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package javax.imageio.spi;

import java.io.File;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;

A registry for service provider instances for Image I/O service types.

Service providers are stored in one or more categories, each of which is defined by a class or interface (described by a Class object) that all of its members must implement.

The set of categories supported by this class is limited to the following standard Image I/O service types:

An attempt to load a provider that is not a subtype of one of the above types will result in IllegalArgumentException.

For the general mechanism to load service providers, see ServiceLoader, which is the underlying standard mechanism used by this class.

Only a single instance of a given leaf class (that is, the actual class returned by getClass(), as opposed to any inherited classes or interfaces) may be registered. That is, suppose that the com.mycompany.mypkg.GreenImageReaderProvider class is a subclass of javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi. If a GreenImageReaderProvider instance is registered, it will be stored in the category defined by the ImageReaderSpi class. If a new instance of GreenImageReaderProvider is registered, it will replace the previous instance. In practice, service provider objects are usually singletons so this behavior is appropriate.

The service provider classes should be lightweight and quick to load. Implementations of these interfaces should avoid complex dependencies on other classes and on native code. The usual pattern for more complex services is to register a lightweight proxy for the heavyweight service.

An application may customize the contents of a registry as it sees fit, so long as it has the appropriate runtime permission.

For information on how to create and deploy service providers, refer to the documentation on ServiceLoader

See Also:
/** * A registry for service provider instances for Image I/O service types. * * <p> Service providers are stored in one or more <i>categories</i>, * each of which is defined by a class or interface (described by a * {@code Class} object) that all of its members must implement. * * <p>The set of categories supported by this class is limited * to the following standard Image I/O service types: * * <ul> * <li>{@link ImageInputStreamSpi} * <li>{@link ImageOutputStreamSpi} * <li>{@link ImageReaderSpi} * <li>{@link ImageTranscoderSpi} * <li>{@link ImageWriterSpi} * </ul> * * <p>An attempt to load a provider that is not a subtype of one of the * above types will result in {@code IllegalArgumentException}. * <p> For the general mechanism to load service providers, see * {@link java.util.ServiceLoader ServiceLoader}, which is * the underlying standard mechanism used by this class. * * <p> Only a single instance of a given leaf class (that is, the * actual class returned by {@code getClass()}, as opposed to any * inherited classes or interfaces) may be registered. That is, * suppose that the * {@code com.mycompany.mypkg.GreenImageReaderProvider} class * is a subclass of {@code javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi}. * If a {@code GreenImageReaderProvider} instance is * registered, it will be stored in the category defined by the * {@code ImageReaderSpi} class. If a new instance of * {@code GreenImageReaderProvider} is registered, it will replace * the previous instance. In practice, service provider objects are * usually singletons so this behavior is appropriate. * * <p> The service provider classes should be lightweight and * quick to load. Implementations of these interfaces should avoid * complex dependencies on other classes and on native code. The usual * pattern for more complex services is to register a lightweight * proxy for the heavyweight service. * * <p> An application may customize the contents of a registry as it * sees fit, so long as it has the appropriate runtime permission. * * <p> For information on how to create and deploy service providers, * refer to the documentation on {@link java.util.ServiceLoader ServiceLoader} * * @see RegisterableService * @see java.util.ServiceLoader */
public class ServiceRegistry { // Class -> Registry private Map<Class<?>, SubRegistry> categoryMap = new HashMap<>();
Constructs a ServiceRegistry instance with a set of categories taken from the categories argument. The categories must all be members of the set of service types listed in the class specification.
  • categories – an Iterator containing Class objects to be used to define categories.
/** * Constructs a {@code ServiceRegistry} instance with a * set of categories taken from the {@code categories} * argument. The categories must all be members of the set * of service types listed in the class specification. * * @param categories an {@code Iterator} containing * {@code Class} objects to be used to define categories. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if * {@code categories} is {@code null}, or if * one of the categories is not an allowed service type. */
public ServiceRegistry(Iterator<Class<?>> categories) { if (categories == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("categories == null!"); } while (categories.hasNext()) { Class<?> category = categories.next(); checkClassAllowed(category); SubRegistry reg = new SubRegistry(this, category); categoryMap.put(category, reg); } }
Searches for implementations of a particular service class using the given class loader.

The service class must be one of the service types listed in the class specification. If it is not, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

This method transforms the name of the given service class into a provider-configuration filename as described in the class comment and then uses the getResources method of the given class loader to find all available files with that name. These files are then read and parsed to produce a list of provider-class names. The iterator that is returned uses the given class loader to look up and then instantiate each element of the list.

Because it is possible for extensions to be installed into a running Java virtual machine, this method may return different results each time it is invoked.

  • providerClass – a Class object indicating the class or interface of the service providers being detected.
  • loader – the class loader to be used to load provider-configuration files and instantiate provider classes, or null if the system class loader (or, failing that the bootstrap class loader) is to be used.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the providerClass.
Returns:An Iterator that yields provider objects for the given service, in some arbitrary order. The iterator will throw an Error if a provider-configuration file violates the specified format or if a provider class cannot be found and instantiated.
/** * Searches for implementations of a particular service class * using the given class loader. * * <p>The service class must be one of the service types listed * in the class specification. If it is not, {@code IllegalArgumentException} * will be thrown. * * <p> This method transforms the name of the given service class * into a provider-configuration filename as described in the * class comment and then uses the {@code getResources} * method of the given class loader to find all available files * with that name. These files are then read and parsed to * produce a list of provider-class names. The iterator that is * returned uses the given class loader to look up and then * instantiate each element of the list. * * <p> Because it is possible for extensions to be installed into * a running Java virtual machine, this method may return * different results each time it is invoked. * * @param providerClass a {@code Class} object indicating the * class or interface of the service providers being detected. * * @param loader the class loader to be used to load * provider-configuration files and instantiate provider classes, * or {@code null} if the system class loader (or, failing that * the bootstrap class loader) is to be used. * * @param <T> the type of the providerClass. * * @return An {@code Iterator} that yields provider objects * for the given service, in some arbitrary order. The iterator * will throw an {@code Error} if a provider-configuration * file violates the specified format or if a provider class * cannot be found and instantiated. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if * {@code providerClass} is {@code null}, or if it is * not one of the allowed service types. */
public static <T> Iterator<T> lookupProviders(Class<T> providerClass, ClassLoader loader) { if (providerClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("providerClass == null!"); } checkClassAllowed(providerClass); return ServiceLoader.load(providerClass, loader).iterator(); }
Locates and incrementally instantiates the available providers of a given service using the context class loader. This convenience method is equivalent to:
  ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
  return Service.providers(service, cl);

The service class must be one of the service types listed in the class specification. If it is not, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

  • providerClass – a Class object indicating the class or interface of the service providers being detected.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the providerClass.
Returns:An Iterator that yields provider objects for the given service, in some arbitrary order. The iterator will throw an Error if a provider-configuration file violates the specified format or if a provider class cannot be found and instantiated.
/** * Locates and incrementally instantiates the available providers * of a given service using the context class loader. This * convenience method is equivalent to: * * <pre> * ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); * return Service.providers(service, cl); * </pre> * * <p>The service class must be one of the service types listed * in the class specification. If it is not, {@code IllegalArgumentException} * will be thrown. * * @param providerClass a {@code Class} object indicating the * class or interface of the service providers being detected. * * @param <T> the type of the providerClass. * * @return An {@code Iterator} that yields provider objects * for the given service, in some arbitrary order. The iterator * will throw an {@code Error} if a provider-configuration * file violates the specified format or if a provider class * cannot be found and instantiated. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if * {@code providerClass} is {@code null}, or if it is * not one of the allowed service types. */
public static <T> Iterator<T> lookupProviders(Class<T> providerClass) { if (providerClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("providerClass == null!"); } checkClassAllowed(providerClass); return ServiceLoader.load(providerClass).iterator(); }
Returns an Iterator of Class objects indicating the current set of categories. The iterator will be empty if no categories exist.
Returns:an Iterator containing Class objects.
/** * Returns an {@code Iterator} of {@code Class} objects * indicating the current set of categories. The iterator will be * empty if no categories exist. * * @return an {@code Iterator} containing * {@code Class} objects. */
public Iterator<Class<?>> getCategories() { Set<Class<?>> keySet = categoryMap.keySet(); return keySet.iterator(); }
Returns an Iterator containing the subregistries to which the provider belongs.
/** * Returns an Iterator containing the subregistries to which the * provider belongs. */
private Iterator<SubRegistry> getSubRegistries(Object provider) { List<SubRegistry> l = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class<?> c : categoryMap.keySet()) { if (c.isAssignableFrom(provider.getClass())) { l.add(categoryMap.get(c)); } } return l.iterator(); }
Adds a service provider object to the registry. The provider is associated with the given category.

If provider implements the RegisterableService interface, its onRegistration method will be called. Its onDeregistration method will be called each time it is deregistered from a category, for example if a category is removed or the registry is garbage collected.

  • provider – the service provide object to be registered.
  • category – the category under which to register the provider.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the provider.
Returns:true if no provider of the same class was previously registered in the same category category.
/** * Adds a service provider object to the registry. The provider * is associated with the given category. * * <p> If {@code provider} implements the * {@code RegisterableService} interface, its * {@code onRegistration} method will be called. Its * {@code onDeregistration} method will be called each time * it is deregistered from a category, for example if a * category is removed or the registry is garbage collected. * * @param provider the service provide object to be registered. * @param category the category under which to register the * provider. * @param <T> the type of the provider. * * @return true if no provider of the same class was previously * registered in the same category category. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code provider} is * {@code null}. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is no category * corresponding to {@code category}. * @exception ClassCastException if provider does not implement * the {@code Class} defined by {@code category}. */
public <T> boolean registerServiceProvider(T provider, Class<T> category) { if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider == null!"); } SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(category); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category unknown!"); } if (!category.isAssignableFrom(provider.getClass())) { throw new ClassCastException(); } return reg.registerServiceProvider(provider); }
Adds a service provider object to the registry. The provider is associated within each category present in the registry whose Class it implements.

If provider implements the RegisterableService interface, its onRegistration method will be called once for each category it is registered under. Its onDeregistration method will be called each time it is deregistered from a category or when the registry is finalized.

  • provider – the service provider object to be registered.
/** * Adds a service provider object to the registry. The provider * is associated within each category present in the registry * whose {@code Class} it implements. * * <p> If {@code provider} implements the * {@code RegisterableService} interface, its * {@code onRegistration} method will be called once for each * category it is registered under. Its * {@code onDeregistration} method will be called each time * it is deregistered from a category or when the registry is * finalized. * * @param provider the service provider object to be registered. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if * {@code provider} is {@code null}. */
public void registerServiceProvider(Object provider) { if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider == null!"); } Iterator<SubRegistry> regs = getSubRegistries(provider); while (regs.hasNext()) { SubRegistry reg = regs.next(); reg.registerServiceProvider(provider); } }
Adds a set of service provider objects, taken from an Iterator to the registry. Each provider is associated within each category present in the registry whose Class it implements.

For each entry of providers that implements the RegisterableService interface, its onRegistration method will be called once for each category it is registered under. Its onDeregistration method will be called each time it is deregistered from a category or when the registry is finalized.

  • providers – an Iterator containing service provider objects to be registered.
/** * Adds a set of service provider objects, taken from an * {@code Iterator} to the registry. Each provider is * associated within each category present in the registry whose * {@code Class} it implements. * * <p> For each entry of {@code providers} that implements * the {@code RegisterableService} interface, its * {@code onRegistration} method will be called once for each * category it is registered under. Its * {@code onDeregistration} method will be called each time * it is deregistered from a category or when the registry is * finalized. * * @param providers an Iterator containing service provider * objects to be registered. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code providers} * is {@code null} or contains a {@code null} entry. */
public void registerServiceProviders(Iterator<?> providers) { if (providers == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider == null!"); } while (providers.hasNext()) { registerServiceProvider(providers.next()); } }
Removes a service provider object from the given category. If the provider was not previously registered, nothing happens and false is returned. Otherwise, true is returned. If an object of the same class as provider but not equal (using ==) to provider is registered, it will not be deregistered.

If provider implements the RegisterableService interface, its onDeregistration method will be called.

  • provider – the service provider object to be deregistered.
  • category – the category from which to deregister the provider.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the provider.
Returns:true if the provider was previously registered in the same category category, false otherwise.
/** * Removes a service provider object from the given category. If * the provider was not previously registered, nothing happens and * {@code false} is returned. Otherwise, {@code true} * is returned. If an object of the same class as * {@code provider} but not equal (using {@code ==}) to * {@code provider} is registered, it will not be * deregistered. * * <p> If {@code provider} implements the * {@code RegisterableService} interface, its * {@code onDeregistration} method will be called. * * @param provider the service provider object to be deregistered. * @param category the category from which to deregister the * provider. * @param <T> the type of the provider. * * @return {@code true} if the provider was previously * registered in the same category category, * {@code false} otherwise. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code provider} is * {@code null}. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is no category * corresponding to {@code category}. * @exception ClassCastException if provider does not implement * the class defined by {@code category}. */
public <T> boolean deregisterServiceProvider(T provider, Class<T> category) { if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider == null!"); } SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(category); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category unknown!"); } if (!category.isAssignableFrom(provider.getClass())) { throw new ClassCastException(); } return reg.deregisterServiceProvider(provider); }
Removes a service provider object from all categories that contain it.
  • provider – the service provider object to be deregistered.
/** * Removes a service provider object from all categories that * contain it. * * @param provider the service provider object to be deregistered. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code provider} is * {@code null}. */
public void deregisterServiceProvider(Object provider) { if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider == null!"); } Iterator<SubRegistry> regs = getSubRegistries(provider); while (regs.hasNext()) { SubRegistry reg = regs.next(); reg.deregisterServiceProvider(provider); } }
Returns true if provider is currently registered.
  • provider – the service provider object to be queried.
Returns:true if the given provider has been registered.
/** * Returns {@code true} if {@code provider} is currently * registered. * * @param provider the service provider object to be queried. * * @return {@code true} if the given provider has been * registered. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code provider} is * {@code null}. */
public boolean contains(Object provider) { if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider == null!"); } Iterator<SubRegistry> regs = getSubRegistries(provider); while (regs.hasNext()) { SubRegistry reg = regs.next(); if (reg.contains(provider)) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns an Iterator containing all registered service providers in the given category. If useOrdering is false, the iterator will return all of the server provider objects in an arbitrary order. Otherwise, the ordering will respect any pairwise orderings that have been set. If the graph of pairwise orderings contains cycles, any providers that belong to a cycle will not be returned.
  • category – the category to be retrieved from.
  • useOrdering – true if pairwise orderings should be taken account in ordering the returned objects.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the category.
Returns:an Iterator containing service provider objects from the given category, possibly in order.
/** * Returns an {@code Iterator} containing all registered * service providers in the given category. If * {@code useOrdering} is {@code false}, the iterator * will return all of the server provider objects in an arbitrary * order. Otherwise, the ordering will respect any pairwise * orderings that have been set. If the graph of pairwise * orderings contains cycles, any providers that belong to a cycle * will not be returned. * * @param category the category to be retrieved from. * @param useOrdering {@code true} if pairwise orderings * should be taken account in ordering the returned objects. * @param <T> the type of the category. * * @return an {@code Iterator} containing service provider * objects from the given category, possibly in order. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is no category * corresponding to {@code category}. */
public <T> Iterator<T> getServiceProviders(Class<T> category, boolean useOrdering) { SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(category); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category unknown!"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<T> it = (Iterator<T>)reg.getServiceProviders(useOrdering); return it; }
A simple filter interface used by ServiceRegistry.getServiceProviders to select providers matching an arbitrary criterion. Classes that implement this interface should be defined in order to make use of the getServiceProviders method of ServiceRegistry that takes a Filter.
See Also:
/** * A simple filter interface used by * {@code ServiceRegistry.getServiceProviders} to select * providers matching an arbitrary criterion. Classes that * implement this interface should be defined in order to make use * of the {@code getServiceProviders} method of * {@code ServiceRegistry} that takes a {@code Filter}. * * @see ServiceRegistry#getServiceProviders(Class, ServiceRegistry.Filter, boolean) */
public interface Filter {
Returns true if the given provider object matches the criterion defined by this Filter.
  • provider – a service provider Object.
Returns:true if the provider matches the criterion.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the given * {@code provider} object matches the criterion defined * by this {@code Filter}. * * @param provider a service provider {@code Object}. * * @return true if the provider matches the criterion. */
boolean filter(Object provider); }
Returns an Iterator containing service provider objects within a given category that satisfy a criterion imposed by the supplied ServiceRegistry.Filter object's filter method.

The useOrdering argument controls the ordering of the results using the same rules as getServiceProviders(Class, boolean).

  • category – the category to be retrieved from.
  • filter – an instance of ServiceRegistry.Filter whose filter method will be invoked.
  • useOrdering – true if pairwise orderings should be taken account in ordering the returned objects.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the category.
Returns:an Iterator containing service provider objects from the given category, possibly in order.
/** * Returns an {@code Iterator} containing service provider * objects within a given category that satisfy a criterion * imposed by the supplied {@code ServiceRegistry.Filter} * object's {@code filter} method. * * <p> The {@code useOrdering} argument controls the * ordering of the results using the same rules as * {@code getServiceProviders(Class, boolean)}. * * @param category the category to be retrieved from. * @param filter an instance of {@code ServiceRegistry.Filter} * whose {@code filter} method will be invoked. * @param useOrdering {@code true} if pairwise orderings * should be taken account in ordering the returned objects. * @param <T> the type of the category. * * @return an {@code Iterator} containing service provider * objects from the given category, possibly in order. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is no category * corresponding to {@code category}. */
public <T> Iterator<T> getServiceProviders(Class<T> category, Filter filter, boolean useOrdering) { SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(category); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category unknown!"); } Iterator<T> iter = getServiceProviders(category, useOrdering); return new FilterIterator<>(iter, filter); }
Returns the currently registered service provider object that is of the given class type. At most one object of a given class is allowed to be registered at any given time. If no registered object has the desired class type, null is returned.
  • providerClass – the Class of the desired service provider object.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the provider.
Returns:a currently registered service provider object with the desired Class type, or null is none is present.
/** * Returns the currently registered service provider object that * is of the given class type. At most one object of a given * class is allowed to be registered at any given time. If no * registered object has the desired class type, {@code null} * is returned. * * @param providerClass the {@code Class} of the desired * service provider object. * @param <T> the type of the provider. * * @return a currently registered service provider object with the * desired {@code Class} type, or {@code null} is none is * present. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if {@code providerClass} is * {@code null}. */
public <T> T getServiceProviderByClass(Class<T> providerClass) { if (providerClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("providerClass == null!"); } for (Class<?> c : categoryMap.keySet()) { if (c.isAssignableFrom(providerClass)) { SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(c); T provider = reg.getServiceProviderByClass(providerClass); if (provider != null) { return provider; } } } return null; }
Sets a pairwise ordering between two service provider objects within a given category. If one or both objects are not currently registered within the given category, or if the desired ordering is already set, nothing happens and false is returned. If the providers previously were ordered in the reverse direction, that ordering is removed.

The ordering will be used by the getServiceProviders methods when their useOrdering argument is true.

  • category – a Class object indicating the category under which the preference is to be established.
  • firstProvider – the preferred provider.
  • secondProvider – the provider to which firstProvider is preferred.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the category.
Returns:true if a previously unset ordering was established.
/** * Sets a pairwise ordering between two service provider objects * within a given category. If one or both objects are not * currently registered within the given category, or if the * desired ordering is already set, nothing happens and * {@code false} is returned. If the providers previously * were ordered in the reverse direction, that ordering is * removed. * * <p> The ordering will be used by the * {@code getServiceProviders} methods when their * {@code useOrdering} argument is {@code true}. * * @param category a {@code Class} object indicating the * category under which the preference is to be established. * @param firstProvider the preferred provider. * @param secondProvider the provider to which * {@code firstProvider} is preferred. * @param <T> the type of the category. * * @return {@code true} if a previously unset ordering * was established. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if either provider is * {@code null} or they are the same object. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is no category * corresponding to {@code category}. */
public <T> boolean setOrdering(Class<T> category, T firstProvider, T secondProvider) { if (firstProvider == null || secondProvider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider is null!"); } if (firstProvider == secondProvider) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("providers are the same!"); } SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(category); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category unknown!"); } if (reg.contains(firstProvider) && reg.contains(secondProvider)) { return reg.setOrdering(firstProvider, secondProvider); } return false; }
Sets a pairwise ordering between two service provider objects within a given category. If one or both objects are not currently registered within the given category, or if no ordering is currently set between them, nothing happens and false is returned.

The ordering will be used by the getServiceProviders methods when their useOrdering argument is true.

  • category – a Class object indicating the category under which the preference is to be disestablished.
  • firstProvider – the formerly preferred provider.
  • secondProvider – the provider to which firstProvider was formerly preferred.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the category.
Returns:true if a previously set ordering was disestablished.
/** * Sets a pairwise ordering between two service provider objects * within a given category. If one or both objects are not * currently registered within the given category, or if no * ordering is currently set between them, nothing happens * and {@code false} is returned. * * <p> The ordering will be used by the * {@code getServiceProviders} methods when their * {@code useOrdering} argument is {@code true}. * * @param category a {@code Class} object indicating the * category under which the preference is to be disestablished. * @param firstProvider the formerly preferred provider. * @param secondProvider the provider to which * {@code firstProvider} was formerly preferred. * @param <T> the type of the category. * * @return {@code true} if a previously set ordering was * disestablished. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if either provider is * {@code null} or they are the same object. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is no category * corresponding to {@code category}. */
public <T> boolean unsetOrdering(Class<T> category, T firstProvider, T secondProvider) { if (firstProvider == null || secondProvider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider is null!"); } if (firstProvider == secondProvider) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("providers are the same!"); } SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(category); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category unknown!"); } if (reg.contains(firstProvider) && reg.contains(secondProvider)) { return reg.unsetOrdering(firstProvider, secondProvider); } return false; }
Deregisters all service provider object currently registered under the given category.
  • category – the category to be emptied.
/** * Deregisters all service provider object currently registered * under the given category. * * @param category the category to be emptied. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there is no category * corresponding to {@code category}. */
public void deregisterAll(Class<?> category) { SubRegistry reg = categoryMap.get(category); if (reg == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("category unknown!"); } reg.clear(); }
Deregisters all currently registered service providers from all categories.
/** * Deregisters all currently registered service providers from all * categories. */
public void deregisterAll() { for (SubRegistry reg : categoryMap.values()) { reg.clear(); } }
Finalizes this object prior to garbage collection. The deregisterAll method is called to deregister all currently registered service providers. This method should not be called from application code.
  • Throwable – if an error occurs during superclass finalization.
Deprecated:The finalize method has been deprecated. Subclasses that override finalize in order to perform cleanup should be modified to use alternative cleanup mechanisms and to remove the overriding finalize method. When overriding the finalize method, its implementation must explicitly ensure that super.finalize() is invoked as described in Object.finalize. See the specification for Object.finalize() for further information about migration options.
/** * Finalizes this object prior to garbage collection. The * {@code deregisterAll} method is called to deregister all * currently registered service providers. This method should not * be called from application code. * * @exception Throwable if an error occurs during superclass * finalization. * * @deprecated The {@code finalize} method has been deprecated. * Subclasses that override {@code finalize} in order to perform cleanup * should be modified to use alternative cleanup mechanisms and * to remove the overriding {@code finalize} method. * When overriding the {@code finalize} method, its implementation must explicitly * ensure that {@code super.finalize()} is invoked as described in {@link Object#finalize}. * See the specification for {@link Object#finalize()} for further * information about migration options. */
@Deprecated(since="9") public void finalize() throws Throwable { deregisterAll(); super.finalize(); }
Checks whether the provided class is one of the allowed ImageIO service provider classes. If it is, returns normally. If it is not, throws IllegalArgumentException.
  • clazz –
/** * Checks whether the provided class is one of the allowed * ImageIO service provider classes. If it is, returns normally. * If it is not, throws IllegalArgumentException. * * @param clazz * @throws IllegalArgumentException if clazz is null or is not one of the allowed set */
private static void checkClassAllowed(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("class must not be null"); } if ( clazz != ImageInputStreamSpi.class && clazz != ImageOutputStreamSpi.class && clazz != ImageReaderSpi.class && clazz != ImageTranscoderSpi.class && clazz != ImageWriterSpi.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(clazz.getName() + " is not an ImageIO SPI class"); } } }
A portion of a registry dealing with a single superclass or interface.
/** * A portion of a registry dealing with a single superclass or * interface. */
class SubRegistry { ServiceRegistry registry; Class<?> category; // Provider Objects organized by partial ordering final PartiallyOrderedSet<Object> poset = new PartiallyOrderedSet<>(); // Class -> Provider Object of that class // No way to express heterogeneous map, we want // Map<Class<T>, T>, where T is ? final Map<Class<?>, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); final Map<Class<?>, AccessControlContext> accMap = new HashMap<>(); public SubRegistry(ServiceRegistry registry, Class<?> category) { this.registry = registry; this.category = category; } public synchronized boolean registerServiceProvider(Object provider) { Object oprovider = map.get(provider.getClass()); boolean present = oprovider != null; if (present) { deregisterServiceProvider(oprovider); } map.put(provider.getClass(), provider); accMap.put(provider.getClass(), AccessController.getContext()); poset.add(provider); if (provider instanceof RegisterableService) { RegisterableService rs = (RegisterableService)provider; try { rs.onRegistration(registry, category); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("Caught and handled this exception :"); t.printStackTrace(); } } return !present; }
If the provider was not previously registered, do nothing.
Returns:true if the provider was previously registered.
/** * If the provider was not previously registered, do nothing. * * @return true if the provider was previously registered. */
public synchronized boolean deregisterServiceProvider(Object provider) { Object oprovider = map.get(provider.getClass()); if (provider == oprovider) { map.remove(provider.getClass()); accMap.remove(provider.getClass()); poset.remove(provider); if (provider instanceof RegisterableService) { RegisterableService rs = (RegisterableService)provider; rs.onDeregistration(registry, category); } return true; } return false; } public synchronized boolean contains(Object provider) { Object oprovider = map.get(provider.getClass()); return oprovider == provider; } public synchronized boolean setOrdering(Object firstProvider, Object secondProvider) { return poset.setOrdering(firstProvider, secondProvider); } public synchronized boolean unsetOrdering(Object firstProvider, Object secondProvider) { return poset.unsetOrdering(firstProvider, secondProvider); } public synchronized Iterator<Object> getServiceProviders (boolean useOrdering) { if (useOrdering) { return poset.iterator(); } else { return map.values().iterator(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized <T> T getServiceProviderByClass (Class<T> providerClass) { return (T)map.get(providerClass); } public synchronized void clear() { Iterator<Object> iter = map.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object provider = iter.next(); iter.remove(); if (provider instanceof RegisterableService) { RegisterableService rs = (RegisterableService)provider; AccessControlContext acc = accMap.get(provider.getClass()); if (acc != null || System.getSecurityManager() == null) { AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Void>) () -> { rs.onDeregistration(registry, category); return null; }, acc); } } } poset.clear(); accMap.clear(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public synchronized void finalize() { clear(); } }
A class for wrapping Iterators with a filter function. This provides an iterator for a subset without duplication.
/** * A class for wrapping {@code Iterators} with a filter function. * This provides an iterator for a subset without duplication. */
class FilterIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { private Iterator<? extends T> iter; private ServiceRegistry.Filter filter; private T next = null; public FilterIterator(Iterator<? extends T> iter, ServiceRegistry.Filter filter) { this.iter = iter; this.filter = filter; advance(); } private void advance() { while (iter.hasNext()) { T elt = iter.next(); if (filter.filter(elt)) { next = elt; return; } } next = null; } public boolean hasNext() { return next != null; } public T next() { if (next == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } T o = next; advance(); return o; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }