package examples;

import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.docgen.Source;
import io.vertx.ext.jdbc.JDBCClient;
import io.vertx.ext.sql.ResultSet;
import io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLClient;
import io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLConnection;
import io.vertx.jdbcclient.JDBCConnectOptions;
import io.vertx.jdbcclient.JDBCPool;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.PoolOptions;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Row;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Tuple;

import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.time.Instant;

Author:Tim Fox
/** * @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a> */
@Source public class JDBCSqlClientExamples { public void exampleCreateDefault(Vertx vertx, JsonObject config) { JDBCPool pool = JDBCPool.pool(vertx, config); } public void exampleCreateTypeSafe(Vertx vertx) { JDBCPool pool = JDBCPool.pool( vertx, // configure the connection new JDBCConnectOptions() // H2 connection string .setJdbcUrl("jdbc:h2:~/test") // username .setUser("sa") // password .setPassword(""), // configure the pool new PoolOptions() .setMaxSize(16) ); } public void exampleQueryManaged(JDBCPool pool) { pool .query("SELECT * FROM user") .execute() .onFailure(e -> { // handle the failure }) .onSuccess(rows -> { for (Row row : rows) { System.out.println(row.getString("FIRST_NAME")); } }); } public void examplePreparedQueryManaged(JDBCPool pool) { pool .preparedQuery("SELECT * FROM user WHERE emp_id > ?") // the emp id to look up .execute(Tuple.of(1000)) .onFailure(e -> { // handle the failure }) .onSuccess(rows -> { for (Row row : rows) { System.out.println(row.getString("FIRST_NAME")); } }); } public void exampleQueryManual(JDBCPool pool) { pool .getConnection() .onFailure(e -> { // failed to get a connection }) .onSuccess(conn -> { conn .query("SELECT * FROM user") .execute() .onFailure(e -> { // handle the failure // very important! don't forget to return the connection conn.close(); }) .onSuccess(rows -> { for (Row row : rows) { System.out.println(row.getString("FIRST_NAME")); } // very important! don't forget to return the connection conn.close(); }); }); } public void examplePreparedQueryManual(JDBCPool pool) { pool .getConnection() .onFailure(e -> { // failed to get a connection }) .onSuccess(conn -> { conn .preparedQuery("SELECT * FROM user WHERE emp_id > ?") // the emp_id to look up .execute(Tuple.of(1000)) .onFailure(e -> { // handle the failure // very important! don't forget to return the connection conn.close(); }) .onSuccess(rows -> { for (Row row : rows) { System.out.println(row.getString("FIRST_NAME")); } // very important! don't forget to return the connection conn.close(); }); }); } }