 * Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
 *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 *  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 *  The Eclipse Public License is available at
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package io.vertx.ext.auth.oauth2.impl;

import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.impl.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.impl.logging.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.core.json.DecodeException;
import io.vertx.core.json.Json;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.JWTOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.NoSuchKeyIdException;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.PubSecKeyOptions;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.User;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.authentication.CredentialValidationException;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.authentication.Credentials;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.authentication.TokenCredentials;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.authentication.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.impl.jose.JWK;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.impl.jose.JWT;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.oauth2.*;

import java.util.Collections;

Author:Paulo Lopes
/** * @author Paulo Lopes */
public class OAuth2AuthProviderImpl implements OAuth2Auth { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OAuth2AuthProviderImpl.class); private final Vertx vertx; private final OAuth2Options config; private final OAuth2API api; // avoid caching, as it may swap, // old references are still valid though private volatile JWT jwt = new JWT(); private long updateTimerId = -1; private Handler<String> missingKeyHandler; public OAuth2AuthProviderImpl(Vertx vertx, OAuth2Options config) { this.vertx = vertx; this.config = config; this.api = new OAuth2API(vertx, config); // compute paths with variables, at this moment it is only relevant that // all variables are properly computed this.config.replaceVariables(true); this.config.validate(); if (config.getPubSecKeys() != null) { for (PubSecKeyOptions pubSecKey : config.getPubSecKeys()) { jwt.addJWK(new JWK(pubSecKey)); } } } @Override public OAuth2Auth jWKSet(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { api.jwkSet(res -> { if (res.failed()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(res.cause())); } else { if (updateTimerId != -1) { // cancel any running timer to avoid multiple updates // it is not important if the timer isn't active anymore // this could happen if both the user triggers the update and // there's a timer already in progress vertx.cancelTimer(updateTimerId); } final JsonObject json = res.result(); JWT jwt = new JWT(); JsonArray keys = json.getJsonArray("keys"); for (Object key : keys) { try { jwt.addJWK(new JWK((JsonObject) key)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.warn("Skipped unsupported JWK: " + e.getMessage()); } } // swap this.jwt = jwt; // compute the next update if the server told us too if (json.containsKey("maxAge")) { // delay is in ms, while cache max age is sec final long delay = json.getLong("maxAge") * 1000; // salesforce (for example) sometimes disables the max-age as setting it to 0 // for these cases we just cancel if (delay > 0) { this.updateTimerId = vertx.setPeriodic(delay, t -> jWKSet(autoUpdateRes -> { if (autoUpdateRes.failed()) { LOG.warn("Failed to auto-update JWK Set", autoUpdateRes.cause()); } })); } else { updateTimerId = -1; } } // return handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } }); return this; } @Override public OAuth2Auth missingKeyHandler(Handler<String> handler) { this.missingKeyHandler = handler; return this; } public OAuth2Options getConfig() { return config; } @Override public void authenticate(JsonObject authInfo, Handler<AsyncResult<User>> handler) { final OAuth2FlowType flow = config.getFlow(); if (authInfo.containsKey("access_token")) { if (flow != OAuth2FlowType.AUTH_JWT && flow != OAuth2FlowType.IMPLICIT) { authenticate(new TokenCredentials(authInfo.getString("access_token")), handler); } else { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("access_token provided but provider is not configured for AUTH_CODE")); } return; } if (authInfo.containsKey("username") && authInfo.containsKey("password")) { if (flow == OAuth2FlowType.PASSWORD) { authenticate(new UsernamePasswordCredentials(authInfo.getString("username"), authInfo.getString("password")), handler); } else { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("username/password provided but provider is not configured for PASSWORD")); } return; } authenticate(new Oauth2Credentials(authInfo), handler); } @Override public void authenticate(Credentials credentials, Handler<AsyncResult<User>> handler) { try { // if the authInfo object already contains a token validate it to confirm that it // can be reused, otherwise, based on the configured flow, request a new token // from the authority provider if (credentials instanceof TokenCredentials) { // authInfo contains a non null token TokenCredentials tokenCredentials = (TokenCredentials) credentials; tokenCredentials.checkValid(null); // this validation can be done in 2 different ways: // 1) the token is a JWT and in this case if the provider is OpenId Compliant the token can be verified locally // 2) the token is an opaque string and we need to introspect it // if the JWT library is working in unsecure mode, local validation is not to be trusted final User user = createUser(new JsonObject().put("access_token", tokenCredentials.getToken()), false); if (user.attributes().containsKey("accessToken") && !jwt.isUnsecure()) { final JWTOptions jwtOptions = config.getJWTOptions(); // a valid JWT token should have the access token value decoded // the token might be valid, but expired if (!user.expired(jwtOptions.getLeeway())) { // basic validation passed, the token is not expired, // the spec mandates that that a few extra checks are performed validateUser(user, handler); return; } } // the token is not in JWT format or this auth provider is not configured for secure JWTs // in this case we must rely on token introspection in order to know more about its state // attempt to create a token object from the given string representation // Not all providers support this so we need to check if the call is possible if (config.getIntrospectionPath() == null) { // this provider doesn't allow introspection, this means we are not able to perform // any authentication, if (user.attributes().containsKey("missing-kid")) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(new NoSuchKeyIdException(user.attributes().getString("missing-kid")))); } else { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Can't authenticate access_token: Provider doesn't support token introspection")); } return; } // perform the introspection api .tokenIntrospection("access_token", user.principal().getString("access_token"), res -> { if (res.failed()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(res.cause())); return; } final JsonObject json = res.result(); // RFC7662 dictates that there is a boolean active field (however tokeninfo implementations may not return this) if (json.containsKey("active") && !json.getBoolean("active", false)) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Inactive Token")); return; } // OPTIONALS // validate client id if (json.containsKey("client_id")) { // response included a client id. Match against config client id if (!config.getClientID().equals(json.getString("client_id"))) { // Client identifier for the OAuth 2.0 client that requested this token. handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Wrong client_id")); return; } } // attempt to create a user from the json object final User newUser = createUser(json, user.attributes().containsKey("missing-kid")); // final step, verify if the user is not expired // this may happen if the user tokens have been issued for future use for example if (newUser.expired(config.getJWTOptions().getLeeway())) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Used is expired.")); } else { // basic validation passed, the token is not expired, // the spec mandates that that a few extra checks are performed validateUser(newUser, handler); } }); } else { // the authInfo object does not contain a token, so rely on the // configured flow to retrieve a token for the user // depending on the flow type the authentication will behave in different ways final JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); switch (config.getFlow()) { case PASSWORD: UsernamePasswordCredentials usernamePasswordCredentials = (UsernamePasswordCredentials) credentials; usernamePasswordCredentials.checkValid(config.getFlow()); params .put("username", usernamePasswordCredentials.getUsername()) .put("password", usernamePasswordCredentials.getPassword()); break; case AUTH_CODE: case CLIENT: Oauth2Credentials oauth2Credentials = (Oauth2Credentials) credentials; oauth2Credentials.checkValid(config.getFlow()); params.mergeIn(oauth2Credentials.toJson()); break; case AUTH_JWT: Oauth2Credentials oauth2OnBehalfOfCredentials = (Oauth2Credentials) credentials; oauth2OnBehalfOfCredentials.checkValid(config.getFlow()); final JsonObject token = oauth2OnBehalfOfCredentials.toJson(); params .put("assertion", jwt.sign(token, config.getJWTOptions())); break; default: handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Current flow does not allow acquiring a token by the replay party")); return; } api.token(config.getFlow().getGrantType(), params, getToken -> { if (getToken.failed()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(getToken.cause())); } else { // attempt to create a user from the json object final User newUser = createUser(getToken.result(), false); // final step, verify if the user is not expired // this may happen if the user tokens have been issued for future use for example if (newUser.expired(config.getJWTOptions().getLeeway())) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Used is expired.")); } else { // basic validation passed, the token is not expired, // the spec mandates that that a few extra checks are performed validateUser(newUser, handler); } } }); } } catch (ClassCastException | CredentialValidationException e) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } } @Override public String authorizeURL(JsonObject params) { return api.authorizeURL(params); } @Override public OAuth2Auth refresh(User user, Handler<AsyncResult<User>> handler) { api.token( "refresh_token", new JsonObject() .put("refresh_token", user.principal().getString("refresh_token")), getToken -> { if (getToken.failed()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(getToken.cause())); } else { // attempt to create a user from the json object final User newUser = createUser(getToken.result(), false); // final step, verify if the user is not expired // this may happen if the user tokens have been issued for future use for example if (newUser.expired(config.getJWTOptions().getLeeway())) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Used is expired.")); } else { // basic validation passed, the token is not expired, // the spec mandates that that a few extra checks are performed validateUser(newUser, handler); } } }); return this; } @Override public OAuth2Auth revoke(User user, String tokenType, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { api.tokenRevocation(tokenType, user.principal().getString(tokenType), handler); return this; } @Override public OAuth2Auth userInfo(User user, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler) { api.userInfo(user.principal().getString("access_token"), jwt, userInfo -> { if (userInfo.succeeded()) { JsonObject json = userInfo.result(); // validation (the subject must match) String userSub = user.principal().getString("sub", user.attributes().getString("sub")); String userInfoSub = json.getString("sub"); if (userSub != null || userInfoSub != null) { if (userSub != null) { if (userInfoSub != null) { if (!userSub.equals(userInfoSub)) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Used 'sub' does not match UserInfo 'sub'.")); return; } } } } // copy basic properties to the attributes copyProperties(json, user.attributes(), true, "sub", "name", "email", "picture"); } // complete handler.handle(userInfo); }); return this; } @Override public String endSessionURL(User user, JsonObject params) { return api.endSessionURL(user.principal().getString("id_token"), params); }
Create a User object with some initial validations related to JWT.
/** * Create a User object with some initial validations related to JWT. */
private User createUser(JsonObject json, boolean skipMissingKeyNotify) { // update the principal final User user = User.create(json); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; // keep track of the missing kid if any, to debounce calls to // the missing key handler (at most 1 per missing key id) String missingKid = null; // compute the expires_at if any if (json.containsKey("expires_in")) { Long expiresIn; try { expiresIn = json.getLong("expires_in"); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // for some reason someone decided to send a number as a String... expiresIn = Long.valueOf(json.getString("expires_in")); } // don't interfere with the principal object user.attributes() .put("iat", now) .put("exp", now + expiresIn); } // attempt to decode tokens if jwt keys are available if (!jwt.isUnsecure()) { if (json.containsKey("access_token")) { try { user.attributes() .put("accessToken", jwt.decode(json.getString("access_token"))); // copy the expiration check properties + sub to the root copyProperties(user.attributes().getJsonObject("accessToken"), user.attributes(), true, "exp", "iat", "nbf", "sub"); // root claim meta data for JWT AuthZ user.attributes() .put("rootClaim", "accessToken"); } catch (NoSuchKeyIdException e) { if (!skipMissingKeyNotify) { // tag the user attributes that we don't have the required key too user.attributes() .put("missing-kid", e.id()); // save the missing kid missingKid = e.id(); // the JWT store has no knowledge about the key id on this token // if the user has specified a handler for this situation then it // shall be executed, otherwise just log as a typical validation if (missingKeyHandler != null) { missingKeyHandler.handle(e.id()); } else { LOG.trace("Cannot decode access token:", e); } } } catch (DecodeException | IllegalStateException e) { // explicitly catch and log. The exception here is a valid case // the reason is that it can be for several factors, such as bad token // or invalid JWT key setup, in that case we fall back to opaque token // which is the default operational mode for OAuth2. LOG.trace("Cannot decode access token:", e); } } if (json.containsKey("id_token")) { try { user.attributes() .put("idToken", jwt.decode(json.getString("id_token"))); // copy the userInfo basic properties to the root copyProperties(user.attributes().getJsonObject("idToken"), user.attributes(), false, "sub", "name", "email", "picture"); } catch (NoSuchKeyIdException e) { if (!skipMissingKeyNotify) { // we haven't notified this id yet if (!e.id().equals(missingKid)) { // tag the user attributes that we don't have the required key too user.attributes() .put("missing-kid", e.id()); // the JWT store has no knowledge about the key id on this token // if the user has specified a handler for this situation then it // shall be executed, otherwise just log as a typical validation if (missingKeyHandler != null) { missingKeyHandler.handle(e.id()); } else { LOG.trace("Cannot decode access token:", e); } } } } catch (DecodeException | IllegalStateException e) { // explicitly catch and log. The exception here is a valid case // the reason is that it can be for several factors, such as bad token // or invalid JWT key setup, in that case we fall back to opaque token // which is the default operational mode for OAuth2. LOG.trace("Cannot decode id token:", e); } } } return user; } private void validateUser(User user, Handler<AsyncResult<User>> handler) { if (!user.attributes().containsKey("accessToken")) { // nothing else to do handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(user)); return; } // the user object is a JWT so we should validate it as mandated by OIDC final JWTOptions jwtOptions = config.getJWTOptions(); // basic validation passed, the token is not expired, // the spec mandates that that a few extra checks are performed final JsonObject payload; try { payload = user.attributes().getJsonObject("accessToken"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("User accessToken isn't a JsonObject")); return; } if (jwtOptions.getAudience() != null) { JsonArray target; if (payload.getValue("aud") instanceof String) { target = new JsonArray().add(payload.getValue("aud", "")); } else { target = payload.getJsonArray("aud", new JsonArray()); } if (Collections.disjoint(jwtOptions.getAudience(), target.getList())) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Invalid JWT audience. expected: " + Json.encode(jwtOptions.getAudience()))); return; } } if (jwtOptions.getIssuer() != null) { if (!jwtOptions.getIssuer().equals(payload.getString("iss"))) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Invalid JWT issuer")); return; } } handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(user)); } @Override @Deprecated public OAuth2Auth decodeToken(String token, Handler<AsyncResult<AccessToken>> handler) { try { JsonObject json = jwt.decode(token); handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(createAccessToken(json))); } catch (RuntimeException e) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } return this; } @Override @Deprecated public OAuth2Auth introspectToken(String token, String tokenType, Handler<AsyncResult<AccessToken>> handler) { return this; } @Override @Deprecated public OAuth2FlowType getFlowType() { return config.getFlow(); } @Override @Deprecated public OAuth2Auth rbacHandler(OAuth2RBAC rbac) { return this; }
Create a User object with some initial validations related to JWT.
/** * Create a User object with some initial validations related to JWT. */
@Deprecated private AccessToken createAccessToken(JsonObject json) { // update the principal final AccessToken user = new AccessTokenImpl(json, this); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; // compute the expires_at if any if (json.containsKey("expires_in")) { Long expiresIn; try { expiresIn = json.getLong("expires_in"); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // for some reason someone decided to send a number as a String... expiresIn = Long.valueOf(json.getString("expires_in")); } // don't interfere with the principal object user.attributes() .put("iat", now) .put("exp", now + expiresIn); } // attempt to decode tokens if (json.getString("access_token") != null) { try { user.attributes() .put("accessToken", jwt.decode(json.getString("access_token"))); // re-compute expires at if not present and access token has been successfully decoded from JWT if (!user.attributes().containsKey("exp")) { Long exp = user.attributes() .getJsonObject("accessToken").getLong("exp"); if (exp != null) { user.attributes() .put("exp", exp); } } // root claim meta data for JWT AuthZ user.attributes() .put("rootClaim", "accessToken"); } catch (NoSuchKeyIdException e) { // the JWT store has no knowledge about the key id on this token // if the user has specified a handler for this situation then it // shall be executed, otherwise just log as a typical validation if (missingKeyHandler != null) { missingKeyHandler.handle(e.id()); } else { LOG.trace("Cannot decode access token:", e); } } catch (DecodeException | IllegalStateException e) { // explicitly catch and log as trace. exception here is a valid case // the reason is that it can be for several factors, such as bad token // or invalid JWT key setup, in that case we fall back to opaque token // which is the default operational mode for OAuth2. LOG.trace("Cannot decode access token:", e); } } if (json.getString("id_token") != null) { try { user.attributes() .put("idToken", jwt.decode(json.getString("id_token"))); } catch (NoSuchKeyIdException e) { // the JWT store has no knowledge about the key id on this token // if the user has specified a handler for this situation then it // shall be executed, otherwise just log as a typical validation if (missingKeyHandler != null) { missingKeyHandler.handle(e.id()); } else { LOG.trace("Cannot decode access token:", e); } } catch (DecodeException | IllegalStateException e) { // explicitly catch and log as trace. exception here is a valid case // the reason is that it can be for several factors, such as bad token // or invalid JWT key setup, in that case we fall back to opaque token // which is the default operational mode for OAuth2. LOG.trace("Cannot decode id token:", e); } } return user; } private static void copyProperties(JsonObject source, JsonObject target, boolean overwrite, String... keys) { if (source != null && target != null) { for (String key : keys) { if (source.containsKey(key)) { if (!target.containsKey(key) || overwrite) { target.put(key, source.getValue(key)); } } } } } }