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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.sun.rowset.internal;

import com.sun.rowset.JdbcRowSetResourceBundle;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;

import javax.sql.rowset.*;
import javax.sql.rowset.spi.*;

An implementation of the XmlWriter interface, which writes a WebRowSet object to an output stream as an XML document.
/** * An implementation of the <code>XmlWriter</code> interface, which writes a * <code>WebRowSet</code> object to an output stream as an XML document. */
public class WebRowSetXmlWriter implements XmlWriter, Serializable {
The java.io.Writer object to which this WebRowSetXmlWriter object will write when its writeXML method is called. The value for this field is set with the java.io.Writer object given as the second argument to the writeXML method.
/** * The <code>java.io.Writer</code> object to which this <code>WebRowSetXmlWriter</code> * object will write when its <code>writeXML</code> method is called. The value * for this field is set with the <code>java.io.Writer</code> object given * as the second argument to the <code>writeXML</code> method. */
private java.io.Writer writer;
The java.util.Stack object that this WebRowSetXmlWriter object will use for storing the tags to be used for writing the calling WebRowSet object as an XML document.
/** * The <code>java.util.Stack</code> object that this <code>WebRowSetXmlWriter</code> * object will use for storing the tags to be used for writing the calling * <code>WebRowSet</code> object as an XML document. */
private java.util.Stack stack; private JdbcRowSetResourceBundle resBundle; public WebRowSetXmlWriter() { try { resBundle = JdbcRowSetResourceBundle.getJdbcRowSetResourceBundle(); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } }
Writes the given WebRowSet object as an XML document using the given java.io.Writer object. The XML document will include the WebRowSet object's data, metadata, and properties. If a data value has been updated, that information is also included.

This method is called by the XmlWriter object that is referenced in the calling WebRowSet object's xmlWriter field. The XmlWriter.writeXML method passes to this method the arguments that were supplied to it.

  • caller – the WebRowSet object to be written; must be a rowset for which this WebRowSetXmlWriter object is the writer
  • wrt – the java.io.Writer object to which caller will be written
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs or this WebRowSetXmlWriter object is not the writer for the given rowset
See Also:
/** * Writes the given <code>WebRowSet</code> object as an XML document * using the given <code>java.io.Writer</code> object. The XML document * will include the <code>WebRowSet</code> object's data, metadata, and * properties. If a data value has been updated, that information is also * included. * <P> * This method is called by the <code>XmlWriter</code> object that is * referenced in the calling <code>WebRowSet</code> object's * <code>xmlWriter</code> field. The <code>XmlWriter.writeXML</code> * method passes to this method the arguments that were supplied to it. * * @param caller the <code>WebRowSet</code> object to be written; must * be a rowset for which this <code>WebRowSetXmlWriter</code> object * is the writer * @param wrt the <code>java.io.Writer</code> object to which * <code>caller</code> will be written * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs or * this <code>WebRowSetXmlWriter</code> object is not the writer * for the given rowset * @see XmlWriter#writeXML */
public void writeXML(WebRowSet caller, java.io.Writer wrt) throws SQLException { // create a new stack for tag checking. stack = new java.util.Stack(); writer = wrt; writeRowSet(caller); }
Writes the given WebRowSet object as an XML document using the given java.io.OutputStream object. The XML document will include the WebRowSet object's data, metadata, and properties. If a data value has been updated, that information is also included.

Using stream is a faster way than using java.io.Writer This method is called by the XmlWriter object that is referenced in the calling WebRowSet object's xmlWriter field. The XmlWriter.writeXML method passes to this method the arguments that were supplied to it.

  • caller – the WebRowSet object to be written; must be a rowset for which this WebRowSetXmlWriter object is the writer
  • oStream – the java.io.OutputStream object to which caller will be written
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs or this WebRowSetXmlWriter object is not the writer for the given rowset
See Also:
/** * Writes the given <code>WebRowSet</code> object as an XML document * using the given <code>java.io.OutputStream</code> object. The XML document * will include the <code>WebRowSet</code> object's data, metadata, and * properties. If a data value has been updated, that information is also * included. * <P> * Using stream is a faster way than using <code>java.io.Writer<code/> * * This method is called by the <code>XmlWriter</code> object that is * referenced in the calling <code>WebRowSet</code> object's * <code>xmlWriter</code> field. The <code>XmlWriter.writeXML</code> * method passes to this method the arguments that were supplied to it. * * @param caller the <code>WebRowSet</code> object to be written; must * be a rowset for which this <code>WebRowSetXmlWriter</code> object * is the writer * @param oStream the <code>java.io.OutputStream</code> object to which * <code>caller</code> will be written * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs or * this <code>WebRowSetXmlWriter</code> object is not the writer * for the given rowset * @see XmlWriter#writeXML */
public void writeXML(WebRowSet caller, java.io.OutputStream oStream) throws SQLException { // create a new stack for tag checking. stack = new java.util.Stack(); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(oStream); writeRowSet(caller); }
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs
/** * * * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */
private void writeRowSet(WebRowSet caller) throws SQLException { try { startHeader(); writeProperties(caller); writeMetaData(caller); writeData(caller); endHeader(); } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { throw new SQLException(MessageFormat.format(resBundle.handleGetObject("wrsxmlwriter.ioex").toString(), ex.getMessage())); } } private void startHeader() throws java.io.IOException { setTag("webRowSet"); writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); writer.write("<webRowSet xmlns=\"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n"); writer.write("xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd\">\n"); } private void endHeader() throws java.io.IOException { endTag("webRowSet"); }
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs
/** * * * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */
private void writeProperties(WebRowSet caller) throws java.io.IOException { beginSection("properties"); try { propString("command", processSpecialCharacters(caller.getCommand())); propInteger("concurrency", caller.getConcurrency()); propString("datasource", caller.getDataSourceName()); propBoolean("escape-processing", caller.getEscapeProcessing()); try { propInteger("fetch-direction", caller.getFetchDirection()); } catch(SQLException sqle) { // it may be the case that fetch direction has not been set // fetchDir == 0 // in that case it will throw a SQLException. // To avoid that catch it here } propInteger("fetch-size", caller.getFetchSize()); propInteger("isolation-level", caller.getTransactionIsolation()); beginSection("key-columns"); int[] kc = caller.getKeyColumns(); for (int i = 0; kc != null && i < kc.length; i++) propInteger("column", kc[i]); endSection("key-columns"); //Changed to beginSection and endSection for maps for proper indentation beginSection("map"); java.util.Map typeMap = caller.getTypeMap(); if (typeMap != null) { Iterator i = typeMap.keySet().iterator(); Class c; String type; while (i.hasNext()) { type = (String)i.next(); c = (Class)typeMap.get(type); propString("type", type); propString("class", c.getName()); } } endSection("map"); propInteger("max-field-size", caller.getMaxFieldSize()); propInteger("max-rows", caller.getMaxRows()); propInteger("query-timeout", caller.getQueryTimeout()); propBoolean("read-only", caller.isReadOnly()); int itype = caller.getType(); String strType = ""; if(itype == 1003) { strType = "ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY"; } else if(itype == 1004) { strType = "ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE"; } else if(itype == 1005) { strType = "ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE"; } propString("rowset-type", strType); propBoolean("show-deleted", caller.getShowDeleted()); propString("table-name", caller.getTableName()); propString("url", caller.getUrl()); beginSection("sync-provider"); // Remove the string after "@xxxx" // before writing it to the xml file. String strProviderInstance = (caller.getSyncProvider()).toString(); String strProvider = strProviderInstance.substring(0, (caller.getSyncProvider()).toString().indexOf("@")); propString("sync-provider-name", strProvider); propString("sync-provider-vendor", "Sun Microsystems Inc."); propString("sync-provider-version", "1.0"); propInteger("sync-provider-grade", caller.getSyncProvider().getProviderGrade()); propInteger("data-source-lock", caller.getSyncProvider().getDataSourceLock()); endSection("sync-provider"); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new java.io.IOException(MessageFormat.format(resBundle.handleGetObject("wrsxmlwriter.sqlex").toString(), ex.getMessage())); } endSection("properties"); }
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs
/** * * * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */
private void writeMetaData(WebRowSet caller) throws java.io.IOException { int columnCount; beginSection("metadata"); try { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = caller.getMetaData(); columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); propInteger("column-count", columnCount); for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex <= columnCount; colIndex++) { beginSection("column-definition"); propInteger("column-index", colIndex); propBoolean("auto-increment", rsmd.isAutoIncrement(colIndex)); propBoolean("case-sensitive", rsmd.isCaseSensitive(colIndex)); propBoolean("currency", rsmd.isCurrency(colIndex)); propInteger("nullable", rsmd.isNullable(colIndex)); propBoolean("signed", rsmd.isSigned(colIndex)); propBoolean("searchable", rsmd.isSearchable(colIndex)); propInteger("column-display-size",rsmd.getColumnDisplaySize(colIndex)); propString("column-label", rsmd.getColumnLabel(colIndex)); propString("column-name", rsmd.getColumnName(colIndex)); propString("schema-name", rsmd.getSchemaName(colIndex)); propInteger("column-precision", rsmd.getPrecision(colIndex)); propInteger("column-scale", rsmd.getScale(colIndex)); propString("table-name", rsmd.getTableName(colIndex)); propString("catalog-name", rsmd.getCatalogName(colIndex)); propInteger("column-type", rsmd.getColumnType(colIndex)); propString("column-type-name", rsmd.getColumnTypeName(colIndex)); endSection("column-definition"); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new java.io.IOException(MessageFormat.format(resBundle.handleGetObject("wrsxmlwriter.sqlex").toString(), ex.getMessage())); } endSection("metadata"); }
  • SQLException – if a database access error occurs
/** * * * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs */
private void writeData(WebRowSet caller) throws java.io.IOException { ResultSet rs; try { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = caller.getMetaData(); int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int i; beginSection("data"); caller.beforeFirst(); caller.setShowDeleted(true); while (caller.next()) { if (caller.rowDeleted() && caller.rowInserted()) { beginSection("modifyRow"); } else if (caller.rowDeleted()) { beginSection("deleteRow"); } else if (caller.rowInserted()) { beginSection("insertRow"); } else { beginSection("currentRow"); } for (i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++) { if (caller.columnUpdated(i)) { rs = caller.getOriginalRow(); rs.next(); beginTag("columnValue"); writeValue(i, (RowSet)rs); endTag("columnValue"); beginTag("updateRow"); writeValue(i, caller); endTag("updateRow"); } else { beginTag("columnValue"); writeValue(i, caller); endTag("columnValue"); } } endSection(); // this is unchecked } endSection("data"); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new java.io.IOException(MessageFormat.format(resBundle.handleGetObject("wrsxmlwriter.sqlex").toString(), ex.getMessage())); } } private void writeValue(int idx, RowSet caller) throws java.io.IOException { try { int type = caller.getMetaData().getColumnType(idx); switch (type) { case java.sql.Types.BIT: case java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN: boolean b = caller.getBoolean(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeBoolean(b); break; case java.sql.Types.TINYINT: case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT: short s = caller.getShort(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeShort(s); break; case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: int i = caller.getInt(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeInteger(caller.getInt(idx)); break; case java.sql.Types.BIGINT: long l = caller.getLong(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeLong(l); break; case java.sql.Types.REAL: case java.sql.Types.FLOAT: float f = caller.getFloat(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeFloat(f); break; case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE: double d = caller.getDouble(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeDouble(d); break; case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC: case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL: writeBigDecimal(caller.getBigDecimal(idx)); break; case java.sql.Types.BINARY: case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY: case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY: break; case java.sql.Types.DATE: java.sql.Date date = caller.getDate(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeLong(date.getTime()); break; case java.sql.Types.TIME: java.sql.Time time = caller.getTime(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeLong(time.getTime()); break; case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: java.sql.Timestamp ts = caller.getTimestamp(idx); if (caller.wasNull()) writeNull(); else writeLong(ts.getTime()); break; case java.sql.Types.CHAR: case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR: writeStringData(caller.getString(idx)); break; default: System.out.println(resBundle.handleGetObject("wsrxmlwriter.notproper").toString()); //Need to take care of BLOB, CLOB, Array, Ref here } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new java.io.IOException(resBundle.handleGetObject("wrsxmlwriter.failedwrite").toString()+ ex.getMessage()); } } /* * This begins a new tag with a indent * */ private void beginSection(String tag) throws java.io.IOException { // store the current tag setTag(tag); writeIndent(stack.size()); // write it out writer.write("<" + tag + ">\n"); } /* * This closes a tag started by beginTag with a indent * */ private void endSection(String tag) throws java.io.IOException { writeIndent(stack.size()); String beginTag = getTag(); if(beginTag.indexOf("webRowSet") != -1) { beginTag ="webRowSet"; } if (tag.equals(beginTag) ) { // get the current tag and write it out writer.write("</" + beginTag + ">\n"); } else { ; } writer.flush(); } private void endSection() throws java.io.IOException { writeIndent(stack.size()); // get the current tag and write it out String beginTag = getTag(); writer.write("</" + beginTag + ">\n"); writer.flush(); } private void beginTag(String tag) throws java.io.IOException { // store the current tag setTag(tag); writeIndent(stack.size()); // write tag out writer.write("<" + tag + ">"); } private void endTag(String tag) throws java.io.IOException { String beginTag = getTag(); if (tag.equals(beginTag)) { // get the current tag and write it out writer.write("</" + beginTag + ">\n"); } else { ; } writer.flush(); } private void emptyTag(String tag) throws java.io.IOException { // write an emptyTag writer.write("<" + tag + "/>"); } private void setTag(String tag) { // add the tag to stack stack.push(tag); } private String getTag() { return (String)stack.pop(); } private void writeNull() throws java.io.IOException { emptyTag("null"); } private void writeStringData(String s) throws java.io.IOException { if (s == null) { writeNull(); } else if (s.equals("")) { writeEmptyString(); } else { s = processSpecialCharacters(s); writer.write(s); } } private void writeString(String s) throws java.io.IOException { if (s != null) { writer.write(s); } else { writeNull(); } } private void writeShort(short s) throws java.io.IOException { writer.write(Short.toString(s)); } private void writeLong(long l) throws java.io.IOException { writer.write(Long.toString(l)); } private void writeInteger(int i) throws java.io.IOException { writer.write(Integer.toString(i)); } private void writeBoolean(boolean b) throws java.io.IOException { writer.write(new Boolean(b).toString()); } private void writeFloat(float f) throws java.io.IOException { writer.write(Float.toString(f)); } private void writeDouble(double d) throws java.io.IOException { writer.write(Double.toString(d)); } private void writeBigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal bd) throws java.io.IOException { if (bd != null) writer.write(bd.toString()); else emptyTag("null"); } private void writeIndent(int tabs) throws java.io.IOException { // indent... for (int i = 1; i < tabs; i++) { writer.write(" "); } } private void propString(String tag, String s) throws java.io.IOException { beginTag(tag); writeString(s); endTag(tag); } private void propInteger(String tag, int i) throws java.io.IOException { beginTag(tag); writeInteger(i); endTag(tag); } private void propBoolean(String tag, boolean b) throws java.io.IOException { beginTag(tag); writeBoolean(b); endTag(tag); } private void writeEmptyString() throws java.io.IOException { emptyTag("emptyString"); }
Purely for code coverage purposes..
/** * Purely for code coverage purposes.. */
public boolean writeData(RowSetInternal caller) { return false; }
This function has been added for the processing of special characters lik <,>,'," and & in the data to be serialized. These have to be taken of specifically or else there will be parsing error while trying to read the contents of the XML file.
/** * This function has been added for the processing of special characters * lik <,>,'," and & in the data to be serialized. These have to be taken * of specifically or else there will be parsing error while trying to read * the contents of the XML file. **/
private String processSpecialCharacters(String s) { if(s == null) { return null; } char []charStr = s.toCharArray(); String specialStr = new String(); for(int i = 0; i < charStr.length; i++) { if(charStr[i] == '&') { specialStr = specialStr.concat("&amp;"); } else if(charStr[i] == '<') { specialStr = specialStr.concat("&lt;"); } else if(charStr[i] == '>') { specialStr = specialStr.concat("&gt;"); } else if(charStr[i] == '\'') { specialStr = specialStr.concat("&apos;"); } else if(charStr[i] == '\"') { specialStr = specialStr.concat("&quot;"); } else { specialStr = specialStr.concat(String.valueOf(charStr[i])); } } s = specialStr; return s; }
This method re populates the resBundle during the deserialization process
/** * This method re populates the resBundle * during the deserialization process * */
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // Default state initialization happens here ois.defaultReadObject(); // Initialization of transient Res Bundle happens here . try { resBundle = JdbcRowSetResourceBundle.getJdbcRowSetResourceBundle(); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } static final long serialVersionUID = 7163134986189677641L; }