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package javax.print.attribute;

import java.io.Serial;
import java.io.Serializable;

Class AttributeSetUtilities provides static methods for manipulating AttributeSets.
  • Methods for creating unmodifiable and synchronized views of attribute sets.
  • operations useful for building implementations of interface AttributeSet
An unmodifiable view U of an AttributeSet S provides a client with "read-only" access to S. Query operations on U "read through" to S; thus, changes in S are reflected in U. However, any attempt to modify U, results in an UnmodifiableSetException. The unmodifiable view object U will be serializable if the attribute set object S is serializable.

A synchronized view V of an attribute set S provides a client with synchronized (multiple thread safe) access to S. Each operation of V is synchronized using V itself as the lock object and then merely invokes the corresponding operation of S. In order to guarantee mutually exclusive access, it is critical that all access to S is accomplished through V. The synchronized view object V will be serializable if the attribute set object S is serializable.

As mentioned in the package description of javax.print, a null reference parameter to methods is incorrect unless explicitly documented on the method as having a meaningful interpretation. Usage to the contrary is incorrect coding and may result in a run time exception either immediately or at some later time. IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException are examples of typical and acceptable run time exceptions for such cases.

Author:Alan Kaminsky
/** * Class {@code AttributeSetUtilities} provides static methods for manipulating * {@code AttributeSets}. * <ul> * <li>Methods for creating unmodifiable and synchronized views of attribute * sets. * <li>operations useful for building implementations of interface * {@link AttributeSet AttributeSet} * </ul> * An <b>unmodifiable view</b> <i>U</i> of an {@code AttributeSet} <i>S</i> * provides a client with "read-only" access to <i>S</i>. Query operations on * <i>U</i> "read through" to <i>S</i>; thus, changes in <i>S</i> are reflected * in <i>U</i>. However, any attempt to modify <i>U</i>, results in an * {@code UnmodifiableSetException}. The unmodifiable view object <i>U</i> will * be serializable if the attribute set object <i>S</i> is serializable. * <p> * A <b>synchronized view</b> <i>V</i> of an attribute set <i>S</i> provides a * client with synchronized (multiple thread safe) access to <i>S</i>. Each * operation of <i>V</i> is synchronized using <i>V</i> itself as the lock * object and then merely invokes the corresponding operation of <i>S</i>. In * order to guarantee mutually exclusive access, it is critical that all access * to <i>S</i> is accomplished through <i>V</i>. The synchronized view object * <i>V</i> will be serializable if the attribute set object <i>S</i> is * serializable. * <p> * As mentioned in the package description of {@code javax.print}, a * {@code null} reference parameter to methods is incorrect unless explicitly * documented on the method as having a meaningful interpretation. Usage to the * contrary is incorrect coding and may result in a run time exception either * immediately or at some later time. {@code IllegalArgumentException} and * {@code NullPointerException} are examples of typical and acceptable run time * exceptions for such cases. * * @author Alan Kaminsky */
public final class AttributeSetUtilities {
Suppress default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
/** * Suppress default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability. */
private AttributeSetUtilities() { }
Unmodifiable view of AttributeSet.
/** * Unmodifiable view of {@code AttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class UnmodifiableAttributeSet implements AttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -6131802583863447813L;
The attribute set.
/** * The attribute set. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Not statically typed as Serializable private AttributeSet attrset;
Constructs unmodifiable view of the underlying attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the attribute set
/** * Constructs unmodifiable view of the underlying attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the attribute set */
public UnmodifiableAttributeSet(AttributeSet attributeSet) { attrset = attributeSet; } public Attribute get(Class<?> key) { return attrset.get(key); } public boolean add(Attribute attribute) { throw new UnmodifiableSetException(); } public synchronized boolean remove(Class<?> category) { throw new UnmodifiableSetException(); } public boolean remove(Attribute attribute) { throw new UnmodifiableSetException(); } public boolean containsKey(Class<?> category) { return attrset.containsKey(category); } public boolean containsValue(Attribute attribute) { return attrset.containsValue(attribute); } public boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes) { throw new UnmodifiableSetException(); } public int size() { return attrset.size(); } public Attribute[] toArray() { return attrset.toArray(); } public void clear() { throw new UnmodifiableSetException(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return attrset.isEmpty(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return attrset.equals (o); } public int hashCode() { return attrset.hashCode(); } }
Unmodifiable view of DocAttributeSet.
/** * Unmodifiable view of {@code DocAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class UnmodifiableDocAttributeSet extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet implements DocAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -6349408326066898956L;
Constructs a new unmodifiable doc attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the doc attribute set
/** * Constructs a new unmodifiable doc attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the doc attribute set */
public UnmodifiableDocAttributeSet(DocAttributeSet attributeSet) { super (attributeSet); } }
Unmodifiable view of PrintRequestAttributeSet.
/** * Unmodifiable view of {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class UnmodifiablePrintRequestAttributeSet extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet implements PrintRequestAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 7799373532614825073L;
Constructs a new unmodifiable print request attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the print request attribute set
/** * Constructs a new unmodifiable print request attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the print request attribute set */
public UnmodifiablePrintRequestAttributeSet (PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) { super (attributeSet); } }
Unmodifiable view of PrintJobAttributeSet.
/** * Unmodifiable view of {@code PrintJobAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class UnmodifiablePrintJobAttributeSet extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet implements PrintJobAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -8002245296274522112L;
Constructs a new unmodifiable print job attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the print job attribute set
/** * Constructs a new unmodifiable print job attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the print job attribute set */
public UnmodifiablePrintJobAttributeSet (PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) { super (attributeSet); } }
Unmodifiable view of PrintServiceAttributeSet.
/** * Unmodifiable view of {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class UnmodifiablePrintServiceAttributeSet extends UnmodifiableAttributeSet implements PrintServiceAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -7112165137107826819L;
Constructs a new unmodifiable print service attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the print service attribute set
/** * Constructs a new unmodifiable print service attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the print service attribute set */
public UnmodifiablePrintServiceAttributeSet (PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) { super (attributeSet); } }
Creates an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying attribute set
Returns:unmodifiable view of attributeSet
/** * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying attribute set * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static AttributeSet unmodifiableView(AttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new UnmodifiableAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates an unmodifiable view of the given doc attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying doc attribute set
Returns:unmodifiable view of attributeSet
/** * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given doc attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying doc attribute set * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static DocAttributeSet unmodifiableView (DocAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new UnmodifiableDocAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print request attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying print request attribute set
Returns:unmodifiable view of attributeSet
/** * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print request attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying print request attribute set * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static PrintRequestAttributeSet unmodifiableView(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new UnmodifiablePrintRequestAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print job attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying print job attribute set
Returns:unmodifiable view of attributeSet
/** * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print job attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying print job attribute set * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static PrintJobAttributeSet unmodifiableView(PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new UnmodifiablePrintJobAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print service attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying print service attribute set
Returns:unmodifiable view of attributeSet
/** * Creates an unmodifiable view of the given print service attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying print service attribute set * @return unmodifiable view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static PrintServiceAttributeSet unmodifiableView(PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new UnmodifiablePrintServiceAttributeSet (attributeSet); }
Synchronized view of AttributeSet.
/** * Synchronized view of {@code AttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class SynchronizedAttributeSet implements AttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 8365731020128564925L;
The attribute set.
/** * The attribute set. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") // Not statically typed as Serializable private AttributeSet attrset;
Constructs a new synchronized attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the attribute set
/** * Constructs a new synchronized attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the attribute set */
public SynchronizedAttributeSet(AttributeSet attributeSet) { attrset = attributeSet; } public synchronized Attribute get(Class<?> category) { return attrset.get(category); } public synchronized boolean add(Attribute attribute) { return attrset.add(attribute); } public synchronized boolean remove(Class<?> category) { return attrset.remove(category); } public synchronized boolean remove(Attribute attribute) { return attrset.remove(attribute); } public synchronized boolean containsKey(Class<?> category) { return attrset.containsKey(category); } public synchronized boolean containsValue(Attribute attribute) { return attrset.containsValue(attribute); } public synchronized boolean addAll(AttributeSet attributes) { return attrset.addAll(attributes); } public synchronized int size() { return attrset.size(); } public synchronized Attribute[] toArray() { return attrset.toArray(); } public synchronized void clear() { attrset.clear(); } public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return attrset.isEmpty(); } public synchronized boolean equals(Object o) { return attrset.equals (o); } public synchronized int hashCode() { return attrset.hashCode(); } }
Synchronized view of DocAttributeSet.
/** * Synchronized view of {@code DocAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class SynchronizedDocAttributeSet extends SynchronizedAttributeSet implements DocAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 6455869095246629354L;
Constructs a new synchronized doc attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the doc attribute set
/** * Constructs a new synchronized doc attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the doc attribute set */
public SynchronizedDocAttributeSet(DocAttributeSet attributeSet) { super(attributeSet); } }
Synchronized view of PrintRequestAttributeSet.
/** * Synchronized view of {@code PrintRequestAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class SynchronizedPrintRequestAttributeSet extends SynchronizedAttributeSet implements PrintRequestAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 5671237023971169027L;
Constructs a new synchronized print request attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the print request attribute set
/** * Constructs a new synchronized print request attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the print request attribute set */
public SynchronizedPrintRequestAttributeSet (PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) { super(attributeSet); } }
Synchronized view of PrintJobAttributeSet.
/** * Synchronized view of {@code PrintJobAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class SynchronizedPrintJobAttributeSet extends SynchronizedAttributeSet implements PrintJobAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = 2117188707856965749L;
Constructs a new synchronized print job attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the print job attribute set
/** * Constructs a new synchronized print job attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the print job attribute set */
public SynchronizedPrintJobAttributeSet (PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) { super(attributeSet); } }
Synchronized view of PrintServiceAttributeSet.
/** * Synchronized view of {@code PrintServiceAttributeSet}. * * @serial include */
private static class SynchronizedPrintServiceAttributeSet extends SynchronizedAttributeSet implements PrintServiceAttributeSet, Serializable {
Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability.
/** * Use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.4 for interoperability. */
@Serial private static final long serialVersionUID = -2830705374001675073L;
Constructs a new synchronized print service attribute set.
  • attributeSet – the print service attribute set
/** * Constructs a new synchronized print service attribute set. * * @param attributeSet the print service attribute set */
public SynchronizedPrintServiceAttributeSet (PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) { super(attributeSet); } }
Creates a synchronized view of the given attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying attribute set
Returns:synchronized view of attributeSet
/** * Creates a synchronized view of the given attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying attribute set * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static AttributeSet synchronizedView (AttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new SynchronizedAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates a synchronized view of the given doc attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying doc attribute set
Returns:synchronized view of attributeSet
/** * Creates a synchronized view of the given doc attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying doc attribute set * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static DocAttributeSet synchronizedView(DocAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new SynchronizedDocAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates a synchronized view of the given print request attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying print request attribute set
Returns:synchronized view of attributeSet
/** * Creates a synchronized view of the given print request attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying print request attribute set * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static PrintRequestAttributeSet synchronizedView(PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new SynchronizedPrintRequestAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates a synchronized view of the given print job attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying print job attribute set
Returns:synchronized view of attributeSet
/** * Creates a synchronized view of the given print job attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying print job attribute set * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static PrintJobAttributeSet synchronizedView(PrintJobAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new SynchronizedPrintJobAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Creates a synchronized view of the given print service attribute set.
  • attributeSet – underlying print service attribute set
Returns:synchronized view of attributeSet
/** * Creates a synchronized view of the given print service attribute set. * * @param attributeSet underlying print service attribute set * @return synchronized view of {@code attributeSet} * @throws NullPointerException if {@code attributeSet} is {@code null} */
public static PrintServiceAttributeSet synchronizedView(PrintServiceAttributeSet attributeSet) { if (attributeSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return new SynchronizedPrintServiceAttributeSet(attributeSet); }
Verify that the given object is a Class that implements the given interface, which is assumed to be interface Attribute or a subinterface thereof.
  • object – Object to test
  • interfaceName – interface the object must implement
Returns:if object is a Class that implements interfaceName, object is returned downcast to type Class; otherwise an exception is thrown
/** * Verify that the given object is a {@link Class Class} that implements the * given interface, which is assumed to be interface * {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface thereof. * * @param object {@code Object} to test * @param interfaceName interface the object must implement * @return if {@code object} is a {@link Class Class} that implements * {@code interfaceName}, {@code object} is returned downcast to * type {@link Class Class}; otherwise an exception is thrown * @throws NullPointerException if {@code object} is {@code null} * @throws ClassCastException if {@code object} is not a * {@link Class Class} that implements {@code interfaceName} */
public static Class<?> verifyAttributeCategory(Object object, Class<?> interfaceName) { Class<?> result = (Class<?>) object; if (interfaceName.isAssignableFrom (result)) { return result; } else { throw new ClassCastException(); } }
Verify that the given object is an instance of the given interface, which is assumed to be interface Attribute or a subinterface thereof.
  • object – Object to test
  • interfaceName – interface of which the object must be an instance
Returns:if object is an instance of interfaceName, object is returned downcast to type Attribute; otherwise an exception is thrown
/** * Verify that the given object is an instance of the given interface, which * is assumed to be interface {@link Attribute Attribute} or a subinterface * thereof. * * @param object {@code Object} to test * @param interfaceName interface of which the object must be an instance * @return if {@code object} is an instance of {@code interfaceName}, * {@code object} is returned downcast to type * {@link Attribute Attribute}; otherwise an exception is thrown * @throws NullPointerException if {@code object} is {@code null} * @throws ClassCastException if {@code object} is not an instance of * {@code interfaceName} */
public static Attribute verifyAttributeValue(Object object, Class<?> interfaceName) { if (object == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else if (interfaceName.isInstance (object)) { return (Attribute) object; } else { throw new ClassCastException(); } }
Verify that the given attribute category object is equal to the category of the given attribute value object. If so, this method returns doing nothing. If not, this method throws an exception.
  • category – attribute category to test
  • attribute – attribute value to test
/** * Verify that the given attribute category object is equal to the category * of the given attribute value object. If so, this method returns doing * nothing. If not, this method throws an exception. * * @param category attribute category to test * @param attribute attribute value to test * @throws NullPointerException if the {@code category} or {@code attribute} * are {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code category} is not equal to * the category of the {@code attribute} */
public static void verifyCategoryForValue(Class<?> category, Attribute attribute) { if (!category.equals (attribute.getCategory())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } }