package io.vertx.circuitbreaker.impl;

import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerOptions;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import org.HdrHistogram.Histogram;

Circuit breaker metrics.
Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * Circuit breaker metrics. * * @author <a href="">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class CircuitBreakerMetrics { private final CircuitBreakerImpl circuitBreaker; private final String node; private final long circuitBreakerResetTimeout; private final long circuitBreakerTimeout; // Global statistics private final RollingWindow rollingWindow; CircuitBreakerMetrics(Vertx vertx, CircuitBreakerImpl circuitBreaker, CircuitBreakerOptions options) { this.circuitBreaker = circuitBreaker; this.circuitBreakerTimeout = circuitBreaker.options().getTimeout(); this.circuitBreakerResetTimeout = circuitBreaker.options().getResetTimeout(); this.node = vertx.isClustered() ? ((VertxInternal) vertx).getClusterManager().getNodeId() : "local"; this.rollingWindow = new RollingWindow(options.getMetricsRollingWindow(), options.getMetricsRollingBuckets()); } private synchronized void evictOutdatedOperations() { rollingWindow.updateTime(); } public void close() { // do nothing by default. } class Operation { final long begin; private volatile long end; private boolean complete; private boolean failed; private boolean timeout; private boolean exception; private boolean fallbackFailed; private boolean fallbackSucceed; private boolean shortCircuited; Operation() { begin = System.nanoTime(); } synchronized void complete() { end = System.nanoTime(); complete = true; CircuitBreakerMetrics.this.complete(this); } synchronized void failed() { if (timeout || exception) { // Already completed. return; } end = System.nanoTime(); failed = true; CircuitBreakerMetrics.this.complete(this); } synchronized void timeout() { end = System.nanoTime(); failed = false; timeout = true; CircuitBreakerMetrics.this.complete(this); } synchronized void error() { end = System.nanoTime(); failed = false; exception = true; CircuitBreakerMetrics.this.complete(this); } synchronized void fallbackFailed() { fallbackFailed = true; } synchronized void fallbackSucceed() { fallbackSucceed = true; } synchronized void shortCircuited() { end = System.nanoTime(); shortCircuited = true; CircuitBreakerMetrics.this.complete(this); } long durationInMs() { return (end - begin) / 1_000_000; } } Operation enqueue() { return new Operation(); } public synchronized void complete(Operation operation) { rollingWindow.add(operation); } public synchronized JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); // Configuration json.put("resetTimeout", circuitBreakerResetTimeout); json.put("timeout", circuitBreakerTimeout); json.put("metricRollingWindow", rollingWindow.getMetricRollingWindowSizeInMs()); json.put("name",; json.put("node", node); // Current state json.put("state", circuitBreaker.state()); json.put("failures", circuitBreaker.failureCount()); // Global metrics addSummary(json, rollingWindow.totalSummary(), "total"); // Window metrics evictOutdatedOperations(); addSummary(json, rollingWindow.windowSummary(), "rolling"); return json; } private void addSummary(JsonObject json, RollingWindow.Summary summary, String prefix) { long calls = summary.count(); int errorCount = summary.failures + summary.exceptions + summary.timeouts; json.put(prefix + "OperationCount", calls - summary.shortCircuited); json.put(prefix + "ErrorCount", errorCount); json.put(prefix + "SuccessCount", summary.successes); json.put(prefix + "TimeoutCount", summary.timeouts); json.put(prefix + "ExceptionCount", summary.exceptions); json.put(prefix + "FailureCount", summary.failures); if (calls == 0) { json.put(prefix + "SuccessPercentage", 0); json.put(prefix + "ErrorPercentage", 0); } else { json.put(prefix + "SuccessPercentage", ((double) summary.successes / calls) * 100); json.put(prefix + "ErrorPercentage", ((double) (errorCount) / calls) * 100); } json.put(prefix + "FallbackSuccessCount", summary.fallbackSuccess); json.put(prefix + "FallbackFailureCount", summary.fallbackFailure); json.put(prefix + "ShortCircuitedCount", summary.shortCircuited); addLatency(json, summary.statistics, prefix); } private void addLatency(JsonObject json, Histogram histogram, String prefix) { json.put(prefix + "LatencyMean", histogram.getMean()); json.put(prefix + "Latency", new JsonObject() .put("0", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(0)) .put("25", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(25)) .put("50", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(50)) .put("75", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(75)) .put("90", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(90)) .put("95", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(95)) .put("99", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(99)) .put("99.5", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(99.5)) .put("100", histogram.getValueAtPercentile(100))); } private static class RollingWindow { private final Summary history; private final Summary[] buckets; private final long bucketSizeInNs; RollingWindow(long windowSizeInMs, int numberOfBuckets) { if (windowSizeInMs % numberOfBuckets != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window size should be divisible by number of buckets."); } this.buckets = new Summary[numberOfBuckets]; for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++) { this.buckets[i] = new Summary(); } this.bucketSizeInNs = 1_000_000 * windowSizeInMs / numberOfBuckets; this.history = new Summary(); } public void add(Operation operation) { getBucket(operation.end).add(operation); } public Summary totalSummary() { Summary total = new Summary(); total.add(history); total.add(windowSummary()); return total; } public Summary windowSummary() { Summary window = new Summary(buckets[0].bucketIndex); for (Summary bucket : buckets) { window.add(bucket); } return window; } public void updateTime() { getBucket(System.nanoTime()); } private Summary getBucket(long timeInNs) { long bucketIndex = timeInNs / bucketSizeInNs; //sample too old: if (bucketIndex < buckets[0].bucketIndex) { return history; } shiftIfNecessary(bucketIndex); return buckets[(int) (bucketIndex - buckets[0].bucketIndex)]; } private void shiftIfNecessary(long bucketIndex) { long shiftUnlimited = bucketIndex - buckets[buckets.length - 1].bucketIndex; if (shiftUnlimited <= 0) { return; } int shift = (int) Long.min(buckets.length, shiftUnlimited); // Add old buckets to history for(int i = 0; i < shift; i++) { history.add(buckets[i]); } System.arraycopy(buckets, shift, buckets, 0, buckets.length - shift); for(int i = buckets.length - shift; i < buckets.length; i++) { buckets[i] = new Summary(bucketIndex + i + 1 - buckets.length); } } public long getMetricRollingWindowSizeInMs() { return bucketSizeInNs * buckets.length / 1_000_000; } private static class Summary { final long bucketIndex; final Histogram statistics; private int successes; private int failures; private int exceptions; private int timeouts; private int fallbackSuccess; private int fallbackFailure; private int shortCircuited; private Summary() { this(-1); } private Summary(long bucketIndex) { this.bucketIndex = bucketIndex; statistics = new Histogram(2); } public void add(Summary other) { statistics.add(other.statistics); successes += other.successes; failures += other.failures; exceptions += other.exceptions; timeouts += other.timeouts; fallbackSuccess += other.fallbackSuccess ; fallbackFailure += other.fallbackFailure ; shortCircuited += other.shortCircuited ; } public void add(Operation operation) { statistics.recordValue(operation.durationInMs()); if (operation.complete) { successes++; } else if (operation.failed) { failures++; } else if (operation.exception) { exceptions++; } else if (operation.timeout) { timeouts++; } if (operation.fallbackSucceed) { fallbackSuccess++; } else if (operation.fallbackFailed) { fallbackFailure++; } if (operation.shortCircuited) { shortCircuited++; } } public long count() { return statistics.getTotalCount(); } } } }