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package sun.java2d.marlin;

import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import sun.java2d.ReentrantContext;
import sun.java2d.marlin.ArrayCacheConst.CacheStats;
import sun.java2d.marlin.DMarlinRenderingEngine.NormalizingPathIterator;
import sun.java2d.marlin.TransformingPathConsumer2D.CurveBasicMonotonizer;
import sun.java2d.marlin.TransformingPathConsumer2D.CurveClipSplitter;

This class is a renderer context dedicated to a single thread
/** * This class is a renderer context dedicated to a single thread */
final class RendererContext extends ReentrantContext implements MarlinConst { // RendererContext creation counter private static final AtomicInteger CTX_COUNT = new AtomicInteger(1);
Create a new renderer context
Returns:new RendererContext instance
/** * Create a new renderer context * * @return new RendererContext instance */
static RendererContext createContext() { return new RendererContext("ctx" + Integer.toString(CTX_COUNT.getAndIncrement())); } // Smallest object used as Cleaner's parent reference private final Object cleanerObj; // dirty flag indicating an exception occured during pipeline in pathTo() boolean dirty = false; // shared data final double[] double6 = new double[6]; // shared curve (dirty) (Renderer / Stroker) final Curve curve = new Curve(); // MarlinRenderingEngine NormalizingPathIterator NearestPixelCenter: final NormalizingPathIterator nPCPathIterator; // MarlinRenderingEngine NearestPixelQuarter NormalizingPathIterator: final NormalizingPathIterator nPQPathIterator; // MarlinRenderingEngine.TransformingPathConsumer2D final TransformingPathConsumer2D transformerPC2D; // recycled Path2D instance (weak) private WeakReference<Path2D.Double> refPath2D = null; final Renderer renderer; final Stroker stroker; // Simplifies out collinear lines final CollinearSimplifier simplifier = new CollinearSimplifier(); // Simplifies path final PathSimplifier pathSimplifier = new PathSimplifier(); final Dasher dasher; final MarlinTileGenerator ptg; final MarlinCache cache; // flag indicating the shape is stroked (1) or filled (0) int stroking = 0; // flag indicating to clip the shape boolean doClip = false; // flag indicating if the path is closed or not (in advance) to handle properly caps boolean closedPath = false; // clip rectangle (ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax): final double[] clipRect = new double[4]; // clip inverse scale (mean) to adjust length checks double clipInvScale = 0.0d; // CurveBasicMonotonizer instance final CurveBasicMonotonizer monotonizer; // CurveClipSplitter instance final CurveClipSplitter curveClipSplitter; // Array caches: /* clean int[] cache (zero-filled) = 5 refs */ private final IntArrayCache cleanIntCache = new IntArrayCache(true, 5); /* dirty int[] cache = 5 refs */ private final IntArrayCache dirtyIntCache = new IntArrayCache(false, 5); /* dirty double[] cache = 4 refs (2 polystack) */ private final DoubleArrayCache dirtyDoubleCache = new DoubleArrayCache(false, 4); /* dirty byte[] cache = 2 ref (2 polystack) */ private final ByteArrayCache dirtyByteCache = new ByteArrayCache(false, 2); // RendererContext statistics final RendererStats stats; final PathConsumer2DAdapter p2dAdapter = new PathConsumer2DAdapter();
  • name – context name (debugging)
/** * Constructor * * @param name context name (debugging) */
RendererContext(final String name) { if (LOG_CREATE_CONTEXT) { MarlinUtils.logInfo("new RendererContext = " + name); } this.cleanerObj = new Object(); // create first stats (needed by newOffHeapArray): if (DO_STATS || DO_MONITORS) { stats = RendererStats.createInstance(cleanerObj, name); // push cache stats: stats.cacheStats = new CacheStats[] { cleanIntCache.stats, dirtyIntCache.stats, dirtyDoubleCache.stats, dirtyByteCache.stats }; } else { stats = null; } // NormalizingPathIterator instances: nPCPathIterator = new NormalizingPathIterator.NearestPixelCenter(double6); nPQPathIterator = new NormalizingPathIterator.NearestPixelQuarter(double6); // curve monotonizer & clip subdivider (before transformerPC2D init) monotonizer = new CurveBasicMonotonizer(this); curveClipSplitter = new CurveClipSplitter(this); // MarlinRenderingEngine.TransformingPathConsumer2D transformerPC2D = new TransformingPathConsumer2D(this); // Renderer: cache = new MarlinCache(this); renderer = new Renderer(this); // needs MarlinCache from rdrCtx.cache ptg = new MarlinTileGenerator(stats, renderer, cache); stroker = new Stroker(this); dasher = new Dasher(this); }
Disposes this renderer context: clean up before reusing this context
/** * Disposes this renderer context: * clean up before reusing this context */
void dispose() { if (DO_STATS) { if (stats.totalOffHeap > stats.totalOffHeapMax) { stats.totalOffHeapMax = stats.totalOffHeap; } stats.totalOffHeap = 0L; } stroking = 0; doClip = false; closedPath = false; clipInvScale = 0.0d; // if context is maked as DIRTY: if (dirty) { // may happen if an exception if thrown in the pipeline processing: // force cleanup of all possible pipelined blocks (except Renderer): // NormalizingPathIterator instances: this.nPCPathIterator.dispose(); this.nPQPathIterator.dispose(); // Dasher: this.dasher.dispose(); // Stroker: this.stroker.dispose(); // mark context as CLEAN: dirty = false; } } Path2D.Double getPath2D() { // resolve reference: Path2D.Double p2d = (refPath2D != null) ? refPath2D.get() : null; // create a new Path2D ? if (p2d == null) { p2d = new Path2D.Double(WIND_NON_ZERO, INITIAL_EDGES_COUNT); // 32K // update weak reference: refPath2D = new WeakReference<Path2D.Double>(p2d); } // reset the path anyway: p2d.reset(); return p2d; } RendererStats stats() { return stats; } OffHeapArray newOffHeapArray(final long initialSize) { if (DO_STATS) { stats.totalOffHeapInitial += initialSize; } return new OffHeapArray(cleanerObj, initialSize); } IntArrayCache.Reference newCleanIntArrayRef(final int initialSize) { return cleanIntCache.createRef(initialSize); } IntArrayCache.Reference newDirtyIntArrayRef(final int initialSize) { return dirtyIntCache.createRef(initialSize); } DoubleArrayCache.Reference newDirtyDoubleArrayRef(final int initialSize) { return dirtyDoubleCache.createRef(initialSize); } ByteArrayCache.Reference newDirtyByteArrayRef(final int initialSize) { return dirtyByteCache.createRef(initialSize); } static final class PathConsumer2DAdapter implements DPathConsumer2D { private sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D out; PathConsumer2DAdapter() {} PathConsumer2DAdapter init(sun.awt.geom.PathConsumer2D out) { this.out = out; return this; } @Override public void moveTo(double x0, double y0) { out.moveTo((float)x0, (float)y0); } @Override public void lineTo(double x1, double y1) { out.lineTo((float)x1, (float)y1); } @Override public void closePath() { out.closePath(); } @Override public void pathDone() { out.pathDone(); } @Override public void curveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) { out.curveTo((float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2, (float)x3, (float)y3); } @Override public void quadTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { out.quadTo((float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2); } @Override public long getNativeConsumer() { throw new InternalError("Not using a native peer"); } } }