 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package org.graalvm.compiler.lir.asm;

import static jdk.vm.ci.code.ValueUtil.asStackSlot;
import static jdk.vm.ci.code.ValueUtil.isStackSlot;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRValueUtil.asJavaConstant;
import static org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRValueUtil.isJavaConstant;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.EconomicMap;
import jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections.Equivalence;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.AbstractAddress;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.Assembler;
import org.graalvm.compiler.asm.Label;
import org.graalvm.compiler.code.CompilationResult;
import org.graalvm.compiler.code.CompilationResult.CodeAnnotation;
import org.graalvm.compiler.code.DataSection.Data;
import org.graalvm.compiler.code.DataSection.RawData;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.NumUtil;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractBlockBase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.spi.ForeignCallsProvider;
import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.type.DataPointerConstant;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.NodeSourcePosition;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIR;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRFrameState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LIRInstruction;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.LabelRef;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.StandardOp.LabelHoldingOp;
import org.graalvm.compiler.lir.framemap.FrameMap;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.Option;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionKey;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.BailoutException;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.CodeCacheProvider;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.DebugInfo;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.Register;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.StackSlot;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.TargetDescription;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.ConstantReference;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.DataSectionReference;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.InfopointReason;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Mark;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Constant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.InvokeTarget;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.VMConstant;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.Value;

Fills in a CompilationResult as its code is being assembled.
See Also:
/** * Fills in a {@link CompilationResult} as its code is being assembled. * * @see CompilationResultBuilderFactory */
public class CompilationResultBuilder { public static class Options { @Option(help = "Include the LIR as comments with the final assembly.", type = OptionType.Debug) // public static final OptionKey<Boolean> PrintLIRWithAssembly = new OptionKey<>(false); } private static class ExceptionInfo { public final int codeOffset; public final LabelRef exceptionEdge; ExceptionInfo(int pcOffset, LabelRef exceptionEdge) { this.codeOffset = pcOffset; this.exceptionEdge = exceptionEdge; } }
Wrapper for a code annotation that was produced by the Assembler.
/** * Wrapper for a code annotation that was produced by the {@link Assembler}. */
public static final class AssemblerAnnotation extends CodeAnnotation { public final Assembler.CodeAnnotation assemblerCodeAnnotation; public AssemblerAnnotation(Assembler.CodeAnnotation assemblerCodeAnnotation) { super(assemblerCodeAnnotation.instructionPosition); this.assemblerCodeAnnotation = assemblerCodeAnnotation; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return this == obj; } @Override public String toString() { return assemblerCodeAnnotation.toString(); } } public final Assembler asm; public final DataBuilder dataBuilder; public final CompilationResult compilationResult; public final Register nullRegister; public final TargetDescription target; public final CodeCacheProvider codeCache; public final ForeignCallsProvider foreignCalls; public final FrameMap frameMap;
The LIR for which code is being generated.
/** * The LIR for which code is being generated. */
protected LIR lir;
The index of the block currently being emitted.
/** * The index of the block currently being emitted. */
protected int currentBlockIndex;
The object that emits code for managing a method's frame.
/** * The object that emits code for managing a method's frame. */
public final FrameContext frameContext; private List<ExceptionInfo> exceptionInfoList; private final OptionValues options; private final DebugContext debug; private final EconomicMap<Constant, Data> dataCache; private Consumer<LIRInstruction> beforeOp; private Consumer<LIRInstruction> afterOp;
These position maps are used for estimating offsets of forward branches. Used for architectures where certain branch instructions have limited displacement such as ARM tbz or SPARC cbcond.
/** * These position maps are used for estimating offsets of forward branches. Used for * architectures where certain branch instructions have limited displacement such as ARM tbz or * SPARC cbcond. */
private EconomicMap<Label, Integer> labelBindLirPositions; private EconomicMap<LIRInstruction, Integer> lirPositions;
This flag is for setting the labelWithinRange(LIRInstruction, Label, int) into a conservative mode and always answering false.
/** * This flag is for setting the * {@link CompilationResultBuilder#labelWithinRange(LIRInstruction, Label, int)} into a * conservative mode and always answering false. */
private boolean conservativeLabelOffsets = false; public final boolean mustReplaceWithNullRegister(JavaConstant nullConstant) { return !nullRegister.equals(Register.None) && JavaConstant.NULL_POINTER.equals(nullConstant); } public CompilationResultBuilder(CodeCacheProvider codeCache, ForeignCallsProvider foreignCalls, FrameMap frameMap, Assembler asm, DataBuilder dataBuilder, FrameContext frameContext, OptionValues options, DebugContext debug, CompilationResult compilationResult, Register nullRegister) { this(codeCache, foreignCalls, frameMap, asm, dataBuilder, frameContext, options, debug, compilationResult, nullRegister, EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.DEFAULT)); } public CompilationResultBuilder(CodeCacheProvider codeCache, ForeignCallsProvider foreignCalls, FrameMap frameMap, Assembler asm, DataBuilder dataBuilder, FrameContext frameContext, OptionValues options, DebugContext debug, CompilationResult compilationResult, Register nullRegister, EconomicMap<Constant, Data> dataCache) { this.target = codeCache.getTarget(); this.codeCache = codeCache; this.foreignCalls = foreignCalls; this.frameMap = frameMap; this.asm = asm; this.dataBuilder = dataBuilder; this.compilationResult = compilationResult; this.nullRegister = nullRegister; this.frameContext = frameContext; this.options = options; this.debug = debug; assert frameContext != null; this.dataCache = dataCache; } public void setTotalFrameSize(int frameSize) { compilationResult.setTotalFrameSize(frameSize); } public void setMaxInterpreterFrameSize(int maxInterpreterFrameSize) { compilationResult.setMaxInterpreterFrameSize(maxInterpreterFrameSize); } public Mark recordMark(Object id) { return compilationResult.recordMark(asm.position(), id); } public void blockComment(String s) { compilationResult.addAnnotation(new CompilationResult.CodeComment(asm.position(), s)); }
Sets the code and exception handler fields of the compilation result and then closes it.
/** * Sets the {@linkplain CompilationResult#setTargetCode(byte[], int) code} and * {@linkplain CompilationResult#recordExceptionHandler(int, int) exception handler} fields of * the compilation result and then {@linkplain #closeCompilationResult() closes} it. */
public void finish() { int position = asm.position(); compilationResult.setTargetCode(asm.close(false), position); // Record exception handlers if they exist if (exceptionInfoList != null) { for (ExceptionInfo ei : exceptionInfoList) { int codeOffset = ei.codeOffset; compilationResult.recordExceptionHandler(codeOffset, ei.exceptionEdge.label().position()); } } closeCompilationResult(); } /** * Calls {@link CompilationResult#close()} on {@link #compilationResult}. */ protected void closeCompilationResult() { compilationResult.close(); } public void recordExceptionHandlers(int pcOffset, LIRFrameState info) { if (info != null) { if (info.exceptionEdge != null) { if (exceptionInfoList == null) { exceptionInfoList = new ArrayList<>(4); } exceptionInfoList.add(new ExceptionInfo(pcOffset, info.exceptionEdge)); } } } public void recordImplicitException(int pcOffset, LIRFrameState info) { compilationResult.recordInfopoint(pcOffset, info.debugInfo(), InfopointReason.IMPLICIT_EXCEPTION); assert info.exceptionEdge == null; } public void recordDirectCall(int posBefore, int posAfter, InvokeTarget callTarget, LIRFrameState info) { DebugInfo debugInfo = info != null ? info.debugInfo() : null; compilationResult.recordCall(posBefore, posAfter - posBefore, callTarget, debugInfo, true); } public void recordIndirectCall(int posBefore, int posAfter, InvokeTarget callTarget, LIRFrameState info) { DebugInfo debugInfo = info != null ? info.debugInfo() : null; compilationResult.recordCall(posBefore, posAfter - posBefore, callTarget, debugInfo, false); } public void recordInfopoint(int pos, LIRFrameState info, InfopointReason reason) { // infopoints always need debug info DebugInfo debugInfo = info.debugInfo(); recordInfopoint(pos, debugInfo, reason); } public void recordInfopoint(int pos, DebugInfo debugInfo, InfopointReason reason) { compilationResult.recordInfopoint(pos, debugInfo, reason); } public void recordSourceMapping(int pcOffset, int endPcOffset, NodeSourcePosition sourcePosition) { compilationResult.recordSourceMapping(pcOffset, endPcOffset, sourcePosition); } public void recordInlineDataInCode(Constant data) { assert data != null; int pos = asm.position(); debug.log("Inline data in code: pos = %d, data = %s", pos, data); if (data instanceof VMConstant) { compilationResult.recordDataPatch(pos, new ConstantReference((VMConstant) data)); } } public void recordInlineDataInCodeWithNote(Constant data, Object note) { assert data != null; int pos = asm.position(); debug.log("Inline data in code: pos = %d, data = %s, note = %s", pos, data, note); if (data instanceof VMConstant) { compilationResult.recordDataPatchWithNote(pos, new ConstantReference((VMConstant) data), note); } } public AbstractAddress recordDataSectionReference(Data data) { assert data != null; DataSectionReference reference = compilationResult.getDataSection().insertData(data); int instructionStart = asm.position(); compilationResult.recordDataPatch(instructionStart, reference); return asm.getPlaceholder(instructionStart); } public AbstractAddress recordDataReferenceInCode(DataPointerConstant constant) { return recordDataReferenceInCode(constant, constant.getAlignment()); } public AbstractAddress recordDataReferenceInCode(Constant constant, int alignment) { assert constant != null; debug.log("Constant reference in code: pos = %d, data = %s", asm.position(), constant); Data data = createDataItem(constant); data.updateAlignment(alignment); return recordDataSectionReference(data); } public AbstractAddress recordDataReferenceInCode(Data data, int alignment) { assert data != null; data.updateAlignment(alignment); return recordDataSectionReference(data); } public Data createDataItem(Constant constant) { Data data = dataCache.get(constant); if (data == null) { data = dataBuilder.createDataItem(constant); dataCache.put(constant, data); } return data; } public AbstractAddress recordDataReferenceInCode(byte[] data, int alignment) { assert data != null; if (debug.isLogEnabled()) { debug.log("Data reference in code: pos = %d, data = %s", asm.position(), Arrays.toString(data)); } return recordDataSectionReference(new RawData(data, alignment)); }
Notifies this object of a branch instruction at offset pcOffset in the code.
  • isNegated – negation status of the branch's condition.
/** * Notifies this object of a branch instruction at offset {@code pcOffset} in the code. * * @param isNegated negation status of the branch's condition. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public void recordBranch(int pcOffset, boolean isNegated) { }
Notifies this object of a call instruction belonging to an INVOKEVIRTUAL or INVOKEINTERFACE at offset pcOffset in the code.
  • nodeSourcePosition – source position of the corresponding invoke.
/** * Notifies this object of a call instruction belonging to an INVOKEVIRTUAL or INVOKEINTERFACE * at offset {@code pcOffset} in the code. * * @param nodeSourcePosition source position of the corresponding invoke. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public void recordInvokeVirtualOrInterfaceCallOp(int pcOffset, NodeSourcePosition nodeSourcePosition) { }
Notifies this object of a call instruction belonging to an INLINE_INVOKE at offset pcOffset in the code.
  • nodeSourcePosition – source position of the corresponding invoke.
/** * Notifies this object of a call instruction belonging to an INLINE_INVOKE at offset * {@code pcOffset} in the code. * * @param nodeSourcePosition source position of the corresponding invoke. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public void recordInlineInvokeCallOp(int pcOffset, NodeSourcePosition nodeSourcePosition) { }
Returns the integer value of any constant that can be represented by a 32-bit integer value, including long constants that fit into the 32-bit range.
/** * Returns the integer value of any constant that can be represented by a 32-bit integer value, * including long constants that fit into the 32-bit range. */
public int asIntConst(Value value) { assert isJavaConstant(value) && asJavaConstant(value).getJavaKind().isNumericInteger(); JavaConstant constant = asJavaConstant(value); long c = constant.asLong(); if (!NumUtil.isInt(c)) { throw GraalError.shouldNotReachHere(); } return (int) c; }
Returns the float value of any constant that can be represented by a 32-bit float value.
/** * Returns the float value of any constant that can be represented by a 32-bit float value. */
public float asFloatConst(Value value) { assert isJavaConstant(value) && asJavaConstant(value).getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Float; JavaConstant constant = asJavaConstant(value); return constant.asFloat(); }
Returns the long value of any constant that can be represented by a 64-bit long value.
/** * Returns the long value of any constant that can be represented by a 64-bit long value. */
public long asLongConst(Value value) { assert isJavaConstant(value) && asJavaConstant(value).getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Long; JavaConstant constant = asJavaConstant(value); return constant.asLong(); }
Returns the double value of any constant that can be represented by a 64-bit float value.
/** * Returns the double value of any constant that can be represented by a 64-bit float value. */
public double asDoubleConst(Value value) { assert isJavaConstant(value) && asJavaConstant(value).getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Double; JavaConstant constant = asJavaConstant(value); return constant.asDouble(); }
Returns the address of a float constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code.
/** * Returns the address of a float constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code. */
public AbstractAddress asFloatConstRef(JavaConstant value) { return asFloatConstRef(value, 4); } public AbstractAddress asFloatConstRef(JavaConstant value, int alignment) { assert value.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Float; return recordDataReferenceInCode(value, alignment); }
Returns the address of a double constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code.
/** * Returns the address of a double constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code. */
public AbstractAddress asDoubleConstRef(JavaConstant value) { return asDoubleConstRef(value, 8); } public AbstractAddress asDoubleConstRef(JavaConstant value, int alignment) { assert value.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Double; return recordDataReferenceInCode(value, alignment); }
Returns the address of a long constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code.
/** * Returns the address of a long constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code. */
public AbstractAddress asLongConstRef(JavaConstant value) { assert value.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Long; return recordDataReferenceInCode(value, 8); }
Returns the address of an object constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code.
/** * Returns the address of an object constant that is embedded as a data reference into the code. */
public AbstractAddress asObjectConstRef(JavaConstant value) { assert value.getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Object; return recordDataReferenceInCode(value, 8); } public AbstractAddress asByteAddr(Value value) { assert value.getPlatformKind().getSizeInBytes() >= JavaKind.Byte.getByteCount(); return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asShortAddr(Value value) { assert value.getPlatformKind().getSizeInBytes() >= JavaKind.Short.getByteCount(); return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asIntAddr(Value value) { assert value.getPlatformKind().getSizeInBytes() >= JavaKind.Int.getByteCount(); return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asLongAddr(Value value) { assert value.getPlatformKind().getSizeInBytes() >= JavaKind.Long.getByteCount(); return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asFloatAddr(Value value) { assert value.getPlatformKind().getSizeInBytes() >= JavaKind.Float.getByteCount(); return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asDoubleAddr(Value value) { assert value.getPlatformKind().getSizeInBytes() >= JavaKind.Double.getByteCount(); return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asAddress(Value value) { assert isStackSlot(value); StackSlot slot = asStackSlot(value); return asm.makeAddress(frameMap.getRegisterConfig().getFrameRegister(), frameMap.offsetForStackSlot(slot)); }
Determines if a given edge from the block currently being emitted goes to its lexical successor.
/** * Determines if a given edge from the block currently being emitted goes to its lexical * successor. */
public boolean isSuccessorEdge(LabelRef edge) { assert lir != null; AbstractBlockBase<?>[] order = lir.codeEmittingOrder(); assert order[currentBlockIndex] == edge.getSourceBlock(); AbstractBlockBase<?> nextBlock = LIR.getNextBlock(order, currentBlockIndex); return nextBlock == edge.getTargetBlock(); }
Emits code for lir in its code emitting order.
/** * Emits code for {@code lir} in its {@linkplain LIR#codeEmittingOrder() code emitting order}. */
public void emit(@SuppressWarnings("hiding") LIR lir) { assert this.lir == null; assert currentBlockIndex == 0; this.lir = lir; this.currentBlockIndex = 0; frameContext.enter(this); for (AbstractBlockBase<?> b : lir.codeEmittingOrder()) { assert (b == null && lir.codeEmittingOrder()[currentBlockIndex] == null) || lir.codeEmittingOrder()[currentBlockIndex].equals(b); emitBlock(b); currentBlockIndex++; } this.lir = null; this.currentBlockIndex = 0; } private void emitBlock(AbstractBlockBase<?> block) { if (block == null) { return; } boolean emitComment = debug.isDumpEnabled(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL) || Options.PrintLIRWithAssembly.getValue(getOptions()); if (emitComment) { blockComment(String.format("block B%d %s", block.getId(), block.getLoop())); } for (LIRInstruction op : lir.getLIRforBlock(block)) { if (emitComment) { blockComment(String.format("%d %s", op.id(), op)); } try { if (beforeOp != null) { beforeOp.accept(op); } emitOp(this, op); if (afterOp != null) { afterOp.accept(op); } } catch (GraalError e) { throw e.addContext("lir instruction", block + "@" + op.id() + " " + op.getClass().getName() + " " + op + "\n" + Arrays.toString(lir.codeEmittingOrder())); } } } private static void emitOp(CompilationResultBuilder crb, LIRInstruction op) { try { int start = crb.asm.position(); op.emitCode(crb); if (op.getPosition() != null) { crb.recordSourceMapping(start, crb.asm.position(), op.getPosition()); } } catch (BailoutException e) { throw e; } catch (AssertionError t) { throw new GraalError(t); } catch (RuntimeException t) { throw new GraalError(t); } } public void resetForEmittingCode() { asm.reset(); compilationResult.resetForEmittingCode(); if (exceptionInfoList != null) { exceptionInfoList.clear(); } if (dataCache != null) { dataCache.clear(); } lir = null; currentBlockIndex = 0; } public void setOpCallback(Consumer<LIRInstruction> beforeOp, Consumer<LIRInstruction> afterOp) { this.beforeOp = beforeOp; this.afterOp = afterOp; } public OptionValues getOptions() { return options; }
Builds up a map for label and LIR instruction positions where labels are or labels pointing to.
/** * Builds up a map for label and LIR instruction positions where labels are or labels pointing * to. */
public void buildLabelOffsets(LIR generatedLIR) { labelBindLirPositions = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); lirPositions = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY); int instructionPosition = 0; for (AbstractBlockBase<?> block : generatedLIR.codeEmittingOrder()) { if (block != null) { for (LIRInstruction op : generatedLIR.getLIRforBlock(block)) { if (op instanceof LabelHoldingOp) { Label label = ((LabelHoldingOp) op).getLabel(); if (label != null) { labelBindLirPositions.put(label, instructionPosition); } } lirPositions.put(op, instructionPosition); instructionPosition++; } } } }
Answers the code generator whether the jump from instruction to label is within disp LIR instructions.
  • disp – Maximum number of LIR instructions between label and instruction
/** * Answers the code generator whether the jump from instruction to label is within disp LIR * instructions. * * @param disp Maximum number of LIR instructions between label and instruction */
public boolean labelWithinRange(LIRInstruction instruction, Label label, int disp) { if (conservativeLabelOffsets) { return false; } Integer labelPosition = labelBindLirPositions.get(label); Integer instructionPosition = lirPositions.get(instruction); boolean result; if (labelPosition != null && instructionPosition != null) { result = Math.abs(labelPosition - instructionPosition) < disp; } else { result = false; } return result; }
Sets this CompilationResultBuilder into conservative mode. If set, labelWithinRange(LIRInstruction, Label, int) always returns false.
/** * Sets this CompilationResultBuilder into conservative mode. If set, * {@link CompilationResultBuilder#labelWithinRange(LIRInstruction, Label, int)} always returns * false. */
public void setConservativeLabelRanges() { this.conservativeLabelOffsets = true; } }