 * Copyright (c) 2011-Present VMware Inc. or its affiliates, All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *        https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package reactor.core.publisher;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import reactor.core.CoreSubscriber;
import reactor.core.Exceptions;
import reactor.core.Scannable;
import reactor.core.publisher.Sinks.EmitResult;
import reactor.util.annotation.Nullable;
import reactor.util.context.Context;

Author:Simon Baslé
/** * @author Simon Baslé */
final class SinkManyBestEffort<T> extends Flux<T> implements InternalManySink<T>, Scannable, DirectInnerContainer<T> { static final DirectInner[] EMPTY = new DirectInner[0]; static final DirectInner[] TERMINATED = new DirectInner[0]; static final <T> SinkManyBestEffort<T> createBestEffort() { return new SinkManyBestEffort<>(false); } static final <T> SinkManyBestEffort<T> createAllOrNothing() { return new SinkManyBestEffort<>(true); } final boolean allOrNothing;
Stores the error that terminated this sink, for immediate replay to late subscribers
/** * Stores the error that terminated this sink, for immediate replay to late subscribers */
Throwable error; volatile DirectInner<T>[] subscribers; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<SinkManyBestEffort, DirectInner[]>SUBSCRIBERS = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(SinkManyBestEffort.class, DirectInner[].class, "subscribers"); SinkManyBestEffort(boolean allOrNothing) { this.allOrNothing = allOrNothing; SUBSCRIBERS.lazySet(this, EMPTY); } public Context currentContext() { return Operators.multiSubscribersContext(subscribers); } @Override public Stream<? extends Scannable> inners() { return Stream.of(subscribers); } @Nullable @Override public Object scanUnsafe(Attr key) { if (key == Attr.TERMINATED) return subscribers == TERMINATED; if (key == Attr.ERROR) return error; return null; } @Override public EmitResult tryEmitNext(T t) { Objects.requireNonNull(t, "tryEmitNext(null) is forbidden"); DirectInner<T>[] subs = subscribers; if (subs == EMPTY) { return EmitResult.FAIL_ZERO_SUBSCRIBER; } if (subs == TERMINATED) { return EmitResult.FAIL_TERMINATED; } int expectedEmitted = subs.length; int cancelledCount = 0; if (allOrNothing) { long commonRequest = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (DirectInner<T> sub : subs) { long subRequest = sub.requested; if (sub.isCancelled()) { cancelledCount++; continue; } if (subRequest < commonRequest) { commonRequest = subRequest; } } if (commonRequest == 0) { return EmitResult.FAIL_OVERFLOW; } if (cancelledCount == expectedEmitted) { return EmitResult.FAIL_ZERO_SUBSCRIBER; } } int emittedCount = 0; cancelledCount = 0; for (DirectInner<T> sub : subs) { if (sub.isCancelled()) { cancelledCount++; continue; } if (sub.tryEmitNext(t)) { emittedCount++; } else if (sub.isCancelled()) { cancelledCount++; } } if (cancelledCount == expectedEmitted) { return EmitResult.FAIL_ZERO_SUBSCRIBER; } else if (cancelledCount + emittedCount == expectedEmitted) { return EmitResult.OK; } else if (emittedCount > 0 && !allOrNothing) { return EmitResult.OK; } else { return EmitResult.FAIL_OVERFLOW; } } @Override public EmitResult tryEmitComplete() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") DirectInner<T>[] subs = SUBSCRIBERS.getAndSet(this, TERMINATED); if (subs == TERMINATED) { return EmitResult.FAIL_TERMINATED; } for (DirectInner<?> s : subs) { s.emitComplete(); } return EmitResult.OK; } @Override public EmitResult tryEmitError(Throwable error) { Objects.requireNonNull(error, "tryEmitError(null) is forbidden"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") DirectInner<T>[] subs = SUBSCRIBERS.getAndSet(this, TERMINATED); if (subs == TERMINATED) { return EmitResult.FAIL_TERMINATED; } this.error = error; for (DirectInner<?> s : subs) { s.emitError(error); } return EmitResult.OK; } @Override public int currentSubscriberCount() { return subscribers.length; } @Override public Flux<T> asFlux() { return this; } @Override public void subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual) { Objects.requireNonNull(actual, "subscribe(null) is forbidden"); DirectInner<T> p = new DirectInner<>(actual, this); actual.onSubscribe(p); if (p.isCancelled()) { return; } if (add(p)) { if (p.isCancelled()) { remove(p); } } else { Throwable e = error; if (e != null) { actual.onError(e); } else { actual.onComplete(); } } } @Override public boolean add(DirectInner<T> s) { DirectInner<T>[] a = subscribers; if (a == TERMINATED) { return false; } synchronized (this) { a = subscribers; if (a == TERMINATED) { return false; } int len = a.length; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") DirectInner<T>[] b = new DirectInner[len + 1]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, len); b[len] = s; subscribers = b; return true; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void remove(DirectInner<T> s) { DirectInner<T>[] a = subscribers; if (a == TERMINATED || a == EMPTY) { return; } synchronized (this) { a = subscribers; if (a == TERMINATED || a == EMPTY) { return; } int len = a.length; int j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (a[i] == s) { j = i; break; } } if (j < 0) { return; } if (len == 1) { subscribers = EMPTY; return; } DirectInner<T>[] b = new DirectInner[len - 1]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, j); System.arraycopy(a, j + 1, b, j, len - j - 1); subscribers = b; } } static class DirectInner<T> extends AtomicBoolean implements InnerProducer<T> { final CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual; final DirectInnerContainer<T> parent; volatile long requested; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<DirectInner> REQUESTED = AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater( DirectInner.class, "requested"); DirectInner(CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual, DirectInnerContainer<T> parent) { this.actual = actual; this.parent = parent; } @Override public void request(long n) { if (Operators.validate(n)) { Operators.addCap(REQUESTED, this, n); } } @Override public void cancel() { if (compareAndSet(false, true)) { parent.remove(this); } } boolean isCancelled() { return get(); } @Override @Nullable public Object scanUnsafe(Attr key) { if (key == Attr.PARENT) return parent; if (key == Attr.CANCELLED) return isCancelled(); return InnerProducer.super.scanUnsafe(key); } @Override public CoreSubscriber<? super T> actual() { return actual; }
Try to emit if the downstream is not cancelled and has some demand.
  • value – the value to emit
Returns:true if enough demand and not cancelled, false otherwise
/** * Try to emit if the downstream is not cancelled and has some demand. * @param value the value to emit * @return true if enough demand and not cancelled, false otherwise */
boolean tryEmitNext(T value) { if (requested != 0L) { if (isCancelled()) { return false; } actual.onNext(value); if (requested != Long.MAX_VALUE) { REQUESTED.decrementAndGet(this); } return true; } return false; }
Emit a value to the downstream, unless it doesn't have sufficient demand. In that case, the downstream is terminated with an Exceptions.failWithOverflow().
  • value – the value to emit
/** * Emit a value to the downstream, unless it doesn't have sufficient demand. * In that case, the downstream is terminated with an {@link Exceptions#failWithOverflow()}. * * @param value the value to emit */
void directEmitNext(T value) { if (requested != 0L) { actual.onNext(value); if (requested != Long.MAX_VALUE) { REQUESTED.decrementAndGet(this); } return; } parent.remove(this); actual.onError(Exceptions.failWithOverflow("Can't deliver value due to lack of requests")); } void emitError(Throwable e) { if (isCancelled()) { return; } actual.onError(e); } void emitComplete() { if (isCancelled()) { return; } actual.onComplete(); } } }