 * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Pivotal Software Inc, All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package reactor.core.publisher;

import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;

import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import reactor.core.CoreSubscriber;
import reactor.core.Disposable;
import reactor.core.Exceptions;
import reactor.util.annotation.Nullable;

Abstract base class for subscribers that hold another subscriber, a queue and requires queue-drain behavior.
Author:Simon Baslé, David Karnok
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the source type to which this subscriber will be subscribed
  • <U> – the value type in the queue
  • <V> – the value type the child subscriber accepts
/** * Abstract base class for subscribers that hold another subscriber, a queue * and requires queue-drain behavior. * * @param <T> the source type to which this subscriber will be subscribed * @param <U> the value type in the queue * @param <V> the value type the child subscriber accepts * * @author Simon Baslé * @author David Karnok */
abstract class QueueDrainSubscriber<T, U, V> extends QueueDrainSubscriberPad4 implements InnerOperator<T, V> { final CoreSubscriber<? super V> actual; final Queue<U> queue; volatile boolean cancelled; volatile boolean done; Throwable error; QueueDrainSubscriber(CoreSubscriber<? super V> actual, Queue<U> queue) { this.actual = actual; this.queue = queue; } @Override public CoreSubscriber<? super V> actual() { return actual; } public final boolean cancelled() { return cancelled; } public final boolean done() { return done; } public final boolean enter() { return wip.getAndIncrement() == 0; } public final boolean fastEnter() { return wip.get() == 0 && wip.compareAndSet(0, 1); } protected final void fastPathEmitMax(U value, boolean delayError, Disposable dispose) { final Subscriber<? super V> s = actual; final Queue<U> q = queue; if (wip.get() == 0 && wip.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { long r = requested; if (r != 0L) { if (accept(s, value)) { if (r != Long.MAX_VALUE) { produced(1); } } if (leave(-1) == 0) { return; } } else { dispose.dispose(); s.onError(Exceptions.failWithOverflow("Could not emit buffer due to lack of requests")); return; } } else { q.offer(value); if (!enter()) { return; } } drainMaxLoop(q, s, delayError, dispose, this); } protected final void fastPathOrderedEmitMax(U value, boolean delayError, Disposable dispose) { final Subscriber<? super V> s = actual; final Queue<U> q = queue; if (wip.get() == 0 && wip.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { long r = requested; if (r != 0L) { if (q.isEmpty()) { if (accept(s, value)) { if (r != Long.MAX_VALUE) { produced(1); } } if (leave(-1) == 0) { return; } } else { q.offer(value); } } else { cancelled = true; dispose.dispose(); s.onError(Exceptions.failWithOverflow("Could not emit buffer due to lack of requests")); return; } } else { q.offer(value); if (!enter()) { return; } } drainMaxLoop(q, s, delayError, dispose, this); }
Accept the value and return true if forwarded.
  • a – the subscriber
  • v – the value
Returns:true if the value was delivered
/** * Accept the value and return true if forwarded. * @param a the subscriber * @param v the value * @return true if the value was delivered */
public boolean accept(Subscriber<? super V> a, U v) { return false; } public final Throwable error() { return error; }
Adds m to the wip counter.
  • m – the value to add
Returns:the current value after adding m
/** * Adds m to the wip counter. * @param m the value to add * @return the current value after adding m */
public final int leave(int m) { return wip.addAndGet(m); } public final long requested() { return requested; } public final long produced(long n) { return REQUESTED.addAndGet(this, -n); } public final void requested(long n) { if (Operators.validate(n)) { Operators.addCap(REQUESTED, this, n); } } @Override @Nullable public Object scanUnsafe(Attr key) { if (key == Attr.TERMINATED) return done; if (key == Attr.CANCELLED) return cancelled; if (key == Attr.REQUESTED_FROM_DOWNSTREAM) return requested; if (key == Attr.ERROR) return error; return InnerOperator.super.scanUnsafe(key); }
Drain the queue but give up with an error if there aren't enough requests.
  • q – the queue
  • a – the subscriber
  • delayError – true if errors should be delayed after all normal items
  • dispose – the disposable to call when termination happens and cleanup is necessary
  • qd – the QueueDrain instance that gives status information to the drain logic
Type parameters:
  • <Q> – the queue value type
  • <S> – the emission value type
/** * Drain the queue but give up with an error if there aren't enough requests. * @param <Q> the queue value type * @param <S> the emission value type * @param q the queue * @param a the subscriber * @param delayError true if errors should be delayed after all normal items * @param dispose the disposable to call when termination happens and cleanup is necessary * @param qd the QueueDrain instance that gives status information to the drain logic */
static <Q, S> void drainMaxLoop(Queue<Q> q, Subscriber<? super S> a, boolean delayError, Disposable dispose, QueueDrainSubscriber<?, Q, S> qd) { int missed = 1; for (;;) { for (;;) { boolean d = qd.done(); Q v = q.poll(); boolean empty = v == null; if (checkTerminated(d, empty, a, delayError, q, qd)) { if (dispose != null) { dispose.dispose(); } return; } if (empty) { break; } long r = qd.requested(); if (r != 0L) { if (qd.accept(a, v)) { if (r != Long.MAX_VALUE) { qd.produced(1); } } } else { q.clear(); if (dispose != null) { dispose.dispose(); } a.onError(Exceptions.failWithOverflow("Could not emit value due to lack of requests.")); return; } } missed = qd.leave(-missed); if (missed == 0) { break; } } } static <Q, S> boolean checkTerminated(boolean d, boolean empty, Subscriber<?> s, boolean delayError, Queue<?> q, QueueDrainSubscriber<?, Q, S> qd) { if (qd.cancelled()) { q.clear(); return true; } if (d) { if (delayError) { if (empty) { Throwable err = qd.error(); if (err != null) { s.onError(err); } else { s.onComplete(); } return true; } } else { Throwable err = qd.error(); if (err != null) { q.clear(); s.onError(err); return true; } else if (empty) { s.onComplete(); return true; } } } return false; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Padding superclasses //-------------------------------------------------------------------
Pads the header away from other fields.
/** Pads the header away from other fields. */
class QueueDrainSubscriberPad0 { volatile long p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7; volatile long p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15; }
The WIP counter.
/** The WIP counter. */
class QueueDrainSubscriberWip extends QueueDrainSubscriberPad0 { final AtomicInteger wip = new AtomicInteger(); }
Pads away the wip from the other fields.
/** Pads away the wip from the other fields. */
class QueueDrainSubscriberPad2 extends QueueDrainSubscriberWip { volatile long p1a, p2a, p3a, p4a, p5a, p6a, p7a; volatile long p8a, p9a, p10a, p11a, p12a, p13a, p14a, p15a; }
Contains the requested field.
/** Contains the requested field. */
class QueueDrainSubscriberPad3 extends QueueDrainSubscriberPad2 { static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater<QueueDrainSubscriberPad3> REQUESTED = AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(QueueDrainSubscriberPad3.class, "requested"); volatile long requested; }
Pads away the requested from the other fields.
/** Pads away the requested from the other fields. */
class QueueDrainSubscriberPad4 extends QueueDrainSubscriberPad3 { volatile long q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7; volatile long q8, q9, q10, q11, q12, q13, q14, q15; }