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package sun.awt.windows;

import java.awt.AWTEvent;
import java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.SystemColor;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import sun.awt.AWTAccessor;
import sun.awt.AppContext;
import sun.awt.DisplayChangedListener;
import sun.awt.SunToolkit;
import sun.awt.TimedWindowEvent;
import sun.awt.Win32GraphicsConfig;
import sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice;
import sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment;
import sun.java2d.pipe.Region;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;

import static sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment.toUserSpace;

public class WWindowPeer extends WPanelPeer implements WindowPeer,

    private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.windows.WWindowPeer");
    private static final PlatformLogger screenLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.windows.screen.WWindowPeer");

    // we can't use WDialogPeer as blocker may be an instance of WPrintDialogPeer that
    // extends WWindowPeer, not WDialogPeer
    private WWindowPeer modalBlocker = null;

    private boolean isOpaque;

    private TranslucentWindowPainter painter;

     * A key used for storing a list of active windows in AppContext. The value
     * is a list of windows, sorted by the time of activation: later a window is
     * activated, greater its index is in the list.
    private static final StringBuffer ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY =
        new StringBuffer("active_windows_list");

     * Listener for 'activeWindow' KFM property changes. It is added to each
     * AppContext KFM. See ActiveWindowListener inner class below.
    private static PropertyChangeListener activeWindowListener =
        new ActiveWindowListener();

     * The object is a listener for the AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED property.
    private static final PropertyChangeListener guiDisposedListener =
        new GuiDisposedListener();

     * Called (on the Toolkit thread) before the appropriate
     * WindowStateEvent is posted to the EventQueue.
    private WindowListener windowListener;

Initialize JNI field IDs
/** * Initialize JNI field IDs */
private static native void initIDs(); static { initIDs(); } // WComponentPeer overrides @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void disposeImpl() { AppContext appContext = SunToolkit.targetToAppContext(target); synchronized (appContext) { List<WWindowPeer> l = (List<WWindowPeer>)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l != null) { l.remove(this); } } // Remove ourself from the Map of DisplayChangeListeners GraphicsConfiguration gc = getGraphicsConfiguration(); ((Win32GraphicsDevice)gc.getDevice()).removeDisplayChangedListener(this); synchronized (getStateLock()) { TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.flush(); // don't set the current one to null here; reduces the chances of // MT issues (like NPEs) } } super.disposeImpl(); } // WindowPeer implementation @Override public void toFront() { updateFocusableWindowState(); _toFront(); } private native void _toFront(); @Override public native void toBack(); private native void setAlwaysOnTopNative(boolean value); public void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean value) { if ((value && ((Window)target).isVisible()) || !value) { setAlwaysOnTopNative(value); } } @Override public void updateAlwaysOnTopState() { setAlwaysOnTop(((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTop()); } @Override public void updateFocusableWindowState() { setFocusableWindow(((Window)target).isFocusableWindow()); } native void setFocusableWindow(boolean value); // FramePeer & DialogPeer partial shared implementation public void setTitle(String title) { // allow a null title to pass as an empty string. if (title == null) { title = ""; } _setTitle(title); } private native void _setTitle(String title); public void setResizable(boolean resizable) { _setResizable(resizable); } private native void _setResizable(boolean resizable); // Toolkit & peer internals WWindowPeer(Window target) { super(target); } @Override void initialize() { super.initialize(); updateInsets(insets_); if (!((Window) target).isFontSet()) { ((Window) target).setFont(defaultFont); setFont(defaultFont); } if (!((Window) target).isForegroundSet()) { ((Window) target).setForeground(SystemColor.windowText); } if (!((Window) target).isBackgroundSet()) { ((Window) target).setBackground(SystemColor.window); } // Express our interest in display changes GraphicsConfiguration gc = getGraphicsConfiguration(); Win32GraphicsDevice gd = (Win32GraphicsDevice) gc.getDevice(); gd.addDisplayChangedListener(this); initActiveWindowsTracking((Window)target); updateIconImages(); Shape shape = ((Window)target).getShape(); if (shape != null) { applyShape(Region.getInstance(shape, null)); } float opacity = ((Window)target).getOpacity(); if (opacity < 1.0f) { setOpacity(opacity); } synchronized (getStateLock()) { // default value of a boolean field is 'false', so set isOpaque to // true here explicitly this.isOpaque = true; setOpaque(((Window)target).isOpaque()); } } native void createAwtWindow(WComponentPeer parent); private volatile Window.Type windowType = Window.Type.NORMAL; // This method must be called for Window, Dialog, and Frame before creating // the hwnd void preCreate(WComponentPeer parent) { windowType = ((Window)target).getType(); } @Override void create(WComponentPeer parent) { preCreate(parent); createAwtWindow(parent); } @Override final WComponentPeer getNativeParent() { final Container owner = ((Window) target).getOwner(); return (WComponentPeer) WToolkit.targetToPeer(owner); } // should be overriden in WDialogPeer protected void realShow() { super.show(); } @Override public void show() { updateFocusableWindowState(); boolean alwaysOnTop = ((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTop(); // Fix for 4868278. // If we create a window with a specific GraphicsConfig, and then move it with // setLocation() or setBounds() to another one before its peer has been created, // then calling Window.getGraphicsConfig() returns wrong config. That may lead // to some problems like wrong-placed tooltips. It is caused by calling // super.displayChanged() in WWindowPeer.displayChanged() regardless of whether // GraphicsDevice was really changed, or not. So we need to track it here. updateGC(); realShow(); updateMinimumSize(); if (((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTopSupported() && alwaysOnTop) { setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop); } synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (!isOpaque) { updateWindow(true); } } // See https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-32570 WComponentPeer owner = getNativeParent(); if (owner != null && owner.isLightweightFramePeer()) { Rectangle b = getBounds(); handleExpose(0, 0, b.width, b.height); } } @Override final void syncBounds() { // Windows will take care of the top-level window/frame/dialog, and // update the location/size when DPI changes. } // Synchronize the insets members (here & in helper) with actual window // state. native void updateInsets(Insets i); static native int getSysMinWidth(); static native int getSysMinHeight(); static native int getSysIconWidth(); static native int getSysIconHeight(); static native int getSysSmIconWidth(); static native int getSysSmIconHeight();
windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/ Creates native icon from specified raster data and updates icon for window and all descendant windows that inherit icon. Raster data should be passed in the ARGB form. Note that raster data format was changed to provide support for XP icons with alpha-channel
/**windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/ * Creates native icon from specified raster data and updates * icon for window and all descendant windows that inherit icon. * Raster data should be passed in the ARGB form. * Note that raster data format was changed to provide support * for XP icons with alpha-channel */
native void setIconImagesData(int[] iconRaster, int w, int h, int[] smallIconRaster, int smw, int smh); synchronized native void reshapeFrame(int x, int y, int width, int height); native Dimension getNativeWindowSize(); public Dimension getScaledWindowSize() { return getNativeWindowSize(); } public boolean requestWindowFocus(FocusEvent.Cause cause) { if (!focusAllowedFor()) { return false; } return requestWindowFocus(cause == FocusEvent.Cause.MOUSE_EVENT); } private native boolean requestWindowFocus(boolean isMouseEventCause); public boolean focusAllowedFor() { Window window = (Window)this.target; if (!window.isVisible() || !window.isEnabled() || !window.isFocusableWindow()) { return false; } if (isModalBlocked()) { return false; } return true; } @Override void hide() { WindowListener listener = windowListener; if (listener != null) { // We're not getting WINDOW_CLOSING from the native code when hiding // the window programmatically. So, create it and notify the listener. listener.windowClosing(new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } super.hide(); } // WARNING: it's called on the Toolkit thread! @Override void preprocessPostEvent(AWTEvent event) { if (event instanceof WindowEvent) { WindowListener listener = windowListener; if (listener != null) { switch(event.getID()) { case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING: listener.windowClosing((WindowEvent)event); break; case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED: listener.windowIconified((WindowEvent)event); break; } } } } private void notifyWindowStateChanged(int oldState, int newState) { int changed = oldState ^ newState; if (changed == 0) { return; } if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine("Reporting state change %x -> %x", oldState, newState); } if (target instanceof Frame) { // Sync target with peer. AWTAccessor.getFrameAccessor().setExtendedState((Frame) target, newState); } // Report (de)iconification to old clients. if ((changed & Frame.ICONIFIED) > 0) { if ((newState & Frame.ICONIFIED) > 0) { postEvent(new TimedWindowEvent((Window) target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED, null, 0, 0, System.currentTimeMillis())); } else { postEvent(new TimedWindowEvent((Window) target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEICONIFIED, null, 0, 0, System.currentTimeMillis())); } } // New (since 1.4) state change event. postEvent(new TimedWindowEvent((Window) target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED, null, oldState, newState, System.currentTimeMillis())); } synchronized void addWindowListener(WindowListener l) { windowListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(windowListener, l); } synchronized void removeWindowListener(WindowListener l) { windowListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(windowListener, l); } @Override public void updateMinimumSize() { Dimension minimumSize = null; if (((Component)target).isMinimumSizeSet()) { minimumSize = ((Component)target).getMinimumSize(); } if (minimumSize != null) { Dimension sysMin = toUserSpace(getGraphicsConfiguration(), getSysMinWidth(), getSysMinHeight()); setMinSize(Math.max(minimumSize.width, sysMin.width), Math.max(minimumSize.height, sysMin.height)); } else { setMinSize(0, 0); } } @Override public void updateIconImages() { java.util.List<Image> imageList = ((Window)target).getIconImages(); if (imageList == null || imageList.size() == 0) { setIconImagesData(null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0); } else { int w = getSysIconWidth(); int h = getSysIconHeight(); int smw = getSysSmIconWidth(); int smh = getSysSmIconHeight(); AffineTransform tx = getGraphicsConfiguration().getDefaultTransform(); w = Region.clipScale(w, tx.getScaleX()); h = Region.clipScale(h, tx.getScaleY()); smw = Region.clipScale(smw, tx.getScaleX()); smh = Region.clipScale(smh, tx.getScaleY()); DataBufferInt iconData = SunToolkit.getScaledIconData(imageList, w, h); DataBufferInt iconSmData = SunToolkit.getScaledIconData(imageList, smw, smh); if (iconData != null && iconSmData != null) { setIconImagesData(iconData.getData(), w, h, iconSmData.getData(), smw, smh); } else { setIconImagesData(null, 0, 0, null, 0, 0); } } } native void setMinSize(int width, int height); /* * ---- MODALITY SUPPORT ---- */
Some modality-related code here because WFileDialogPeer, WPrintDialogPeer and WPageDialogPeer are descendants of WWindowPeer, not WDialogPeer
/** * Some modality-related code here because WFileDialogPeer, WPrintDialogPeer and * WPageDialogPeer are descendants of WWindowPeer, not WDialogPeer */
public boolean isModalBlocked() { return modalBlocker != null; } @Override public void setModalBlocked(Dialog dialog, boolean blocked) { synchronized (((Component)getTarget()).getTreeLock()) // State lock should always be after awtLock { // use WWindowPeer instead of WDialogPeer because of FileDialogs and PrintDialogs WWindowPeer blockerPeer = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor() .getPeer(dialog); if (blocked) { modalBlocker = blockerPeer; // handle native dialogs separately, as they may have not // got HWND yet; modalEnable/modalDisable is called from // their setHWnd() methods if (blockerPeer instanceof WFileDialogPeer) { ((WFileDialogPeer)blockerPeer).blockWindow(this); } else if (blockerPeer instanceof WPrintDialogPeer) { ((WPrintDialogPeer)blockerPeer).blockWindow(this); } else { modalDisable(dialog, blockerPeer.getHWnd()); } } else { modalBlocker = null; if (blockerPeer instanceof WFileDialogPeer) { ((WFileDialogPeer)blockerPeer).unblockWindow(this); } else if (blockerPeer instanceof WPrintDialogPeer) { ((WPrintDialogPeer)blockerPeer).unblockWindow(this); } else { modalEnable(dialog); } } } } native void modalDisable(Dialog blocker, long blockerHWnd); native void modalEnable(Dialog blocker); /* * Returns all the ever active windows from the current AppContext. * The list is sorted by the time of activation, so the latest * active window is always at the end. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static long[] getActiveWindowHandles(Component target) { AppContext appContext = SunToolkit.targetToAppContext(target); if (appContext == null) return null; synchronized (appContext) { List<WWindowPeer> l = (List<WWindowPeer>)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l == null) { return null; } long[] result = new long[l.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) { result[j] = l.get(j).getHWnd(); } return result; } } /* * ----DISPLAY CHANGE SUPPORT---- */ /* * Called from native code when we have been dragged onto another screen. */ void draggedToNewScreen() { displayChanged(); } public void updateGC() { int scrn = getScreenImOn(); if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("Screen number: " + scrn); } // get current GD Win32GraphicsDevice oldDev = winGraphicsConfig.getDevice(); Win32GraphicsDevice newDev; GraphicsDevice[] devs = GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() .getScreenDevices(); // Occasionally during device addition/removal getScreenImOn can return // a non-existing screen number. Use the default device in this case. if (scrn >= devs.length) { newDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice)GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); } else { newDev = (Win32GraphicsDevice)devs[scrn]; } // Set winGraphicsConfig to the default GC for the monitor this Window // is now mostly on. winGraphicsConfig = (Win32GraphicsConfig)newDev .getDefaultConfiguration(); if (screenLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { if (winGraphicsConfig == null) { screenLog.fine("Assertion (winGraphicsConfig != null) failed"); } } // if on a different display, take off old GD and put on new GD if (oldDev != newDev) { oldDev.removeDisplayChangedListener(this); newDev.addDisplayChangedListener(this); } AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor(). setGraphicsConfiguration((Component)target, winGraphicsConfig); }
From the DisplayChangedListener interface. This method handles a display change - either when the display settings are changed, or when the window has been dragged onto a different display. Called after a change in the display mode. This event triggers replacing the surfaceData object (since that object reflects the current display depth information, which has just changed).
/** * From the DisplayChangedListener interface. * * This method handles a display change - either when the display settings * are changed, or when the window has been dragged onto a different * display. * Called after a change in the display mode. This event * triggers replacing the surfaceData object (since that object * reflects the current display depth information, which has * just changed). */
@Override public void displayChanged() { SunToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread(target, this::updateGC); }
Part of the DisplayChangedListener interface: components do not need to react to this event
/** * Part of the DisplayChangedListener interface: components * do not need to react to this event */
@Override public void paletteChanged() { } private native int getScreenImOn(); // Used in Win32GraphicsDevice. public final native void setFullScreenExclusiveModeState(boolean state); /* * ----END DISPLAY CHANGE SUPPORT---- */ public void grab() { nativeGrab(); } public void ungrab() { nativeUngrab(); } private native void nativeGrab(); private native void nativeUngrab(); private boolean hasWarningWindow() { return ((Window)target).getWarningString() != null; } boolean isTargetUndecorated() { return true; } @Override public native void repositionSecurityWarning(); @Override public void print(Graphics g) { // We assume we print the whole frame, // so we expect no clip was set previously Shape shape = ((Window)target).getShape(); if (shape != null) { g.setClip(shape); } super.print(g); } private void replaceSurfaceDataRecursively(Component c) { if (c instanceof Container) { for (Component child : ((Container)c).getComponents()) { replaceSurfaceDataRecursively(child); } } final Object cp = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(c); if (cp instanceof WComponentPeer) { ((WComponentPeer)cp).replaceSurfaceDataLater(); } } public final Graphics getTranslucentGraphics() { synchronized (getStateLock()) { return isOpaque ? null : painter.getGraphics(false); } } @Override public void setBackground(Color c) { super.setBackground(c); synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (!isOpaque && ((Window)target).isVisible()) { updateWindow(true); } } } private native void setOpacity(int iOpacity); private float opacity = 1.0f; @Override public void setOpacity(float opacity) { if (!((SunToolkit)((Window)target).getToolkit()). isWindowOpacitySupported()) { return; } if (opacity < 0.0f || opacity > 1.0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The value of opacity should be in the range [0.0f .. 1.0f]."); } if (((this.opacity == 1.0f && opacity < 1.0f) || (this.opacity < 1.0f && opacity == 1.0f)) && !Win32GraphicsEnvironment.isVistaOS()) { // non-Vista OS: only replace the surface data if opacity status // changed (see WComponentPeer.isAccelCapable() for more) replaceSurfaceDataRecursively((Component)getTarget()); } this.opacity = opacity; final int maxOpacity = 0xff; int iOpacity = (int)(opacity * maxOpacity); if (iOpacity < 0) { iOpacity = 0; } if (iOpacity > maxOpacity) { iOpacity = maxOpacity; } setOpacity(iOpacity); synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (!isOpaque && ((Window)target).isVisible()) { updateWindow(true); } } } private native void setOpaqueImpl(boolean isOpaque); @Override public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (this.isOpaque == isOpaque) { return; } } Window target = (Window)getTarget(); if (!isOpaque) { SunToolkit sunToolkit = (SunToolkit)target.getToolkit(); if (!sunToolkit.isWindowTranslucencySupported() || !sunToolkit.isTranslucencyCapable(target.getGraphicsConfiguration())) { return; } } boolean isVistaOS = Win32GraphicsEnvironment.isVistaOS(); if (this.isOpaque != isOpaque && !isVistaOS) { // non-Vista OS: only replace the surface data if the opacity // status changed (see WComponentPeer.isAccelCapable() for more) replaceSurfaceDataRecursively(target); } synchronized (getStateLock()) { this.isOpaque = isOpaque; setOpaqueImpl(isOpaque); if (isOpaque) { TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.flush(); painter = null; } } else { painter = TranslucentWindowPainter.createInstance(this); } } if (isVistaOS) { // On Vista: setting the window non-opaque makes the window look // rectangular, though still catching the mouse clicks within // its shape only. To restore the correct visual appearance // of the window (i.e. w/ the correct shape) we have to reset // the shape. Shape shape = target.getShape(); if (shape != null) { target.setShape(shape); } } if (target.isVisible()) { updateWindow(true); } } native void updateWindowImpl(int[] data, int width, int height); @Override public void updateWindow() { updateWindow(false); } private void updateWindow(boolean repaint) { Window w = (Window)target; synchronized (getStateLock()) { if (isOpaque || !w.isVisible() || (w.getWidth() <= 0) || (w.getHeight() <= 0)) { return; } TranslucentWindowPainter currentPainter = painter; if (currentPainter != null) { currentPainter.updateWindow(repaint); } else if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINER)) { log.finer("Translucent window painter is null in updateWindow"); } } } /* * The method maps the list of the active windows to the window's AppContext, * then the method registers ActiveWindowListener, GuiDisposedListener listeners; * it executes the initilialization only once per AppContext. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void initActiveWindowsTracking(Window w) { AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); synchronized (appContext) { List<WWindowPeer> l = (List<WWindowPeer>)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l == null) { l = new LinkedList<WWindowPeer>(); appContext.put(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY, l); appContext.addPropertyChangeListener(AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED, guiDisposedListener); KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); kfm.addPropertyChangeListener("activeWindow", activeWindowListener); } } } /* * The GuiDisposedListener class listens for the AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED property, * it removes the list of the active windows from the disposed AppContext and * unregisters ActiveWindowListener listener. */ private static class GuiDisposedListener implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { boolean isDisposed = (Boolean)e.getNewValue(); if (isDisposed != true) { if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { log.fine(" Assertion (newValue != true) failed for AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED "); } } AppContext appContext = AppContext.getAppContext(); synchronized (appContext) { appContext.remove(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); appContext.removePropertyChangeListener(AppContext.GUI_DISPOSED, this); KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); kfm.removePropertyChangeListener("activeWindow", activeWindowListener); } } } /* * Static inner class, listens for 'activeWindow' KFM property changes and * updates the list of active windows per AppContext, so the latest active * window is always at the end of the list. The list is stored in AppContext. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static class ActiveWindowListener implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { Window w = (Window)e.getNewValue(); if (w == null) { return; } AppContext appContext = SunToolkit.targetToAppContext(w); synchronized (appContext) { WWindowPeer wp = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(w); // add/move wp to the end of the list List<WWindowPeer> l = (List<WWindowPeer>)appContext.get(ACTIVE_WINDOWS_KEY); if (l != null) { l.remove(wp); l.add(wp); } } } } }