * note that recomposition never lengthens the text: * any character consists of either one or two code units; * a composition may contain at most one more code unit than the original * starter, while the combining mark that is removed has at least one code * unit */ private static char/*unsigned byte*/ recompose(RecomposeArgs args, int options, UnicodeSet nx) { int remove, q, r; int /*unsigned*/ combineFlags; int /*unsigned*/ combineFwdIndex, combineBackIndex; int /*unsigned*/ result, value=0, value2=0; int /*unsigned byte*/ prevCC; boolean starterIsSupplementary; int starter; int[] outValues = new int[2]; starter=-1; /* no starter */ combineFwdIndex=0; /* will not be used until starter!=NULL */ starterIsSupplementary=false; /* will not be used until starter!=NULL */ prevCC=0; NextCombiningArgs ncArg = new NextCombiningArgs(); ncArg.source = args.source; ncArg.cc =0; ncArg.c2 =0; for(;;) { ncArg.start = args.start; combineFlags=getNextCombining(ncArg,args.limit,nx); combineBackIndex=ncArg.combiningIndex; args.start = ncArg.start; if(((combineFlags&COMBINES_BACK)!=0) && starter!=-1) { if((combineBackIndex&0x8000)!=0) { /* c is a Jamo V/T, see if we can compose it with the * previous character */ /* for the PRI #29 fix, check that there is no intervening combining mark */ if((options&BEFORE_PRI_29)!=0 || prevCC==0) { remove=-1; /* NULL while no Hangul composition */ combineFlags=0; ncArg.c2=args.source[starter]; if(combineBackIndex==0xfff2) { /* Jamo V, compose with previous Jamo L and following * Jamo T */ ncArg.c2=(char)(ncArg.c2-JAMO_L_BASE); if(ncArg.c2<JAMO_L_COUNT) { remove=args.start-1; ncArg.c=(char)(HANGUL_BASE+(ncArg.c2*JAMO_V_COUNT+ (ncArg.c-JAMO_V_BASE))*JAMO_T_COUNT); if(args.start!=args.limit && (ncArg.c2=(char)(args.source[args.start] -JAMO_T_BASE))<JAMO_T_COUNT) { ++args.start; ncArg.c+=ncArg.c2; } else { /* the result is an LV syllable, which is a starter (unlike LVT) */ combineFlags=COMBINES_FWD; } if(!nx_contains(nx, ncArg.c)) { args.source[starter]=ncArg.c; } else { /* excluded */ if(!isHangulWithoutJamoT(ncArg.c)) { --args.start; /* undo the ++args.start from reading the Jamo T */ } /* c is modified but not used any more -- c=*(p-1); -- re-read the Jamo V/T */ remove=args.start; } } /* * Normally, the following can not occur: * Since the input is in NFD, there are no Hangul LV syllables that * a Jamo T could combine with. * All Jamo Ts are combined above when handling Jamo Vs. * * However, before the PRI #29 fix, this can occur due to * an intervening combining mark between the Hangul LV and the Jamo T. */ } else { /* Jamo T, compose with previous Hangul that does not have a Jamo T */ if(isHangulWithoutJamoT(ncArg.c2)) { ncArg.c2+=ncArg.c-JAMO_T_BASE; if(!nx_contains(nx, ncArg.c2)) { remove=args.start-1; args.source[starter]=ncArg.c2; } } } if(remove!=-1) { /* remove the Jamo(s) */ q=remove; r=args.start; while(r<args.limit) { args.source[q++]=args.source[r++]; } args.start=remove; args.limit=q; } ncArg.c2=0; /* c2 held *starter temporarily */ if(combineFlags!=0) { /* * not starter=NULL because the composition is a Hangul LV syllable * and might combine once more (but only before the PRI #29 fix) */ /* done? */ if(args.start==args.limit) { return (char)prevCC; } /* the composition is a Hangul LV syllable which is a starter that combines forward */ combineFwdIndex=0xfff0; /* we combined; continue with looking for compositions */ continue; } } /* * now: cc==0 and the combining index does not include * "forward" -> the rest of the loop body will reset starter * to NULL; technically, a composed Hangul syllable is a * starter, but it does not combine forward now that we have * consumed all eligible Jamos; for Jamo V/T, combineFlags * does not contain _NORM_COMBINES_FWD */ } else if( /* the starter is not a Hangul LV or Jamo V/T and */ !((combineFwdIndex&0x8000)!=0) && /* the combining mark is not blocked and */ ((options&BEFORE_PRI_29)!=0 ? (prevCC!=ncArg.cc || prevCC==0) : (prevCC<ncArg.cc || prevCC==0)) && /* the starter and the combining mark (c, c2) do combine */ 0!=(result=combine(combiningTable,combineFwdIndex, combineBackIndex, outValues)) && /* the composition result is not excluded */ !nx_contains(nx, (char)value, (char)value2) ) { value=outValues[0]; value2=outValues[1]; /* replace the starter with the composition, remove the * combining mark */ remove= ncArg.c2==0 ? args.start-1 : args.start-2; /* index to the combining mark */ /* replace the starter with the composition */ args.source[starter]=(char)value; if(starterIsSupplementary) { if(value2!=0) { /* both are supplementary */ args.source[starter+1]=(char)value2; } else { /* the composition is shorter than the starter, * move the intermediate characters forward one */ starterIsSupplementary=false; q=starter+1; r=q+1; while(r<remove) { args.source[q++]=args.source[r++]; } --remove; } } else if(value2!=0) { /* the composition is longer than the starter, * move the intermediate characters back one */ starterIsSupplementary=true; /* temporarily increment for the loop boundary */ ++starter; q=remove; r=++remove; while(starter<q) { args.source[--r]=args.source[--q]; } args.source[starter]=(char)value2; --starter; /* undo the temporary increment */ /* } else { both are on the BMP, nothing more to do */ } /* remove the combining mark by moving the following text * over it */ if(remove<args.start) { q=remove; r=args.start; while(r<args.limit) { args.source[q++]=args.source[r++]; } args.start=remove; args.limit=q; } /* keep prevCC because we removed the combining mark */ /* done? */ if(args.start==args.limit) { return (char)prevCC; } /* is the composition a starter that combines forward? */ if(result>1) { combineFwdIndex=getCombiningIndexFromStarter((char)value, (char)value2); } else { starter=-1; } /* we combined; continue with looking for compositions */ continue; } } /* no combination this time */ prevCC=ncArg.cc; if(args.start==args.limit) { return (char)prevCC; } /* if (c, c2) did not combine, then check if it is a starter */ if(ncArg.cc==0) { /* found a new starter; combineFlags==0 if (c, c2) is excluded */ if((combineFlags&COMBINES_FWD)!=0) { /* it may combine with something, prepare for it */ if(ncArg.c2==0) { starterIsSupplementary=false; starter=args.start-1; } else { starterIsSupplementary=false; starter=args.start-2; } combineFwdIndex=combineBackIndex; } else { /* it will not combine with anything */ starter=-1; } } else if((options&OPTIONS_COMPOSE_CONTIGUOUS)!=0) { /* FCC: no discontiguous compositions; any intervening character blocks */ starter=-1; } } } // find the last true starter between src[start]....src[current] going // backwards and return its index private static int findPreviousStarter(char[]src, int srcStart, int current, int/*unsigned*/ ccOrQCMask, int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask, char minNoMaybe) { long norm32; PrevArgs args = new PrevArgs(); args.src = src; args.start = srcStart; args.current = current; while(args.start<args.current) { norm32= getPrevNorm32(args, minNoMaybe, ccOrQCMask|decompQCMask); if(isTrueStarter(norm32, ccOrQCMask, decompQCMask)) { break; } } return args.current; } /* find the first true starter in [src..limit[ and return the * pointer to it */ private static int/*index*/ findNextStarter(char[] src,int start,int limit, int/*unsigned*/ qcMask, int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask, char minNoMaybe) { int p; long/*unsigned*/ norm32; int ccOrQCMask; char c, c2; ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask; DecomposeArgs decompArgs = new DecomposeArgs(); for(;;) { if(start==limit) { break; /* end of string */ } c=src[start]; if(c<minNoMaybe) { break; /* catches NUL terminater, too */ } norm32=getNorm32(c); if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) { break; /* true starter */ } if(isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) { /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ if((start+1)==limit || !UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=(src[start+1]))){ /* unmatched first surrogate: counts as a true starter */ break; } norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) { break; /* true starter */ } } else { c2=0; } /* (c, c2) is not a true starter but its decomposition may be */ if((norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) { /* (c, c2) decomposes, get everything from the variable-length * extra data */ p=decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, decompArgs); /* get the first character's norm32 to check if it is a true * starter */ if(decompArgs.cc==0 && (getNorm32(extraData,p, qcMask)&qcMask)==0) { break; /* true starter */ } } start+= c2==0 ? 1 : 2; /* not a true starter, continue */ } return start; } private static final class ComposePartArgs{ int prevCC; int length; /* length of decomposed part */ } /* decompose and recompose [prevStarter..src[ */ private static char[] composePart(ComposePartArgs args, int prevStarter, char[] src, int start, int limit, int options, UnicodeSet nx) { int recomposeLimit; boolean compat =((options&OPTIONS_COMPAT)!=0); /* decompose [prevStarter..src[ */ int[] outTrailCC = new int[1]; char[] buffer = new char[(limit-prevStarter)*MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; for(;;){ args.length=decompose(src,prevStarter,(start), buffer,0,buffer.length, compat,outTrailCC,nx); if(args.length<=buffer.length){ break; }else{ buffer = new char[args.length]; } } /* recompose the decomposition */ recomposeLimit=args.length; if(args.length>=2) { RecomposeArgs rcArgs = new RecomposeArgs(); rcArgs.source = buffer; rcArgs.start = 0; rcArgs.limit = recomposeLimit; args.prevCC=recompose(rcArgs, options, nx); recomposeLimit = rcArgs.limit; } /* return with a pointer to the recomposition and its length */ args.length=recomposeLimit; return buffer; } private static boolean composeHangul(char prev, char c, long/*unsigned*/ norm32, char[] src,int[] srcIndex, int limit, boolean compat, char[] dest,int destIndex, UnicodeSet nx) { int start=srcIndex[0]; if(isJamoVTNorm32JamoV(norm32)) { /* c is a Jamo V, compose with previous Jamo L and * following Jamo T */ prev=(char)(prev-JAMO_L_BASE); if(prev<JAMO_L_COUNT) { c=(char)(HANGUL_BASE+(prev*JAMO_V_COUNT+ (c-JAMO_V_BASE))*JAMO_T_COUNT); /* check if the next character is a Jamo T (normal or * compatibility) */ if(start!=limit) { char next, t; next=src[start]; if((t=(char)(next-JAMO_T_BASE))<JAMO_T_COUNT) { /* normal Jamo T */ ++start; c+=t; } else if(compat) { /* if NFKC, then check for compatibility Jamo T * (BMP only) */ norm32=getNorm32(next); if(isNorm32Regular(norm32) && ((norm32&QC_NFKD)!=0)) { int p /*index into extra data array*/; DecomposeArgs dcArgs = new DecomposeArgs(); p=decompose(norm32, QC_NFKD, dcArgs); if(dcArgs.length==1 && (t=(char)(extraData[p]-JAMO_T_BASE)) <JAMO_T_COUNT) { /* compatibility Jamo T */ ++start; c+=t; } } } } if(nx_contains(nx, c)) { if(!isHangulWithoutJamoT(c)) { --start; /* undo ++start from reading the Jamo T */ } return false; } dest[destIndex]=c; srcIndex[0]=start; return true; } } else if(isHangulWithoutJamoT(prev)) { /* c is a Jamo T, compose with previous Hangul LV that does not * contain a Jamo T */ c=(char)(prev+(c-JAMO_T_BASE)); if(nx_contains(nx, c)) { return false; } dest[destIndex]=c; srcIndex[0]=start; return true; } return false; } /* public static int compose(char[] src, char[] dest,boolean compat, UnicodeSet nx){ return compose(src,0,src.length,dest,0,dest.length,compat, nx); } */ public static int compose(char[] src, int srcStart, int srcLimit, char[] dest,int destStart,int destLimit, int options,UnicodeSet nx) { int prevSrc, prevStarter; long/*unsigned*/ norm32; int ccOrQCMask, qcMask; int reorderStartIndex, length; char c, c2, minNoMaybe; int/*unsigned byte*/ cc, prevCC; int[] ioIndex = new int[1]; int destIndex = destStart; int srcIndex = srcStart; if((options&OPTIONS_COMPAT)!=0) { minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFKC_NO_MAYBE]; qcMask=QC_NFKC; } else { minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFC_NO_MAYBE]; qcMask=QC_NFC; } /* * prevStarter points to the last character before the current one * that is a "true" starter with cc==0 and quick check "yes". * * prevStarter will be used instead of looking for a true starter * while incrementally decomposing [prevStarter..prevSrc[ * in _composePart(). Having a good prevStarter allows to just decompose * the entire [prevStarter..prevSrc[. * * When _composePart() backs out from prevSrc back to prevStarter, * then it also backs out destIndex by the same amount. * Therefore, at all times, the (prevSrc-prevStarter) source units * must correspond 1:1 to destination units counted with destIndex, * except for reordering. * This is true for the qc "yes" characters copied in the fast loop, * and for pure reordering. * prevStarter must be set forward to src when this is not true: * In _composePart() and after composing a Hangul syllable. * * This mechanism relies on the assumption that the decomposition of a * true starter also begins with a true starter. gennorm/store.c checks * for this. */ prevStarter=srcIndex; ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask; /*destIndex=*/reorderStartIndex=0;/* ####TODO#### check this **/ prevCC=0; /* avoid compiler warnings */ norm32=0; c=0; for(;;) { /* count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for * the quick check */ prevSrc=srcIndex; while(srcIndex!=srcLimit && ((c=src[srcIndex])<minNoMaybe || ((norm32=getNorm32(c))&ccOrQCMask)==0)) { prevCC=0; ++srcIndex; } /* copy these code units all at once */ if(srcIndex!=prevSrc) { length=(int)(srcIndex-prevSrc); if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) { System.arraycopy(src,prevSrc,dest,destIndex,length); } destIndex+=length; reorderStartIndex=destIndex; /* set prevStarter to the last character in the quick check * loop */ prevStarter=srcIndex-1; if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(src[prevStarter]) && prevSrc<prevStarter && UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(src[(prevStarter-1)])) { --prevStarter; } prevSrc=srcIndex; } /* end of source reached? */ if(srcIndex==srcLimit) { break; } /* c already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src*/ ++srcIndex; /* * source buffer pointers: * * all done quick check current char not yet * "yes" but (c, c2) processed * may combine * forward * [-------------[-------------[-------------[-------------[ * | | | | | * start prevStarter prevSrc src limit * * * destination buffer pointers and indexes: * * all done might take not filled yet * characters for * reordering * [-------------[-------------[-------------[ * | | | | * dest reorderStartIndex destIndex destCapacity */ /* check one above-minimum, relevant code unit */ /* * norm32 is for c=*(src-1), and the quick check flag is "no" or * "maybe", and/or cc!=0 * check for Jamo V/T, then for surrogates and regular characters * c is not a Hangul syllable or Jamo L because * they are not marked with no/maybe for NFC & NFKC(and their cc==0) */ if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) { /* * c is a Jamo V/T: * try to compose with the previous character, Jamo V also with * a following Jamo T, and set values here right now in case we * just continue with the main loop */ prevCC=cc=0; reorderStartIndex=destIndex; ioIndex[0]=srcIndex; if( destIndex>0 && composeHangul(src[(prevSrc-1)], c, norm32,src, ioIndex, srcLimit, (options&OPTIONS_COMPAT)!=0, dest, destIndex<=destLimit ? destIndex-1: 0, nx) ) { srcIndex=ioIndex[0]; prevStarter=srcIndex; continue; } srcIndex = ioIndex[0]; /* the Jamo V/T did not compose into a Hangul syllable, just * append to dest */ c2=0; length=1; prevStarter=prevSrc; } else { if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { c2=0; length=1; } else { /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ if(srcIndex!=srcLimit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcIndex])) { ++srcIndex; length=2; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } else { /* c is an unpaired lead surrogate, nothing to do */ c2=0; length=1; norm32=0; } } ComposePartArgs args =new ComposePartArgs(); /* we are looking at the character (c, c2) at [prevSrc..src[ */ if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) { /* excluded: norm32==0 */ cc=0; } else if((norm32&qcMask)==0) { cc=(int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK)&(norm32>>CC_SHIFT)); } else { char[] p; /* * find appropriate boundaries around this character, * decompose the source text from between the boundaries, * and recompose it * * this puts the intermediate text into the side buffer because * it might be longer than the recomposition end result, * or the destination buffer may be too short or missing * * note that destIndex may be adjusted backwards to account * for source text that passed the quick check but needed to * take part in the recomposition */ int decompQCMask=(qcMask<<2)&0xf; /* decomposition quick check mask */ /* * find the last true starter in [prevStarter..src[ * it is either the decomposition of the current character (at prevSrc), * or prevStarter */ if(isTrueStarter(norm32, CC_MASK|qcMask, decompQCMask)) { prevStarter=prevSrc; } else { /* adjust destIndex: back out what had been copied with qc "yes" */ destIndex-=prevSrc-prevStarter; } /* find the next true starter in [src..limit[ */ srcIndex=findNextStarter(src, srcIndex,srcLimit, qcMask, decompQCMask, minNoMaybe); //args.prevStarter = prevStarter; args.prevCC = prevCC; //args.destIndex = destIndex; args.length = length; p=composePart(args,prevStarter,src,srcIndex,srcLimit,options,nx); if(p==null) { /* an error occurred (out of memory) */ break; } prevCC = args.prevCC; length = args.length; /* append the recomposed buffer contents to the destination * buffer */ if((destIndex+args.length)<=destLimit) { int i=0; while(i<args.length) { dest[destIndex++]=p[i++]; --length; } } else { /* buffer overflow */ /* keep incrementing the destIndex for preflighting */ destIndex+=length; } prevStarter=srcIndex; continue; } } /* append the single code point (c, c2) to the destination buffer */ if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) { if(cc!=0 && cc<prevCC) { /* (c, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding * text */ int reorderSplit= destIndex; destIndex+=length; prevCC=insertOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit, destIndex, c, c2, cc); } else { /* just append (c, c2) */ dest[destIndex++]=c; if(c2!=0) { dest[destIndex++]=c2; } prevCC=cc; } } else { /* buffer overflow */ /* keep incrementing the destIndex for preflighting */ destIndex+=length; prevCC=cc; } } return destIndex - destStart; } public static int getCombiningClass(int c) { long norm32; norm32=getNorm32(c); return (char)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xFF); } public static boolean isFullCompositionExclusion(int c) { if(isFormatVersion_2_1) { int aux =AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c); return (boolean)((aux & AUX_COMP_EX_MASK)!=0); } else { return false; } } public static boolean isCanonSafeStart(int c) { if(isFormatVersion_2_1) { int aux = AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c); return (boolean)((aux & AUX_UNSAFE_MASK)==0); } else { return false; } } /* Is c an NF<mode>-skippable code point? See unormimp.h. */ public static boolean isNFSkippable(int c, NormalizerBase.Mode mode, long mask) { long /*unsigned int*/ norm32; mask = mask & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK; char aux; /* check conditions (a)..(e), see unormimp.h */ norm32 = getNorm32(c); if((norm32&mask)!=0) { return false; /* fails (a)..(e), not skippable */ } if(mode == NormalizerBase.NFD || mode == NormalizerBase.NFKD || mode == NormalizerBase.NONE){ return true; /* NF*D, passed (a)..(c), is skippable */ } /* check conditions (a)..(e), see unormimp.h */ /* NF*C/FCC, passed (a)..(e) */ if((norm32& QC_NFD)==0) { return true; /* no canonical decomposition, is skippable */ } /* check Hangul syllables algorithmically */ if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) { /* Jamo passed (a)..(e) above, must be Hangul */ return !isHangulWithoutJamoT((char)c); /* LVT are skippable, LV are not */ } /* if(mode<=UNORM_NFKC) { -- enable when implementing FCC */ /* NF*C, test (f) flag */ if(!isFormatVersion_2_2) { return false; /* no (f) data, say not skippable to be safe */ } aux = AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c); return (aux&AUX_NFC_SKIP_F_MASK)==0; /* TRUE=skippable if the (f) flag is not set */ /* } else { FCC, test fcd<=1 instead of the above } */ } public static UnicodeSet addPropertyStarts(UnicodeSet set) { int c; /* add the start code point of each same-value range of each trie */ //utrie_enum(&normTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set); TrieIterator normIter = new TrieIterator(NormTrieImpl.normTrie); RangeValueIterator.Element normResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); while(normIter.next(normResult)){ set.add(normResult.start); } //utrie_enum(&fcdTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set); TrieIterator fcdIter = new TrieIterator(FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie); RangeValueIterator.Element fcdResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); while(fcdIter.next(fcdResult)){ set.add(fcdResult.start); } if(isFormatVersion_2_1){ //utrie_enum(&auxTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set); TrieIterator auxIter = new TrieIterator(AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie); RangeValueIterator.Element auxResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); while(auxIter.next(auxResult)){ set.add(auxResult.start); } } /* add Hangul LV syllables and LV+1 because of skippables */ for(c=HANGUL_BASE; c<HANGUL_BASE+HANGUL_COUNT; c+=JAMO_T_COUNT) { set.add(c); set.add(c+1); } set.add(HANGUL_BASE+HANGUL_COUNT); /* add Hangul+1 to continue with other properties */ return set; // for chaining }
Internal API, used in UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue().
  • c – code point
  • modeValue – numeric value compatible with Mode
Returns:numeric value compatible with QuickCheck
/** * Internal API, used in UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(). * @internal * @param c code point * @param modeValue numeric value compatible with Mode * @return numeric value compatible with QuickCheck */
public static final int quickCheck(int c, int modeValue) { final int qcMask[/*UNORM_MODE_COUNT*/]={ 0, 0, QC_NFD, QC_NFKD, QC_NFC, QC_NFKC }; int norm32=(int)getNorm32(c)&qcMask[modeValue]; if(norm32==0) { return 1; // YES } else if((norm32&QC_ANY_NO)!=0) { return 0; // NO } else /* _NORM_QC_ANY_MAYBE */ { return 2; // MAYBE; } } private static int strCompare(char[] s1, int s1Start, int s1Limit, char[] s2, int s2Start, int s2Limit, boolean codePointOrder) { int start1, start2, limit1, limit2; char c1, c2; /* setup for fix-up */ start1=s1Start; start2=s2Start; int length1, length2; length1 = s1Limit - s1Start; length2 = s2Limit - s2Start; int lengthResult; if(length1<length2) { lengthResult=-1; limit1=start1+length1; } else if(length1==length2) { lengthResult=0; limit1=start1+length1; } else /* length1>length2 */ { lengthResult=1; limit1=start1+length2; } if(s1==s2) { return lengthResult; } for(;;) { /* check pseudo-limit */ if(s1Start==limit1) { return lengthResult; } c1=s1[s1Start]; c2=s2[s2Start]; if(c1!=c2) { break; } ++s1Start; ++s2Start; } /* setup for fix-up */ limit1=start1+length1; limit2=start2+length2; /* if both values are in or above the surrogate range, fix them up */ if(c1>=0xd800 && c2>=0xd800 && codePointOrder) { /* subtract 0x2800 from BMP code points to make them smaller than * supplementary ones */ if( ( c1<=0xdbff && (s1Start+1)!=limit1 && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(s1[(s1Start+1)]) ) || ( UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c1) && start1!=s1Start && UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s1[(s1Start-1)]) ) ) { /* part of a surrogate pair, leave >=d800 */ } else { /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make <d800 */ c1-=0x2800; } if( ( c2<=0xdbff && (s2Start+1)!=limit2 && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(s2[(s2Start+1)]) ) || ( UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2) && start2!=s2Start && UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s2[(s2Start-1)]) ) ) { /* part of a surrogate pair, leave >=d800 */ } else { /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make <d800 */ c2-=0x2800; } } /* now c1 and c2 are in UTF-32-compatible order */ return (int)c1-(int)c2; } /* * Status of tailored normalization * * This was done initially for investigation on Unicode public review issue 7 * (http://www.unicode.org/review/). See Jitterbug 2481. * While the UTC at meeting #94 (2003mar) did not take up the issue, this is * a permanent feature in ICU 2.6 in support of IDNA which requires true * Unicode 3.2 normalization. * (NormalizationCorrections are rolled into IDNA mapping tables.) * * Tailored normalization as implemented here allows to "normalize less" * than full Unicode normalization would. * Based internally on a UnicodeSet of code points that are * "excluded from normalization", the normalization functions leave those * code points alone ("inert"). This means that tailored normalization * still transforms text into a canonically equivalent form. * It does not add decompositions to code points that do not have any or * change decomposition results. * * Any function that searches for a safe boundary has not been touched, * which means that these functions will be over-pessimistic when * exclusions are applied. * This should not matter because subsequent checks and normalizations * do apply the exclusions; only a little more of the text may be processed * than necessary under exclusions. * * Normalization exclusions have the following effect on excluded code points c: * - c is not decomposed * - c is not a composition target * - c does not combine forward or backward for composition * except that this is not implemented for Jamo * - c is treated as having a combining class of 0 */ /* * Constants for the bit fields in the options bit set parameter. * These need not be public. * A user only needs to know the currently assigned values. * The number and positions of reserved bits per field can remain private. */ private static final int OPTIONS_NX_MASK=0x1f; private static final int OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK=0xe0; public static final int OPTIONS_SETS_MASK=0xff; private static final int OPTIONS_UNICODE_SHIFT=5; private static final UnicodeSet[] nxCache = new UnicodeSet[OPTIONS_SETS_MASK+1]; /* Constants for options flags for normalization.*/
Options bit 0, do not decompose Hangul syllables.
@draftICU 2.6
/** * Options bit 0, do not decompose Hangul syllables. * @draft ICU 2.6 */
private static final int NX_HANGUL = 1;
Options bit 1, do not decompose CJK compatibility characters.
@draftICU 2.6
/** * Options bit 1, do not decompose CJK compatibility characters. * @draft ICU 2.6 */
private static final int NX_CJK_COMPAT=2;
Options bit 8, use buggy recomposition described in Unicode Public Review Issue #29 at http://www.unicode.org/review/resolved-pri.html#pri29 Used in IDNA implementation according to strict interpretation of IDNA definition based on Unicode 3.2 which predates PRI #29. See ICU4C unormimp.h
@draftICU 3.2
/** * Options bit 8, use buggy recomposition described in * Unicode Public Review Issue #29 * at http://www.unicode.org/review/resolved-pri.html#pri29 * * Used in IDNA implementation according to strict interpretation * of IDNA definition based on Unicode 3.2 which predates PRI #29. * * See ICU4C unormimp.h * * @draft ICU 3.2 */
public static final int BEFORE_PRI_29=0x100; /* * The following options are used only in some composition functions. * They use bits 12 and up to preserve lower bits for the available options * space in unorm_compare() - * see documentation for UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT. */
Options bit 12, for compatibility vs. canonical decomposition.
/** Options bit 12, for compatibility vs. canonical decomposition. */
public static final int OPTIONS_COMPAT=0x1000;
Options bit 13, no discontiguous composition (FCC vs. NFC).
/** Options bit 13, no discontiguous composition (FCC vs. NFC). */
public static final int OPTIONS_COMPOSE_CONTIGUOUS=0x2000; /* normalization exclusion sets --------------------------------------------- */ /* * Normalization exclusion UnicodeSets are used for tailored normalization; * see the comment near the beginning of this file. * * By specifying one or several sets of code points, * those code points become inert for normalization. */ private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNXHangul() { /* internal function, does not check for incoming U_FAILURE */ if(nxCache[NX_HANGUL]==null) { nxCache[NX_HANGUL]=new UnicodeSet(0xac00, 0xd7a3); } return nxCache[NX_HANGUL]; } private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNXCJKCompat() { /* internal function, does not check for incoming U_FAILURE */ if(nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT]==null) { /* build a set from [CJK Ideographs]&[has canonical decomposition] */ UnicodeSet set, hasDecomp; set=new UnicodeSet("[:Ideographic:]"); /* start with an empty set for [has canonical decomposition] */ hasDecomp=new UnicodeSet(); /* iterate over all ideographs and remember which canonically decompose */ UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(set); int start, end; long norm32; while(it.nextRange() && (it.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING)) { start=it.codepoint; end=it.codepointEnd; while(start<=end) { norm32 = getNorm32(start); if((norm32 & QC_NFD)>0) { hasDecomp.add(start); } ++start; } } /* hasDecomp now contains all ideographs that decompose canonically */ nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT]=hasDecomp; } return nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT]; } private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNXUnicode(int options) { options &= OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK; if(options==0) { return null; } if(nxCache[options]==null) { /* build a set with all code points that were not designated by the specified Unicode version */ UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet(); switch(options) { case NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2: set.applyPattern("[:^Age=3.2:]"); break; default: return null; } nxCache[options]=set; } return nxCache[options]; } /* Get a decomposition exclusion set. The data must be loaded. */ private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNX(int options) { options&=OPTIONS_SETS_MASK; if(nxCache[options]==null) { /* return basic sets */ if(options==NX_HANGUL) { return internalGetNXHangul(); } if(options==NX_CJK_COMPAT) { return internalGetNXCJKCompat(); } if((options & OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK)!=0 && (options & OPTIONS_NX_MASK)==0) { return internalGetNXUnicode(options); } /* build a set from multiple subsets */ UnicodeSet set; UnicodeSet other; set=new UnicodeSet(); if((options & NX_HANGUL)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXHangul())) { set.addAll(other); } if((options&NX_CJK_COMPAT)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXCJKCompat())) { set.addAll(other); } if((options&OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXUnicode(options))) { set.addAll(other); } nxCache[options]=set; } return nxCache[options]; } public static final UnicodeSet getNX(int options) { if((options&=OPTIONS_SETS_MASK)==0) { /* incoming failure, or no decomposition exclusions requested */ return null; } else { return internalGetNX(options); } } private static final boolean nx_contains(UnicodeSet nx, int c) { return nx!=null && nx.contains(c); } private static final boolean nx_contains(UnicodeSet nx, char c, char c2) { return nx!=null && nx.contains(c2==0 ? c : UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c, c2)); } /*****************************************************************************/
Get the canonical decomposition sherman for ComposedCharIter
/** * Get the canonical decomposition * sherman for ComposedCharIter */
public static int getDecompose(int chars[], String decomps[]) { DecomposeArgs args = new DecomposeArgs(); int length=0; long norm32 = 0; int ch = -1; int index = 0; int i = 0; while (++ch < 0x2fa1e) { //no cannoical above 0x3ffff //TBD !!!! the hack code heres save us about 50ms for startup //need a better solution/lookup if (ch == 0x30ff) ch = 0xf900; else if (ch == 0x10000) ch = 0x1d15e; else if (ch == 0x1d1c1) ch = 0x2f800; norm32 = NormalizerImpl.getNorm32(ch); if((norm32 & QC_NFD)!=0 && i < chars.length) { chars[i] = ch; index = decompose(norm32, args); decomps[i++] = new String(extraData,index, args.length); } } return i; } //------------------------------------------------------ // special method for Collation //------------------------------------------------------ private static boolean needSingleQuotation(char c) { return (c >= 0x0009 && c <= 0x000D) || (c >= 0x0020 && c <= 0x002F) || (c >= 0x003A && c <= 0x0040) || (c >= 0x005B && c <= 0x0060) || (c >= 0x007B && c <= 0x007E); } public static String canonicalDecomposeWithSingleQuotation(String string) { char[] src = string.toCharArray(); int srcIndex = 0; int srcLimit = src.length; char[] dest = new char[src.length * 3]; //MAX_BUF_SIZE_DECOMPOSE = 3 int destIndex = 0; int destLimit = dest.length; char[] buffer = new char[3]; int prevSrc; long norm32; int ccOrQCMask; int qcMask = QC_NFD; int reorderStartIndex, length; char c, c2; char minNoMaybe = (char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE]; int cc, prevCC, trailCC; char[] p; int pStart; // initialize ccOrQCMask = CC_MASK | qcMask; reorderStartIndex = 0; prevCC = 0; norm32 = 0; c = 0; pStart = 0; cc = trailCC = -1; // initialize to bogus value for(;;) { prevSrc=srcIndex; //quick check (1)less than minNoMaybe (2)no decomp (3)hangual while (srcIndex != srcLimit && (( c = src[srcIndex]) < minNoMaybe || ((norm32 = getNorm32(c)) & ccOrQCMask) == 0 || ( c >= '\uac00' && c <= '\ud7a3'))){ prevCC = 0; ++srcIndex; } // copy these code units all at once if (srcIndex != prevSrc) { length = (int)(srcIndex - prevSrc); if ((destIndex + length) <= destLimit) { System.arraycopy(src,prevSrc,dest,destIndex,length); } destIndex += length; reorderStartIndex = destIndex; } // end of source reached? if(srcIndex == srcLimit) { break; } // c already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src ++srcIndex; if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { c2 = 0; length = 1; } else { // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 if(srcIndex != srcLimit && Character.isLowSurrogate(c2 = src[srcIndex])) { ++srcIndex; length = 2; norm32 = getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } else { c2 = 0; length = 1; norm32 = 0; } } // get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's if((norm32 & qcMask) == 0) { // c does not decompose cc = trailCC = (int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32 >> CC_SHIFT)); p = null; pStart = -1; } else { DecomposeArgs arg = new DecomposeArgs(); // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length // extra data pStart = decompose(norm32, qcMask, arg); p = extraData; length = arg.length; cc = arg.cc; trailCC = arg.trailCC; if(length == 1) { // fastpath a single code unit from decomposition c = p[pStart]; c2 = 0; p = null; pStart = -1; } } if((destIndex + length * 3) >= destLimit) { // 2 SingleQuotations // buffer overflow char[] tmpBuf = new char[destLimit * 2]; System.arraycopy(dest, 0, tmpBuf, 0, destIndex); dest = tmpBuf; destLimit = dest.length; } // append the decomposition to the destination buffer, assume length>0 { int reorderSplit = destIndex; if(p == null) { // fastpath: single code point if (needSingleQuotation(c)) { //if we need single quotation, no need to consider "prevCC" //and it must NOT be a supplementary pair dest[destIndex++] = '\''; dest[destIndex++] = c; dest[destIndex++] = '\''; trailCC = 0; } else if(cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) { // (c, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding // text destIndex += length; trailCC = insertOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit, destIndex, c, c2, cc); } else { // just append (c, c2) dest[destIndex++] = c; if(c2 != 0) { dest[destIndex++] = c2; } } } else { // general: multiple code points (ordered by themselves) // from decomposition if (needSingleQuotation(p[pStart])) { dest[destIndex++] = '\''; dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++]; dest[destIndex++] = '\''; length--; do { dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++]; } while(--length > 0); } else if(cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) { destIndex += length; trailCC = mergeOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit,p, pStart,pStart+length); } else { // just append the decomposition do { dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++]; } while(--length > 0); } } } prevCC = trailCC; if(prevCC == 0) { reorderStartIndex = destIndex; } } return new String(dest, 0, destIndex); } //------------------------------------------------------ // mapping method for IDNA/StringPrep //------------------------------------------------------ /* * Normalization using NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2 option supports Unicode * 3.2 normalization with Corrigendum 4 corrections. However, normalization * without the corrections is necessary for IDNA/StringPrep support. * This method is called when NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2_0_ORIGINAL option * (= sun.text.Normalizer.UNICODE_3_2) is used and normalizes five * characters in Corrigendum 4 before normalization in order to avoid * incorrect normalization. * For the Corrigendum 4 issue, refer * http://www.unicode.org/versions/corrigendum4.html */ /* * Option used in NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2_0_ORIGINAL. */ public static final int WITHOUT_CORRIGENDUM4_CORRECTIONS=0x40000; private static final char[][] corrigendum4MappingTable = { {'\uD844', '\uDF6A'}, // 0x2F868 {'\u5F33'}, // 0x2F874 {'\u43AB'}, // 0x2F91F {'\u7AAE'}, // 0x2F95F {'\u4D57'}}; // 0x2F9BF /* * Removing Corrigendum 4 fix * @return normalized text */ public static String convert(String str) { if (str == null) { return null; } int ch = UCharacterIterator.DONE; StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer(); UCharacterIterator iter = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(str); while ((ch=iter.nextCodePoint())!= UCharacterIterator.DONE){ switch (ch) { case 0x2F868: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[0]); break; case 0x2F874: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[1]); break; case 0x2F91F: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[2]); break; case 0x2F95F: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[3]); break; case 0x2F9BF: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[4]); break; default: UTF16.append(dest,ch); break; } } return dest.toString(); } }