 * Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
 * Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
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package io.vertx.ext.cluster.infinispan;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.Status;
import org.infinispan.health.Health;
import org.infinispan.health.HealthStatus;
import org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager;

import java.util.Objects;

A helper to create Vert.x cluster HealthChecks procedures.
Author:Thomas Segismont
/** * A helper to create Vert.x cluster {@link io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.HealthChecks} procedures. * * @author Thomas Segismont */
@VertxGen public interface ClusterHealthCheck {
Like createProcedure(Vertx, boolean) with details set to true.
/** * Like {@link #createProcedure(Vertx, boolean)} with {@code details} set to {@code true}. */
static Handler<Promise<Status>> createProcedure(Vertx vertx) { return createProcedure(vertx, true); }
Creates a ready-to-use Vert.x cluster HealthChecks procedure.
  • vertx – the instance of Vert.x, must not be null
  • detailed – when set to true, Status.data will be set with cluster health details
Returns:a Vert.x cluster HealthChecks procedure
/** * Creates a ready-to-use Vert.x cluster {@link io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.HealthChecks} procedure. * * @param vertx the instance of Vert.x, must not be {@code null} * @param detailed when set to {@code true}, {@link Status#data} will be set with cluster health details * @return a Vert.x cluster {@link io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.HealthChecks} procedure */
static Handler<Promise<Status>> createProcedure(Vertx vertx, boolean detailed) { Objects.requireNonNull(vertx); return future -> { VertxInternal vertxInternal = (VertxInternal) vertx; InfinispanClusterManager clusterManager = (InfinispanClusterManager) vertxInternal.getClusterManager(); EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager = (EmbeddedCacheManager) clusterManager.getCacheContainer(); Health health = cacheManager.getHealth(); HealthStatus healthStatus = health.getClusterHealth().getHealthStatus(); Status status = new Status() .setOk(healthStatus == HealthStatus.HEALTHY); if (detailed) { status.setData(JsonObject.mapFrom(health)); } future.complete(status); }; } }