 * Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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package org.graalvm.wasm;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnknownIdentifierException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedMessageException;
import org.graalvm.wasm.api.ValueType;
import org.graalvm.wasm.collection.ByteArrayList;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.GlobalModifier;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.ImportIdentifier;
import org.graalvm.wasm.exception.Failure;
import org.graalvm.wasm.exception.WasmException;
import org.graalvm.wasm.memory.ByteArrayWasmMemory;
import org.graalvm.wasm.memory.UnsafeWasmMemory;
import org.graalvm.wasm.memory.WasmMemory;
import org.graalvm.wasm.memory.WasmMemoryException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import static org.graalvm.wasm.WasmUtil.unsignedInt32ToLong;

Contains the symbol information of a module.
/** * Contains the symbol information of a module. */
public abstract class SymbolTable { private static final int INITIAL_GLOBALS_SIZE = 64; private static final int INITIAL_DATA_SIZE = 512; private static final int INITIAL_TYPE_SIZE = 128; private static final int INITIAL_FUNCTION_TYPES_SIZE = 128; private static final int GLOBAL_MUTABLE_BIT = 0x0100; private static final int GLOBAL_EXPORT_BIT = 0x0200; private static final int UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL_ADDRESS = -1; private static final int NO_EQUIVALENCE_CLASS = 0; static final int FIRST_EQUIVALENCE_CLASS = NO_EQUIVALENCE_CLASS + 1; public static class FunctionType { private final byte[] paramTypes; private final byte returnType; private final int hashCode; FunctionType(byte[] paramTypes, byte returnType) { this.paramTypes = paramTypes; this.returnType = returnType; this.hashCode = Arrays.hashCode(paramTypes) ^ Byte.hashCode(returnType); } public byte[] paramTypes() { return paramTypes; } public byte[] returnTypes() { return new byte[]{returnType}; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof FunctionType)) { return false; } FunctionType that = (FunctionType) object; if (this.returnType != that.returnType) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { if (this.paramTypes[i] != that.paramTypes[i]) { return false; } } return true; } } public static class TableInfo { public final int initialSize; public final int maximumSize; public TableInfo(int initialSize, int maximumSize) { this.initialSize = initialSize; this.maximumSize = maximumSize; } } public static class MemoryInfo { public final int initialSize; public final int maximumSize; public MemoryInfo(int initialSize, int maximumSize) { this.initialSize = initialSize; this.maximumSize = maximumSize; } }
Encodes the arguments and return types of each function type. Given a function type index, the typeOffsets array indicates where the encoding for that function type begins in this array. For a function type starting at index i, the encoding is the following i i+1 i+2+0 i+2+na-1 i+2+na+0 i+2+na+nr-1 +-----+-----+-------+-----+--------+----------+-----+-----------+ | na | nr | arg 1 | ... | arg na | return 1 | ... | return nr | +-----+-----+-------+-----+--------+----------+-----+-----------+ where `na` is the number of arguments, and `nr` is the number of return values. This array is monotonically populated from left to right during parsing. Any code that uses this array should only access the locations in the array that have already been populated.
/** * Encodes the arguments and return types of each function type. * * Given a function type index, the {@link #typeOffsets} array indicates where the encoding for * that function type begins in this array. * * For a function type starting at index i, the encoding is the following * * <code> * i i+1 i+2+0 i+2+na-1 i+2+na+0 i+2+na+nr-1 * +-----+-----+-------+-----+--------+----------+-----+-----------+ * | na | nr | arg 1 | ... | arg na | return 1 | ... | return nr | * +-----+-----+-------+-----+--------+----------+-----+-----------+ * </code> * * where `na` is the number of arguments, and `nr` is the number of return values. * * This array is monotonically populated from left to right during parsing. Any code that uses * this array should only access the locations in the array that have already been populated. */
@CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private int[] typeData;
Stores the offset of each function type into the typeData array. This array is monotonically populated from left to right during parsing. Any code that uses this array should only access the locations in the array that have already been populated.
/** * Stores the offset of each function type into the {@link #typeData} array. * * This array is monotonically populated from left to right during parsing. Any code that uses * this array should only access the locations in the array that have already been populated. */
@CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private int[] typeOffsets;
Stores the type equivalence class. Since multiple types have the same shape, each type is mapped to an equivalence class, so that two types can be quickly compared. The equivalence classes are computed globally for all the modules, during linking.
/** * Stores the type equivalence class. * * Since multiple types have the same shape, each type is mapped to an equivalence class, so * that two types can be quickly compared. * * The equivalence classes are computed globally for all the modules, during linking. */
@CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private int[] typeEquivalenceClasses; @CompilationFinal private int typeDataSize; @CompilationFinal private int typeCount;
List of the descriptors of all the imported symbols.
/** * List of the descriptors of all the imported symbols. */
private final List<ImportDescriptor> importedSymbols;
List of the names of all the exported symbols.
/** * List of the names of all the exported symbols. */
private final List<String> exportedSymbols;
Stores the function objects for a WebAssembly module. This array is monotonically populated from left to right during parsing. Any code that uses this array should only access the locations in the array that have already been populated.
/** * Stores the function objects for a WebAssembly module. * * This array is monotonically populated from left to right during parsing. Any code that uses * this array should only access the locations in the array that have already been populated. */
@CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private WasmFunction[] functions; @CompilationFinal private int numFunctions;
List of all imported functions.
/** * List of all imported functions. */
private final List<WasmFunction> importedFunctions;
Map from exported function names to respective functions.
/** * Map from exported function names to respective functions. */
private final LinkedHashMap<String, WasmFunction> exportedFunctions;
Map from function indices to the exported names of respective functions.
/** * Map from function indices to the exported names of respective functions. */
private final HashMap<Integer, String> exportedFunctionsByIndex;
Index of the start function if it exists, or -1 otherwise.
/** * Index of the start function if it exists, or -1 otherwise. */
@CompilationFinal private int startFunctionIndex;
A global type is the value type of the global, followed by its mutability. This is encoded as two bytes -- the lowest (0th) byte is the value type. The 1st byte is organized like this: | . | . | . | . | . | initialized flag | exported flag | mutable flag |
/** * A global type is the value type of the global, followed by its mutability. This is encoded as * two bytes -- the lowest (0th) byte is the value type. The 1st byte is organized like this: * * <code> * | . | . | . | . | . | initialized flag | exported flag | mutable flag | * </code> */
@CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) short[] globalTypes;
A mapping between the indices of the imported globals and their import specifiers.
/** * A mapping between the indices of the imported globals and their import specifiers. */
@CompilationFinal private final LinkedHashMap<Integer, ImportDescriptor> importedGlobals;
A mapping between the names and the indices of the exported globals.
/** * A mapping between the names and the indices of the exported globals. */
@CompilationFinal private final LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> exportedGlobals;
The greatest index of a global in the module.
/** * The greatest index of a global in the module. */
@CompilationFinal private int maxGlobalIndex;
The descriptor of the table of this module. In the current WebAssembly specification, a module can use at most one table. The value null denotes that this module uses no table.
/** * The descriptor of the table of this module. * * In the current WebAssembly specification, a module can use at most one table. The value * {@code null} denotes that this module uses no table. */
@CompilationFinal private TableInfo table;
The table used in this module.
/** * The table used in this module. */
@CompilationFinal private ImportDescriptor importedTableDescriptor;
The name of the exported table of this module, if any.
/** * The name of the exported table of this module, if any. */
@CompilationFinal private String exportedTable;
The descriptor of the memory of this module. In the current WebAssembly specification, a module can use at most one memory. The value null denotes that this module uses no memory.
/** * The descriptor of the memory of this module. * * In the current WebAssembly specification, a module can use at most one memory. The value * {@code null} denotes that this module uses no memory. */
@CompilationFinal private MemoryInfo memory;
The memory used in this module.
/** * The memory used in this module. */
@CompilationFinal private ImportDescriptor importedMemoryDescriptor;
The name of the exported memory of this module, if any.
/** * The name of the exported memory of this module, if any. */
@CompilationFinal private String exportedMemory;
List of all custom sections.
/** * List of all custom sections. */
private final List<WasmCustomSection> customSections; SymbolTable() { this.typeData = new int[INITIAL_DATA_SIZE]; this.typeOffsets = new int[INITIAL_TYPE_SIZE]; this.typeEquivalenceClasses = new int[INITIAL_TYPE_SIZE]; this.typeDataSize = 0; this.typeCount = 0; this.importedSymbols = new ArrayList<>(); this.exportedSymbols = new ArrayList<>(); this.functions = new WasmFunction[INITIAL_FUNCTION_TYPES_SIZE]; this.numFunctions = 0; this.importedFunctions = new ArrayList<>(); this.exportedFunctions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.exportedFunctionsByIndex = new HashMap<>(); this.startFunctionIndex = -1; this.globalTypes = new short[INITIAL_GLOBALS_SIZE]; this.importedGlobals = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.exportedGlobals = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.maxGlobalIndex = -1; this.table = null; this.importedTableDescriptor = null; this.exportedTable = null; this.memory = null; this.importedMemoryDescriptor = null; this.exportedMemory = null; this.customSections = new ArrayList<>(); } private void checkNotParsed() { // The symbol table must be read-only after the module gets linked. if (module().isParsed()) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "The engine tried to modify the symbol table after parsing."); } } private void checkUniqueExport(String name) { if (exportedFunctions.containsKey(name) || exportedGlobals.containsKey(name) || Objects.equals(exportedMemory, name) || Objects.equals(exportedTable, name)) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_UNLINKABLE, "All export names must be different, but '" + name + "' is exported twice."); } } public void checkFunctionIndex(int funcIndex) { if (funcIndex < 0 || funcIndex >= numFunctions) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, String.format("Function index out of bounds: %d should be < %d.", unsignedInt32ToLong(funcIndex), numFunctions)); } } private static int[] reallocate(int[] array, int currentSize, int newLength) { int[] newArray = new int[newLength]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, currentSize); return newArray; } private static WasmFunction[] reallocate(WasmFunction[] array, int currentSize, int newLength) { WasmFunction[] newArray = new WasmFunction[newLength]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, currentSize); return newArray; }
Ensure that the typeData array has enough space to store index. If there is no enough space, then a reallocation of the array takes place, doubling its capacity. No synchronisation is required for this method, as it is only called during parsing, which is carried out by a single thread.
/** * Ensure that the {@link #typeData} array has enough space to store {@code index}. If there is * no enough space, then a reallocation of the array takes place, doubling its capacity. * * No synchronisation is required for this method, as it is only called during parsing, which is * carried out by a single thread. */
private void ensureTypeDataCapacity(int index) { if (typeData.length <= index) { int newLength = Math.max(Integer.highestOneBit(index) << 1, 2 * typeData.length); typeData = reallocate(typeData, typeDataSize, newLength); } }
Ensure that the typeOffsets and typeEquivalenceClasses arrays have enough space to store the data for the type at index. If there is not enough space, then a reallocation of the array takes place, doubling its capacity. No synchronisation is required for this method, as it is only called during parsing, which is carried out by a single thread.
/** * Ensure that the {@link #typeOffsets} and {@link #typeEquivalenceClasses} arrays have enough * space to store the data for the type at {@code index}. If there is not enough space, then a * reallocation of the array takes place, doubling its capacity. * * No synchronisation is required for this method, as it is only called during parsing, which is * carried out by a single thread. */
private void ensureTypeCapacity(int index) { if (typeOffsets.length <= index) { int newLength = Math.max(Integer.highestOneBit(index) << 1, 2 * typeOffsets.length); typeOffsets = reallocate(typeOffsets, typeCount, newLength); typeEquivalenceClasses = reallocate(typeEquivalenceClasses, typeCount, newLength); } } int allocateFunctionType(int numParameterTypes, int numReturnTypes) { checkNotParsed(); ensureTypeCapacity(typeCount); int typeIdx = typeCount++; typeOffsets[typeIdx] = typeDataSize; if (numReturnTypes != 0 && numReturnTypes != 1) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "A function can return at most one result."); } int size = 2 + numParameterTypes + numReturnTypes; ensureTypeDataCapacity(typeDataSize + size); typeData[typeDataSize + 0] = numParameterTypes; typeData[typeDataSize + 1] = numReturnTypes; typeDataSize += size; return typeIdx; } public int allocateFunctionType(byte[] parameterTypes, byte[] returnTypes) { checkNotParsed(); final int typeIdx = allocateFunctionType(parameterTypes.length, returnTypes.length); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { registerFunctionTypeParameterType(typeIdx, i, parameterTypes[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < returnTypes.length; i++) { registerFunctionTypeReturnType(typeIdx, i, returnTypes[i]); } return typeIdx; } void registerFunctionTypeParameterType(int funcTypeIdx, int paramIdx, byte type) { checkNotParsed(); int idx = 2 + typeOffsets[funcTypeIdx] + paramIdx; typeData[idx] = type; } void registerFunctionTypeReturnType(int funcTypeIdx, int returnIdx, byte type) { checkNotParsed(); int idx = 2 + typeOffsets[funcTypeIdx] + typeData[typeOffsets[funcTypeIdx]] + returnIdx; typeData[idx] = type; } public int equivalenceClass(int typeIndex) { return typeEquivalenceClasses[typeIndex]; } void setEquivalenceClass(int index, int eqClass) { checkNotParsed(); if (typeEquivalenceClasses[index] != NO_EQUIVALENCE_CLASS) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Type at index " + index + " already has an equivalence class."); } typeEquivalenceClasses[index] = eqClass; } private void ensureFunctionsCapacity(int index) { if (functions.length <= index) { int newLength = Math.max(Integer.highestOneBit(index) << 1, 2 * functions.length); functions = reallocate(functions, numFunctions, newLength); } } private WasmFunction allocateFunction(int typeIndex, ImportDescriptor importDescriptor) { checkNotParsed(); ensureFunctionsCapacity(numFunctions); if (typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= typeCount) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, String.format("Function type out of bounds: %d should be < %d.", unsignedInt32ToLong(typeIndex), typeCount)); } final WasmFunction function = new WasmFunction(this, numFunctions, typeIndex, importDescriptor); functions[numFunctions] = function; numFunctions++; return function; } WasmFunction declareFunction(int typeIndex) { checkNotParsed(); final WasmFunction function = allocateFunction(typeIndex, null); return function; } public WasmFunction declareExportedFunction(int typeIndex, String exportedName) { checkNotParsed(); final WasmFunction function = declareFunction(typeIndex); exportFunction(function.index(), exportedName); return function; } String exportedFunctionName(int index) { return exportedFunctionsByIndex.get(index); } void setStartFunction(int functionIndex) { checkNotParsed(); WasmFunction start = function(functionIndex); if (start.numArguments() != 0) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Start function cannot take arguments."); } if (start.returnTypeLength() != 0) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Start function cannot return a value."); } this.startFunctionIndex = functionIndex; } int numFunctions() { return numFunctions; } public WasmFunction function(int funcIndex) { assert 0 <= funcIndex && funcIndex <= numFunctions() - 1; return functions[funcIndex]; } public WasmFunction function(String exportName) { WasmFunction function = exportedFunctions.get(exportName); return function; } public int functionTypeArgumentCount(int typeIndex) { int typeOffset = typeOffsets[typeIndex]; int numArgs = typeData[typeOffset + 0]; return numArgs; } public byte functionTypeReturnType(int typeIndex) { int typeOffset = typeOffsets[typeIndex]; int numArgTypes = typeData[typeOffset + 0]; int numReturnTypes = typeData[typeOffset + 1]; return numReturnTypes == 0 ? (byte) 0x40 : (byte) typeData[typeOffset + 2 + numArgTypes]; } int functionTypeReturnTypeLength(int typeIndex) { int typeOffset = typeOffsets[typeIndex]; int numReturnTypes = typeData[typeOffset + 1]; return numReturnTypes; } public WasmFunction startFunction() { if (startFunctionIndex == -1) { return null; } return function(startFunctionIndex); } protected abstract WasmModule module(); public byte functionTypeArgumentTypeAt(int typeIndex, int i) { int typeOffset = typeOffsets[typeIndex]; return (byte) typeData[typeOffset + 2 + i]; } public byte functionTypeReturnTypeAt(int typeIndex, int i) { int typeOffset = typeOffsets[typeIndex]; int numArgs = typeData[typeOffset]; return (byte) typeData[typeOffset + 2 + numArgs + i]; } ByteArrayList functionTypeArgumentTypes(int typeIndex) { ByteArrayList types = new ByteArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i != functionTypeArgumentCount(typeIndex); ++i) { types.add(functionTypeArgumentTypeAt(typeIndex, i)); } return types; } int typeCount() { return typeCount; } FunctionType typeAt(int index) { return new FunctionType(functionTypeArgumentTypes(index).toArray(), functionTypeReturnType(index)); } public void importSymbol(ImportDescriptor descriptor) { checkNotParsed(); importedSymbols.add(descriptor); } public List<ImportDescriptor> importedSymbols() { return importedSymbols; } protected void exportSymbol(String name) { checkNotParsed(); checkUniqueExport(name); exportedSymbols.add(name); } public List<String> exportedSymbols() { return exportedSymbols; } public void exportFunction(int functionIndex, String exportName) { checkNotParsed(); exportSymbol(exportName); exportedFunctions.put(exportName, functions[functionIndex]); exportedFunctionsByIndex.put(functionIndex, exportName); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveFunctionExport(module(), functionIndex, exportName)); } public Map<String, WasmFunction> exportedFunctions() { return exportedFunctions; } public WasmFunction importFunction(String moduleName, String functionName, int typeIndex) { checkNotParsed(); final ImportDescriptor descriptor = new ImportDescriptor(moduleName, functionName, ImportIdentifier.FUNCTION); importSymbol(descriptor); WasmFunction function = allocateFunction(typeIndex, descriptor); importedFunctions.add(function); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveFunctionImport(context, instance, function)); return function; } public List<WasmFunction> importedFunctions() { return importedFunctions; } public WasmFunction importedFunction(String name) { for (WasmFunction f : importedFunctions) { if (f.name().equals(name)) { return f; } } return null; } public WasmFunction importedFunction(ImportDescriptor descriptor) { for (WasmFunction f : importedFunctions) { if (f.importDescriptor().equals(descriptor)) { return f; } } return null; } private void ensureGlobalsCapacity(int index) { while (index >= globalTypes.length) { final short[] nGlobalTypes = new short[globalTypes.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(globalTypes, 0, nGlobalTypes, 0, globalTypes.length); globalTypes = nGlobalTypes; } }
Allocates a global index in the symbol table, for a global variable that was already allocated.
/** * Allocates a global index in the symbol table, for a global variable that was already * allocated. */
void allocateGlobal(int index, byte valueType, byte mutability) { assert (valueType & 0xff) == valueType; checkNotParsed(); ensureGlobalsCapacity(index); maxGlobalIndex = Math.max(maxGlobalIndex, index); final int mutabilityBit; if (mutability == GlobalModifier.CONSTANT) { mutabilityBit = 0; } else if (mutability == GlobalModifier.MUTABLE) { mutabilityBit = GLOBAL_MUTABLE_BIT; } else { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Invalid mutability: " + mutability); } short globalType = (short) (mutabilityBit | valueType); globalTypes[index] = globalType; } void declareExternalGlobal(int index, Object global) { final InteropLibrary lib = InteropLibrary.getUncached(); try { final Object descriptor = lib.readMember(global, "descriptor"); final byte valueType = ValueType.parse((String) lib.readMember(descriptor, "value")).byteValue(); final byte mutability = (byte) ((boolean) lib.readMember(descriptor, "mutable") ? GlobalModifier.MUTABLE : GlobalModifier.CONSTANT); allocateGlobal(index, valueType, mutability); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final GlobalRegistry globals = context.globals(); final int address = globals.allocateExternalGlobal(global); instance.setGlobalAddress(index, address); }); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException | UnknownIdentifierException e) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INTERNAL, "Global does not have a valid descriptor: " + global); } } void declareGlobal(int index, byte valueType, byte mutability) { allocateGlobal(index, valueType, mutability); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final GlobalRegistry globals = context.globals(); final int address = globals.allocateGlobal(); instance.setGlobalAddress(index, address); }); } void importGlobal(String moduleName, String globalName, int index, byte valueType, byte mutability) { final ImportDescriptor descriptor = new ImportDescriptor(moduleName, globalName, ImportIdentifier.GLOBAL); importedGlobals.put(index, descriptor); importSymbol(descriptor); allocateGlobal(index, valueType, mutability); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> instance.setGlobalAddress(index, UNINITIALIZED_GLOBAL_ADDRESS)); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveGlobalImport(context, instance, descriptor, index, valueType, mutability)); } public LinkedHashMap<Integer, ImportDescriptor> importedGlobals() { return importedGlobals; } public LinkedHashMap<ImportDescriptor, Integer> importedGlobalDescriptors() { final LinkedHashMap<ImportDescriptor, Integer> reverseMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, ImportDescriptor> entry : importedGlobals.entrySet()) { reverseMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } return reverseMap; } public int maxGlobalIndex() { return maxGlobalIndex; } private boolean globalExported(int index) { final int exportStatus = globalTypes[index] & GLOBAL_EXPORT_BIT; return exportStatus != 0; } byte globalMutability(int index) { final short globalType = globalTypes[index]; if ((globalType & GLOBAL_MUTABLE_BIT) != 0) { return GlobalModifier.MUTABLE; } else { return GlobalModifier.CONSTANT; } } public boolean isGlobalMutable(int index) { return globalMutability(index) == GlobalModifier.MUTABLE; } public byte globalValueType(int index) { return (byte) (globalTypes[index] & 0xff); } public Map<String, Integer> exportedGlobals() { return exportedGlobals; } private String nameOfExportedGlobal(int index) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : exportedGlobals.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == index) { return entry.getKey(); } } return null; } void exportGlobal(String name, int index) { checkNotParsed(); exportSymbol(name); if (globalExported(index)) { throw new WasmMemoryException("Global " + index + " already exported with the name: " + nameOfExportedGlobal(index)); } globalTypes[index] |= GLOBAL_EXPORT_BIT; exportedGlobals.put(name, index); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveGlobalExport(module(), name, index)); } public void declareExportedExternalGlobal(String name, int index, Object global) { checkNotParsed(); declareExternalGlobal(index, global); exportGlobal(name, index); } public void declareExportedGlobalWithValue(String name, int index, byte valueType, byte mutability, long value) { checkNotParsed(); declareGlobal(index, valueType, mutability); exportGlobal(name, index); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final int address = instance.globalAddress(index); context.globals().storeLong(address, value); }); } public void allocateTable(int initSize, int maxSize) { checkNotParsed(); validateSingleTable(); table = new TableInfo(initSize, maxSize); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final int index = context.tables().allocateTable(initSize, maxSize); instance.setTable(context.tables().table(index)); }); } public void allocateExternalTable(WasmTable externalTable) { checkNotParsed(); validateSingleTable(); table = new TableInfo(externalTable.size(), externalTable.maxSize()); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final int index = context.tables().allocateExternalTable(externalTable); instance.setTable(context.tables().table(index)); }); } void importTable(String moduleName, String tableName, int initSize, int maxSize) { checkNotParsed(); validateSingleTable(); importedTableDescriptor = new ImportDescriptor(moduleName, tableName, ImportIdentifier.TABLE); importSymbol(importedTableDescriptor); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveTableImport(context, instance, importedTableDescriptor, initSize, maxSize)); } private void validateSingleTable() { if (importedTableDescriptor != null) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "A table has been already imported in the module."); } if (table != null) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "A table has been already declared in the module."); } } boolean tableExists() { return importedTableDescriptor != null || table != null; } public void exportTable(String name) { checkNotParsed(); exportSymbol(name); if (exportedTable != null) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "A table has been already exported from this module."); } if (!tableExists()) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "No table has been declared or imported, so a table cannot be exported."); } exportedTable = name; module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveTableExport(module(), exportedTable)); } int tableCount() { return tableExists() ? 1 : 0; } public ImportDescriptor importedTable() { return importedTableDescriptor; } public String exportedTable() { return exportedTable; } public void allocateMemory(int initSize, int maxSize) { checkNotParsed(); validateSingleMemory(); memory = new MemoryInfo(initSize, maxSize); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final BiFunction<Integer, Integer, WasmMemory> makeMemory = context.environment().getOptions().get(WasmOptions.UseUnsafeMemory) ? UnsafeWasmMemory::new : ByteArrayWasmMemory::new; final int memoryIndex = context.memories().allocateMemory(memory, makeMemory); final WasmMemory allocatedMemory = context.memories().memory(memoryIndex); instance.setMemory(allocatedMemory); }); } public void allocateExternalMemory(WasmMemory externalMemory) { checkNotParsed(); validateSingleMemory(); memory = new MemoryInfo(externalMemory.pageSize(), externalMemory.maxPageSize()); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final int memoryIndex = context.memories().allocateExternalMemory(externalMemory); final WasmMemory allocatedMemory = context.memories().memory(memoryIndex); instance.setMemory(allocatedMemory); }); } public void importMemory(String moduleName, String memoryName, int initSize, int maxSize) { checkNotParsed(); validateSingleMemory(); importedMemoryDescriptor = new ImportDescriptor(moduleName, memoryName, ImportIdentifier.MEMORY); importSymbol(importedMemoryDescriptor); module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveMemoryImport(context, instance, importedMemoryDescriptor, initSize, maxSize)); } private void validateSingleMemory() { if (importedMemoryDescriptor != null) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Memory has been already imported in the module."); } if (memory != null) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Memory has been already declared in the module."); } } boolean memoryExists() { return importedMemoryDescriptor != null || memory != null; } public void exportMemory(String name) { checkNotParsed(); exportSymbol(name); if (exportedMemory != null) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "A memory has been already exported from this module."); } if (!memoryExists()) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "No memory has been declared or imported, so memory cannot be exported."); } exportedMemory = name; module().addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveMemoryExport(instance, name)); } int memoryCount() { return memoryExists() ? 1 : 0; } public ImportDescriptor importedMemory() { return importedMemoryDescriptor; } public String exportedMemory() { return exportedMemory; } void allocateCustomSection(String name, int offset, int length) { customSections.add(new WasmCustomSection(name, offset, length)); } public List<WasmCustomSection> customSections() { return customSections; } }