 * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The original author or authors
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
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package examples;

import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.HystrixMetricHandler;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker;
import io.vertx.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerOptions;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;

Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class CircuitBreakerExamples { public void example1(Vertx vertx) { CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx, new CircuitBreakerOptions() .setMaxFailures(5) // number of failure before opening the circuit .setTimeout(2000) // consider a failure if the operation does not succeed in time .setFallbackOnFailure(true) // do we call the fallback on failure .setResetTimeout(10000) // time spent in open state before attempting to re-try ); // --- // Store the circuit breaker in a field and access it as follows // --- breaker.execute(promise -> { // some code executing with the breaker // the code reports failures or success on the given promise. // if this promise is marked as failed, the breaker increased the // number of failures }).onComplete(ar -> { // Get the operation result. }); } public void example2(Vertx vertx) { CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx, new CircuitBreakerOptions().setMaxFailures(5).setTimeout(2000) ); // --- // Store the circuit breaker in a field and access it as follows // --- breaker.<String>execute(promise -> { vertx.createHttpClient().request(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/") .compose(req -> req .send() .compose(resp -> { if (resp.statusCode() != 200) { return Future.failedFuture("HTTP error"); } else { return resp.body().map(Buffer::toString); } })).onComplete(promise); }).onComplete(ar -> { // Do something with the result }); } public void example3(Vertx vertx) { CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx, new CircuitBreakerOptions().setMaxFailures(5).setTimeout(2000) ); // --- // Store the circuit breaker in a field and access it as follows // --- breaker.executeWithFallback( promise -> { vertx.createHttpClient().request(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/") .compose(req -> req .send() .compose(resp -> { if (resp.statusCode() != 200) { return Future.failedFuture("HTTP error"); } else { return resp.body().map(Buffer::toString); } })).onComplete(promise); }, v -> { // Executed when the circuit is opened return "Hello"; }) .onComplete(ar -> { // Do something with the result }); } public void example4(Vertx vertx) { CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx, new CircuitBreakerOptions().setMaxFailures(5).setTimeout(2000) ).fallback(v -> { // Executed when the circuit is opened. return "hello"; }); breaker.<String>execute( promise -> { vertx.createHttpClient().request(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/") .compose(req -> req .send() .compose(resp -> { if (resp.statusCode() != 200) { return Future.failedFuture("HTTP error"); } else { return resp.body().map(Buffer::toString); } })).onComplete(promise); }); } public void example5(Vertx vertx) { CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx, new CircuitBreakerOptions().setMaxFailures(5).setTimeout(2000) ).openHandler(v -> { System.out.println("Circuit opened"); }).closeHandler(v -> { System.out.println("Circuit closed"); }); breaker.<String>execute( promise -> { vertx.createHttpClient().request(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/") .compose(req -> req .send() .compose(resp -> { if (resp.statusCode() != 200) { return Future.failedFuture("HTTP error"); } else { return resp.body().map(Buffer::toString); } })).onComplete(promise); }); } public void example6(Vertx vertx) { CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx, new CircuitBreakerOptions().setMaxFailures(5).setTimeout(2000) ); Promise<String> userPromise = Promise.promise(); userPromise.future().onComplete(ar -> { // Do something with the result }); breaker.executeAndReportWithFallback( userPromise, promise -> { vertx.createHttpClient().request(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/") .compose(req -> req .send() .compose(resp -> { if (resp.statusCode() != 200) { return Future.failedFuture("HTTP error"); } else { return resp.body().map(Buffer::toString); } })).onComplete(promise); }, v -> { // Executed when the circuit is opened return "Hello"; }); } public void example7(Vertx vertx) { // Create the circuit breaker as usual. CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx); CircuitBreaker breaker2 = CircuitBreaker.create("my-second-circuit-breaker", vertx); // Create a Vert.x Web router Router router = Router.router(vertx); // Register the metric handler router.get("/hystrix-metrics").handler(HystrixMetricHandler.create(vertx)); // Create the HTTP server using the router to dispatch the requests vertx.createHttpServer() .requestHandler(router) .listen(8080); } public void example8(Vertx vertx) { CircuitBreaker breaker = CircuitBreaker.create("my-circuit-breaker", vertx, new CircuitBreakerOptions().setMaxFailures(5).setMaxRetries(5).setTimeout(2000) ).openHandler(v -> { System.out.println("Circuit opened"); }).closeHandler(v -> { System.out.println("Circuit closed"); }).retryPolicy(retryCount -> retryCount * 100L); breaker.<String>execute( promise -> { vertx.createHttpClient().request(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/") .compose(req -> req .send() .compose(resp -> { if (resp.statusCode() != 200) { return Future.failedFuture("HTTP error"); } else { return resp.body().map(Buffer::toString); } })).onComplete(promise); }); } }