package io.vertx.codetrans;

import com.sun.source.tree.*;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
import com.sun.source.util.Trees;
import io.vertx.codegen.type.*;
import io.vertx.codetrans.expression.*;
import io.vertx.codetrans.statement.ConditionalBlockModel;
import io.vertx.codetrans.statement.ReturnModel;
import io.vertx.codetrans.statement.StatementModel;
import io.vertx.codetrans.statement.TryCatchModel;

import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

The model builder is a tree scanner for building a code model from the Java program AST.
Author:Julien Viet
/** * The model builder is a tree scanner for building a code model from the Java program AST. * * @author <a href="">Julien Viet</a> */
public class ModelBuilder extends TreePathScanner<CodeModel, VisitContext> { private final Trees trees; private final TreePath path; private final DeclaredType systemType; private final DeclaredType throwableType; private final Types typeUtils; private final TypeMirrorFactory factory; private final TypeElement typeElt; public ModelBuilder(Trees trees, TypeElement typeElt, DeclaredType systemType, DeclaredType throwableType, TypeMirrorFactory factory, Types typeUtils, Lang lang) { this.path = trees.getPath(typeElt); this.trees = trees; this.systemType = systemType; this.throwableType = throwableType; this.factory = factory; this.typeUtils = typeUtils; this.typeElt = typeElt; } public MethodModel build(ExecutableElement methodElt, VisitContext context) { TreePath path = trees.getPath(methodElt); return (MethodModel) scan(path, context); } public StatementModel build(VariableElement variableElt, VisitContext context) { TreePath path = trees.getPath(variableElt); return (StatementModel) scan(path, context); } private StatementModel scan(StatementTree tree, VisitContext context) { return (StatementModel) scan((Tree) tree, context); } private ExpressionModel scan(ExpressionTree tree, VisitContext context) { return (ExpressionModel) scan((Tree) tree, context); } @Override public CodeModel visitReturn(ReturnTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getExpression(), context); return new ReturnModel(expression); } @Override public ExpressionModel visitParameterizedType(ParameterizedTypeTree tree, VisitContext context) { return (ExpressionModel) scan((Tree) tree.getType(), context); } @Override public CodeModel visitForLoop(ForLoopTree node, VisitContext context) { if (node.getInitializer().size() != 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } if (node.getUpdate().size() != 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } StatementModel body = scan(node.getStatement(), context); if (node.getInitializer().size() == 1 && node.getInitializer().get(0).getKind() == Tree.Kind.VARIABLE && node.getCondition().getKind() == Tree.Kind.LESS_THAN && node.getUpdate().size() == 1 && node.getUpdate().get(0).getKind() == Tree.Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT && node.getUpdate().get(0).getExpression().getKind() == Tree.Kind.POSTFIX_INCREMENT) { VariableTree init = (VariableTree) node.getInitializer().get(0); BinaryTree lessThan = (BinaryTree) node.getCondition(); UnaryTree increment = (UnaryTree) node.getUpdate().get(0).getExpression(); if (lessThan.getLeftOperand().getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER && increment.getExpression().getKind() == Tree.Kind.IDENTIFIER) { String id1 = init.getName().toString(); String id2 = ((IdentifierTree) lessThan.getLeftOperand()).getName().toString(); String id3 = ((IdentifierTree) increment.getExpression()).getName().toString(); if (id1.equals(id2) && id2.equals(id3)) { ExpressionModel from = scan(init.getInitializer(), context); ExpressionModel to = scan(lessThan.getRightOperand(), context); return context.builder.sequenceForLoop(id1, from, to, body); } } } StatementModel initializer = scan(node.getInitializer().get(0), context); ExpressionModel update = scan(node.getUpdate().get(0).getExpression(), context); ExpressionModel condition = scan(node.getCondition(), context); return context.builder.forLoop(initializer, condition, update, body); } @Override public CodeModel visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getExpression(), context); StatementModel body = scan(node.getStatement(), context); return context.builder.enhancedForLoop(node.getVariable().getName().toString(), expression, body); } @Override public CodeModel visitAssignment(AssignmentTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel variable = scan(node.getVariable(), context); ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getExpression(), context); return context.builder.forAssign(variable, expression); } @Override public StatementModel visitVariable(VariableTree node, VisitContext context) { JCTree.JCVariableDecl decl = (JCTree.JCVariableDecl) node; ExpressionModel initializer; if (node.getInitializer() != null) { initializer = scan(node.getInitializer(), context); } else { initializer = null; } TypeInfo type = factory.create(decl.type); ElementKind kind = decl.sym.getKind(); VariableScope scope = resolvescope(context, kind, decl.getName().toString()); return context.builder.variableDecl(scope, type,, initializer); } @Override public CodeModel visitTry(TryTree node, VisitContext context) { if (node.getCatches().size() != 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expecting a single catch block"); } StatementModel tryBlock = scan(node.getBlock(), context); StatementModel catchBlock = scan(node.getCatches().get(0).getBlock(), context); return new TryCatchModel(tryBlock, catchBlock); } @Override public StatementModel visitIf(IfTree node, VisitContext context) { List<ConditionalBlockModel> conditionals = new ArrayList<>(); StatementModel otherwise = build(conditionals, node, context); return StatementModel.conditionals(conditionals, otherwise); } private StatementModel build(List<ConditionalBlockModel> conditionals, IfTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel condition = scan(node.getCondition(), context); StatementModel body = scan(node.getThenStatement(), context); conditionals.add(new ConditionalBlockModel(condition, body)); StatementTree elseStatement = node.getElseStatement(); if (elseStatement != null) { if (elseStatement instanceof IfTree) { IfTree next = (IfTree) elseStatement; return build(conditionals, next, context); } else { return scan(node.getElseStatement(), context); } } return null; } @Override public CodeModel visitInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree node, VisitContext p) { ExpressionModel classModel = scan(node.getExpression(), p); TypeElement type = (TypeElement) ((JCTree.JCIdent) node.getType()).sym; return classModel.onInstanceOf(type); } @Override public CodeModel visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel condition = scan(node.getCondition(), context); ExpressionModel trueExpression = scan(node.getTrueExpression(), context); ExpressionModel falseExpression = scan(node.getFalseExpression(), context); return context.builder.forConditionalExpression(condition, trueExpression, falseExpression); } @Override public ExpressionModel visitUnary(UnaryTree node, VisitContext p) { ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getExpression(), p); switch (node.getKind()) { case POSTFIX_INCREMENT: // Note we don't handle the case (3++) that is not legal in JavaScript return expression.onPostFixIncrement(); case POSTFIX_DECREMENT: // Note we don't handle the case (3--) that is not legal in JavaScript return expression.onPostFixDecrement(); case PREFIX_INCREMENT: // Note we don't handle the case (++3) that is not legal in JavaScript return expression.onPrefixIncrement(); case PREFIX_DECREMENT: // Note we don't handle the case (--3) that is not legal in JavaScript return expression.onPrefixDecrement(); case LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT: return expression.onLogicalComplement(); case UNARY_MINUS: return expression.unaryMinus(); case UNARY_PLUS: return expression.unaryPlus(); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unary operator " + node.getKind().name() + " not yet implemented"); } } @Override public CodeModel visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatementTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getExpression(), context); return StatementModel.render(expression::render); } @Override public ExpressionModel visitBinary(BinaryTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel left = scan(node.getLeftOperand(), context); ExpressionModel right = scan(node.getRightOperand(), context); String op; switch (node.getKind()) { case CONDITIONAL_AND: op = "&&"; break; case CONDITIONAL_OR: op = "||"; break; case EQUAL_TO: op = "=="; break; case NOT_EQUAL_TO: op = "!="; break; case PLUS: op = "+"; break; case LESS_THAN: op = "<"; break; case LESS_THAN_EQUAL: op = "<="; break; case GREATER_THAN: op = ">"; break; case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL: op = ">="; break; case MULTIPLY: op = "*"; break; case DIVIDE: op = "/"; break; case AND: op = "&"; break; case OR: op = "|"; break; case XOR: op = "^"; break; case MINUS: op = "-"; break; case REMAINDER: op = "%"; break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Binary operator " + node.getKind().name() + " not yet implemented"); } return context.builder.combine(left, op, right); } @Override public ExpressionModel visitLiteral(LiteralTree node, VisitContext context) { switch (node.getKind()) { case NULL_LITERAL: return new NullLiteralModel(context.builder); case STRING_LITERAL: return new StringLiteralModel(context.builder, node.getValue().toString()); case BOOLEAN_LITERAL: return context.builder.render(writer -> { writer.renderBooleanLiteral(node.getValue().toString()); }); case INT_LITERAL: return context.builder.render(writer -> { writer.renderIntegerLiteral(node.getValue().toString()); }); case LONG_LITERAL: return context.builder.render(writer -> { writer.renderLongLiteral(node.getValue().toString()); }); case CHAR_LITERAL: return context.builder.render(writer -> { writer.renderCharLiteral(node.getValue().toString().charAt(0)); }); case FLOAT_LITERAL: return context.builder.render(writer -> { writer.renderFloatLiteral(node.getValue().toString()); }); case DOUBLE_LITERAL: return context.builder.render(writer -> { writer.renderDoubleLiteral(node.getValue().toString()); }); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Literal " + node.getKind().name() + " not yet implemented"); } } @Override public ExpressionModel visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, VisitContext context) { JCTree.JCIdent ident = (JCTree.JCIdent) node; if (node.getName().toString().equals("this")) { return new ThisModel(context.builder); } if (ident.sym instanceof TypeElement) { ClassTypeInfo type = (ClassTypeInfo) factory.create(ident.type); if (ident.type.equals(systemType)) { return new SystemModel(context.builder); } else if (type.getName().equals("java.util.Arrays")) { return new ArraysModel(context.builder); } else { if (typeUtils.isSubtype(ident.type, throwableType)) { return new ThrowableClassModel(context.builder, type); } if (type.getKind() == ClassKind.API) { return context.builder.apiType((ApiTypeInfo) type); } else if (type.getKind() == ClassKind.JSON_OBJECT) { return context.builder.jsonObjectClassModel(); } else if (type.getKind() == ClassKind.JSON_ARRAY) { return context.builder.jsonArrayClassModel(); } else if (type.getKind() == ClassKind.ENUM) { return context.builder.enumType((EnumTypeInfo) type); } else { // OTHER if (type.isDataObjectHolder()) { return context.builder.dataObjectClass(type); } else { switch (type.getName()) { case "java.util.HashMap": return new MapClassModel(context.builder); case "java.util.ArrayList": return new ListClassModel(context.builder); default: return new JavaClassModel(context.builder, type); } } } } } else { ExpressionModel alias = context.getAlias(ident.sym); if (alias != null) { return alias; } else { ElementKind kind = ident.sym.getKind(); String name = node.getName().toString(); TypeInfo type = factory.create(ident.type); VariableScope scope; scope = resolvescope(context, kind, name); return context.builder.identifier(name, scope).as(type); } } } private VariableScope resolvescope(VisitContext context, ElementKind kind, final String name) { VariableScope scope; switch (kind) { case LOCAL_VARIABLE: scope = VariableScope.VARIABLE; break; case PARAMETER: scope = VariableScope.PARAMETER; break; case FIELD: AtomicReference<VariableScope> resolvedScope = new AtomicReference<>(VariableScope.GLOBAL); new TreePathScanner<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void aVoid) { if (node.getName().toString().equals(name)) { resolvedScope.set(VariableScope.FIELD); } return null; }; }.scan(path, null); if (resolvedScope.get() == VariableScope.FIELD) { context.getReferencedFields().add(name); } scope = resolvedScope.get(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported kind " + kind); } return scope; } @Override public CodeModel visitNewArray(NewArrayTree node, VisitContext context) { String primitiveType = node.getType().getKind() == Tree.Kind.PRIMITIVE_TYPE ? node.getType().toString() : null; List<ExpressionModel> argumentModels = node.getInitializers().stream().map(argument -> scan(argument, context)).collect(Collectors.toList()); return new NewArrayModel(context.builder, primitiveType, argumentModels); } @Override public CodeModel visitNewClass(NewClassTree node, VisitContext context) { ClassModel identifier = (ClassModel) scan(node.getIdentifier(), context); List<ExpressionModel> arguments = node.getArguments().stream().map(arg -> scan(arg, context)).collect(Collectors.toList()); JCTree.JCNewClass newClass = (JCTree.JCNewClass) node; return identifier.onNew(arguments); } @Override public CodeModel visitThrow(ThrowTree node, VisitContext context) { ThrowableModel throwableExpression = (ThrowableModel) scan(node.getExpression(), context); return StatementModel.render(writer -> { writer.renderThrow(throwableExpression.getType(), throwableExpression.getReason()); }); } @Override public CodeModel visitParenthesized(ParenthesizedTree node, VisitContext context) { ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getExpression(), context); return new ParenthesizedModel(context.builder, expression); } @Override public ExpressionModel visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree node, VisitContext p) { ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getExpression(), p); TypeInfo fieldType = factory.create(((JCTree) node).type); ExpressionModel fieldExpression = expression.onField(node.getIdentifier().toString()); return; } @Override public CodeModel visitMemberReference(MemberReferenceTree node, VisitContext p) { if (node.getMode() == MemberReferenceTree.ReferenceMode.INVOKE) { JCTree.JCMemberReference refTree = (JCTree.JCMemberReference) node; ExecutableElement method = (ExecutableElement) refTree.sym; MethodSignature signature = createMethodSignature(method, false); ExpressionModel expression = scan(node.getQualifierExpression(), p); if (expression instanceof ThisModel) { p.getReferencedMethods().add(node.getName().toString()); } ExpressionModel methodReferenceExpression = expression.onMethodReference(signature); return methodReferenceExpression; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("New reference not implemented yet"); } } @Override public ExpressionModel visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, VisitContext context) { ExecutableElement exec = (ExecutableElement) trees.getElement(trees.getPath(path.getCompilationUnit(), node)); boolean varargs = exec.isVarArgs(); // Compute the argument types List<TypeInfo> argTypes = new ArrayList<>(); List<TypeMirror> argsTypeMirror = new ArrayList<>(); for (JCTree.JCExpression argExpr : ((JCTree.JCMethodInvocation) node).getArguments()) { TypeInfo argType = null; argsTypeMirror.add(argExpr.type); if (argExpr.type.getKind() != TypeKind.NULL) { argType = factory.create(argExpr.type); } argTypes.add(argType); } // List<TypeArg> typeArgs = resolveTypeArgs(node, argsTypeMirror); // List<ExpressionModel> argumentModels = node.getArguments().stream().map(argument -> scan(argument, context)).collect(Collectors.toList()); TypeInfo returnType = factory.create(((JCTree) node).type); // We don't go for scanning here as it would complicate things and need to introduce // extra models Symbol.MethodSymbol sym; ExpressionModel memberSelectExpression; String name; boolean addToRefedMethods; if (node.getMethodSelect() instanceof IdentifierTree) { JCTree.JCIdent def = (JCTree.JCIdent) node.getMethodSelect(); name = def.getName().toString(); memberSelectExpression = context.builder.thisModel(); sym = (Symbol.MethodSymbol) def.sym; addToRefedMethods = true; } else { // Is there a case it would not be a member select expression ? JCTree.JCFieldAccess memberSelect = (JCTree.JCFieldAccess) node.getMethodSelect(); memberSelectExpression = scan(memberSelect.getExpression(), context); name = memberSelect.getIdentifier().toString(); sym = (Symbol.MethodSymbol) memberSelect.sym; addToRefedMethods = false; } // TypeInfo type = factory.create(sym.owner.type); MethodSignature signature = createMethodSignature(sym, varargs); if (addToRefedMethods) { context.getReferencedMethods().add(name); } ExpressionModel expression = memberSelectExpression.onMethodInvocation(type, signature, returnType, typeArgs, argumentModels, argTypes); return; } private List<TypeArg> resolveTypeArgs(MethodInvocationTree node, List<TypeMirror> argTypes) { ExecutableElement exec = (ExecutableElement) trees.getElement(trees.getPath(path.getCompilationUnit(), node)); ExecutableType methodType = (ExecutableType) exec.asType(); List<TypeArg> typeArgs = new ArrayList<>(); List<JCTree.JCExpression> typeArgsExpr = ((JCTree.JCMethodInvocation) node).getTypeArguments(); List<? extends TypeParameterElement> typeParamElts = exec.getTypeParameters(); // Resolve the type argument for (int i = 0;i < typeParamElts.size();i++) { if (i < typeArgsExpr.size()) { // This is the case where the code has an explicit list of type arguments: // foo<String>(...) -> we resolve String JCTree.JCExpression typeArgExpr = typeArgsExpr.get(i); TypeInfo typeArg = factory.create(typeArgExpr.type); typeArgs.add(new TypeArg(typeArg, false)); } else { // This is the case where we need to make some inference to deduce the type // for this matter we examine all valid parameters and try to use the method invocation // types to resolve the type, for instance: // foo("abc") -> we resolve String // but it can get more complex, see resolveTypeVariable TypeParameterElement typeParameterElt = typeParamElts.get(i); TypeVariable typeVar = (TypeVariable) typeParameterElt.asType(); TypeMirror resolved = null; // In case of a varargs we don't examine the last parameter int size = methodType.getParameterTypes().size(); if (exec.isVarArgs()) { size--; } // Use each parameter and see if we can resolve (or not) for (int j = 0;j < size;j++) { TypeMirror argType = argTypes.get(j); TypeMirror another = methodType.getParameterTypes().get(j); resolved = resolveTypeVariable(typeVar, another, argType); if (resolved != null) { // No need to continue break; } } if (resolved != null) { typeArgs.add(new TypeArg(factory.create(resolved), true)); } else { typeArgs.add(null); } } } return typeArgs; }
Resolve the type variable, basically some kind of inference: for the method <T> void m(T t) - resolveType(,T,m("s")) -> String - resolveType(,T,m(null)) -> null for the method <T> void m(List<T> t) - resolveType(,List,m(Arrays.asList("s"))) -> String - resolveType(,List,m(BooleanList)) where BooleanList extends List -> Boolean - resolveType(,List,m(null)) -> null
/** * Resolve the type variable, basically some kind of inference: * * for the method {@code <T> void m(T t)} * - resolveType(<T>,T,m("s")) -> String * - resolveType(<T>,T,m(null)) -> null * for the method {@code <T> void m(List<T> t)} * - resolveType(<T>,List<T>,m(Arrays.asList("s"))) -> String * - resolveType(<T>,List<T>,m(BooleanList)) where BooleanList extends List<Boolean> -> Boolean * - resolveType(<T>,List<T>,m(null)) -> null */
private TypeMirror resolveTypeVariable(TypeVariable typeVar, TypeMirror parameterType, TypeMirror argumentType) { if (typeVar.equals(parameterType) && argumentType.getKind() != TypeKind.NULL) { return argumentType; } else { TypeParameterElement ttt = resolveTypeParameterElement(typeVar, parameterType); if (ttt != null && argumentType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { TypeMirror resolved = io.vertx.codegen.Helper.resolveTypeParameter(typeUtils, (DeclaredType) argumentType, ttt); if (resolved != null) { return resolved; } } } return null; }
Resolve the type variable as a type parameter in the given type. for the method <T> void m(List<T>) -> the of List for the method <T> void m(List<Set<T>>) -> the of Set
/** * Resolve the type variable as a type parameter in the given type. * * for the method {@code <T> void m(List<T>)} -> the <T> of List<T> * for the method {@code <T> void m(List<Set<T>>)} -> the <T> of Set<T> */
private TypeParameterElement resolveTypeParameterElement(TypeVariable typeVar, TypeMirror type) { if (type.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { DeclaredType dt = (DeclaredType) type; for (int i = 0;i < dt.getTypeArguments().size();i++) { if (typeVar.equals(dt.getTypeArguments().get(i))) { TypeElement te = (TypeElement) dt.asElement(); return te.getTypeParameters().get(i); } } for (int i = 0;i < dt.getTypeArguments().size();i++) { TypeParameterElement te = resolveTypeParameterElement(typeVar, dt.getTypeArguments().get(i)); if (te != null) { return te; } } } return null; } private MethodSignature createMethodSignature(ExecutableElement sym, boolean varargs) { ExecutableType methodType = (ExecutableType) typeUtils.asMemberOf((DeclaredType) sym.getEnclosingElement().asType(), sym); // Compute the parameter types List<TypeInfo> parameterTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Iterator<? extends TypeMirror> it = methodType.getParameterTypes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { TypeMirror type =; if (!it.hasNext() && varargs) { ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType) type; type = arrayType.getComponentType(); } TypeInfo parameterType = factory.create(type); parameterTypes.add(parameterType); } TypeInfo returnType = factory.create(methodType.getReturnType()); return new MethodSignature(sym.getSimpleName().toString(), parameterTypes, varargs, returnType); } @Override public StatementModel visitBlock(BlockTree node, VisitContext p) { List<? extends StatementTree> statements = node.getStatements(); List<StatementModel> models = -> scan(statement, p)).collect(Collectors.toList()); LinkedList<String> fragments = new LinkedList<>(); // Read the source code CompilationUnitTree unit = path.getCompilationUnit(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); try(Reader reader = unit.getSourceFile().openReader(true)) { char[] tmp = new char[256]; while (true) { int len =; if (len == -1) { break; } buffer.append(tmp, 0, len); } String source = buffer.toString(); int blockBegin = (int) trees.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(unit, node); int blockEnd = (int) trees.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(unit, node) - 1; // There is a bug with lambda blocks that are not set on the '{' but on the parameter list // so we need to correct and move to the '{' while (blockBegin < blockEnd && source.charAt(blockBegin) != '{') { blockBegin++; } while (blockBegin < blockEnd && source.charAt(blockBegin - 1) != '\n') { blockBegin++; } while (blockEnd >= blockBegin && source.charAt(blockEnd - 1) != '\n') { blockEnd--; } int prev = blockBegin; for (StatementTree statement : statements) { int statementBegin = (int) trees.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(unit, statement); while (statementBegin > prev && source.charAt(statementBegin - 1) != '\n') { statementBegin--; } fragments.add(source.substring(prev, statementBegin)); int statementEnd = (int) trees.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(unit, statement); while (statementEnd < blockEnd && source.charAt(statementEnd - 1) != '\n') { statementEnd++; } prev = statementEnd; } fragments.add(source.substring(prev, blockEnd)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return StatementModel.render(writer -> { writer.renderBlock(new BlockModel() { @Override public void render(CodeWriter writer) { for (int i = 0; i < models.size(); i++) { StatementModel model = models.get(i); writer.renderFragment(fragments.get(i)); writer.renderStatement(model); } writer.renderFragment(fragments.getLast()); } }); }); } @Override public ExpressionModel visitLambdaExpression(LambdaExpressionTree node, VisitContext context) { List<String> parameterNames = node.getParameters().stream().map(parameter -> parameter.getName().toString()).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<TypeInfo> parameterTypes = node.getParameters().stream(). map(parameter -> factory.create(((JCTree.JCVariableDecl) parameter).type)). collect(Collectors.toList()); int size = parameterNames.size(); Tree body = node.getBody(); if (size > 0) { JCTree.JCVariableDecl last = (JCTree.JCVariableDecl) node.getParameters().get(size - 1); if (last.vartype instanceof ParameterizedTypeTree) { ParameterizedTypeTree typeApply = (ParameterizedTypeTree) last.getType(); if (typeApply.getType() instanceof MemberSelectTree) { TypeInfo type = factory.create(last.getType().type); if (type.getKind() == ClassKind.ASYNC_RESULT) { String identifier =; ExpressionModel result = context.builder.asyncResult(identifier, ((ParameterizedTypeInfo)(type)).getArgs().get(0)); CodeModel bodyModel = scan(body, context.putAlias(last.sym, result)); ParameterizedTypeInfo parameterized = (ParameterizedTypeInfo) type; CodeModel succeededBody = null; CodeModel failedBody = null; if (body instanceof BlockTree && ((BlockTree) body).getStatements().size() == 1) { BlockTree block = (BlockTree) body; StatementTree statement = block.getStatements().get(0); if (statement.getKind() == Tree.Kind.IF) { IfTree ifTree = (IfTree) statement; if (ifTree.getCondition().getKind() == Tree.Kind.PARENTHESIZED) { ExpressionTree inner = ((ParenthesizedTree) ifTree.getCondition()).getExpression(); if (inner.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION) { MethodInvocationModel invocationModel = (MethodInvocationModel) visitMethodInvocation((MethodInvocationTree) inner, context); if (invocationModel.receiverType.getKind() == ClassKind.ASYNC_RESULT && invocationModel.expression instanceof IdentifierModel && ((IdentifierModel) invocationModel.expression).name.equals(identifier)) { MethodSignature method = invocationModel.method; if ("succeeded") && method.parameterTypes.isEmpty()) { succeededBody = scan(ifTree.getThenStatement(), context); if (ifTree.getElseStatement() != null) { failedBody = scan(ifTree.getElseStatement(), context); } } else if ("failed") && method.parameterTypes.isEmpty()) { failedBody = scan(ifTree.getThenStatement(), context); if (ifTree.getElseStatement() != null) { succeededBody = scan(ifTree.getThenStatement(), context); } } } } } } } return context.builder.asyncResultHandler(node.getBodyKind(), parameterized, identifier, bodyModel, succeededBody, failedBody); } } } } CodeModel bodyModel = scan(body, context); return new LambdaExpressionModel(context.builder, node.getBodyKind(), parameterTypes, parameterNames, bodyModel); } @Override public MethodModel visitMethod(MethodTree node, VisitContext p) { List<TypeInfo> parameterTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (VariableTree var : node.getParameters()) { JCTree.JCVariableDecl decl = (JCTree.JCVariableDecl) var; TypeInfo parameterType = factory.create(decl.sym.asType()); parameterTypes.add(parameterType); } TypeInfo returnType = VoidTypeInfo.INSTANCE; if (node.getReturnType() instanceof JCTree) { returnType = factory.create(((JCTree)node.getReturnType()).type); } return new MethodModel("" + typeElt.getQualifiedName(), scan(node.getBody(), p), new MethodSignature(node.getName().toString(), parameterTypes, false, returnType), node.getParameters().stream().map(param -> param.getName().toString()).collect(Collectors.toList())); } }