 * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The original author or authors
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 *        The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *        http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 *        The Apache License v2.0 is available at
 *        http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
package io.vertx.amqp.impl;

import io.vertx.amqp.*;
import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.proton.*;
import io.vertx.proton.impl.ProtonConnectionImpl;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Symbol;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.TerminusDurability;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.TerminusExpiryPolicy;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.engine.EndpointState;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

public class AmqpConnectionImpl implements AmqpConnection {

  public static final String PRODUCT = "vertx-amqp-client";
  public static final Symbol PRODUCT_KEY = Symbol.valueOf("product");

  private final AmqpClientOptions options;
  private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean();
  private final AtomicReference<ProtonConnection> connection = new AtomicReference<>();
  private final Context context;

  private final List<AmqpSender> senders = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
  private final List<AmqpReceiver> receivers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
The exception handler, protected by the monitor lock.
/** * The exception handler, protected by the monitor lock. */
private Handler<Throwable> exceptionHandler; AmqpConnectionImpl(Context context, AmqpClientImpl client, AmqpClientOptions options, ProtonClient proton, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpConnection>> connectionHandler) { this.options = options; this.context = context; runOnContext(x -> connect(client, Objects.requireNonNull(proton, "proton cannot be `null`"), Objects.requireNonNull(connectionHandler, "connection handler cannot be `null`")) ); } private void connect(AmqpClientImpl client, ProtonClient proton, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpConnection>> connectionHandler) { proton .connect(options, options.getHost(), options.getPort(), options.getUsername(), options.getPassword(), ar -> { // Called on the connection context. if (ar.succeeded()) { if (!this.connection.compareAndSet(null, ar.result())) { connectionHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Unable to connect - already holding a connection")); return; } Map<Symbol, Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(AmqpConnectionImpl.PRODUCT_KEY, AmqpConnectionImpl.PRODUCT); if (options.getContainerId() != null) { this.connection.get().setContainer(options.getContainerId()); } if (options.getVirtualHost() != null) { this.connection.get().setHostname(options.getVirtualHost()); } this.connection.get() .setProperties(map) .disconnectHandler(ignored -> { try { onDisconnect(); } finally { closed.set(true); } }) .closeHandler(x -> { // Not expected closing, consider it failed try { onDisconnect(); } finally { closed.set(true); } }) .openHandler(conn -> { if (conn.succeeded()) { client.register(this); closed.set(false); connectionHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(this)); } else { closed.set(true); connectionHandler.handle(conn.mapEmpty()); } }); this.connection.get().open(); } else { connectionHandler.handle(ar.mapEmpty()); } }); }
Must be called on context.
/** * Must be called on context. */
private void onDisconnect() { Handler<Throwable> h = null; ProtonConnection conn = connection.getAndSet(null); synchronized (this) { if (exceptionHandler != null) { h = exceptionHandler; } } if (h != null) { String message = getErrorMessage(conn); h.handle(new Exception(message)); } } private String getErrorMessage(ProtonConnection conn) { String message = "Connection disconnected"; if (conn != null) { if (conn.getCondition() != null && conn.getCondition().getDescription() != null) { message += " - " + conn.getCondition().getDescription(); } else if ( conn.getRemoteCondition() != null && conn.getRemoteCondition().getDescription() != null) { message += " - " + conn.getRemoteCondition().getDescription(); } } return message; } void runOnContext(Handler<Void> action) { context.runOnContext(action); } void runWithTrampoline(Handler<Void> action) { if (Vertx.currentContext() == context) { action.handle(null); } else { runOnContext(action); } }
Must be called on context.
/** * Must be called on context. */
private boolean isLocalOpen() { ProtonConnection conn = this.connection.get(); return conn != null && ((ProtonConnectionImpl) conn).getLocalState() == EndpointState.ACTIVE; }
Must be called on context.
/** * Must be called on context. */
private boolean isRemoteOpen() { ProtonConnection conn = this.connection.get(); return conn != null && ((ProtonConnectionImpl) conn).getRemoteState() == EndpointState.ACTIVE; } @Override public synchronized AmqpConnection exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable> handler) { this.exceptionHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public AmqpConnection close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> done) { context.runOnContext(ignored -> { ProtonConnection actualConnection = connection.get(); if (actualConnection == null || closed.get() || (!isLocalOpen() && !isRemoteOpen())) { if (done != null) { done.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } return; } else { closed.set(true); } Future<Void> future = Future.future(); if (done != null) { future.setHandler(done); } if (actualConnection.isDisconnected()) { future.complete(); } else { try { actualConnection .disconnectHandler(con -> { future.tryFail(getErrorMessage(con)); closed.set(true); }) .closeHandler(res -> { closed.set(true); if (res.succeeded()) { future.tryComplete(); } else { future.tryFail(res.cause()); } }) .close(); } catch (Exception e) { future.fail(e); } } }); return this; } void unregister(AmqpSender sender) { senders.remove(sender); } void unregister(AmqpReceiver receiver) { receivers.remove(receiver); } @Override public AmqpConnection createReceiver(String address, Handler<AmqpMessage> handler, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler) { return createReceiver(address, null, handler, completionHandler); } @Override public AmqpConnection createDynamicReceiver(Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler) { return createReceiver(null, new AmqpReceiverOptions().setDynamic(true), null, completionHandler); } @Override public AmqpConnection createReceiver(String address, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler) { ProtonLinkOptions opts = new ProtonLinkOptions(); runWithTrampoline(x -> { ProtonReceiver receiver = connection.get().createReceiver(address, opts); new AmqpReceiverImpl( Objects.requireNonNull(address, "The address must not be `null`"), this, new AmqpReceiverOptions(), receiver, null, Objects.requireNonNull(completionHandler, "The completion handler must not be `null`")); }); return this; } @Override public AmqpConnection createReceiver(String address, AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler) { return createReceiver(address, receiverOptions, null, completionHandler); } @Override public AmqpConnection createReceiver(String address, AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions, Handler<AmqpMessage> handler, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpReceiver>> completionHandler) { ProtonLinkOptions opts = new ProtonLinkOptions(); AmqpReceiverOptions recOpts = receiverOptions == null ? new AmqpReceiverOptions() : receiverOptions; opts .setDynamic(recOpts.isDynamic()) .setLinkName(recOpts.getLinkName()); runWithTrampoline(v -> { ProtonReceiver receiver = connection.get().createReceiver(address, opts); if (receiverOptions != null) { if (receiverOptions.getQos() != null) { receiver.setQoS(ProtonQoS.valueOf(receiverOptions.getQos().toUpperCase())); } configureTheSource(recOpts, receiver); } new AmqpReceiverImpl(address, this, recOpts, receiver, handler, completionHandler); }); return this; } private void configureTheSource(AmqpReceiverOptions receiverOptions, ProtonReceiver receiver) { org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Source source = (org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Source) receiver .getSource(); List<String> capabilities = receiverOptions.getCapabilities(); if (!capabilities.isEmpty()) { source.setCapabilities(capabilities.stream().map(Symbol::valueOf).toArray(Symbol[]::new)); } if (receiverOptions.isDurable()) { source.setExpiryPolicy(TerminusExpiryPolicy.NEVER); source.setDurable(TerminusDurability.UNSETTLED_STATE); } } @Override public AmqpConnection createSender(String address, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpSender>> completionHandler) { Objects.requireNonNull(address, "The address must be set"); return createSender(address, new AmqpSenderOptions(), completionHandler); } @Override public AmqpConnection createSender(String address, AmqpSenderOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpSender>> completionHandler) { if (address == null && !options.isDynamic()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address must be set if the link is not dynamic"); } Objects.requireNonNull(completionHandler, "The completion handler must be set"); runWithTrampoline(x -> { ProtonSender sender; if (options != null) { ProtonLinkOptions opts = new ProtonLinkOptions(); opts.setLinkName(options.getLinkName()); opts.setDynamic(options.isDynamic()); sender = connection.get().createSender(address, opts); sender.setAutoDrained(options.isAutoDrained()); } else { sender = connection.get().createSender(address); } // TODO durable? AmqpSenderImpl.create(sender, this, completionHandler); }); return this; } @Override public AmqpConnection createAnonymousSender(Handler<AsyncResult<AmqpSender>> completionHandler) { Objects.requireNonNull(completionHandler, "The completion handler must be set"); runWithTrampoline(x -> { ProtonSender sender = connection.get().createSender(null); AmqpSenderImpl.create(sender, this, completionHandler); }); return this; } ProtonConnection unwrap() { return this.connection.get(); } public AmqpClientOptions options() { return options; } void register(AmqpSenderImpl sender) { senders.add(sender); } void register(AmqpReceiverImpl receiver) { receivers.add(receiver); } }