 * Copyright (c) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. and others
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package io.vertx.config.vault;

import io.vertx.config.spi.ConfigStore;
import io.vertx.config.vault.client.*;
import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;

import java.util.Objects;

An implementation of ConfigStore for Vault (https://www.vaultproject.io/).
Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * An implementation of {@link ConfigStore} for Vault (https://www.vaultproject.io/). * * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class VaultConfigStore implements ConfigStore { private final SlimVaultClient client; private final JsonObject config; private final String path; private final Vertx vertx;
When authenticated, whether or not the token is renewable.
/** * When authenticated, whether or not the token is renewable. */
private boolean renewable;
The time when the token must be renewed.
/** * The time when the token must be renewed. */
private long validity; private Context context;
Creates an instance of VaultConfigStore.
  • vertx – the vert.x instance
  • config – the configuration, used to create the SlimVaultClient.
/** * Creates an instance of {@link VaultConfigStore}. * * @param vertx the vert.x instance * @param config the configuration, used to create the {@link SlimVaultClient}. */
public VaultConfigStore(Vertx vertx, JsonObject config) { client = new SlimVaultClient(vertx, config); this.config = config; this.vertx = vertx; this.path = Objects.requireNonNull(config.getString("path"), "The path of the secret must be set"); } @Override public void close(Handler<Void> completionHandler) { client.close(); completionHandler.handle(null); } @Override public void get(Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>> completionHandler) { if (context == null) { context = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); } Handler<Void> actions = x -> { authenticate(false) // Are we logged in .compose(v -> renew()) // Do we need to renew .compose(v -> retrieve()) // Retrieve the data .compose(this::extract) // Extract the sub set .setHandler(completionHandler); // Done }; if (Vertx.currentContext() == context) { actions.handle(null); } else { context.runOnContext(actions); } } private Future<Buffer> extract(JsonObject json) { Promise<Buffer> promise = Promise.promise(); if (json == null) { promise.complete(new JsonObject().toBuffer()); } else if (config.getString("key") != null) { Object value = json.getValue(config.getString("key")); if (value == null) { promise.complete(new JsonObject().toBuffer()); } else if (value instanceof String) { promise.complete(Buffer.buffer((String) value)); } else if (value instanceof JsonObject) { promise.complete(((JsonObject) value).toBuffer()); } } else { promise.complete(json.toBuffer()); } return promise.future(); } private Future<JsonObject> retrieve() { Promise<JsonObject> promise = Promise.promise(); client.read(path, ar -> { if (ar.failed() && !(ar.cause() instanceof VaultException)) { promise.fail(ar.cause()); } else if (ar.failed() && ((VaultException) ar.cause()).getStatusCode() == 404) { promise.complete(null); } else if (ar.failed()) { promise.fail(ar.cause()); } else { Secret result = ar.result(); JsonObject copy = result.getData().copy(); copy.put("vault-lease-id", result.getLeaseId()); copy.put("vault-lease-duration", result.getLeaseDuration()); copy.put("vault-renewable", result.isRenewable()); promise.complete(copy); } }); return promise.future(); } private Future<Void> renew() { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); if (validity == 0) { // Using a root token - should not expire promise.complete(); } else { if (shouldBeRenewed() && renewable) { return renewToken(); } else if (shouldBeRenewed()) { // The token cannot be renewed, attempt to authenticate again return authenticate(true); } else { promise.complete(); } } return promise.future(); } private Future<Void> renewToken() { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); client.renewSelf(config.getLong("lease-duration", 3600L), auth -> { manageAuthenticationResult(promise, auth); }); return promise.future(); } private Future<Void> authenticate(boolean renew) { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); if (!renew && client.getToken() != null) { promise.complete(); return promise.future(); } String policy = config.getString("auth-backend"); Objects.requireNonNull(policy, "If you don't provide a token, the auth-backend must be set"); switch (policy.toLowerCase()) { case "token": return loginWithToken(); case "approle": return loginWithAppRole(); case "cert": return loginWithCert(); case "userpass": return loginWithUserName(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non supported auth-backend: " + policy); } } private Future<Void> loginWithUserName() { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); JsonObject req = config.getJsonObject("user-credentials"); Objects.requireNonNull(req, "When using username, the `user-credentials` must be set in the " + "configuration"); String username = req.getString("username"); String password = req.getString("password"); String token = req.getString("token"); Objects.requireNonNull(username, "When using userpass, the username must be set in the `user-credentials` " + "configuration"); Objects.requireNonNull(password, "When using userpass, the password must be set in the `user-credentials` " + "configuration"); client .loginWithUserCredentials(username, password, auth -> manageAuthenticationResult(promise, auth)); return promise.future(); } private Future<Void> loginWithCert() { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); // No validation, certs are configured on the client itself client.loginWithCert(auth -> manageAuthenticationResult(promise, auth)); return promise.future(); } private Future<Void> loginWithAppRole() { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); JsonObject req = config.getJsonObject("approle"); Objects.requireNonNull(req, "When using approle, the `app-role` must be set in the " + "configuration"); String roleId = req.getString("role-id"); String secretId = req.getString("secret-id"); Objects.requireNonNull(roleId, "When using approle, the role-id must be set in the `approle` configuration"); Objects.requireNonNull(secretId, "When using approle, the secret-id must be set in the `approle` configuration"); client.loginWithAppRole(roleId, secretId, auth -> manageAuthenticationResult(promise, auth)); return promise.future(); } private Future<Void> loginWithToken() { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); JsonObject req = config.getJsonObject("token-request"); Objects.requireNonNull(req, "When using a token creation policy, the `token-request` must be set in the " + "configuration"); String token = req.getString("token"); Objects.requireNonNull(req, "When using a token creation policy, the `token-request` must be set in the " + "configuration and contains the `token` entry with the original token"); client .setToken(token) .createToken(new TokenRequest(req), auth -> manageAuthenticationResult(promise, auth)); return promise.future(); } private void manageAuthenticationResult(Promise<Void> future, AsyncResult<Auth> auth) { if (auth.failed()) { future.fail(auth.cause()); } else { Auth authentication = auth.result(); if (authentication.getToken() == null) { future.fail("Authentication failed, the token is null"); } else { client.setToken(authentication.getToken()); this.renewable = authentication.isRenewable(); this.validity = System.currentTimeMillis() + (authentication.getLeaseDuration() * 1000); future.complete(); } } }
Checks whether the token must be renewed
Returns:true if the token is not valid. To avoid timing issue an error margin of 1 minute is added.
/** * Checks whether the token must be renewed * * @return true if the token is not valid. To avoid timing issue an error margin of 1 minute is added. */
private boolean shouldBeRenewed() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long margin = config.getLong("renew-window", 60000L); return now >= validity - margin; }
Returns:the underlying client - for testing purpose only.
/** * @return the underlying client - for testing purpose only. */
public SlimVaultClient getVaultClient() { return client; } }