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package sun.awt.shell;

import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.image.AbstractMultiResolutionImage;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serial;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import javax.swing.SwingConstants;

// NOTE: This class supersedes Win32ShellFolder, which was removed from
//       distribution after version 1.4.2.

Win32 Shell Folders

There are two fundamental types of shell folders : file system folders and non-file system folders. File system folders are relatively easy to deal with. Non-file system folders are items such as My Computer, Network Neighborhood, and the desktop. Some of these non-file system folders have special values and properties.

Win32 keeps two basic data structures for shell folders. The first of these is called an ITEMIDLIST. Usually a pointer, called an LPITEMIDLIST, or more frequently just "PIDL". This structure holds a series of identifiers and can be either relative to the desktop (an absolute PIDL), or relative to the shell folder that contains them. Some Win32 functions can take absolute or relative PIDL values, and others can only accept relative values.
The second data structure is an IShellFolder COM interface. Using this interface, one can enumerate the relative PIDLs in a shell folder, get attributes, etc.
All Win32ShellFolder2 objects which are folder types (even non-file system folders) contain an IShellFolder object. Files are named in directories via relative PIDLs.

Author:Michael Martak, Leif Samuelsson, Kenneth Russell
/** * Win32 Shell Folders * <P> * <BR> * There are two fundamental types of shell folders : file system folders * and non-file system folders. File system folders are relatively easy * to deal with. Non-file system folders are items such as My Computer, * Network Neighborhood, and the desktop. Some of these non-file system * folders have special values and properties. * <P> * <BR> * Win32 keeps two basic data structures for shell folders. The first * of these is called an ITEMIDLIST. Usually a pointer, called an * LPITEMIDLIST, or more frequently just "PIDL". This structure holds * a series of identifiers and can be either relative to the desktop * (an absolute PIDL), or relative to the shell folder that contains them. * Some Win32 functions can take absolute or relative PIDL values, and * others can only accept relative values. * <BR> * The second data structure is an IShellFolder COM interface. Using * this interface, one can enumerate the relative PIDLs in a shell * folder, get attributes, etc. * <BR> * All Win32ShellFolder2 objects which are folder types (even non-file * system folders) contain an IShellFolder object. Files are named in * directories via relative PIDLs. * * @author Michael Martak * @author Leif Samuelsson * @author Kenneth Russell * @since 1.4 */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // JDK-implementation class final class Win32ShellFolder2 extends ShellFolder { private static native void initIDs(); static { initIDs(); } // Win32 Shell Folder Constants public static final int DESKTOP = 0x0000; public static final int INTERNET = 0x0001; public static final int PROGRAMS = 0x0002; public static final int CONTROLS = 0x0003; public static final int PRINTERS = 0x0004; public static final int PERSONAL = 0x0005; public static final int FAVORITES = 0x0006; public static final int STARTUP = 0x0007; public static final int RECENT = 0x0008; public static final int SENDTO = 0x0009; public static final int BITBUCKET = 0x000a; public static final int STARTMENU = 0x000b; public static final int DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0010; public static final int DRIVES = 0x0011; public static final int NETWORK = 0x0012; public static final int NETHOOD = 0x0013; public static final int FONTS = 0x0014; public static final int TEMPLATES = 0x0015; public static final int COMMON_STARTMENU = 0x0016; public static final int COMMON_PROGRAMS = 0X0017; public static final int COMMON_STARTUP = 0x0018; public static final int COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0019; public static final int APPDATA = 0x001a; public static final int PRINTHOOD = 0x001b; public static final int ALTSTARTUP = 0x001d; public static final int COMMON_ALTSTARTUP = 0x001e; public static final int COMMON_FAVORITES = 0x001f; public static final int INTERNET_CACHE = 0x0020; public static final int COOKIES = 0x0021; public static final int HISTORY = 0x0022; // Win32 shell folder attributes public static final int ATTRIB_CANCOPY = 0x00000001; public static final int ATTRIB_CANMOVE = 0x00000002; public static final int ATTRIB_CANLINK = 0x00000004; public static final int ATTRIB_CANRENAME = 0x00000010; public static final int ATTRIB_CANDELETE = 0x00000020; public static final int ATTRIB_HASPROPSHEET = 0x00000040; public static final int ATTRIB_DROPTARGET = 0x00000100; public static final int ATTRIB_LINK = 0x00010000; public static final int ATTRIB_SHARE = 0x00020000; public static final int ATTRIB_READONLY = 0x00040000; public static final int ATTRIB_GHOSTED = 0x00080000; public static final int ATTRIB_HIDDEN = 0x00080000; public static final int ATTRIB_FILESYSANCESTOR = 0x10000000; public static final int ATTRIB_FOLDER = 0x20000000; public static final int ATTRIB_FILESYSTEM = 0x40000000; public static final int ATTRIB_HASSUBFOLDER = 0x80000000; public static final int ATTRIB_VALIDATE = 0x01000000; public static final int ATTRIB_REMOVABLE = 0x02000000; public static final int ATTRIB_COMPRESSED = 0x04000000; public static final int ATTRIB_BROWSABLE = 0x08000000; public static final int ATTRIB_NONENUMERATED = 0x00100000; public static final int ATTRIB_NEWCONTENT = 0x00200000; // IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf constants public static final int SHGDN_NORMAL = 0; public static final int SHGDN_INFOLDER = 1; public static final int SHGDN_INCLUDE_NONFILESYS= 0x2000; public static final int SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR = 0x4000; public static final int SHGDN_FORPARSING = 0x8000;
The referent to be registered with the Disposer.
/** The referent to be registered with the Disposer. */
private Object disposerReferent = new Object(); // Values for system call LoadIcon() public enum SystemIcon { IDI_APPLICATION(32512), IDI_HAND(32513), IDI_ERROR(32513), IDI_QUESTION(32514), IDI_EXCLAMATION(32515), IDI_WARNING(32515), IDI_ASTERISK(32516), IDI_INFORMATION(32516), IDI_WINLOGO(32517); private final int iconID; SystemIcon(int iconID) { this.iconID = iconID; } public int getIconID() { return iconID; } } // Known Folder data static final class KnownFolderDefinition { String guid; int category; String name; String description; String parent; String relativePath; String parsingName; String tooltip; String localizedName; String icon; String security; long attributes; int defenitionFlags; String ftidType; String path; String saveLocation; } static final class KnownLibraries { static final List<KnownFolderDefinition> INSTANCE = getLibraries(); } static class FolderDisposer implements sun.java2d.DisposerRecord { /* * This is cached as a concession to getFolderType(), which needs * an absolute PIDL. */ long absolutePIDL; /* * We keep track of shell folders through the IShellFolder * interface of their parents plus their relative PIDL. */ long pIShellFolder; long relativePIDL; boolean disposed; public void dispose() { if (disposed) return; invoke(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() { if (relativePIDL != 0) { releasePIDL(relativePIDL); } if (absolutePIDL != 0) { releasePIDL(absolutePIDL); } if (pIShellFolder != 0) { releaseIShellFolder(pIShellFolder); } return null; } }); disposed = true; } } FolderDisposer disposer = new FolderDisposer(); private void setIShellFolder(long pIShellFolder) { disposer.pIShellFolder = pIShellFolder; } private void setRelativePIDL(long relativePIDL) { disposer.relativePIDL = relativePIDL; } /* * The following are for caching various shell folder properties. */ private long pIShellIcon = -1L; private String folderType = null; private String displayName = null; private Image smallIcon = null; private Image largeIcon = null; private Boolean isDir = null; private final boolean isLib; private static final String FNAME = COLUMN_NAME; private static final String FSIZE = COLUMN_SIZE; private static final String FTYPE = "FileChooser.fileTypeHeaderText"; private static final String FDATE = COLUMN_DATE; /* * The following is to identify the My Documents folder as being special */ private boolean isPersonal; private static String composePathForCsidl(int csidl) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String path = getFileSystemPath(csidl); return path == null ? ("ShellFolder: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(csidl)) : path; }
Create a system special shell folder, such as the desktop or Network Neighborhood.
/** * Create a system special shell folder, such as the * desktop or Network Neighborhood. */
Win32ShellFolder2(final int csidl) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // Desktop is parent of DRIVES and NETWORK, not necessarily // other special shell folders. super(null, composePathForCsidl(csidl)); isLib = false; invoke(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() throws InterruptedException { if (csidl == DESKTOP) { initDesktop(); } else { initSpecial(getDesktop().getIShellFolder(), csidl); // At this point, the native method initSpecial() has set our relativePIDL // relative to the Desktop, which may not be our immediate parent. We need // to traverse this ID list and break it into a chain of shell folders from // the top, with each one having an immediate parent and a relativePIDL // relative to that parent. long pIDL = disposer.relativePIDL; parent = getDesktop(); while (pIDL != 0) { // Get a child pidl relative to 'parent' long childPIDL = copyFirstPIDLEntry(pIDL); if (childPIDL != 0) { // Get a handle to the rest of the ID list // i,e, parent's grandchilren and down pIDL = getNextPIDLEntry(pIDL); if (pIDL != 0) { // Now we know that parent isn't immediate to 'this' because it // has a continued ID list. Create a shell folder for this child // pidl and make it the new 'parent'. parent = createShellFolder((Win32ShellFolder2) parent, childPIDL); } else { // No grandchildren means we have arrived at the parent of 'this', // and childPIDL is directly relative to parent. disposer.relativePIDL = childPIDL; } } else { break; } } } return null; } }, InterruptedException.class); sun.java2d.Disposer.addObjectRecord(disposerReferent, disposer); }
Create a system shell folder
/** * Create a system shell folder */
Win32ShellFolder2(Win32ShellFolder2 parent, long pIShellFolder, long relativePIDL, String path, boolean isLib) { super(parent, (path != null) ? path : "ShellFolder: "); this.isLib = isLib; this.disposer.pIShellFolder = pIShellFolder; this.disposer.relativePIDL = relativePIDL; sun.java2d.Disposer.addObjectRecord(disposerReferent, disposer); }
Creates a shell folder with a parent and relative PIDL
/** * Creates a shell folder with a parent and relative PIDL */
static Win32ShellFolder2 createShellFolder(Win32ShellFolder2 parent, long pIDL) throws InterruptedException { String path = invoke(new Callable<String>() { public String call() { return getFileSystemPath(parent.getIShellFolder(), pIDL); } }, RuntimeException.class); String libPath = resolveLibrary(path); if (libPath == null) { return new Win32ShellFolder2(parent, 0, pIDL, path, false); } else { return new Win32ShellFolder2(parent, 0, pIDL, libPath, true); } } // Initializes the desktop shell folder // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private native void initDesktop(); // Initializes a special, non-file system shell folder // from one of the above constants // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private native void initSpecial(long desktopIShellFolder, int csidl);
Marks this folder as being the My Documents (Personal) folder
/** Marks this folder as being the My Documents (Personal) folder */
public void setIsPersonal() { isPersonal = true; }
This method is implemented to make sure that no instances of ShellFolder are ever serialized. If isFileSystem() returns true, then the object is representable with an instance of java.io.File instead. If not, then the object depends on native PIDL state and should not be serialized.
Returns:a java.io.File replacement object. If the folder is a not a normal directory, then returns the first non-removable drive (normally "C:\").
/** * This method is implemented to make sure that no instances * of {@code ShellFolder} are ever serialized. If {@code isFileSystem()} returns * {@code true}, then the object is representable with an instance of * {@code java.io.File} instead. If not, then the object depends * on native PIDL state and should not be serialized. * * @return a {@code java.io.File} replacement object. If the folder * is a not a normal directory, then returns the first non-removable * drive (normally "C:\"). */
@Serial protected Object writeReplace() throws java.io.ObjectStreamException { return invoke(new Callable<File>() { public File call() { if (isFileSystem()) { return new File(getPath()); } else { Win32ShellFolder2 drives = Win32ShellFolderManager2.getDrives(); if (drives != null) { File[] driveRoots = drives.listFiles(); if (driveRoots != null) { for (int i = 0; i < driveRoots.length; i++) { if (driveRoots[i] instanceof Win32ShellFolder2) { Win32ShellFolder2 sf = (Win32ShellFolder2) driveRoots[i]; if (sf.isFileSystem() && !sf.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_REMOVABLE)) { return new File(sf.getPath()); } } } } } // Ouch, we have no hard drives. Return something "valid" anyway. return new File("C:\\"); } } }); }
Finalizer to clean up any COM objects or PIDLs used by this object.
/** * Finalizer to clean up any COM objects or PIDLs used by this object. */
protected void dispose() { disposer.dispose(); } // Given a (possibly multi-level) relative PIDL (with respect to // the desktop, at least in all of the usage cases in this code), // return a pointer to the next entry. Does not mutate the PIDL in // any way. Returns 0 if the null terminator is reached. // Needs to be accessible to Win32ShellFolderManager2 static native long getNextPIDLEntry(long pIDL); // Given a (possibly multi-level) relative PIDL (with respect to // the desktop, at least in all of the usage cases in this code), // copy the first entry into a newly-allocated PIDL. Returns 0 if // the PIDL is at the end of the list. // Needs to be accessible to Win32ShellFolderManager2 static native long copyFirstPIDLEntry(long pIDL); // Given a parent's absolute PIDL and our relative PIDL, build an absolute PIDL private static native long combinePIDLs(long ppIDL, long pIDL); // Release a PIDL object // Needs to be accessible to Win32ShellFolderManager2 static native void releasePIDL(long pIDL); // Release an IShellFolder object // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native void releaseIShellFolder(long pIShellFolder);
Accessor for IShellFolder
/** * Accessor for IShellFolder */
private long getIShellFolder() { if (disposer.pIShellFolder == 0) { try { disposer.pIShellFolder = invoke(new Callable<Long>() { public Long call() { assert(isDirectory()); assert(parent != null); long parentIShellFolder = getParentIShellFolder(); if (parentIShellFolder == 0) { throw new InternalError("Parent IShellFolder was null for " + getAbsolutePath()); } // We are a directory with a parent and a relative PIDL. // We want to bind to the parent so we get an // IShellFolder instance associated with us. long pIShellFolder = bindToObject(parentIShellFolder, disposer.relativePIDL); if (pIShellFolder == 0) { throw new InternalError("Unable to bind " + getAbsolutePath() + " to parent"); } return pIShellFolder; } }, RuntimeException.class); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore error } } return disposer.pIShellFolder; }
Get the parent ShellFolder's IShellFolder interface
/** * Get the parent ShellFolder's IShellFolder interface */
public long getParentIShellFolder() { Win32ShellFolder2 parent = (Win32ShellFolder2)getParentFile(); if (parent == null) { // Parent should only be null if this is the desktop, whose // relativePIDL is relative to its own IShellFolder. return getIShellFolder(); } return parent.getIShellFolder(); }
Accessor for relative PIDL
/** * Accessor for relative PIDL */
public long getRelativePIDL() { if (disposer.relativePIDL == 0) { throw new InternalError("Should always have a relative PIDL"); } return disposer.relativePIDL; } private long getAbsolutePIDL() { if (parent == null) { // This is the desktop return getRelativePIDL(); } else { if (disposer.absolutePIDL == 0) { disposer.absolutePIDL = combinePIDLs(((Win32ShellFolder2)parent).getAbsolutePIDL(), getRelativePIDL()); } return disposer.absolutePIDL; } }
Helper function to return the desktop
/** * Helper function to return the desktop */
public Win32ShellFolder2 getDesktop() { return Win32ShellFolderManager2.getDesktop(); }
Helper function to return the desktop IShellFolder interface
/** * Helper function to return the desktop IShellFolder interface */
public long getDesktopIShellFolder() { return getDesktop().getIShellFolder(); } private static boolean pathsEqual(String path1, String path2) { // Same effective implementation as Win32FileSystem return path1.equalsIgnoreCase(path2); }
Check to see if two ShellFolder objects are the same
/** * Check to see if two ShellFolder objects are the same */
public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof Win32ShellFolder2)) { // Short-circuit circuitous delegation path if (!(o instanceof File)) { return super.equals(o); } return pathsEqual(getPath(), ((File) o).getPath()); } Win32ShellFolder2 rhs = (Win32ShellFolder2) o; if ((parent == null && rhs.parent != null) || (parent != null && rhs.parent == null)) { return false; } if (isFileSystem() && rhs.isFileSystem()) { // Only folders with identical parents can be equal return (pathsEqual(getPath(), rhs.getPath()) && (parent == rhs.parent || parent.equals(rhs.parent))); } if (parent == rhs.parent || parent.equals(rhs.parent)) { try { return pidlsEqual(getParentIShellFolder(), disposer.relativePIDL, rhs.disposer.relativePIDL); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } } return false; } private static boolean pidlsEqual(final long pIShellFolder, final long pidl1, final long pidl2) throws InterruptedException { return invoke(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() { return compareIDs(pIShellFolder, pidl1, pidl2) == 0; } }, RuntimeException.class); } // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native int compareIDs(long pParentIShellFolder, long pidl1, long pidl2); private volatile Boolean cachedIsFileSystem;
Returns:Whether this is a file system shell folder
/** * @return Whether this is a file system shell folder */
public boolean isFileSystem() { if (cachedIsFileSystem == null) { cachedIsFileSystem = hasAttribute(ATTRIB_FILESYSTEM); } return cachedIsFileSystem; }
Return whether the given attribute flag is set for this object
/** * Return whether the given attribute flag is set for this object */
public boolean hasAttribute(final int attribute) { Boolean result = invoke(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() { // Caching at this point doesn't seem to be cost efficient return (getAttributes0(getParentIShellFolder(), getRelativePIDL(), attribute) & attribute) != 0; } }); return result != null && result; }
Returns the queried attributes specified in attrsMask. Could plausibly be used for attribute caching but have to be very careful not to touch network drives and file system roots with a full attrsMask NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details
/** * Returns the queried attributes specified in attrsMask. * * Could plausibly be used for attribute caching but have to be * very careful not to touch network drives and file system roots * with a full attrsMask * NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details */
private static native int getAttributes0(long pParentIShellFolder, long pIDL, int attrsMask); // Return the path to the underlying file system object // Should be called from the COM thread private static String getFileSystemPath(final long parentIShellFolder, final long relativePIDL) { int linkedFolder = ATTRIB_LINK | ATTRIB_FOLDER; if (parentIShellFolder == Win32ShellFolderManager2.getNetwork().getIShellFolder() && getAttributes0(parentIShellFolder, relativePIDL, linkedFolder) == linkedFolder) { String s = getFileSystemPath(Win32ShellFolderManager2.getDesktop().getIShellFolder(), getLinkLocation(parentIShellFolder, relativePIDL, false)); if (s != null && s.startsWith("\\\\")) { return s; } } String path = getDisplayNameOf(parentIShellFolder, relativePIDL, SHGDN_FORPARSING); return path; } private static String resolveLibrary(String path) { // if this is a library its default save location is taken as a path // this is a temp fix until java.io starts support Libraries if( path != null && path.startsWith("::{") && path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".library-ms")) { for (KnownFolderDefinition kf : KnownLibraries.INSTANCE) { if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith( "\\" + kf.relativePath.toLowerCase()) && path.toUpperCase().startsWith( kf.parsingName.substring(0, 40).toUpperCase())) { return kf.saveLocation; } } } return null; } // Needs to be accessible to Win32ShellFolderManager2 static String getFileSystemPath(final int csidl) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String path = invoke(new Callable<String>() { public String call() throws IOException { return getFileSystemPath0(csidl); } }, IOException.class); if (path != null) { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkRead(path); } } return path; } // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native String getFileSystemPath0(int csidl) throws IOException; // Return whether the path is a network root. // Path is assumed to be non-null private static boolean isNetworkRoot(String path) { return (path.equals("\\\\") || path.equals("\\") || path.equals("//") || path.equals("/")); }
Returns:The parent shell folder of this shell folder, null if there is no parent
/** * @return The parent shell folder of this shell folder, null if * there is no parent */
public File getParentFile() { return parent; } public boolean isDirectory() { if (isDir == null) { // Folders with SFGAO_BROWSABLE have "shell extension" handlers and are // not traversable in JFileChooser. if (hasAttribute(ATTRIB_FOLDER) && !hasAttribute(ATTRIB_BROWSABLE)) { isDir = Boolean.TRUE; } else if (isLink()) { ShellFolder linkLocation = getLinkLocation(false); isDir = Boolean.valueOf(linkLocation != null && linkLocation.isDirectory()); } else { isDir = Boolean.FALSE; } } return isDir.booleanValue(); } /* * Functions for enumerating an IShellFolder's children */ // Returns an IEnumIDList interface for an IShellFolder. The value // returned must be released using releaseEnumObjects(). private long getEnumObjects(final boolean includeHiddenFiles) throws InterruptedException { return invoke(new Callable<Long>() { public Long call() { boolean isDesktop = disposer.pIShellFolder == getDesktopIShellFolder(); return getEnumObjects(disposer.pIShellFolder, isDesktop, includeHiddenFiles); } }, RuntimeException.class); } // Returns an IEnumIDList interface for an IShellFolder. The value // returned must be released using releaseEnumObjects(). // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private native long getEnumObjects(long pIShellFolder, boolean isDesktop, boolean includeHiddenFiles); // Returns the next sequential child as a relative PIDL // from an IEnumIDList interface. The value returned must // be released using releasePIDL(). // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private native long getNextChild(long pEnumObjects); // Releases the IEnumIDList interface // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private native void releaseEnumObjects(long pEnumObjects); // Returns the IShellFolder of a child from a parent IShellFolder // and a relative PIDL. The value returned must be released // using releaseIShellFolder(). // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native long bindToObject(long parentIShellFolder, long pIDL);
Returns:An array of shell folders that are children of this shell folder object. The array will be empty if the folder is empty. Returns null if this shellfolder does not denote a directory.
/** * @return An array of shell folders that are children of this shell folder * object. The array will be empty if the folder is empty. Returns * {@code null} if this shellfolder does not denote a directory. */
public File[] listFiles(final boolean includeHiddenFiles) { SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) { security.checkRead(getPath()); } try { File[] files = invoke(new Callable<File[]>() { public File[] call() throws InterruptedException { if (!isDirectory()) { return null; } // Links to directories are not directories and cannot be parents. // This does not apply to folders in My Network Places (NetHood) // because they are both links and real directories! if (isLink() && !hasAttribute(ATTRIB_FOLDER)) { return new File[0]; } Win32ShellFolder2 desktop = Win32ShellFolderManager2.getDesktop(); Win32ShellFolder2 personal = Win32ShellFolderManager2.getPersonal(); // If we are a directory, we have a parent and (at least) a // relative PIDL. We must first ensure we are bound to the // parent so we have an IShellFolder to query. long pIShellFolder = getIShellFolder(); // Now we can enumerate the objects in this folder. ArrayList<Win32ShellFolder2> list = new ArrayList<Win32ShellFolder2>(); long pEnumObjects = getEnumObjects(includeHiddenFiles); if (pEnumObjects != 0) { try { long childPIDL; int testedAttrs = ATTRIB_FILESYSTEM | ATTRIB_FILESYSANCESTOR; do { childPIDL = getNextChild(pEnumObjects); boolean releasePIDL = true; if (childPIDL != 0 && (getAttributes0(pIShellFolder, childPIDL, testedAttrs) & testedAttrs) != 0) { Win32ShellFolder2 childFolder; if (Win32ShellFolder2.this.equals(desktop) && personal != null && pidlsEqual(pIShellFolder, childPIDL, personal.disposer.relativePIDL)) { childFolder = personal; } else { childFolder = createShellFolder(Win32ShellFolder2.this, childPIDL); releasePIDL = false; } list.add(childFolder); } if (releasePIDL) { releasePIDL(childPIDL); } } while (childPIDL != 0 && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()); } finally { releaseEnumObjects(pEnumObjects); } } return Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() ? new File[0] : list.toArray(new ShellFolder[list.size()]); } }, InterruptedException.class); return Win32ShellFolderManager2.checkFiles(files); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return new File[0]; } }
Look for (possibly special) child folder by it's path
Returns:The child shellfolder, or null if not found.
/** * Look for (possibly special) child folder by it's path * * @return The child shellfolder, or null if not found. */
Win32ShellFolder2 getChildByPath(final String filePath) throws InterruptedException { return invoke(new Callable<Win32ShellFolder2>() { public Win32ShellFolder2 call() throws InterruptedException { long pIShellFolder = getIShellFolder(); long pEnumObjects = getEnumObjects(true); Win32ShellFolder2 child = null; long childPIDL; while ((childPIDL = getNextChild(pEnumObjects)) != 0) { if (getAttributes0(pIShellFolder, childPIDL, ATTRIB_FILESYSTEM) != 0) { String path = getFileSystemPath(pIShellFolder, childPIDL); if(isLib) path = resolveLibrary( path ); if (path != null && path.equalsIgnoreCase(filePath)) { long childIShellFolder = bindToObject(pIShellFolder, childPIDL); child = new Win32ShellFolder2(Win32ShellFolder2.this, childIShellFolder, childPIDL, path, isLib); break; } } releasePIDL(childPIDL); } releaseEnumObjects(pEnumObjects); return child; } }, InterruptedException.class); } private volatile Boolean cachedIsLink;
Returns:Whether this shell folder is a link
/** * @return Whether this shell folder is a link */
public boolean isLink() { if (cachedIsLink == null) { cachedIsLink = hasAttribute(ATTRIB_LINK); } return cachedIsLink; }
Returns:Whether this shell folder is marked as hidden
/** * @return Whether this shell folder is marked as hidden */
public boolean isHidden() { return hasAttribute(ATTRIB_HIDDEN); } // Return the link location of a shell folder // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native long getLinkLocation(long parentIShellFolder, long relativePIDL, boolean resolve);
Returns:The shell folder linked to by this shell folder, or null if this shell folder is not a link or is a broken or invalid link
/** * @return The shell folder linked to by this shell folder, or null * if this shell folder is not a link or is a broken or invalid link */
public ShellFolder getLinkLocation() { return getLinkLocation(true); } private Win32ShellFolder2 getLinkLocation(final boolean resolve) { return invoke(new Callable<Win32ShellFolder2>() { public Win32ShellFolder2 call() { if (!isLink()) { return null; } Win32ShellFolder2 location = null; long linkLocationPIDL = getLinkLocation(getParentIShellFolder(), getRelativePIDL(), resolve); if (linkLocationPIDL != 0) { try { location = Win32ShellFolderManager2.createShellFolderFromRelativePIDL(getDesktop(), linkLocationPIDL); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Return null } catch (InternalError e) { // Could be a link to a non-bindable object, such as a network connection // TODO: getIShellFolder() should throw FileNotFoundException instead } } return location; } }); } // Parse a display name into a PIDL relative to the current IShellFolder. long parseDisplayName(final String name) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return invoke(new Callable<Long>() { public Long call() throws IOException { return parseDisplayName0(getIShellFolder(), name); } }, IOException.class); } // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native long parseDisplayName0(long pIShellFolder, String name) throws IOException; // Return the display name of a shell folder // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native String getDisplayNameOf(long parentIShellFolder, long relativePIDL, int attrs); // Returns data of all Known Folders registered in the system private static native KnownFolderDefinition[] loadKnownFolders();
Returns:The name used to display this shell folder
/** * @return The name used to display this shell folder */
public String getDisplayName() { if (displayName == null) { displayName = invoke(new Callable<String>() { public String call() { return getDisplayNameOf(getParentIShellFolder(), getRelativePIDL(), SHGDN_NORMAL); } }); } return displayName; } // Return the folder type of a shell folder // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native String getFolderType(long pIDL);
Returns:The type of shell folder as a string
/** * @return The type of shell folder as a string */
public String getFolderType() { if (folderType == null) { final long absolutePIDL = getAbsolutePIDL(); folderType = invoke(new Callable<String>() { public String call() { return getFolderType(absolutePIDL); } }); } return folderType; } // Return the executable type of a file system shell folder private native String getExecutableType(String path);
Returns:The executable type as a string
/** * @return The executable type as a string */
public String getExecutableType() { if (!isFileSystem()) { return null; } return getExecutableType(getAbsolutePath()); } // Icons private static Map<Integer, Image> smallSystemImages = new HashMap<>(); private static Map<Integer, Image> largeSystemImages = new HashMap<>(); private static Map<Integer, Image> smallLinkedSystemImages = new HashMap<>(); private static Map<Integer, Image> largeLinkedSystemImages = new HashMap<>(); // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native long getIShellIcon(long pIShellFolder); // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native int getIconIndex(long parentIShellIcon, long relativePIDL); // Return the icon of a file system shell folder in the form of an HICON private static native long getIcon(String absolutePath, boolean getLargeIcon); // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native long extractIcon(long parentIShellFolder, long relativePIDL, boolean getLargeIcon, boolean getDefaultIcon); // Returns an icon from the Windows system icon list in the form of an HICON private static native long getSystemIcon(int iconID); private static native long getIconResource(String libName, int iconID, int cxDesired, int cyDesired, boolean useVGAColors); // Note: useVGAColors is ignored on XP and later // Return the bits from an HICON. This has a side effect of setting // the imageHash variable for efficient caching / comparing. private static native int[] getIconBits(long hIcon); // Dispose the HICON private static native void disposeIcon(long hIcon); // Get buttons from native toolbar implementation. static native int[] getStandardViewButton0(int iconIndex, boolean small); // Should be called from the COM thread private long getIShellIcon() { if (pIShellIcon == -1L) { pIShellIcon = getIShellIcon(getIShellFolder()); } return pIShellIcon; } private static Image makeIcon(long hIcon, boolean getLargeIcon) { if (hIcon != 0L && hIcon != -1L) { // Get the bits. This has the side effect of setting the imageHash value for this object. final int[] iconBits = getIconBits(hIcon); if (iconBits != null) { // icons are always square final int size = (int) Math.sqrt(iconBits.length); final int baseSize = getLargeIcon ? 32 : 16; final BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(size, size, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); img.setRGB(0, 0, size, size, iconBits, 0, size); return size == baseSize ? img : new MultiResolutionIconImage(baseSize, img); } } return null; }
Returns:The icon image used to display this shell folder
/** * @return The icon image used to display this shell folder */
public Image getIcon(final boolean getLargeIcon) { Image icon = getLargeIcon ? largeIcon : smallIcon; if (icon == null) { icon = invoke(new Callable<Image>() { public Image call() { Image newIcon = null; if (isLink()) { Win32ShellFolder2 folder = getLinkLocation(false); if (folder != null && folder.isLibrary()) { return folder.getIcon(getLargeIcon); } } if (isFileSystem() || isLibrary()) { long parentIShellIcon = (parent != null) ? ((Win32ShellFolder2) parent).getIShellIcon() : 0L; long relativePIDL = getRelativePIDL(); // These are cached per type (using the index in the system image list) int index = getIconIndex(parentIShellIcon, relativePIDL); if (index > 0) { Map<Integer, Image> imageCache; if (isLink()) { imageCache = getLargeIcon ? largeLinkedSystemImages : smallLinkedSystemImages; } else { imageCache = getLargeIcon ? largeSystemImages : smallSystemImages; } newIcon = imageCache.get(Integer.valueOf(index)); if (newIcon == null) { long hIcon = getIcon(getAbsolutePath(), getLargeIcon); newIcon = makeIcon(hIcon, getLargeIcon); disposeIcon(hIcon); if (newIcon != null) { imageCache.put(Integer.valueOf(index), newIcon); } } } } if (newIcon == null) { // These are only cached per object long hIcon = extractIcon(getParentIShellFolder(), getRelativePIDL(), getLargeIcon, false); // E_PENDING: loading can take time so get the default if(hIcon <= 0) { hIcon = extractIcon(getParentIShellFolder(), getRelativePIDL(), getLargeIcon, true); if(hIcon <= 0) { if (isDirectory()) { return getShell32Icon(4, getLargeIcon); } else { return getShell32Icon(1, getLargeIcon); } } } newIcon = makeIcon(hIcon, getLargeIcon); disposeIcon(hIcon); } if (newIcon == null) { newIcon = Win32ShellFolder2.super.getIcon(getLargeIcon); } return newIcon; } }); if (getLargeIcon) { largeIcon = icon; } else { smallIcon = icon; } } return icon; }
Gets an icon from the Windows system icon list as an Image
/** * Gets an icon from the Windows system icon list as an {@code Image} */
static Image getSystemIcon(SystemIcon iconType) { long hIcon = getSystemIcon(iconType.getIconID()); Image icon = makeIcon(hIcon, true); disposeIcon(hIcon); return icon; }
Gets an icon from the Windows system icon list as an Image
/** * Gets an icon from the Windows system icon list as an {@code Image} */
static Image getShell32Icon(int iconID, boolean getLargeIcon) { boolean useVGAColors = true; // Will be ignored on XP and later int size = getLargeIcon ? 32 : 16; Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); String shellIconBPP = (String)toolkit.getDesktopProperty("win.icon.shellIconBPP"); if (shellIconBPP != null) { useVGAColors = shellIconBPP.equals("4"); } long hIcon = getIconResource("shell32.dll", iconID, size, size, useVGAColors); if (hIcon != 0) { Image icon = makeIcon(hIcon, getLargeIcon); disposeIcon(hIcon); return icon; } return null; }
Returns the canonical form of this abstract pathname. Equivalent to new Win32ShellFolder2(getParentFile(), this.File.getCanonicalPath()).
See Also:
/** * Returns the canonical form of this abstract pathname. Equivalent to * <code>new&nbsp;Win32ShellFolder2(getParentFile(), this.{@link java.io.File#getCanonicalPath}())</code>. * * @see java.io.File#getCanonicalFile */
public File getCanonicalFile() throws IOException { return this; } /* * Indicates whether this is a special folder (includes My Documents) */ public boolean isSpecial() { return isPersonal || !isFileSystem() || (this == getDesktop()); }
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
See Also:
  • compareTo.compareTo(File)
/** * Compares this object with the specified object for order. * * @see sun.awt.shell.ShellFolder#compareTo(File) */
public int compareTo(File file2) { if (!(file2 instanceof Win32ShellFolder2)) { if (isFileSystem() && !isSpecial()) { return super.compareTo(file2); } else { return -1; // Non-file shellfolders sort before files } } return Win32ShellFolderManager2.compareShellFolders(this, (Win32ShellFolder2) file2); } // native constants from commctrl.h private static final int LVCFMT_LEFT = 0; private static final int LVCFMT_RIGHT = 1; private static final int LVCFMT_CENTER = 2; public ShellFolderColumnInfo[] getFolderColumns() { ShellFolder library = resolveLibrary(); if (library != null) return library.getFolderColumns(); return invoke(new Callable<ShellFolderColumnInfo[]>() { public ShellFolderColumnInfo[] call() { ShellFolderColumnInfo[] columns = doGetColumnInfo(getIShellFolder()); if (columns != null) { List<ShellFolderColumnInfo> notNullColumns = new ArrayList<ShellFolderColumnInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { ShellFolderColumnInfo column = columns[i]; if (column != null) { column.setAlignment(column.getAlignment() == LVCFMT_RIGHT ? SwingConstants.RIGHT : column.getAlignment() == LVCFMT_CENTER ? SwingConstants.CENTER : SwingConstants.LEADING); column.setComparator(new ColumnComparator(Win32ShellFolder2.this, i)); notNullColumns.add(column); } } columns = new ShellFolderColumnInfo[notNullColumns.size()]; notNullColumns.toArray(columns); } return columns; } }); } public Object getFolderColumnValue(final int column) { if(!isLibrary()) { ShellFolder library = resolveLibrary(); if (library != null) return library.getFolderColumnValue(column); } return invoke(new Callable<Object>() { public Object call() { return doGetColumnValue(getParentIShellFolder(), getRelativePIDL(), column); } }); } boolean isLibrary() { return isLib; } private ShellFolder resolveLibrary() { for (ShellFolder f = this; f != null; f = f.parent) { if (!f.isFileSystem()) { if (f instanceof Win32ShellFolder2 && ((Win32ShellFolder2)f).isLibrary()) { try { return getShellFolder(new File(getPath())); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } } break; } } return null; } // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private native ShellFolderColumnInfo[] doGetColumnInfo(long iShellFolder2); // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private native Object doGetColumnValue(long parentIShellFolder2, long childPIDL, int columnIdx); // NOTE: this method uses COM and must be called on the 'COM thread'. See ComInvoker for the details private static native int compareIDsByColumn(long pParentIShellFolder, long pidl1, long pidl2, int columnIdx); public void sortChildren(final List<? extends File> files) { // To avoid loads of synchronizations with Invoker and improve performance we // synchronize the whole code of the sort method once invoke(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() { Collections.sort(files, new ColumnComparator(Win32ShellFolder2.this, 0)); return null; } }); } private static class ColumnComparator implements Comparator<File> { private final Win32ShellFolder2 shellFolder; private final int columnIdx; public ColumnComparator(Win32ShellFolder2 shellFolder, int columnIdx) { this.shellFolder = shellFolder; this.columnIdx = columnIdx; } // compares 2 objects within this folder by the specified column public int compare(final File o, final File o1) { Integer result = invoke(new Callable<Integer>() { public Integer call() { if (o instanceof Win32ShellFolder2 && o1 instanceof Win32ShellFolder2) { // delegates comparison to native method return compareIDsByColumn(shellFolder.getIShellFolder(), ((Win32ShellFolder2) o).getRelativePIDL(), ((Win32ShellFolder2) o1).getRelativePIDL(), columnIdx); } return 0; } }); return result == null ? 0 : result; } } // Extracts libraries and their default save locations from Known Folders list private static List<KnownFolderDefinition> getLibraries() { return invoke(new Callable<List<KnownFolderDefinition>>() { @Override public List<KnownFolderDefinition> call() throws Exception { KnownFolderDefinition[] all = loadKnownFolders(); List<KnownFolderDefinition> folders = new ArrayList<>(); if (all != null) { for (KnownFolderDefinition kf : all) { if (kf.relativePath == null || kf.parsingName == null || kf.saveLocation == null) { continue; } folders.add(kf); } } return folders; } }); } static class MultiResolutionIconImage extends AbstractMultiResolutionImage { final int baseSize; final Image resolutionVariant; public MultiResolutionIconImage(int baseSize, Image resolutionVariant) { this.baseSize = baseSize; this.resolutionVariant = resolutionVariant; } @Override public int getWidth(ImageObserver observer) { return baseSize; } @Override public int getHeight(ImageObserver observer) { return baseSize; } @Override protected Image getBaseImage() { return resolutionVariant; } @Override public Image getResolutionVariant(double width, double height) { return resolutionVariant; } @Override public List<Image> getResolutionVariants() { return Arrays.asList(resolutionVariant); } } }