package io.vertx.lang.js.generator;

import io.vertx.codegen.*;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.ModuleGen;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Tag;
import io.vertx.codegen.doc.Token;
import io.vertx.codegen.type.*;
import io.vertx.codegen.writer.CodeWriter;

import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import static io.vertx.codegen.type.ClassKind.*;
import static io.vertx.codegen.type.ClassKind.FUNCTION;
import static javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind.CLASS;
import static javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind.INTERFACE;
import static javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind.METHOD;

public abstract class AbstractJSClassGenerator<M extends ClassModel> extends Generator<M> {

  public Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> annotations() {
    return Arrays.asList(VertxGen.class, ModuleGen.class);

Render a tag link to an html link, this function is used as parameter of the renderDocToHtml function when it needs to render tag links.
/** * Render a tag link to an html link, this function is used as parameter of the * renderDocToHtml function when it needs to render tag links. */
protected String renderLinkToHtml(Tag.Link link) { ClassTypeInfo rawType = link.getTargetType().getRaw(); if (rawType.getModule() != null) { String label = link.getLabel().trim(); if (rawType.getKind() == DATA_OBJECT) { if (label.length() == 0) { label = rawType.getSimpleName(); } return "<a href=\"../../dataobjects.html#" + rawType.getSimpleName() + "\">" + label + "</a>"; } else if (rawType.getKind() == ENUM && ((EnumTypeInfo) rawType).isGen()) { if (label.length() == 0) { label = rawType.getSimpleName(); } return "<a href=\"../../enums.html#" + rawType.getSimpleName() + "\">" + label + "</a>"; } else { if (label.length() > 0) { label = "[" + label + "] "; } Element elt = link.getTargetElement(); String jsType = rawType.getSimpleName(); ElementKind kind = elt.getKind(); if (kind == CLASS || kind == INTERFACE) { return label + "{@link " + jsType + "}"; } else if (kind == METHOD) { return label + "{@link " + jsType + "#" + elt.getSimpleName().toString() + "}"; } else { System.out.println("Unhandled kind " + kind); } } } return null; }
Generate the module name of a type
/** * Generate the module name of a type */
protected String getModuleName(ClassTypeInfo type) { return type.getModuleName() + "-js/" +, type.getSimpleName()); }
Generate the JSDoc type of a type
/** * Generate the JSDoc type of a type */
protected String getJSDocType(TypeInfo type) { switch (type.getKind()) { case STRING: return "string"; case PRIMITIVE: case BOXED_PRIMITIVE: switch (type.getSimpleName()) { case "boolean": case "Boolean": return "boolean"; case "char": case "Character": return "string"; default: return "number"; } case JSON_OBJECT: case DATA_OBJECT: case ENUM: case OBJECT: return "Object"; case JSON_ARRAY: return "Array"; case API: return type.getRaw().getSimpleName(); case MAP: //`Map` before `collection`, because of MAP.collection is true return "Object.<string, " + getJSDocType(((ParameterizedTypeInfo) type).getArg(1)) + ">"; case HANDLER: case FUNCTION: return "function"; case SET: case LIST: return "Array.<" + getJSDocType(((ParameterizedTypeInfo) type).getArg(0)) + ">"; default: return "todo"; } } protected String convParam(M model, MethodInfo method, String argName, boolean overloaded, ParamInfo param) { StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter(); CodeWriter writer = new CodeWriter(buffer); String paramName = overloaded ? argName : param.getName(); ClassKind paramKind = param.getType().getKind(); boolean funct = paramKind == FUNCTION; if (paramKind == HANDLER || funct) { ParameterizedTypeInfo type = (ParameterizedTypeInfo) param.getType(); if (type.getArg(0).getKind() == ASYNC_RESULT) { ParameterizedTypeInfo asyncType = (ParameterizedTypeInfo) type.getArg(0); if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format("%s == null ? null : ", paramName); } writer.println("function(ar) {"); writer.indent(); if (funct) { writer.println("var jRet;"); } writer.println("if (ar.succeeded()) {"); writer.indent(); if (funct) { writer.print("jRet = "); } writer.print(paramName); writer.print("("); if ("java.lang.Void".equals(asyncType.getArg(0).getName())) { writer.print("null"); } else { writer.print(convReturn(model, method, asyncType.getArg(0), arVal())); } writer.println(", null);"); writer.unindent(); writer.println("} else {"); writer.indent(); if (funct) { writer.print("jRet = "); } writer.print(paramName); writer.println("(null, ar.cause());"); writer.unindent(); writer.println("}"); if (funct) { writer.println("return jRet;"); } writer.unindent(); writer.print("}"); } else if ("java.lang.Void".equals(type.getArg(0).getName())) { writer.print(paramName); } else { if (param.isNullable()) { writer.print(paramName); writer.print(" == null ? null : "); } writer.println("function(jVal) {"); writer.indent(); if (funct) { writer.print("var jRet = "); } writer.print(paramName); writer.format("(%s);\n", convReturn(model, method, type.getArg(0), basicVal())); if (funct) { writer.format("return %s;\n", unwrapToJava(method, param, type.getArg(1), "jRet")); } writer.unindent(); writer.print("}"); } } else { writer.print(unwrapToJava(method, param, param.getType(), paramName)); } return buffer.toString(); } protected abstract String convReturn(M model, MethodInfo method, TypeInfo returnType, String templ); protected void genDoc(M model, CodeWriter writer) { writer.println("/**"); if (model.getIfaceComment() != null) { writer.println(Helper.removeTags(model.getIfaceComment())); } writer.println(" @class"); writer.println("*/"); } protected String unwrapToJava(MethodInfo method, ParamInfo param, TypeInfo unwrappedType, String unwrappedName) { StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(buffer); ClassKind kind = unwrappedType.getKind(); switch (kind) { case JSON_OBJECT: writer.format("utils.convParamJsonObject(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case JSON_ARRAY: writer.format("utils.convParamJsonArray(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case DATA_OBJECT: writer.format("%s != null ? new %s(new JsonObject(Java.asJSONCompatible(%s))) : null", unwrappedName, unwrappedType.getSimpleName(), unwrappedName); break; case ENUM: if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format("%s == null ? null : ", unwrappedName); } writer.format("%s.valueOf(%s)", unwrappedType.getName(), unwrappedName); break; case OBJECT: if (unwrappedType.isVariable()) { TypeVariableInfo type = (TypeVariableInfo) unwrappedType; if (type.isClassParam()) { writer.format("j_%s.unwrap(%s)", unwrappedType.getName(), unwrappedName); } else { ParamInfo classTypeParam = method.resolveClassTypeParam(type); if (classTypeParam != null) { writer.format("utils.get_jtype(__args[%s]).unwrap(%s)", classTypeParam.getIndex(), unwrappedName); } else { writer.format("utils.convParamTypeUnknown(%s)", unwrappedName); } } } else { writer.format("utils.convParamTypeUnknown(%s)", unwrappedName); } break; case THROWABLE: writer.format("utils.convParamThrowable(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case CLASS_TYPE: writer.format("utils.get_jclass(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case LIST: case SET: { String container = kind == LIST ? "List" : "Set"; ParameterizedTypeInfo type = (ParameterizedTypeInfo) unwrappedType; TypeInfo arg = type.getArg(0); String argName = arg.getName(); ClassKind argKind = arg.getKind(); //Generics cannot be primitive if ("java.lang.Long".equals(argName)) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sLong(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } else if ("java.lang.Short".equals(argName)) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sShort(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } else if ("java.lang.Byte".equals(argName)) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sByte(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == API) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sVertxGen(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == JSON_OBJECT) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sJsonObject(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == JSON_ARRAY) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sJsonArray(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == DATA_OBJECT) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sDataObject(%s, function(json) { return new %s(json); })", container, unwrappedName, arg.getSimpleName()); } else if (argKind == ENUM) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sEnum(%s, function(val) { return Packages.%s.valueOf(val); })", container, unwrappedName, arg.getName()); } else if (argKind == OBJECT) { writer.format("utils.convParam%sObject(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } else { if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format("%s == null ? null : ", unwrappedName); } writer.format("utils.convParam%sBasicOther(%s)", container, unwrappedName); } break; } case MAP: { ParameterizedTypeInfo type = (ParameterizedTypeInfo) unwrappedType; TypeInfo arg = type.getArg(1); String argName = arg.getName(); ClassKind argKind = arg.getKind(); //Generics cannot be primitive if ("java.lang.Long".equals(argName)) { writer.format("utils.convParamMapLong(%s)", unwrappedName); } else if ("java.lang.Short".equals(argName)) { writer.format("utils.convParamMapShort(%s)", unwrappedName); } else if ("java.lang.Byte".equals(argName)) { writer.format("utils.convParamMapByte(%s)", unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == API) { writer.format("utils.convParamMapVertxGen(%s)", unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == JSON_OBJECT) { writer.format("utils.convParamMapJsonObject(%s)", unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == JSON_ARRAY) { writer.format("utils.convParamMapJsonArray(%s)", unwrappedName); } else if (argKind == OBJECT) { writer.format("utils.convParamMapObject(%s)", unwrappedName); } else { writer.print(unwrappedName); } break; } case PRIMITIVE: case BOXED_PRIMITIVE: case STRING: switch (unwrappedType.getName()) { case "java.lang.Byte": writer.format("utils.convParamByte(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case "java.lang.Short": writer.format("utils.convParamShort(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case "java.lang.Integer": writer.format("utils.convParamInteger(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case "java.lang.Long": writer.format("utils.convParamLong(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case "java.lang.Float": writer.format("utils.convParamFloat(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case "java.lang.Double": writer.format("utils.convParamDouble(%s)", unwrappedName); break; case "java.lang.Character": writer.format("utils.convParamCharacter(%s)", unwrappedName); break; default: writer.print(unwrappedName); break; } break; default: if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format("%s == null ? null : ", unwrappedName); } writer.format("%s._jdel", unwrappedName); break; } return buffer.toString(); } protected String arVal() { return "ar.result()"; } protected String basicVal() { return "jVal"; } protected void genConstant(M model, ConstantInfo constant, CodeWriter writer) { String templ = "J" + model.getType().getSimpleName() + "." + constant.getName(); writer.format("%s.%s = %s;\n", model.getType().getSimpleName(), constant.getName(), convReturn(model, null, constant.getType(), templ)); } protected void genMethod(M model, String methodName, boolean genStatic, @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") Predicate<MethodInfo> methodFilter, CodeWriter writer) { List<MethodInfo> methodList = model.getMethods().stream() .filter(method -> method.isStaticMethod() == genStatic && method.getName().equals(methodName)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); ClassTypeInfo type = model.getType(); String simpleName = type.getSimpleName(); if (methodFilter != null) { List<MethodInfo> methodTmpl = methodList; methodList = new ArrayList<>(); for (MethodInfo method : methodTmpl) { if (methodFilter.test(method)) { methodList.add(method); } } } if (methodList.size() > 0) { boolean overloaded = methodList.size() > 1; MethodInfo method = methodList.get(methodList.size() - 1); if (genStatic == method.isStaticMethod()) { writer.println("/**"); if (method.getDoc() != null) { Token.toHtml(method.getDoc().getTokens(), "", this::renderLinkToHtml, "\n", writer); } writer.println(); writer.print(" "); if (genStatic) { writer.format("@memberof module:%s", getModuleName(type)).println(); } else { writer.println("@public"); } boolean first = true; for (ParamInfo param : method.getParams()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { writer.println(); } writer.format(" @param %s {%s} ", param.getName(), getJSDocType(param.getType())); if (param.getDescription() != null) { Token.toHtml(param.getDescription().getTokens(), "", this::renderLinkToHtml, "", writer); writer.print(" "); } } writer.println(); if (method.getReturnType().getKind() != VOID) { writer.format(" @return {%s}", getJSDocType(method.getReturnType())); if (method.getReturnDescription() != null) { writer.print(" "); Token.toHtml(method.getReturnDescription().getTokens(), "", this::renderLinkToHtml, "", writer); } writer.println(); } writer.println(" */"); writer.format("%s.%s = ", genStatic ? simpleName : "this", methodName); if (overloaded) { writer.println(" function() {"); } else { writer.format(" function(%s) {\n", (method.getParams().stream().map(ParamInfo::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")))); } int mcnt = 0; writer.indent(); writer.println("var __args = arguments;"); for (MethodInfo m : methodList) { writer.print(mcnt++ == 0 ? "if" : " else if"); int paramSize = m.getParams().size(); writer.format(" (__args.length === %s", paramSize); int cnt = 0; if (paramSize > 0) { writer.print(" && "); } first = true; for (ParamInfo param : m.getParams()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { writer.print(" && "); } switch (param.getType().getKind()) { case PRIMITIVE: case BOXED_PRIMITIVE: if (param.isNullable()) { writer.print("("); } writer.format("typeof __args[%s] ===", cnt); String paramSimpleName = param.getType().getSimpleName(); if ("boolean".equalsIgnoreCase(paramSimpleName)) { writer.print("'boolean'"); } else if ("char".equals(paramSimpleName) || "Character".equals(paramSimpleName)) { writer.print("'string'"); } else { writer.print("'number'"); } if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format(" || __args[%s] == null)", cnt); } break; case STRING: case ENUM: if (param.isNullable()) { writer.print("("); } writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'string'", cnt); if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format(" || __args[%s] == null)", cnt); } break; case CLASS_TYPE: writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'function'", cnt); break; case API: writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'object' && ", cnt); if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format("(__args[%s] == null || ", cnt); } writer.format("__args[%s]._jdel", cnt); if (param.isNullable()) { writer.print(")"); } break; case JSON_ARRAY: case LIST: case SET: writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'object' && ", cnt); if (param.isNullable()) { writer.print("("); } writer.format("__args[%s] instanceof Array", cnt); if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format(" || __args[%s] == null)", cnt); } break; case HANDLER: if (param.isNullable()) { writer.print("("); } writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'function'", cnt); if (param.isNullable()) { writer.format(" || __args[%s] == null)", cnt); } break; case OBJECT: if (param.getType().isVariable() && ((TypeVariableInfo) param.getType()).isClassParam()) { writer.format("j_%s.accept(__args[%s])", param.getType().getName(), cnt); } else { writer.format("typeof __args[%s] !== 'function'", cnt); } break; case FUNCTION: writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'function'", cnt); break; case THROWABLE: writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'object'", cnt); break; default: if (!param.isNullable()) { writer.print("("); } writer.format("typeof __args[%s] === 'object'", cnt); if (!param.isNullable()) { writer.format(" && __args[%s] != null)", cnt); } } cnt++; } writer.println(") {"); writer.indent(); genMethodAdapter(model, m, writer); writer.unindent(); writer.print("}"); } if (!genStatic) { writer.format(" else if (typeof __super_%s != 'undefined') {\n", method.getName()); writer.indented(() -> writer.format("return __super_%s.apply(this, __args);\n", method.getName())); writer.println("}"); } writer.println("else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');"); writer.unindent(); writer.println("};"); writer.println(); } } } protected abstract void genMethodAdapter(M model, MethodInfo method, CodeWriter writer); protected void genLicenses(PrintWriter writer) { writer.println("/*"); writer.println(" * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc."); writer.println(" *"); writer.println(" * Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0"); writer.println(" * (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the"); writer.println(" * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:"); writer.println(" *"); writer.println(" *"); writer.println(" *"); writer.println(" * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software"); writer.println(" * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT"); writer.println(" * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the"); writer.println(" * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations"); writer.println(" * under the License."); writer.println(" */"); } }