package com.codahale.metrics;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;

A triple of simple moving average rates (one, five and fifteen minutes rates) as needed by Meter.

The averages are unweighted, i.e. they include strictly only the events in the sliding time window, every event having the same weight. Unlike the the more widely used ExponentialMovingAverages implementation, with this class the moving average rate drops immediately to zero if the last marked event is older than the time window.

A Meter with SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages works similarly to a Histogram with an SlidingTimeWindowArrayReservoir, but as a Meter needs to keep track only of the count of events (not the events itself), the memory overhead is much smaller. SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages uses buckets with just one counter to accumulate the number of events (one bucket per seconds, giving 900 buckets for the 15 minutes time window).

/** * A triple of simple moving average rates (one, five and fifteen minutes rates) as needed by {@link Meter}. * <p> * The averages are unweighted, i.e. they include strictly only the events in the * sliding time window, every event having the same weight. Unlike the * the more widely used {@link ExponentialMovingAverages} implementation, * with this class the moving average rate drops immediately to zero if the last * marked event is older than the time window. * <p> * A {@link Meter} with {@link SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages} works similarly to * a {@link Histogram} with an {@link SlidingTimeWindowArrayReservoir}, but as a Meter * needs to keep track only of the count of events (not the events itself), the memory * overhead is much smaller. SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages uses buckets with just one * counter to accumulate the number of events (one bucket per seconds, giving 900 buckets * for the 15 minutes time window). */
public class SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages implements MovingAverages { private static final long TIME_WINDOW_DURATION_MINUTES = 15; private static final long TICK_INTERVAL = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1); private static final Duration TIME_WINDOW_DURATION = Duration.ofMinutes(TIME_WINDOW_DURATION_MINUTES); // package private for the benefit of the unit test static final int NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS = (int) (TIME_WINDOW_DURATION.toNanos() / TICK_INTERVAL); private final AtomicLong lastTick; private final Clock clock;
One counter per time bucket/slot (i.e. per second, see TICK_INTERVAL) for the entire time window (i.e. 15 minutes, see TIME_WINDOW_DURATION_MINUTES)
/** * One counter per time bucket/slot (i.e. per second, see TICK_INTERVAL) for the entire * time window (i.e. 15 minutes, see TIME_WINDOW_DURATION_MINUTES) */
private ArrayList<LongAdder> buckets;
Index into buckets, pointing at the bucket containing the oldest counts
/** * Index into buckets, pointing at the bucket containing the oldest counts */
private int oldestBucketIndex;
Index into buckets, pointing at the bucket with the count for the current time (tick)
/** * Index into buckets, pointing at the bucket with the count for the current time (tick) */
private int currentBucketIndex;
Instant at creation time of the time window. Used to calculate the currentBucketIndex for the instant of a given tick (instant modulo time window duration)
/** * Instant at creation time of the time window. Used to calculate the currentBucketIndex * for the instant of a given tick (instant modulo time window duration) */
private final Instant bucketBaseTime;
Instant of the bucket with index oldestBucketIndex
/** * Instant of the bucket with index oldestBucketIndex */
Instant oldestBucketTime; /** * Creates a new {@link SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages}. */ public SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages() { this(Clock.defaultClock()); }
  • clock – the clock to use for the meter ticks
/** * Creates a new {@link SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages}. * * @param clock the clock to use for the meter ticks */
public SlidingTimeWindowMovingAverages(Clock clock) { this.clock = clock; final long startTime = clock.getTick(); lastTick = new AtomicLong(startTime); buckets = new ArrayList<>(NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS; i++) { buckets.add(new LongAdder()); } bucketBaseTime = Instant.ofEpochSecond(0L, startTime); oldestBucketTime = bucketBaseTime; oldestBucketIndex = 0; currentBucketIndex = 0; } @Override public void update(long n) { buckets.get(currentBucketIndex).add(n); } @Override public void tickIfNecessary() { final long oldTick = lastTick.get(); final long newTick = clock.getTick(); final long age = newTick - oldTick; if (age >= TICK_INTERVAL) { // - the newTick doesn't fall into the same slot as the oldTick anymore // - newLastTick is the lower border time of the new currentBucketIndex slot final long newLastTick = newTick - age % TICK_INTERVAL; if (lastTick.compareAndSet(oldTick, newLastTick)) { Instant currentInstant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(0L, newLastTick); currentBucketIndex = normalizeIndex(calculateIndexOfTick(currentInstant)); cleanOldBuckets(currentInstant); } } } @Override public double getM15Rate() { return getMinuteRate(15); } @Override public double getM5Rate() { return getMinuteRate(5); } @Override public double getM1Rate() { return getMinuteRate(1); } private double getMinuteRate(int minutes) { Instant now = Instant.ofEpochSecond(0L, lastTick.get()); return sumBuckets(now, (int) (TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(minutes) / TICK_INTERVAL)); } int calculateIndexOfTick(Instant tickTime) { return (int) (Duration.between(bucketBaseTime, tickTime).toNanos() / TICK_INTERVAL); } int normalizeIndex(int index) { int mod = index % NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS; return mod >= 0 ? mod : mod + NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS; } private void cleanOldBuckets(Instant currentTick) { int newOldestIndex; Instant oldestStillNeededTime = currentTick.minus(TIME_WINDOW_DURATION).plusNanos(TICK_INTERVAL); Instant youngestNotInWindow =; if (oldestStillNeededTime.isAfter(youngestNotInWindow)) { // there was no update() call for more than two whole TIME_WINDOW_DURATION newOldestIndex = oldestBucketIndex; oldestBucketTime = currentTick; } else if (oldestStillNeededTime.isAfter(oldestBucketTime)) { newOldestIndex = normalizeIndex(calculateIndexOfTick(oldestStillNeededTime)); oldestBucketTime = oldestStillNeededTime; } else { return; } cleanBucketRange(oldestBucketIndex, newOldestIndex); oldestBucketIndex = newOldestIndex; } private void cleanBucketRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) { if (fromIndex < toIndex) { for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) { buckets.get(i).reset(); } } else { for (int i = fromIndex; i < NUMBER_OF_BUCKETS; i++) { buckets.get(i).reset(); } for (int i = 0; i < toIndex; i++) { buckets.get(i).reset(); } } } private long sumBuckets(Instant toTime, int numberOfBuckets) { // increment toIndex to include the current bucket into the sum int toIndex = normalizeIndex(calculateIndexOfTick(toTime) + 1); int fromIndex = normalizeIndex(toIndex - numberOfBuckets); LongAdder adder = new LongAdder(); if (fromIndex < toIndex) { .skip(fromIndex) .limit(toIndex - fromIndex) .mapToLong(LongAdder::longValue) .forEach(adder::add); } else {;; } long retval = adder.longValue(); return retval; } }