// Generated from io\github\vmzakharov\ecdataframe\grammar\ModelScript.g4 by ANTLR 4.8
package io.github.vmzakharov.ecdataframe.grammar;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeVisitor;

This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The return type of the visit operation. Use Void for operations with no return type.
/** * This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced * by {@link ModelScriptParser}. * * @param <T> The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for * operations with no return type. */
public interface ModelScriptVisitor<T> extends ParseTreeVisitor<T> {
Visit a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.script.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ModelScriptParser#script}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitScript(ModelScriptParser.ScriptContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.functionDeclarationExpr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ModelScriptParser#functionDeclarationExpr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitFunctionDeclarationExpr(ModelScriptParser.FunctionDeclarationExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.statementSequence.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ModelScriptParser#statementSequence}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitStatementSequence(ModelScriptParser.StatementSequenceContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the assignExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.statement.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code assignExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#statement}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitAssignExpr(ModelScriptParser.AssignExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the conditionExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.statement.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code conditionExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#statement}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitConditionExpr(ModelScriptParser.ConditionExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the freeExp labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.statement.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code freeExp} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#statement}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitFreeExp(ModelScriptParser.FreeExpContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.projectionStatement.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ModelScriptParser#projectionStatement}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitProjectionStatement(ModelScriptParser.ProjectionStatementContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the indexVectorExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code indexVectorExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitIndexVectorExpr(ModelScriptParser.IndexVectorExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the standaloneVectorExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code standaloneVectorExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitStandaloneVectorExpr(ModelScriptParser.StandaloneVectorExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the addSubExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code addSubExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitAddSubExpr(ModelScriptParser.AddSubExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the stringLiteralExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code stringLiteralExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitStringLiteralExpr(ModelScriptParser.StringLiteralExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the inExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code inExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitInExpr(ModelScriptParser.InExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the orExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code orExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitOrExpr(ModelScriptParser.OrExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the isEmptyExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code isEmptyExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitIsEmptyExpr(ModelScriptParser.IsEmptyExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the parenExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code parenExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitParenExpr(ModelScriptParser.ParenExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the doubleLiteralExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code doubleLiteralExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitDoubleLiteralExpr(ModelScriptParser.DoubleLiteralExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the varExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code varExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitVarExpr(ModelScriptParser.VarExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the aliasExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code aliasExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitAliasExpr(ModelScriptParser.AliasExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the notExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code notExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitNotExpr(ModelScriptParser.NotExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the unaryMinusExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code unaryMinusExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitUnaryMinusExpr(ModelScriptParser.UnaryMinusExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the ternaryExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code ternaryExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitTernaryExpr(ModelScriptParser.TernaryExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the isNotEmptyExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code isNotEmptyExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitIsNotEmptyExpr(ModelScriptParser.IsNotEmptyExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the intLiteralExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code intLiteralExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitIntLiteralExpr(ModelScriptParser.IntLiteralExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the propertyPathExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code propertyPathExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitPropertyPathExpr(ModelScriptParser.PropertyPathExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the functionCallExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code functionCallExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitFunctionCallExpr(ModelScriptParser.FunctionCallExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the mulDivExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code mulDivExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitMulDivExpr(ModelScriptParser.MulDivExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the compareExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code compareExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitCompareExpr(ModelScriptParser.CompareExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by the andExpr labeled alternative in ModelScriptParser.expr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by the {@code andExpr} * labeled alternative in {@link ModelScriptParser#expr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitAndExpr(ModelScriptParser.AndExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.vectorExpr.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ModelScriptParser#vectorExpr}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitVectorExpr(ModelScriptParser.VectorExprContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.exprList.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ModelScriptParser#exprList}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitExprList(ModelScriptParser.ExprListContext ctx);
Visit a parse tree produced by ModelScriptParser.idList.
  • ctx – the parse tree
Returns:the visitor result
/** * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link ModelScriptParser#idList}. * @param ctx the parse tree * @return the visitor result */
T visitIdList(ModelScriptParser.IdListContext ctx); }