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package javax.swing.plaf.synth;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.NotSerializableException;
import java.io.Serial;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.LookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.UIDefaults;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLookAndFeel;

import sun.awt.AppContext;
import sun.awt.SunToolkit;
import sun.swing.DefaultLookup;
import sun.swing.SwingAccessor;
import sun.swing.SwingUtilities2;
import sun.swing.plaf.synth.SynthFileChooserUI;

SynthLookAndFeel provides the basis for creating a customized look and feel. SynthLookAndFeel does not directly provide a look, all painting is delegated. You need to either provide a configuration file, by way of the load method, or provide your own SynthStyleFactory to setStyleFactory. Refer to the package summary for an example of loading a file, and SynthStyleFactory for an example of providing your own SynthStyleFactory to setStyleFactory.

SynthIcon interface provides paintIcon(synthContext, graphics, x, y, width, height) method that allows to draw the icon with the given SynthContext.

Warning: This class implements Serializable as a side effect of it extending BasicLookAndFeel. It is not intended to be serialized. An attempt to serialize it will result in NotSerializableException.

Author:Scott Violet
/** * SynthLookAndFeel provides the basis for creating a customized look and * feel. SynthLookAndFeel does not directly provide a look, all painting is * delegated. * You need to either provide a configuration file, by way of the * {@link #load} method, or provide your own {@link SynthStyleFactory} * to {@link #setStyleFactory}. Refer to the * <a href="package-summary.html">package summary</a> for an example of * loading a file, and {@link javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthStyleFactory} for * an example of providing your own <code>SynthStyleFactory</code> to * <code>setStyleFactory</code>. * <p> * {@link SynthIcon} interface provides * {@code paintIcon(synthContext, graphics, x, y, width, height)} method that * allows to draw the icon with the given {@code SynthContext}. * <p> * <strong>Warning:</strong> * This class implements {@link Serializable} as a side effect of it * extending {@link BasicLookAndFeel}. It is not intended to be serialized. * An attempt to serialize it will * result in {@link NotSerializableException}. * * @serial exclude * @since 1.5 * @author Scott Violet */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Per above comment, not actually serializable public class SynthLookAndFeel extends BasicLookAndFeel {
Used in a handful of places where we need an empty Insets.
/** * Used in a handful of places where we need an empty Insets. */
static final Insets EMPTY_UIRESOURCE_INSETS = new InsetsUIResource( 0, 0, 0, 0);
AppContext key to get the current SynthStyleFactory.
/** * AppContext key to get the current SynthStyleFactory. */
private static final Object STYLE_FACTORY_KEY = new StringBuffer("com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.StyleCache");
AppContext key to get selectedUI.
/** * AppContext key to get selectedUI. */
private static final Object SELECTED_UI_KEY = new StringBuilder("selectedUI");
AppContext key to get selectedUIState.
/** * AppContext key to get selectedUIState. */
private static final Object SELECTED_UI_STATE_KEY = new StringBuilder("selectedUIState");
The last SynthStyleFactory that was asked for from AppContext lastContext.
/** * The last SynthStyleFactory that was asked for from AppContext * <code>lastContext</code>. */
private static SynthStyleFactory lastFactory;
AppContext lastLAF came from.
/** * AppContext lastLAF came from. */
private static AppContext lastContext;
SynthStyleFactory for the this SynthLookAndFeel.
/** * SynthStyleFactory for the this SynthLookAndFeel. */
private SynthStyleFactory factory;
Map of defaults table entries. This is populated via the load method.
/** * Map of defaults table entries. This is populated via the load * method. */
private Map<String, Object> defaultsMap; private Handler _handler; static ComponentUI getSelectedUI() { return (ComponentUI) AppContext.getAppContext().get(SELECTED_UI_KEY); }
Used by the renderers. For the most part the renderers are implemented as Labels, which is problematic in so far as they are never selected. To accommodate this SynthLabelUI checks if the current UI matches that of selectedUI (which this methods sets), if it does, then a state as set by this method is returned. This provides a way for labels to have a state other than selected.
/** * Used by the renderers. For the most part the renderers are implemented * as Labels, which is problematic in so far as they are never selected. * To accommodate this SynthLabelUI checks if the current * UI matches that of <code>selectedUI</code> (which this methods sets), if * it does, then a state as set by this method is returned. This provides * a way for labels to have a state other than selected. */
static void setSelectedUI(ComponentUI uix, boolean selected, boolean focused, boolean enabled, boolean rollover) { int selectedUIState = 0; if (selected) { selectedUIState = SynthConstants.SELECTED; if (focused) { selectedUIState |= SynthConstants.FOCUSED; } } else if (rollover && enabled) { selectedUIState |= SynthConstants.MOUSE_OVER | SynthConstants.ENABLED; if (focused) { selectedUIState |= SynthConstants.FOCUSED; } } else { if (enabled) { selectedUIState |= SynthConstants.ENABLED; if (focused) { selectedUIState |= SynthConstants.FOCUSED; } } else { selectedUIState |= SynthConstants.DISABLED; } } AppContext context = AppContext.getAppContext(); context.put(SELECTED_UI_KEY, uix); context.put(SELECTED_UI_STATE_KEY, Integer.valueOf(selectedUIState)); } static int getSelectedUIState() { Integer result = (Integer) AppContext.getAppContext().get(SELECTED_UI_STATE_KEY); return result == null ? 0 : result.intValue(); }
Clears out the selected UI that was last set in setSelectedUI.
/** * Clears out the selected UI that was last set in setSelectedUI. */
static void resetSelectedUI() { AppContext.getAppContext().remove(SELECTED_UI_KEY); }
Sets the SynthStyleFactory that the UI classes provided by synth will use to obtain a SynthStyle.
  • cache – SynthStyleFactory the UIs should use.
/** * Sets the SynthStyleFactory that the UI classes provided by * synth will use to obtain a SynthStyle. * * @param cache SynthStyleFactory the UIs should use. */
public static void setStyleFactory(SynthStyleFactory cache) { // We assume the setter is called BEFORE the getter has been invoked // for a particular AppContext. synchronized(SynthLookAndFeel.class) { AppContext context = AppContext.getAppContext(); lastFactory = cache; lastContext = context; context.put(STYLE_FACTORY_KEY, cache); } }
Returns the current SynthStyleFactory.
/** * Returns the current SynthStyleFactory. * * @return SynthStyleFactory */
public static SynthStyleFactory getStyleFactory() { synchronized(SynthLookAndFeel.class) { AppContext context = AppContext.getAppContext(); if (lastContext == context) { return lastFactory; } lastContext = context; lastFactory = (SynthStyleFactory) context.get(STYLE_FACTORY_KEY); return lastFactory; } }
Returns the component state for the specified component. This should only be used for Components that don't have any special state beyond that of ENABLED, DISABLED or FOCUSED. For example, buttons shouldn't call into this method.
/** * Returns the component state for the specified component. This should * only be used for Components that don't have any special state beyond * that of ENABLED, DISABLED or FOCUSED. For example, buttons shouldn't * call into this method. */
static int getComponentState(Component c) { if (c.isEnabled()) { if (c.isFocusOwner()) { return SynthUI.ENABLED | SynthUI.FOCUSED; } return SynthUI.ENABLED; } return SynthUI.DISABLED; }
Gets a SynthStyle for the specified region of the specified component. This is not for general consumption, only custom UIs should call this method.
  • c – JComponent to get the SynthStyle for
  • region – Identifies the region of the specified component
Returns:SynthStyle to use.
/** * Gets a SynthStyle for the specified region of the specified component. * This is not for general consumption, only custom UIs should call this * method. * * @param c JComponent to get the SynthStyle for * @param region Identifies the region of the specified component * @return SynthStyle to use. */
public static SynthStyle getStyle(JComponent c, Region region) { return getStyleFactory().getStyle(c, region); }
Returns true if the Style should be updated in response to the specified PropertyChangeEvent. This forwards to shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged as necessary.
/** * Returns true if the Style should be updated in response to the * specified PropertyChangeEvent. This forwards to * <code>shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged</code> as necessary. */
static boolean shouldUpdateStyle(PropertyChangeEvent event) { LookAndFeel laf = UIManager.getLookAndFeel(); return (laf instanceof SynthLookAndFeel && ((SynthLookAndFeel) laf).shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent(event)); }
A convience method that will reset the Style of StyleContext if necessary.
/** * A convience method that will reset the Style of StyleContext if * necessary. * * @return newStyle */
static SynthStyle updateStyle(SynthContext context, SynthUI ui) { SynthStyle newStyle = getStyle(context.getComponent(), context.getRegion()); SynthStyle oldStyle = context.getStyle(); if (newStyle != oldStyle) { if (oldStyle != null) { oldStyle.uninstallDefaults(context); } context.setStyle(newStyle); newStyle.installDefaults(context, ui); } return newStyle; }
Updates the style associated with c, and all its children. This is a lighter version of SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI.
  • c – Component to update style for.
/** * Updates the style associated with <code>c</code>, and all its children. * This is a lighter version of * <code>SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI</code>. * * @param c Component to update style for. */
public static void updateStyles(Component c) { if (c instanceof JComponent) { // Yes, this is hacky. A better solution is to get the UI // and cast, but JComponent doesn't expose a getter for the UI // (each of the UIs do), making that approach impractical. String name = c.getName(); c.setName(null); if (name != null) { c.setName(name); } ((JComponent)c).revalidate(); } Component[] children = null; if (c instanceof JMenu) { children = ((JMenu)c).getMenuComponents(); } else if (c instanceof Container) { children = ((Container)c).getComponents(); } if (children != null) { for (Component child : children) { updateStyles(child); } } c.repaint(); }
Returns the Region for the JComponent c.
  • c – JComponent to fetch the Region for
Returns:Region corresponding to c
/** * Returns the Region for the JComponent <code>c</code>. * * @param c JComponent to fetch the Region for * @return Region corresponding to <code>c</code> */
public static Region getRegion(JComponent c) { return Region.getRegion(c); }
A convenience method to return where the foreground should be painted for the Component identified by the passed in AbstractSynthContext.
/** * A convenience method to return where the foreground should be * painted for the Component identified by the passed in * AbstractSynthContext. */
static Insets getPaintingInsets(SynthContext state, Insets insets) { if (state.isSubregion()) { insets = state.getStyle().getInsets(state, insets); } else { insets = state.getComponent().getInsets(insets); } return insets; }
A convenience method that handles painting of the background. All SynthUI implementations should override update and invoke this method.
/** * A convenience method that handles painting of the background. * All SynthUI implementations should override update and invoke * this method. */
static void update(SynthContext state, Graphics g) { paintRegion(state, g, null); }
A convenience method that handles painting of the background for subregions. All SynthUI's that have subregions should invoke this method, than paint the foreground.
/** * A convenience method that handles painting of the background for * subregions. All SynthUI's that have subregions should invoke * this method, than paint the foreground. */
static void updateSubregion(SynthContext state, Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) { paintRegion(state, g, bounds); } private static void paintRegion(SynthContext state, Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) { JComponent c = state.getComponent(); SynthStyle style = state.getStyle(); int x, y, width, height; if (bounds == null) { x = 0; y = 0; width = c.getWidth(); height = c.getHeight(); } else { x = bounds.x; y = bounds.y; width = bounds.width; height = bounds.height; } // Fill in the background, if necessary. boolean subregion = state.isSubregion(); if ((subregion && style.isOpaque(state)) || (!subregion && c.isOpaque())) { g.setColor(style.getColor(state, ColorType.BACKGROUND)); g.fillRect(x, y, width, height); } } static boolean isLeftToRight(Component c) { return c.getComponentOrientation().isLeftToRight(); }
Returns the ui that is of type klass, or null if one can not be found.
/** * Returns the ui that is of type <code>klass</code>, or null if * one can not be found. */
static Object getUIOfType(ComponentUI ui, Class<?> klass) { if (klass.isInstance(ui)) { return ui; } return null; }
Creates the Synth look and feel ComponentUI for the passed in JComponent.
  • c – JComponent to create the ComponentUI for
Returns:ComponentUI to use for c
/** * Creates the Synth look and feel <code>ComponentUI</code> for * the passed in <code>JComponent</code>. * * @param c JComponent to create the <code>ComponentUI</code> for * @return ComponentUI to use for <code>c</code> */
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) { String key = c.getUIClassID().intern(); if (key == "ButtonUI") { return SynthButtonUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "CheckBoxUI") { return SynthCheckBoxUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "CheckBoxMenuItemUI") { return SynthCheckBoxMenuItemUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ColorChooserUI") { return SynthColorChooserUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ComboBoxUI") { return SynthComboBoxUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "DesktopPaneUI") { return SynthDesktopPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "DesktopIconUI") { return SynthDesktopIconUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "EditorPaneUI") { return SynthEditorPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "FileChooserUI") { return SynthFileChooserUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "FormattedTextFieldUI") { return SynthFormattedTextFieldUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "InternalFrameUI") { return SynthInternalFrameUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "LabelUI") { return SynthLabelUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ListUI") { return SynthListUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "MenuBarUI") { return SynthMenuBarUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "MenuUI") { return SynthMenuUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "MenuItemUI") { return SynthMenuItemUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "OptionPaneUI") { return SynthOptionPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "PanelUI") { return SynthPanelUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "PasswordFieldUI") { return SynthPasswordFieldUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "PopupMenuSeparatorUI") { return SynthSeparatorUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "PopupMenuUI") { return SynthPopupMenuUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ProgressBarUI") { return SynthProgressBarUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "RadioButtonUI") { return SynthRadioButtonUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "RadioButtonMenuItemUI") { return SynthRadioButtonMenuItemUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "RootPaneUI") { return SynthRootPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ScrollBarUI") { return SynthScrollBarUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ScrollPaneUI") { return SynthScrollPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "SeparatorUI") { return SynthSeparatorUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "SliderUI") { return SynthSliderUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "SpinnerUI") { return SynthSpinnerUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "SplitPaneUI") { return SynthSplitPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "TabbedPaneUI") { return SynthTabbedPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "TableUI") { return SynthTableUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "TableHeaderUI") { return SynthTableHeaderUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "TextAreaUI") { return SynthTextAreaUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "TextFieldUI") { return SynthTextFieldUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "TextPaneUI") { return SynthTextPaneUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ToggleButtonUI") { return SynthToggleButtonUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ToolBarSeparatorUI") { return SynthSeparatorUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ToolBarUI") { return SynthToolBarUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ToolTipUI") { return SynthToolTipUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "TreeUI") { return SynthTreeUI.createUI(c); } else if (key == "ViewportUI") { return SynthViewportUI.createUI(c); } return null; }
Creates a SynthLookAndFeel.

For the returned SynthLookAndFeel to be useful you need to invoke load to specify the set of SynthStyles, or invoke setStyleFactory.

See Also:
/** * Creates a SynthLookAndFeel. * <p> * For the returned <code>SynthLookAndFeel</code> to be useful you need to * invoke <code>load</code> to specify the set of * <code>SynthStyle</code>s, or invoke <code>setStyleFactory</code>. * * @see #load * @see #setStyleFactory */
public SynthLookAndFeel() { factory = new DefaultSynthStyleFactory(); _handler = new Handler(); }
Loads the set of SynthStyles that will be used by this SynthLookAndFeel. resourceBase is used to resolve any path based resources, for example an Image would be resolved by resourceBase.getResource(path). Refer to Synth File Format for more information.
  • input – InputStream to load from
  • resourceBase – used to resolve any images or other resources
/** * Loads the set of <code>SynthStyle</code>s that will be used by * this <code>SynthLookAndFeel</code>. <code>resourceBase</code> is * used to resolve any path based resources, for example an * <code>Image</code> would be resolved by * <code>resourceBase.getResource(path)</code>. Refer to * <a href="doc-files/synthFileFormat.html">Synth File Format</a> * for more information. * * @param input InputStream to load from * @param resourceBase used to resolve any images or other resources * @throws ParseException if there is an error in parsing * @throws IllegalArgumentException if input or resourceBase is <code>null</code> */
public void load(InputStream input, Class<?> resourceBase) throws ParseException { if (resourceBase == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You must supply a valid resource base Class"); } if (defaultsMap == null) { defaultsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } new SynthParser().parse(input, (DefaultSynthStyleFactory) factory, null, resourceBase, defaultsMap); }
Loads the set of SynthStyles that will be used by this SynthLookAndFeel. Path based resources are resolved relatively to the specified URL of the style. For example an Image would be resolved by new URL(synthFile, path). Refer to Synth File Format for more information.
  • url – the URL to load the set of SynthStyle from
/** * Loads the set of <code>SynthStyle</code>s that will be used by * this <code>SynthLookAndFeel</code>. Path based resources are resolved * relatively to the specified <code>URL</code> of the style. For example * an <code>Image</code> would be resolved by * <code>new URL(synthFile, path)</code>. Refer to * <a href="doc-files/synthFileFormat.html">Synth File Format</a> for more * information. * * @param url the <code>URL</code> to load the set of * <code>SynthStyle</code> from * @throws ParseException if there is an error in parsing * @throws IllegalArgumentException if synthSet is <code>null</code> * @throws IOException if synthSet cannot be opened as an <code>InputStream</code> * @since 1.6 */
public void load(URL url) throws ParseException, IOException { if (url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You must supply a valid Synth set URL"); } if (defaultsMap == null) { defaultsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } InputStream input = url.openStream(); new SynthParser().parse(input, (DefaultSynthStyleFactory) factory, url, null, defaultsMap); }
Called by UIManager when this look and feel is installed.
/** * Called by UIManager when this look and feel is installed. */
@Override public void initialize() { super.initialize(); DefaultLookup.setDefaultLookup(new SynthDefaultLookup()); setStyleFactory(factory); KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(). addPropertyChangeListener(_handler); }
Called by UIManager when this look and feel is uninstalled.
/** * Called by UIManager when this look and feel is uninstalled. */
@Override public void uninitialize() { KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(). removePropertyChangeListener(_handler); // We should uninstall the StyleFactory here, but unfortunately // there are a handful of things that retain references to the // LookAndFeel and expect things to work super.uninitialize(); }
Returns the defaults for this SynthLookAndFeel.
Returns:Defaults table.
/** * Returns the defaults for this SynthLookAndFeel. * * @return Defaults table. */
@Override public UIDefaults getDefaults() { UIDefaults table = new UIDefaults(60, 0.75f); Region.registerUIs(table); table.setDefaultLocale(Locale.getDefault()); SwingAccessor.getUIDefaultsAccessor() .addInternalBundle(table, "com.sun.swing.internal.plaf.basic.resources.basic"); SwingAccessor.getUIDefaultsAccessor() .addInternalBundle(table, "com.sun.swing.internal.plaf.synth.resources.synth"); // SynthTabbedPaneUI supports rollover on tabs, GTK does not table.put("TabbedPane.isTabRollover", Boolean.TRUE); // These need to be defined for JColorChooser to work. table.put("ColorChooser.swatchesRecentSwatchSize", new Dimension(10, 10)); table.put("ColorChooser.swatchesDefaultRecentColor", Color.RED); table.put("ColorChooser.swatchesSwatchSize", new Dimension(10, 10)); // These need to be defined for ImageView. table.put("html.pendingImage", SwingUtilities2.makeIcon(getClass(), BasicLookAndFeel.class, "icons/image-delayed.png")); table.put("html.missingImage", SwingUtilities2.makeIcon(getClass(), BasicLookAndFeel.class, "icons/image-failed.png")); // These are needed for PopupMenu. table.put("PopupMenu.selectedWindowInputMapBindings", new Object[] { "ESCAPE", "cancel", "DOWN", "selectNext", "KP_DOWN", "selectNext", "UP", "selectPrevious", "KP_UP", "selectPrevious", "LEFT", "selectParent", "KP_LEFT", "selectParent", "RIGHT", "selectChild", "KP_RIGHT", "selectChild", "ENTER", "return", "ctrl ENTER", "return", "SPACE", "return" }); table.put("PopupMenu.selectedWindowInputMapBindings.RightToLeft", new Object[] { "LEFT", "selectChild", "KP_LEFT", "selectChild", "RIGHT", "selectParent", "KP_RIGHT", "selectParent", }); // enabled antialiasing depending on desktop settings flushUnreferenced(); SwingUtilities2.putAATextInfo(useLAFConditions(), table); new AATextListener(this); if (defaultsMap != null) { table.putAll(defaultsMap); } return table; }
Returns true, SynthLookAndFeel is always supported.
/** * Returns true, SynthLookAndFeel is always supported. * * @return true. */
@Override public boolean isSupportedLookAndFeel() { return true; }
Returns false, SynthLookAndFeel is not a native look and feel.
/** * Returns false, SynthLookAndFeel is not a native look and feel. * * @return false */
@Override public boolean isNativeLookAndFeel() { return false; }
Returns a textual description of SynthLookAndFeel.
Returns:textual description of synth.
/** * Returns a textual description of SynthLookAndFeel. * * @return textual description of synth. */
@Override public String getDescription() { return "Synth look and feel"; }
Return a short string that identifies this look and feel.
Returns:a short string identifying this look and feel.
/** * Return a short string that identifies this look and feel. * * @return a short string identifying this look and feel. */
@Override public String getName() { return "Synth look and feel"; }
Return a string that identifies this look and feel.
Returns:a short string identifying this look and feel.
/** * Return a string that identifies this look and feel. * * @return a short string identifying this look and feel. */
@Override public String getID() { return "Synth"; }
Returns whether or not the UIs should update their SynthStyles from the SynthStyleFactory when the ancestor of the JComponent changes. A subclass that provided a SynthStyleFactory that based the return value from getStyle off the containment hierarchy would override this method to return true.
Returns:whether or not the UIs should update their SynthStyles from the SynthStyleFactory when the ancestor changed.
/** * Returns whether or not the UIs should update their * <code>SynthStyles</code> from the <code>SynthStyleFactory</code> * when the ancestor of the <code>JComponent</code> changes. A subclass * that provided a <code>SynthStyleFactory</code> that based the * return value from <code>getStyle</code> off the containment hierarchy * would override this method to return true. * * @return whether or not the UIs should update their * <code>SynthStyles</code> from the <code>SynthStyleFactory</code> * when the ancestor changed. */
public boolean shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged() { return false; }
Returns whether or not the UIs should update their styles when a particular event occurs.
  • ev – a PropertyChangeEvent
Returns:whether or not the UIs should update their styles
/** * Returns whether or not the UIs should update their styles when a * particular event occurs. * * @param ev a {@code PropertyChangeEvent} * @return whether or not the UIs should update their styles * @since 1.7 */
protected boolean shouldUpdateStyleOnEvent(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { String eName = ev.getPropertyName(); if ("name" == eName || "componentOrientation" == eName) { return true; } if ("ancestor" == eName && ev.getNewValue() != null) { // Only update on an ancestor change when getting a valid // parent and the LookAndFeel wants this. return shouldUpdateStyleOnAncestorChanged(); } return false; }
Returns the antialiasing information as specified by the host desktop. Antialiasing might be forced off if the desktop is GNOME and the user has set his locale to Chinese, Japanese or Korean. This is consistent with what GTK does. See com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GtkLookAndFeel for more information about CJK and antialiased fonts.
Returns:the text antialiasing information associated to the desktop
/** * Returns the antialiasing information as specified by the host desktop. * Antialiasing might be forced off if the desktop is GNOME and the user * has set his locale to Chinese, Japanese or Korean. This is consistent * with what GTK does. See com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GtkLookAndFeel * for more information about CJK and antialiased fonts. * * @return the text antialiasing information associated to the desktop */
private static boolean useLAFConditions() { String language = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); String desktop = (tk instanceof SunToolkit) ? ((SunToolkit)tk).getDesktop() : null; boolean isCjkLocale = (Locale.CHINESE.getLanguage().equals(language) || Locale.JAPANESE.getLanguage().equals(language) || Locale.KOREAN.getLanguage().equals(language)); boolean isGnome = "gnome".equals(desktop); boolean isLocal = SwingUtilities2.isLocalDisplay(); return isLocal && (!isGnome || !isCjkLocale); } private static ReferenceQueue<LookAndFeel> queue = new ReferenceQueue<LookAndFeel>(); private static void flushUnreferenced() { AATextListener aatl; while ((aatl = (AATextListener) queue.poll()) != null) { aatl.dispose(); } } private static class AATextListener extends WeakReference<LookAndFeel> implements PropertyChangeListener { private String key = SunToolkit.DESKTOPFONTHINTS; AATextListener(LookAndFeel laf) { super(laf, queue); Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); tk.addPropertyChangeListener(key, this); } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) { UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults(); if (defaults.getBoolean("Synth.doNotSetTextAA")) { dispose(); return; } LookAndFeel laf = get(); if (laf == null || laf != UIManager.getLookAndFeel()) { dispose(); return; } SwingUtilities2.putAATextInfo(useLAFConditions(), defaults); updateUI(); } void dispose() { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); tk.removePropertyChangeListener(key, this); }
Updates the UI of the passed in window and all its children.
/** * Updates the UI of the passed in window and all its children. */
private static void updateWindowUI(Window window) { updateStyles(window); Window[] ownedWins = window.getOwnedWindows(); for (Window w : ownedWins) { updateWindowUI(w); } }
Updates the UIs of all the known Frames.
/** * Updates the UIs of all the known Frames. */
private static void updateAllUIs() { Frame[] appFrames = Frame.getFrames(); for (Frame frame : appFrames) { updateWindowUI(frame); } }
Indicates if an updateUI call is pending.
/** * Indicates if an updateUI call is pending. */
private static boolean updatePending;
Sets whether or not an updateUI call is pending.
/** * Sets whether or not an updateUI call is pending. */
private static synchronized void setUpdatePending(boolean update) { updatePending = update; }
Returns true if a UI update is pending.
/** * Returns true if a UI update is pending. */
private static synchronized boolean isUpdatePending() { return updatePending; } protected void updateUI() { if (!isUpdatePending()) { setUpdatePending(true); Runnable uiUpdater = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateAllUIs(); setUpdatePending(false); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(uiUpdater); } } } @Serial private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { throw new NotSerializableException(this.getClass().getName()); } private class Handler implements PropertyChangeListener { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String propertyName = evt.getPropertyName(); Object newValue = evt.getNewValue(); Object oldValue = evt.getOldValue(); if ("focusOwner" == propertyName) { if (oldValue instanceof JComponent) { repaintIfBackgroundsDiffer((JComponent)oldValue); } if (newValue instanceof JComponent) { repaintIfBackgroundsDiffer((JComponent)newValue); } } else if ("managingFocus" == propertyName) { // De-register listener on old keyboard focus manager and // register it on the new one. KeyboardFocusManager manager = (KeyboardFocusManager)evt.getSource(); if (newValue.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { manager.removePropertyChangeListener(_handler); } else { manager.addPropertyChangeListener(_handler); } } }
This is a support method that will check if the background colors of the specified component differ between focused and unfocused states. If the color differ the component will then repaint itself.
@compthe component to check
/** * This is a support method that will check if the background colors of * the specified component differ between focused and unfocused states. * If the color differ the component will then repaint itself. * * @comp the component to check */
private void repaintIfBackgroundsDiffer(JComponent comp) { ComponentUI ui = comp.getUI(); if (ui instanceof SynthUI) { SynthUI synthUI = (SynthUI)ui; SynthContext context = synthUI.getContext(comp); SynthStyle style = context.getStyle(); int state = context.getComponentState(); // Get the current background color. Color currBG = style.getColor(context, ColorType.BACKGROUND); // Get the last background color. state ^= SynthConstants.FOCUSED; context.setComponentState(state); Color lastBG = style.getColor(context, ColorType.BACKGROUND); // Reset the component state back to original. state ^= SynthConstants.FOCUSED; context.setComponentState(state); // Repaint the component if the backgrounds differed. if (currBG != null && !currBG.equals(lastBG)) { comp.repaint(); } } } } }