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package org.graalvm.compiler.nodes;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.graph.iterators.NodePredicates.isNotA;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.IntegerStamp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.IterableNodeType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeClass;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.iterators.NodeIterable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.spi.SimplifierTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.InputType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodeinfo.NodeInfo;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.AddNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.GuardingNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.LIRLowerable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.spi.NodeLIRBuilderTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.util.GraphUtil;

public final class LoopBeginNode extends AbstractMergeNode implements IterableNodeType, LIRLowerable {

    public static final NodeClass<LoopBeginNode> TYPE = NodeClass.create(LoopBeginNode.class);
    protected double loopFrequency;
    protected double loopOrigFrequency;
    protected int nextEndIndex;
    protected int unswitches;
    protected int splits;
    protected int inversionCount;
    protected LoopType loopType;
    protected int unrollFactor;
    protected boolean osrLoop;

    public enum LoopType {

See LoopEndNode.canSafepoint for more information.
/** See {@link LoopEndNode#canSafepoint} for more information. */
boolean canEndsSafepoint; @OptionalInput(InputType.Guard) GuardingNode overflowGuard; public LoopBeginNode() { super(TYPE); loopFrequency = 1; loopOrigFrequency = 1; unswitches = 0; splits = 0; this.canEndsSafepoint = true; loopType = LoopType.SIMPLE_LOOP; unrollFactor = 1; } public boolean isSimpleLoop() { return (loopType == LoopType.SIMPLE_LOOP); } public void setPreLoop() { assert isSimpleLoop(); loopType = LoopType.PRE_LOOP; } public boolean isPreLoop() { return (loopType == LoopType.PRE_LOOP); } public void setMainLoop() { assert isSimpleLoop(); loopType = LoopType.MAIN_LOOP; } public boolean isMainLoop() { return (loopType == LoopType.MAIN_LOOP); } public void setPostLoop() { assert isSimpleLoop(); loopType = LoopType.POST_LOOP; } public boolean isPostLoop() { return (loopType == LoopType.POST_LOOP); } public int getUnrollFactor() { return unrollFactor; } public void setUnrollFactor(int currentUnrollFactor) { unrollFactor = currentUnrollFactor; }
Disables safepoint for the whole loop, i.e., for all loop ends.
/** Disables safepoint for the whole loop, i.e., for all {@link LoopEndNode loop ends}. */
public void disableSafepoint() { /* Store flag locally in case new loop ends are created later on. */ this.canEndsSafepoint = false; /* Propagate flag to all existing loop ends. */ for (LoopEndNode loopEnd : loopEnds()) { loopEnd.disableSafepoint(); } } public double loopOrigFrequency() { return loopOrigFrequency; } public void setLoopOrigFrequency(double loopOrigFrequency) { assert loopOrigFrequency >= 0; this.loopOrigFrequency = loopOrigFrequency; } public double loopFrequency() { return loopFrequency; } public void setLoopFrequency(double loopFrequency) { assert loopFrequency >= 0; this.loopFrequency = loopFrequency; }
Returns the unordered set of LoopEndNode that correspond to back-edges for this loop. The order of the back-edges is unspecified, if you need to get an ordering compatible for PhiNode creation, use orderedLoopEnds().
Returns:the set of LoopEndNode that correspond to back-edges for this loop
/** * Returns the <b>unordered</b> set of {@link LoopEndNode} that correspond to back-edges for * this loop. The order of the back-edges is unspecified, if you need to get an ordering * compatible for {@link PhiNode} creation, use {@link #orderedLoopEnds()}. * * @return the set of {@code LoopEndNode} that correspond to back-edges for this loop */
public NodeIterable<LoopEndNode> loopEnds() { return usages().filter(LoopEndNode.class); } public NodeIterable<LoopExitNode> loopExits() { return usages().filter(LoopExitNode.class); } @Override public NodeIterable<Node> anchored() { return super.anchored().filter(isNotA(LoopEndNode.class).nor(LoopExitNode.class)); }
Returns the set of LoopEndNode that correspond to back-edges for this loop, in increasing phiPredecessorIndex order. This method is suited to create new loop PhiNode.
For example a new PhiNode may be added as follow:
PhiNode phi = new ValuePhiNode(stamp, loop);
for (LoopEndNode loopEnd : loop.orderedLoopEnds()) {
Returns:the set of LoopEndNode that correspond to back-edges for this loop
/** * Returns the set of {@link LoopEndNode} that correspond to back-edges for this loop, in * increasing {@link #phiPredecessorIndex} order. This method is suited to create new loop * {@link PhiNode}.<br> * * For example a new PhiNode may be added as follow: * * <pre> * PhiNode phi = new ValuePhiNode(stamp, loop); * phi.addInput(forwardEdgeValue); * for (LoopEndNode loopEnd : loop.orderedLoopEnds()) { * phi.addInput(backEdgeValue(loopEnd)); * } * </pre> * * @return the set of {@code LoopEndNode} that correspond to back-edges for this loop */
public LoopEndNode[] orderedLoopEnds() { LoopEndNode[] result = new LoopEndNode[this.getLoopEndCount()]; for (LoopEndNode end : loopEnds()) { result[end.endIndex()] = end; } return result; } public boolean isSingleEntryLoop() { return (forwardEndCount() == 1); } public AbstractEndNode forwardEnd() { assert forwardEndCount() == 1; return forwardEndAt(0); } public int splits() { return splits; } public void incrementSplits() { splits++; } @Override public void generate(NodeLIRBuilderTool gen) { // Nothing to emit, since this is node is used for structural purposes only. } @Override protected void deleteEnd(AbstractEndNode end) { if (end instanceof LoopEndNode) { LoopEndNode loopEnd = (LoopEndNode) end; loopEnd.setLoopBegin(null); int idx = loopEnd.endIndex(); for (LoopEndNode le : loopEnds()) { int leIdx = le.endIndex(); assert leIdx != idx; if (leIdx > idx) { le.setEndIndex(leIdx - 1); } } nextEndIndex--; } else { super.deleteEnd(end); } } @Override public int phiPredecessorCount() { return forwardEndCount() + loopEnds().count(); } @Override public int phiPredecessorIndex(AbstractEndNode pred) { if (pred instanceof LoopEndNode) { LoopEndNode loopEnd = (LoopEndNode) pred; if (loopEnd.loopBegin() == this) { assert loopEnd.endIndex() < loopEnds().count() : "Invalid endIndex : " + loopEnd; return loopEnd.endIndex() + forwardEndCount(); } } else { return super.forwardEndIndex((EndNode) pred); } throw ValueNodeUtil.shouldNotReachHere("unknown pred : " + pred); } @Override public AbstractEndNode phiPredecessorAt(int index) { if (index < forwardEndCount()) { return forwardEndAt(index); } for (LoopEndNode end : loopEnds()) { int idx = index - forwardEndCount(); assert idx >= 0; if (end.endIndex() == idx) { return end; } } throw ValueNodeUtil.shouldNotReachHere(); } @Override public boolean verify() { assertTrue(loopEnds().isNotEmpty(), "missing loopEnd"); return super.verify(); } int nextEndIndex() { return nextEndIndex++; } public int getLoopEndCount() { return nextEndIndex; } public int unswitches() { return unswitches; } public void incrementUnswitches() { unswitches++; } public int getInversionCount() { return inversionCount; } public void setInversionCount(int count) { inversionCount = count; } @Override public void simplify(SimplifierTool tool) { canonicalizePhis(tool); } public boolean isLoopExit(AbstractBeginNode begin) { return begin instanceof LoopExitNode && ((LoopExitNode) begin).loopBegin() == this; } public LoopEndNode getSingleLoopEnd() { assert loopEnds().count() == 1; return loopEnds().first(); } @SuppressWarnings("try") public void removeExits() { for (LoopExitNode loopexit : loopExits().snapshot()) { try (DebugCloseable position = graph().withNodeSourcePosition(loopexit)) { loopexit.removeExit(); } } } public GuardingNode getOverflowGuard() { return overflowGuard; } public void setOverflowGuard(GuardingNode overflowGuard) { updateUsagesInterface(this.overflowGuard, overflowGuard); this.overflowGuard = overflowGuard; } private static final int NO_INCREMENT = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Returns an array with one entry for each input of the phi, which is either NO_INCREMENT or the increment, i.e., the value by which the phi is incremented in the corresponding branch.
/** * Returns an array with one entry for each input of the phi, which is either * {@link #NO_INCREMENT} or the increment, i.e., the value by which the phi is incremented in * the corresponding branch. */
private static int[] getSelfIncrements(PhiNode phi) { int[] selfIncrement = new int[phi.valueCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < phi.valueCount(); i++) { ValueNode input = phi.valueAt(i); long increment = NO_INCREMENT; if (input != null && input instanceof AddNode && input.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT) instanceof IntegerStamp) { AddNode add = (AddNode) input; if (add.getX() == phi && add.getY().isConstant()) { increment = add.getY().asJavaConstant().asLong(); } else if (add.getY() == phi && add.getX().isConstant()) { increment = add.getX().asJavaConstant().asLong(); } } else if (input == phi) { increment = 0; } if (increment < Integer.MIN_VALUE || increment > Integer.MAX_VALUE || increment == NO_INCREMENT) { increment = NO_INCREMENT; } selfIncrement[i] = (int) increment; } return selfIncrement; }
Coalesces loop phis that represent the same value (which is not handled by normal Global Value Numbering).
/** * Coalesces loop phis that represent the same value (which is not handled by normal Global * Value Numbering). */
public void canonicalizePhis(SimplifierTool tool) { int phiCount = phis().count(); if (phiCount > 1) { int phiInputCount = phiPredecessorCount(); int phiIndex = 0; int[][] selfIncrement = new int[phiCount][]; PhiNode[] phis = this.phis().snapshot().toArray(new PhiNode[phiCount]); for (phiIndex = 0; phiIndex < phiCount; phiIndex++) { PhiNode phi = phis[phiIndex]; if (phi != null) { nextPhi: for (int otherPhiIndex = phiIndex + 1; otherPhiIndex < phiCount; otherPhiIndex++) { PhiNode otherPhi = phis[otherPhiIndex]; if (otherPhi == null || phi.getNodeClass() != otherPhi.getNodeClass() || !phi.valueEquals(otherPhi)) { continue nextPhi; } if (selfIncrement[phiIndex] == null) { selfIncrement[phiIndex] = getSelfIncrements(phi); } if (selfIncrement[otherPhiIndex] == null) { selfIncrement[otherPhiIndex] = getSelfIncrements(otherPhi); } int[] phiIncrement = selfIncrement[phiIndex]; int[] otherPhiIncrement = selfIncrement[otherPhiIndex]; for (int inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < phiInputCount; inputIndex++) { if (phiIncrement[inputIndex] == NO_INCREMENT) { if (phi.valueAt(inputIndex) != otherPhi.valueAt(inputIndex)) { continue nextPhi; } } if (phiIncrement[inputIndex] != otherPhiIncrement[inputIndex]) { continue nextPhi; } } if (tool != null) { tool.addToWorkList(otherPhi.usages()); } otherPhi.replaceAtUsages(phi); GraphUtil.killWithUnusedFloatingInputs(otherPhi); phis[otherPhiIndex] = null; } } } } } public void markOsrLoop() { osrLoop = true; } public boolean isOsrLoop() { return osrLoop; } }