package examples;

import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.VertxOptions;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServer;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.AuthProvider;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.KeyStoreOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.User;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.jwt.JWTAuth;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.jwt.JWTAuthOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.jwt.JWTOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.oauth2.OAuth2Auth;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.oauth2.OAuth2ClientOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.oauth2.OAuth2FlowType;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.oauth2.providers.GithubAuth;
import io.vertx.ext.bridge.BridgeEventType;
import io.vertx.ext.bridge.PermittedOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.web.*;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.*;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.sockjs.BridgeOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.sockjs.SockJSHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.web.handler.sockjs.SockJSHandlerOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.web.sstore.ClusteredSessionStore;
import io.vertx.ext.web.sstore.LocalSessionStore;
import io.vertx.ext.web.sstore.SessionStore;
import io.vertx.ext.web.templ.TemplateEngine;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

These are the examples used in the documentation.
Author:Julien Viet, Tim Fox
/** * These are the examples used in the documentation. * * @author <a href="">Julien Viet</a> * @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a> */
public class WebExamples { public void example1(Vertx vertx) { HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(request -> { // This handler gets called for each request that arrives on the server HttpServerResponse response = request.response(); response.putHeader("content-type", "text/plain"); // Write to the response and end it response.end("Hello World!"); }); server.listen(8080); } public void example2(Vertx vertx) { HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); Router router = Router.router(vertx); router.route().handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for every request HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.putHeader("content-type", "text/plain"); // Write to the response and end it response.end("Hello World from Vert.x-Web!"); }); server.requestHandler(router).listen(8080); } public void example3(Router router) { Route route = router.route().path("/some/path/"); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for the following request paths: // `/some/path` // `/some/path/` // `/some/path//` // // but not: // `/some/path/subdir` }); } public void example3_1(Router router) { Route route = router.route().path("/some/path/*"); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any path that starts with // `/some/path/`, e.g. // `/some/path` // `/some/path/` // `/some/path/subdir` // `/some/path/subdir/blah.html` // // but not: // `/some/bath` }); } public void example4(Router router) { Route route = router.route("/some/path/*"); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called same as previous example }); } public void example4_1(Router router) { Route route = router.route(HttpMethod.POST, "/catalogue/products/:producttype/:productid/"); route.handler(routingContext -> { String productType = routingContext.request().getParam("producttype"); String productID = routingContext.request().getParam("productid"); // Do something with them... }); } public void example5(Router router) { // Matches any path ending with 'foo' Route route = router.route().pathRegex(".*foo"); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for: // /some/path/foo // /foo // /foo/bar/wibble/foo // /bar/foo // But not: // /bar/wibble }); } public void example6(Router router) { Route route = router.routeWithRegex(".*foo"); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called same as previous example }); } public void example6_1(Router router) { Route route = router.routeWithRegex(".*foo"); // This regular expression matches paths that start with something like: // "/foo/bar" - where the "foo" is captured into param0 and the "bar" is captured into // param1 route.pathRegex("\\/([^\\/]+)\\/([^\\/]+)").handler(routingContext -> { String productType = routingContext.request().getParam("param0"); String productID = routingContext.request().getParam("param1"); // Do something with them... }); } public void example6_2(Router router) { // This regular expression matches paths that start with something like: "/foo/bar" // It uses named regex groups to capture path params Route route = router.routeWithRegex("\\/(?<productType>[^\\/]+)\\/(?<productId>[^\\/]+)").handler(routingContext -> { String productType = routingContext.request().getParam("productType"); String productID = routingContext.request().getParam("productId"); // Do something with them... }); } public void example7(Router router) { Route route = router.route().method(HttpMethod.POST); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any POST request }); } public void example8(Router router) { Route route = router.route(HttpMethod.POST, "/some/path/"); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any POST request to a URI path starting with /some/path/ }); } public void example8_1(Router router) { router.get().handler(routingContext -> { // Will be called for any GET request }); router.get("/some/path/").handler(routingContext -> { // Will be called for any GET request to a path // starting with /some/path }); router.getWithRegex(".*foo").handler(routingContext -> { // Will be called for any GET request to a path // ending with `foo` }); // There are also equivalents to the above for PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD and OPTIONS } public void example9(Router router) { Route route = router.route().method(HttpMethod.POST).method(HttpMethod.PUT); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any POST or PUT request }); } public void example10(Router router) { Route route1 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); // enable chunked responses because we will be adding data as // we execute over other handlers. This is only required once and // only if several handlers do output. response.setChunked(true); response.write("route1\n"); // Now call the next matching route; }); Route route2 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.write("route2\n"); // Now call the next matching route; }); Route route3 = router.route("/some/path/").handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.write("route3"); // Now end the response routingContext.response().end(); }); } public void example11(Router router) { Route route1 = router.route("/some/path/").order(1).handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.write("route1\n"); // Now call the next matching route; }); Route route2 = router.route("/some/path/").order(0).handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); // enable chunked responses because we will be adding data as // we execute over other handlers. This is only required once and // only if several handlers do output. response.setChunked(true); response.write("route2\n"); // Now call the next matching route; }); Route route3 = router.route("/some/path/").order(2).handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.write("route3"); // Now end the response routingContext.response().end(); }); } public void example12(Router router) { // Exact match router.route().consumes("text/html").handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any request with // content-type header set to `text/html` }); } public void example13(Router router) { // Multiple exact matches router.route().consumes("text/html").consumes("text/plain").handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any request with // content-type header set to `text/html` or `text/plain`. }); } public void example14(Router router) { // Sub-type wildcard match router.route().consumes("text/*").handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any request with top level type `text` // e.g. content-type header set to `text/html` or `text/plain` will both match }); } public void example15(Router router) { // Top level type wildcard match router.route().consumes("*/json").handler(routingContext -> { // This handler will be called for any request with sub-type json // e.g. content-type header set to `text/json` or `application/json` will both match }); } public void example16(Router router, String someJSON) { router.route().produces("application/json").handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.putHeader("content-type", "application/json"); response.write(someJSON).end(); }); } public void example17(Router router, String whatever) { // This route can produce two different MIME types router.route().produces("application/json").produces("text/html").handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); // Get the actual MIME type acceptable String acceptableContentType = routingContext.getAcceptableContentType(); response.putHeader("content-type", acceptableContentType); response.write(whatever).end(); }); } public void example18(Router router) { Route route = router.route(HttpMethod.PUT, "myapi/orders") .consumes("application/json") .produces("application/json"); route.handler(routingContext -> { // This would be match for any PUT method to paths starting with "myapi/orders" with a // content-type of "application/json" // and an accept header matching "application/json" }); } public void example20(Router router) { Route route = router.route("/some/path/"); route.handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); // enable chunked responses because we will be adding data as // we execute over other handlers. This is only required once and // only if several handlers do output. response.setChunked(true); response.write("route1\n"); // Call the next matching route after a 5 second delay routingContext.vertx().setTimer(5000, tid ->; }); route.handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.write("route2\n"); // Call the next matching route after a 5 second delay routingContext.vertx().setTimer(5000, tid ->; }); route.handler(routingContext -> { HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response(); response.write("route3"); // Now end the response routingContext.response().end(); }); } public void example20_1(Router router, SomeLegacyService service) { router.route().blockingHandler(routingContext -> { // Do something that might take some time synchronously service.doSomethingThatBlocks(); // Now call the next handler; }); } public void example20_2(Router router) {"/some/endpoint").handler(ctx -> { ctx.request().setExpectMultipart(true);; }).blockingHandler(ctx -> { // ... Do some blocking operation }); } interface SomeLegacyService { void doSomethingThatBlocks(); } public void example21(Router router) { router.get("/some/path").handler(routingContext -> { routingContext.put("foo", "bar");; }); router.get("/some/path/other").handler(routingContext -> { String bar = routingContext.get("foo"); // Do something with bar routingContext.response().end(); }); } public void example22(Vertx vertx, String productJSON) { Router restAPI = Router.router(vertx); restAPI.get("/products/:productID").handler(rc -> { // TODO Handle the lookup of the product.... rc.response().write(productJSON); }); restAPI.put("/products/:productID").handler(rc -> { // TODO Add a new product... rc.response().end(); }); restAPI.delete("/products/:productID").handler(rc -> { // TODO delete the product... rc.response().end(); }); } public void example23(Vertx vertx, Handler<RoutingContext> myStaticHandler, Handler<RoutingContext> myTemplateHandler) { Router mainRouter = Router.router(vertx); // Handle static resources mainRouter.route("/static/*").handler(myStaticHandler); mainRouter.route(".*\\.templ").handler(myTemplateHandler); } public void example24(Router mainRouter, Router restAPI) { mainRouter.mountSubRouter("/productsAPI", restAPI); } public void example25(Router router) { Route route = router.get("/somepath/*"); route.failureHandler(frc -> { // This will be called for failures that occur // when routing requests to paths starting with // '/somepath/' }); } public void example26(Router router) { Route route1 = router.get("/somepath/path1/"); route1.handler(routingContext -> { // Let's say this throws a RuntimeException throw new RuntimeException("something happened!"); }); Route route2 = router.get("/somepath/path2"); route2.handler(routingContext -> { // This one deliberately fails the request passing in the status code // E.g. 403 - Forbidden; }); // Define a failure handler // This will get called for any failures in the above handlers Route route3 = router.get("/somepath/*"); route3.failureHandler(failureRoutingContext -> { int statusCode = failureRoutingContext.statusCode(); // Status code will be 500 for the RuntimeException or 403 for the other failure HttpServerResponse response = failureRoutingContext.response(); response.setStatusCode(statusCode).end("Sorry! Not today"); }); } public void example27(Router router) { // This body handler will be called for all routes router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create()); } public void example28(Router router) { router.route().handler(BodyHandler.create());"/some/path/uploads").handler(routingContext -> { Set<FileUpload> uploads = routingContext.fileUploads(); // Do something with uploads.... }); } public void example29(Router router) { // This cookie handler will be called for all routes router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); } public void example30(Router router) { // This cookie handler will be called for all routes router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); router.route("some/path/").handler(routingContext -> { Cookie someCookie = routingContext.getCookie("mycookie"); String cookieValue = someCookie.getValue(); // Do something with cookie... // Add a cookie - this will get written back in the response automatically routingContext.addCookie(Cookie.cookie("othercookie", "somevalue")); }); } public void example31(Vertx vertx) { // Create a local session store using defaults SessionStore store1 = LocalSessionStore.create(vertx); // Create a local session store specifying the local shared map name to use // This might be useful if you have more than one application in the same // Vert.x instance and want to use different maps for different applications SessionStore store2 = LocalSessionStore.create(vertx, "myapp3.sessionmap"); // Create a local session store specifying the local shared map name to use and // setting the reaper interval for expired sessions to 10 seconds SessionStore store3 = LocalSessionStore.create(vertx, "myapp3.sessionmap", 10000); } public void example32() { // a clustered Vert.x Vertx.clusteredVertx(new VertxOptions().setClustered(true), res -> { Vertx vertx = res.result(); // Create a clustered session store using defaults SessionStore store1 = ClusteredSessionStore.create(vertx); // Create a clustered session store specifying the distributed map name to use // This might be useful if you have more than one application in the cluster // and want to use different maps for different applications SessionStore store2 = ClusteredSessionStore.create(vertx, "myclusteredapp3.sessionmap"); }); } public void example33(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); // We need a cookie handler first router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); // Create a clustered session store using defaults SessionStore store = ClusteredSessionStore.create(vertx); SessionHandler sessionHandler = SessionHandler.create(store); // Make sure all requests are routed through the session handler too router.route().handler(sessionHandler); // Now your application handlers router.route("/somepath/blah/").handler(routingContext -> { Session session = routingContext.session(); session.put("foo", "bar"); // etc }); } public void example34(SessionHandler sessionHandler, Router router) { router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); router.route().handler(sessionHandler); // Now your application handlers router.route("/somepath/blah").handler(routingContext -> { Session session = routingContext.session(); // Put some data from the session session.put("foo", "bar"); // Retrieve some data from a session int age = session.get("age"); // Remove some data from a session JsonObject obj = session.remove("myobj"); }); } public void example37(Vertx vertx, AuthProvider authProvider, Router router) { router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); router.route().handler(SessionHandler.create(LocalSessionStore.create(vertx))); AuthHandler basicAuthHandler = BasicAuthHandler.create(authProvider); } public void example38(Vertx vertx, AuthProvider authProvider, Router router) { router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); router.route().handler(SessionHandler.create(LocalSessionStore.create(vertx)).setAuthProvider(authProvider)); AuthHandler basicAuthHandler = BasicAuthHandler.create(authProvider); // All requests to paths starting with '/private/' will be protected router.route("/private/*").handler(basicAuthHandler); router.route("/someotherpath").handler(routingContext -> { // This will be public access - no login required }); router.route("/private/somepath").handler(routingContext -> { // This will require a login // This will have the value true boolean isAuthenticated = routingContext.user() != null; }); } public void example39(Vertx vertx, AuthProvider authProvider, Router router) { router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); router.route().handler(SessionHandler.create(LocalSessionStore.create(vertx)).setAuthProvider(authProvider)); AuthHandler redirectAuthHandler = RedirectAuthHandler.create(authProvider); // All requests to paths starting with '/private/' will be protected router.route("/private/*").handler(redirectAuthHandler); // Handle the actual login // One of your pages must POST form login data"/login").handler(FormLoginHandler.create(authProvider)); // Set a static server to serve static resources, e.g. the login page router.route().handler(StaticHandler.create()); router.route("/someotherpath").handler(routingContext -> { // This will be public access - no login required }); router.route("/private/somepath").handler(routingContext -> { // This will require a login // This will have the value true boolean isAuthenticated = routingContext.user() != null; }); } public void example40(AuthProvider authProvider, Router router) { AuthHandler listProductsAuthHandler = RedirectAuthHandler.create(authProvider); listProductsAuthHandler.addAuthority("list_products"); // Need "list_products" authority to list products router.route("/listproducts/*").handler(listProductsAuthHandler); AuthHandler settingsAuthHandler = RedirectAuthHandler.create(authProvider); settingsAuthHandler.addAuthority("role:admin"); // Only "admin" has access to /private/settings router.route("/private/settings/*").handler(settingsAuthHandler); } public void example41(Router router) { router.route("/static/*").handler(StaticHandler.create()); } public void example41_0_1(Router router) { // Will only accept GET requests from origin "" router.route().handler(CorsHandler.create("vertx\\.io").allowedMethod(HttpMethod.GET)); router.route().handler(routingContext -> { // Your app handlers }); } public void example41_2(Router router, TemplateEngine engine) { TemplateHandler handler = TemplateHandler.create(engine); router.get("/dynamic").handler(routingContext -> { routingContext.put("request_path", routingContext.request().path()); routingContext.put("session_data", routingContext.session().data());; }); router.get("/dynamic/").handler(handler); } public void example41_3(Router router) { // Any errors on paths beginning with '/somepath/' will be handled by this error handler router.route("/somepath/").failureHandler(ErrorHandler.create()); } public void example42(Router router) { router.route("/foo/").handler(TimeoutHandler.create(5000)); } public void example43(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); SockJSHandlerOptions options = new SockJSHandlerOptions().setHeartbeatInterval(2000); SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx, options); router.route("/myapp/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void example44(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); SockJSHandlerOptions options = new SockJSHandlerOptions().setHeartbeatInterval(2000); SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx, options); sockJSHandler.socketHandler(sockJSSocket -> { // Just echo the data back sockJSSocket.handler(sockJSSocket::write); }); router.route("/myapp/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void example45(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx); BridgeOptions options = new BridgeOptions(); sockJSHandler.bridge(options); router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void example46(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx); // Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderMgr' from the client PermittedOptions inboundPermitted1 = new PermittedOptions().setAddress("demo.orderMgr"); // Allow calls to the address 'demo.persistor' from the client as long as the messages // have an action field with value 'find' and a collection field with value // 'albums' PermittedOptions inboundPermitted2 = new PermittedOptions().setAddress("demo.persistor") .setMatch(new JsonObject().put("action", "find") .put("collection", "albums")); // Allow through any message with a field `wibble` with value `foo`. PermittedOptions inboundPermitted3 = new PermittedOptions().setMatch(new JsonObject().put("wibble", "foo")); // First let's define what we're going to allow from server -> client // Let through any messages coming from address 'ticker.mystock' PermittedOptions outboundPermitted1 = new PermittedOptions().setAddress("ticker.mystock"); // Let through any messages from addresses starting with "news." (e.g. news.europe, news.usa, etc) PermittedOptions outboundPermitted2 = new PermittedOptions().setAddressRegex("news\\..+"); // Let's define what we're going to allow from client -> server BridgeOptions options = new BridgeOptions(). addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted1). addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted1). addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted3). addOutboundPermitted(outboundPermitted1). addOutboundPermitted(outboundPermitted2); sockJSHandler.bridge(options); router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void example47() { // Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderService' from the client PermittedOptions inboundPermitted = new PermittedOptions().setAddress("demo.orderService"); // But only if the user is logged in and has the authority "place_orders" inboundPermitted.setRequiredAuthority("place_orders"); BridgeOptions options = new BridgeOptions().addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted); } public void example48(Vertx vertx, AuthProvider authProvider) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); // Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderService' from the client PermittedOptions inboundPermitted = new PermittedOptions().setAddress("demo.orderService"); // But only if the user is logged in and has the authority "place_orders" inboundPermitted.setRequiredAuthority("place_orders"); SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx); sockJSHandler.bridge(new BridgeOptions(). addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted)); // Now set up some basic auth handling: router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); router.route().handler(SessionHandler.create(LocalSessionStore.create(vertx))); AuthHandler basicAuthHandler = BasicAuthHandler.create(authProvider); router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(basicAuthHandler); router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void example48_1(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); // Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderService' from the client PermittedOptions inboundPermitted = new PermittedOptions().setAddress("demo.orderService"); SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx); BridgeOptions options = new BridgeOptions().addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted); sockJSHandler.bridge(options, be -> { if (be.type() == BridgeEventType.PUBLISH || be.type() == BridgeEventType.SEND) { // Add some headers JsonObject headers = new JsonObject().put("header1", "val").put("header2", "val2"); JsonObject rawMessage = be.getRawMessage(); rawMessage.put("headers", headers); be.setRawMessage(rawMessage); } be.complete(true); }); router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void example49(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); // Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderMgr' from the client PermittedOptions inboundPermitted = new PermittedOptions().setAddress("demo.someService"); SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx); BridgeOptions options = new BridgeOptions().addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted); sockJSHandler.bridge(options, be -> { if (be.type() == BridgeEventType.PUBLISH || be.type() == BridgeEventType.RECEIVE) { if (be.getRawMessage().getString("body").equals("armadillos")) { // Reject it be.complete(false); return; } } be.complete(true); }); router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void handleSocketIdle(Vertx vertx, PermittedOptions inboundPermitted) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); // Initialize SockJS handler SockJSHandler sockJSHandler = SockJSHandler.create(vertx); BridgeOptions options = new BridgeOptions().addInboundPermitted(inboundPermitted).setPingTimeout(5000); sockJSHandler.bridge(options, be -> { if (be.type() == BridgeEventType.SOCKET_IDLE) { // Do some custom handling... } be.complete(true); }); router.route("/eventbus/*").handler(sockJSHandler); } public void example50(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); JWTAuthOptions authConfig = new JWTAuthOptions() .setKeyStore(new KeyStoreOptions() .setType("jceks") .setPath("keystore.jceks") .setPassword("secret")); JWTAuth authProvider = JWTAuth.create(vertx, authConfig); router.route("/login").handler(ctx -> { // this is an example, authentication should be done with another provider... if ("paulo".equals(ctx.request().getParam("username")) && "secret".equals(ctx.request().getParam("password"))) { ctx.response().end(authProvider.generateToken(new JsonObject().put("sub", "paulo"), new JWTOptions())); } else {; } }); } public void example51(Vertx vertx) { Router router = Router.router(vertx); JWTAuthOptions authConfig = new JWTAuthOptions() .setKeyStore(new KeyStoreOptions() .setType("jceks") .setPath("keystore.jceks") .setPassword("secret")); JWTAuth authProvider = JWTAuth.create(vertx, authConfig); router.route("/protected/*").handler(JWTAuthHandler.create(authProvider)); router.route("/protected/somepage").handler(ctx -> { // some handle code... }); } public void example52(Vertx vertx) { JWTAuthOptions authConfig = new JWTAuthOptions() .setKeyStore(new KeyStoreOptions() .setType("jceks") .setPath("keystore.jceks") .setPassword("secret")); JWTAuth authProvider = JWTAuth.create(vertx, authConfig); authProvider.generateToken(new JsonObject().put("sub", "paulo").put("someKey", "some value"), new JWTOptions()); } public void example53(Vertx vertx) { Handler<RoutingContext> handler = rc -> { String theSubject = rc.user().principal().getString("sub"); String someKey = rc.user().principal().getString("someKey"); }; } public void example54(Router router) { router.route().handler(CookieHandler.create()); router.route().handler(CSRFHandler.create("abracadabra")); router.route().handler(rc -> { }); } public void example55(Router router) { router.get("/some/path").handler(routingContext -> { routingContext.put("foo", "bar");; }); router.get("/some/path/B").handler(routingContext -> routingContext.response().end()); router.get("/some/path").handler(routingContext -> routingContext.reroute("/some/path/B")); } public void example55b(Router router) { router.get("/my-pretty-notfound-handler").handler(ctx -> ctx.response() .setStatusCode(404) .end("NOT FOUND fancy html here!!!")); router.get().failureHandler(ctx -> { if (ctx.statusCode() == 404) { ctx.reroute("/my-pretty-notfound-handler"); } else {; } }); } public void example55c(Router router) { router.get("/final-target").handler(ctx -> { // continue from here... }); // THE WRONG WAY! (Will reroute to /final-target excluding the query string) router.get().handler(ctx -> ctx.reroute("/final-target?variable=value")); // THE CORRECT WAY! router.get().handler(ctx -> ctx .put("variable", "value") .reroute("/final-target")); } public void example56(Router router) { router.route().handler(VirtualHostHandler.create("*", routingContext -> { // do something if the request is for * })); } public void example57(Router router) { Route route = router.get("/localized").handler(rc -> { // although it might seem strange by running a loop with a switch we // make sure that the locale order of preference is preserved when // replying in the users language. for (LanguageHeader language : rc.acceptableLanguages()) { switch (language.tag()) { case "en": rc.response().end("Hello!"); return; case "fr": rc.response().end("Bonjour!"); return; case "pt": rc.response().end("Olá!"); return; case "es": rc.response().end("Hola!"); return; } } // we do not know the user language so lets just inform that back: rc.response().end("Sorry we don't speak: " + rc.preferredLanguage()); }); } public void example58(Vertx vertx, Router router) { // create an OAuth2 provider, clientID and clientSecret should be requested to github OAuth2Auth authProvider = GithubAuth.create(vertx, "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET"); // create a oauth2 handler on our running server // the second argument is the full url to the callback as you entered in your provider management console. OAuth2AuthHandler oauth2 = OAuth2AuthHandler.create(authProvider, ""); // setup the callback handler for receiving the GitHub callback oauth2.setupCallback(router.route()); // protect everything under /protected router.route("/protected/*").handler(oauth2); // mount some handler under the protected zone router.route("/protected/somepage").handler(rc -> rc.response().end("Welcome to the protected resource!")); // welcome page router.get("/").handler(ctx -> ctx.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/html").end("Hello<br><a href=\"/protected/somepage\">Protected by Github</a>")); } public void example59(Vertx vertx, Router router) { // create an OAuth2 provider, clientID and clientSecret should be requested to Google OAuth2Auth authProvider = OAuth2Auth.create(vertx, OAuth2FlowType.AUTH_CODE, new OAuth2ClientOptions() .setClientID("CLIENT_ID") .setClientSecret("CLIENT_SECRET") .setSite("") .setTokenPath("") .setAuthorizationPath("/o/oauth2/auth")); // create a oauth2 handler on our domain: "http://localhost:8080" OAuth2AuthHandler oauth2 = OAuth2AuthHandler.create(authProvider, "http://localhost:8080"); // these are the scopes oauth2.addAuthority("profile"); // setup the callback handler for receiving the Google callback oauth2.setupCallback(router.get("/callback")); // protect everything under /protected router.route("/protected/*").handler(oauth2); // mount some handler under the protected zone router.route("/protected/somepage").handler(rc -> rc.response().end("Welcome to the protected resource!")); // welcome page router.get("/").handler(ctx -> ctx.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/html").end("Hello<br><a href=\"/protected/somepage\">Protected by Google</a>")); } public void example61(Vertx vertx, Router router, OAuth2Auth provider) { // create a oauth2 handler pinned to "" OAuth2AuthHandler oauth2 = OAuth2AuthHandler.create(provider, ""); // now allow the handler to setup the callback url for you oauth2.setupCallback(router.route()); } public void example62(Vertx vertx, Router router) { // To simplify the development of the web components // we use a Router to route all HTTP requests // to organize our code in a reusable way. // We need cookies and sessions router.route() .handler(CookieHandler.create()); // Simple auth service which uses a GitHub to // authenticate the user OAuth2Auth authProvider = GithubAuth.create(vertx, "YOUR PROVIDER CLIENTID", "YOUR PROVIDER CLIENT SECRET"); // We need a user session handler too to make sure // the user is stored in the session between requests router.route() .handler(SessionHandler.create(LocalSessionStore.create(vertx)).setAuthProvider(authProvider)); // we now protect the resource under the path "/protected" router.route("/protected").handler( OAuth2AuthHandler.create(authProvider) // we now configure the oauth2 handler, it will // setup the callback handler // as expected by your oauth2 provider. .setupCallback(router.route("/callback")) // for this resource we require that users have // the authority to retrieve the user emails .addAuthority("user:email") ); // Entry point to the application, this will render // a custom template. router.get("/").handler(ctx -> ctx.response() .putHeader("Content-Type", "text/html") .end( "<html>\n" + " <body>\n" + " <p>\n" + " Well, hello there!\n" + " </p>\n" + " <p>\n" + " We're going to the protected resource, if there is no\n" + " user in the session we will talk to the GitHub API. Ready?\n" + " <a href=\"/protected\">Click here</a> to begin!</a>\n" + " </p>\n" + " <p>\n" + " <b>If that link doesn't work</b>, remember to provide\n" + " your own <a href=\"\">\n" + " Client ID</a>!\n" + " </p>\n" + " </body>\n" + "</html>")); // The protected resource router.get("/protected").handler(ctx -> { // at this moment your user object should contain the info // from the Oauth2 response, since this is a protected resource // as specified above in the handler config the user object is never null User user = ctx.user(); // just dump it to the client for demo purposes ctx.response().end(user.toString()); }); } public void manualContentType(Router router) { router.get("/api/books").produces("application/json").handler(rc -> findBooks(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { rc.response().putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").end(toJson(ar.result())); } else {; } })); } public void contentTypeHandler(Router router) { router.route("/api/*").handler(ResponseContentTypeHandler.create()); router.get("/api/books").produces("application/json").handler(rc -> findBooks(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { rc.response().end(toJson(ar.result())); } else {; } })); } private void findBooks(Handler<AsyncResult<List<Book>>> handler) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } class Book { } Buffer toJson(List<Book> books) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } Buffer toXML(List<Book> books) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void mostAcceptableContentTypeHandler(Router router) { router.route("/api/*").handler(ResponseContentTypeHandler.create()); router.get("/api/books").produces("text/xml").produces("application/json").handler(rc -> findBooks(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { if (rc.getAcceptableContentType().equals("text/xml")) { rc.response().end(toXML(ar.result())); } else { rc.response().end(toJson(ar.result())); } } else {; } })); } public void example63(Router router, AuthProvider provider) { ChainAuthHandler chain = ChainAuthHandler.create(); // add http basic auth handler to the chain chain.append(BasicAuthHandler.create(provider)); // add form redirect auth handler to the chain chain.append(RedirectAuthHandler.create(provider)); // secure your route router.route("/secure/resource").handler(chain); // your app router.route("/secure/resource").handler(ctx -> { // do something... }); } }