 * Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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package org.graalvm.wasm;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Truffle;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.LoopNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import org.graalvm.wasm.collection.ByteArrayList;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.CallIndirect;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.ExportIdentifier;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.GlobalModifier;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.ImportIdentifier;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.Instructions;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.LimitsPrefix;
import org.graalvm.wasm.constants.Section;
import org.graalvm.wasm.exception.Failure;
import org.graalvm.wasm.exception.WasmException;
import org.graalvm.wasm.memory.WasmMemory;
import org.graalvm.wasm.nodes.WasmBlockNode;
import org.graalvm.wasm.nodes.WasmCallStubNode;
import org.graalvm.wasm.nodes.WasmIfNode;
import org.graalvm.wasm.nodes.WasmIndirectCallNode;
import org.graalvm.wasm.nodes.WasmRootNode;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import static org.graalvm.wasm.WasmType.F32_TYPE;
import static org.graalvm.wasm.WasmType.F64_TYPE;
import static org.graalvm.wasm.WasmType.I32_TYPE;
import static org.graalvm.wasm.WasmType.I64_TYPE;
import static org.graalvm.wasm.WasmUtil.unsignedInt32ToLong;

Simple recursive-descend parser for the binary WebAssembly format.
/** * Simple recursive-descend parser for the binary WebAssembly format. */
public class BinaryParser extends BinaryStreamParser { private class ParsingExceptionHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler { private Throwable parsingException = null; @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { this.parsingException = e; } public Throwable parsingException() { return parsingException; } } private static final int MIN_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE = 1_000_000; private static final int MAX_DEFAULT_ASYNC_STACK_SIZE = 10_000_000; private static final int MAGIC = 0x6d736100; private static final int VERSION = 0x00000001; // Java indices cannot be bigger than 2^31 - 1. private static final long TABLE_MAX_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static final long MEMORY_MAX_PAGES = 1 << 16; private final WasmLanguage language; private final WasmModule module; private final ModuleLimits moduleLimits; private final int[] limitsResult; public BinaryParser(WasmLanguage language, WasmModule module) { this(language, module, null); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary public BinaryParser(WasmLanguage language, WasmModule module, ModuleLimits moduleLimits) { super(module.data()); this.language = language; this.module = module; this.limitsResult = new int[2]; this.moduleLimits = moduleLimits; } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary public void readModule() { if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkModuleSize(data.length); } validateMagicNumberAndVersion(); readSymbolSections(); } @CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary public void readInstance(WasmContext context, WasmInstance instance) { int binarySize = instance.module().data().length; final int asyncParsingBinarySize = WasmOptions.AsyncParsingBinarySize.getValue(context.environment().getOptions()); if (binarySize < asyncParsingBinarySize) { readInstanceSynchronously(context, instance); } else { final Runnable parsing = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { readInstanceSynchronously(context, instance); } }; final String name = "wasm-parsing-thread(" + instance.name() + ")"; final int requestedSize = WasmOptions.AsyncParsingStackSize.getValue(context.environment().getOptions()) * 1000; final int defaultSize = Math.max(MIN_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE, Math.min(2 * binarySize, MAX_DEFAULT_ASYNC_STACK_SIZE)); final int stackSize = requestedSize != 0 ? requestedSize : defaultSize; final Thread parsingThread = new Thread(null, parsing, name, stackSize); final ParsingExceptionHandler handler = new ParsingExceptionHandler(); parsingThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(handler); parsingThread.start(); try { parsingThread.join(); if (handler.parsingException() != null) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Asynchronous parsing failed."); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Asynchronous parsing interrupted."); } } } private void readInstanceSynchronously(WasmContext context, WasmInstance instance) { if (tryJumpToSection(Section.CODE)) { readCodeSection(context, instance); } } private void validateMagicNumberAndVersion() { Assert.assertIntEqual(read4(), MAGIC, "Invalid MAGIC number", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); Assert.assertIntEqual(read4(), VERSION, "Invalid VERSION number", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } private void readSymbolSections() { int lastNonCustomSection = -1; while (!isEOF()) { byte sectionID = read1(); if (sectionID != Section.CUSTOM) { if (sectionID > lastNonCustomSection) { lastNonCustomSection = sectionID; } else if (lastNonCustomSection == sectionID) { Assert.fail("Duplicated section " + sectionID, Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } else { Assert.fail("Section " + sectionID + " defined after section " + lastNonCustomSection, Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } int size = readUnsignedInt32(); int startOffset = offset; switch (sectionID) { case Section.CUSTOM: readCustomSection(size); break; case Section.TYPE: readTypeSection(); break; case Section.IMPORT: readImportSection(); break; case Section.FUNCTION: readFunctionSection(); break; case Section.TABLE: readTableSection(); break; case Section.MEMORY: readMemorySection(); break; case Section.GLOBAL: readGlobalSection(); break; case Section.EXPORT: readExportSection(); break; case Section.START: readStartSection(); break; case Section.ELEMENT: readElementSection(); break; case Section.CODE: skipCodeSection(); break; case Section.DATA: readDataSection(null, null); break; default: Assert.fail("invalid section ID: " + sectionID, Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } Assert.assertIntEqual(offset - startOffset, size, String.format("Declared section (0x%02X) size is incorrect", sectionID), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } private void readCustomSection(int size) { int nextSectionOffset = offset + size; String name = readName(); int dataLength = Math.max(0, nextSectionOffset - offset); module.allocateCustomSection(name, offset, dataLength); offset += dataLength; } private void readTypeSection() { int numTypes = readVectorLength(); if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkTypeCount(numTypes); } for (int t = 0; t != numTypes; ++t) { byte type = read1(); switch (type) { case 0x60: readFunctionType(); break; default: Assert.fail("Only function types are supported in the type section", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } } private void readImportSection() { Assert.assertIntEqual(module.symbolTable().maxGlobalIndex(), -1, "The global index should be -1 when the import section is first read.", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID); int numImports = readVectorLength(); if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkImportCount(numImports); } for (int i = 0; i != numImports; ++i) { String moduleName = readName(); String memberName = readName(); byte importType = readImportType(); switch (importType) { case ImportIdentifier.FUNCTION: { int typeIndex = readTypeIndex(); module.symbolTable().importFunction(moduleName, memberName, typeIndex); break; } case ImportIdentifier.TABLE: { byte elemType = readElemType(); Assert.assertIntEqual(elemType, ReferenceTypes.FUNCREF, "Invalid element type for table import", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); readTableLimits(limitsResult); module.symbolTable().importTable(moduleName, memberName, limitsResult[0], limitsResult[1]); break; } case ImportIdentifier.MEMORY: { readMemoryLimits(limitsResult); module.symbolTable().importMemory(moduleName, memberName, limitsResult[0], limitsResult[1]); break; } case ImportIdentifier.GLOBAL: { byte type = readValueType(); byte mutability = readMutability(); int index = module.symbolTable().maxGlobalIndex() + 1; module.symbolTable().importGlobal(moduleName, memberName, index, type, mutability); break; } default: { Assert.fail(String.format("Invalid import type identifier: 0x%02X", importType), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } } } private void readFunctionSection() { int numFunctions = readVectorLength(); if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkFunctionCount(numFunctions); } for (int i = 0; i != numFunctions; ++i) { int functionTypeIndex = readUnsignedInt32(); module.symbolTable().declareFunction(functionTypeIndex); } } private void readTableSection() { int numTables = readVectorLength(); Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(module.symbolTable().tableCount() + numTables, 1, "Can import or declare at most one table per module", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); // Since in the current version of WebAssembly supports at most one table instance per // module. // this loop should be executed at most once. for (byte tableIndex = 0; tableIndex != numTables; ++tableIndex) { byte elemType = readElemType(); Assert.assertIntEqual(elemType, ReferenceTypes.FUNCREF, "Invalid element type for table", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); readTableLimits(limitsResult); module.symbolTable().allocateTable(limitsResult[0], limitsResult[1]); } } private void readMemorySection() { int numMemories = readVectorLength(); Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(module.symbolTable().memoryCount() + numMemories, 1, "Can import or declare at most one memory per module", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); // Since in the current version of WebAssembly supports at most one table instance per // module. // this loop should be executed at most once. for (int i = 0; i != numMemories; ++i) { readMemoryLimits(limitsResult); module.symbolTable().allocateMemory(limitsResult[0], limitsResult[1]); } } private void skipCodeSection() { int numImportedFunctions = module.importedFunctions().size(); int expectedNumCodeEntries = module.numFunctions() - numImportedFunctions; int numCodeEntries = readVectorLength(); if (expectedNumCodeEntries != numCodeEntries) { throw WasmException.format(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_INVALID, "Unexpected number of code entries: %d (%d expected).", numCodeEntries, expectedNumCodeEntries); } for (int entryIndex = 0; entryIndex != numCodeEntries; ++entryIndex) { int codeEntrySize = readUnsignedInt32(); int nextCodeEntryOffset = offset + codeEntrySize; if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkFunctionSize(codeEntrySize); int localCount = readCodeEntryLocals().size() + module.function(numImportedFunctions + entryIndex).numArguments(); moduleLimits.checkLocalCount(localCount); } offset = nextCodeEntryOffset; } } private void readCodeSection(WasmContext context, WasmInstance instance) { final int functionIndexOffset = instance.module().importedFunctions().size(); final int numCodeEntries = readVectorLength(); WasmRootNode[] rootNodes = new WasmRootNode[numCodeEntries]; for (int entry = 0; entry != numCodeEntries; ++entry) { rootNodes[entry] = createCodeEntry(instance, functionIndexOffset + entry); } for (int entryIndex = 0; entryIndex != numCodeEntries; ++entryIndex) { int codeEntrySize = readUnsignedInt32(); int startOffset = offset; readCodeEntry(instance, functionIndexOffset + entryIndex, rootNodes[entryIndex]); Assert.assertIntEqual(offset - startOffset, codeEntrySize, String.format("Code entry %d size is incorrect", entryIndex), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); final int currentEntryIndex = entryIndex; context.linker().resolveCodeEntry(module, currentEntryIndex); } } private WasmRootNode createCodeEntry(WasmInstance instance, int funcIndex) { final WasmFunction function = module.symbolTable().function(funcIndex); WasmCodeEntry codeEntry = new WasmCodeEntry(function, data); function.setCodeEntry(codeEntry); /* * Create the root node and create and set the call target for the body. This needs to be * done before reading the body block, because we need to be able to create direct call * nodes {@see TruffleRuntime#createDirectCallNode} during parsing. */ WasmRootNode rootNode = new WasmRootNode(language, instance, codeEntry); RootCallTarget callTarget = Truffle.getRuntime().createCallTarget(rootNode); instance.setTarget(funcIndex, callTarget); return rootNode; } private void readCodeEntry(WasmInstance instance, int funcIndex, WasmRootNode rootNode) { /* * Initialise the code entry local variables (which contain the parameters and the locals). */ initCodeEntryLocals(funcIndex); /* Read (parse) and abstractly interpret the code entry */ final WasmFunction function = module.symbolTable().function(funcIndex); final byte returnTypeId = function.returnType(); final int returnTypeLength = function.returnTypeLength(); ExecutionState state = new ExecutionState(); WasmBlockNode bodyBlock = readBlockBody(instance, rootNode.codeEntry(), state, returnTypeId, false); Assert.assertIntEqual(state.stackSize(), returnTypeLength, "Stack size must match the return type length at the function end", Failure.RETURN_SIZE_MISMATCH); rootNode.setBody(bodyBlock); /* Initialize the Truffle-related components required for execution. */ rootNode.codeEntry().setIntConstants(state.intConstants()); if (state.branchTables().length > 0) { rootNode.codeEntry().setBranchTables(state.branchTables()); } rootNode.codeEntry().setProfileCount(state.profileCount()); rootNode.codeEntry().initStackLocals(rootNode.getFrameDescriptor(), state.maxStackSize()); } private ByteArrayList readCodeEntryLocals() { int numLocalsGroups = readVectorLength(); ByteArrayList localTypes = new ByteArrayList(); for (int localGroup = 0; localGroup < numLocalsGroups; localGroup++) { int groupLength = readVectorLength(); byte t = readValueType(); for (int i = 0; i != groupLength; ++i) { localTypes.add(t); } } return localTypes; } private void initCodeEntryLocals(int funcIndex) { WasmCodeEntry codeEntry = module.symbolTable().function(funcIndex).codeEntry(); int typeIndex = module.symbolTable().function(funcIndex).typeIndex(); ByteArrayList argumentTypes = module.symbolTable().functionTypeArgumentTypes(typeIndex); ByteArrayList localTypes = readCodeEntryLocals(); byte[] allLocalTypes = ByteArrayList.concat(argumentTypes, localTypes); codeEntry.setLocalTypes(allLocalTypes); } private WasmBlockNode readBlock(WasmInstance instance, WasmCodeEntry codeEntry, ExecutionState state) { byte blockTypeId = readBlockType(); return readBlockBody(instance, codeEntry, state, blockTypeId, false); } private LoopNode readLoop(WasmInstance instance, WasmCodeEntry codeEntry, ExecutionState state) { byte blockTypeId = readBlockType(); return readLoop(instance, codeEntry, state, blockTypeId); } private WasmBlockNode readBlockBody(WasmInstance instance, WasmCodeEntry codeEntry, ExecutionState state, byte returnTypeId, boolean isLoopBody) { ArrayList<Node> children = new ArrayList<>(); int startStackSize = state.stackSize(); int startOffset = offset(); int startIntConstantOffset = state.intConstantOffset(); int startBranchTableOffset = state.branchTableOffset(); int startProfileCount = state.profileCount(); final WasmBlockNode currentBlock = new WasmBlockNode(instance, codeEntry, startOffset, returnTypeId, startStackSize, startIntConstantOffset, startBranchTableOffset, startProfileCount); state.startBlock(currentBlock, isLoopBody); int opcode; do { opcode = read1() & 0xFF; switch (opcode) { case Instructions.UNREACHABLE: state.setReachable(false); break; case Instructions.NOP: break; case Instructions.BLOCK: { // Store the reachability of the current block, to restore it later. boolean reachable = state.isReachable(); WasmBlockNode nestedBlock = readBlock(instance, codeEntry, state); children.add(nestedBlock); state.setReachable(reachable); break; } case Instructions.LOOP: { // Store the reachability of the current block, to restore it later. boolean reachable = state.isReachable(); LoopNode loopBlock = readLoop(instance, codeEntry, state); children.add(loopBlock); state.setReachable(reachable); break; } case Instructions.IF: { // Pop the condition. state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); // Store the reachability of the current block, to restore it later. boolean reachable = state.isReachable(); WasmIfNode ifNode = readIf(instance, codeEntry, state); children.add(ifNode); state.setReachable(reachable); break; } case Instructions.ELSE: // We handle the else instruction in the same way as the end instruction. case Instructions.END: // If the end instruction is reachable, then we check that the correct number of // operands are stored on the stack. Otherwise then the stack size must be // adjusted to match the stack size at the continuation point. if (state.isReachable()) { final int actualReturnLength = state.stackSize() - state.getStackSize(0); Assert.assertIntEqual(actualReturnLength, currentBlock.returnLength(), "Wrong number of values on the stack on the end of the block", Failure.RETURN_SIZE_MISMATCH); if (currentBlock.returnLength() == 1) { state.popChecked(currentBlock.returnTypeId()); state.push(currentBlock.returnTypeId()); } } else { state.unwindStack(state.getStackSize(0)); if (currentBlock.returnLength() == 1) { state.push(currentBlock.returnTypeId()); } } break; case Instructions.BR: { final int unwindLevel = readTargetOffset(); final int targetStackSize = state.getStackSize(unwindLevel); state.useIntConstant(targetStackSize); state.useIntConstant(state.getContinuationLength(unwindLevel)); state.checkContinuationType(unwindLevel); // This instruction is stack-polymorphic. state.setReachable(false); break; } case Instructions.BR_IF: { state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); // condition final int unwindLevel = readTargetOffset(); final int targetStackSize = state.getStackSize(unwindLevel); state.useIntConstant(targetStackSize); final int continuationReturnLength = state.getContinuationLength(unwindLevel); state.useIntConstant(continuationReturnLength); state.checkContinuationType(unwindLevel); state.incrementProfileCount(); break; } case Instructions.BR_TABLE: { state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); // index final int numLabels = readVectorLength(); // We need to save three tables here, to maintain the mapping target -> state // mapping: // - the length of the return type // - a table containing the branch targets for the instruction // - a table containing the stack state for each corresponding branch target // We encode this in a single array. final int[] branchTable = new int[2 * (numLabels + 1) + 1]; int continuationReturnLength = -1; // The BR_TABLE instruction behaves like a 'switch' statement. // There is one extra label for the 'default' case. for (int i = 0; i != numLabels + 1; ++i) { final int unwindLevel = readTargetOffset(); branchTable[1 + 2 * i + 0] = unwindLevel; branchTable[1 + 2 * i + 1] = state.getStackSize(unwindLevel); final int targetContinuationLength = state.getContinuationLength(unwindLevel); state.checkContinuationType(unwindLevel); if (continuationReturnLength == -1) { continuationReturnLength = targetContinuationLength; } else { Assert.assertIntEqual(continuationReturnLength, targetContinuationLength, "All target blocks in br.table must have the same return type length.", Failure.TABLE_TARGET_MISMATCH); } } branchTable[0] = continuationReturnLength; // The offset to the branch table. state.saveBranchTable(branchTable); // This instruction is stack-polymorphic. state.setReachable(false); break; } case Instructions.RETURN: { // Pop the stack values used as the return values. Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(codeEntry.function().returnTypeLength(), 1, Failure.MULTIPLE_RETURN_VALUES); if (codeEntry.function().returnTypeLength() == 1) { state.popChecked(codeEntry.function().returnType()); } state.useIntConstant(state.depth()); state.useIntConstant(state.getRootBlockReturnLength()); // This instruction is stack-polymorphic. state.setReachable(false); break; } case Instructions.CALL: { final int functionIndex = readFunctionIndex(); // Pop arguments final WasmFunction function = module.symbolTable().function(functionIndex); for (int i = function.numArguments() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { state.popChecked(function.argumentTypeAt(i)); } // Push return value Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(function.returnTypeLength(), 1, Failure.MULTIPLE_RETURN_VALUES); if (function.returnTypeLength() == 1) { state.push(function.returnType()); } // We deliberately do not create the call node during parsing, // because the call target is only created after the code entry is parsed. // The code entry might not be yet parsed when we encounter this call. // // Furthermore, if the call target is imported from another module, // then that other module might not have been parsed yet. // Therefore, the call node will be created lazily during linking, // after the call target from the other module exists. children.add(new WasmCallStubNode(function)); final int stubIndex = children.size() - 1; module.addLinkAction((context, inst) -> context.linker().resolveCallsite(inst, currentBlock, stubIndex, function)); break; } case Instructions.CALL_INDIRECT: { int expectedFunctionTypeIndex = readTypeIndex(); // Pop the function index to call state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); // Pop arguments for (int i = module.symbolTable().functionTypeArgumentCount(expectedFunctionTypeIndex) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { state.popChecked(module.symbolTable().functionTypeArgumentTypeAt(expectedFunctionTypeIndex, i)); } // Push return value final int returnLength = module.symbolTable().functionTypeReturnTypeLength(expectedFunctionTypeIndex); Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(returnLength, 1, Failure.MULTIPLE_RETURN_VALUES); if (returnLength == 1) { state.push(module.symbolTable().functionTypeReturnType(expectedFunctionTypeIndex)); } children.add(WasmIndirectCallNode.create()); Assert.assertIntEqual(read1(), CallIndirect.ZERO_TABLE, "CALL_INDIRECT: Instruction must end with 0x00", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); break; } case Instructions.DROP: state.pop(); break; case Instructions.SELECT: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); // condition final byte t = state.pop(); // first operand state.popChecked(t); // second operand state.push(t); break; case Instructions.LOCAL_GET: { final int localIndex = readLocalIndex(); // Assert localIndex exists. Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(localIndex, codeEntry.numLocals(), "Invalid local index for local.get", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); state.push(codeEntry.localType(localIndex)); break; } case Instructions.LOCAL_SET: { final int localIndex = readLocalIndex(); // Assert localIndex exists. Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(localIndex, codeEntry.numLocals(), "Invalid local index for local.set", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); state.popChecked(codeEntry.localType(localIndex)); break; } case Instructions.LOCAL_TEE: { final int localIndex = readLocalIndex(); // Assert localIndex exists. Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(localIndex, codeEntry.numLocals(), "Invalid local index for local.tee", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); state.popChecked(codeEntry.localType(localIndex)); state.push(codeEntry.localType(localIndex)); break; } case Instructions.GLOBAL_GET: { final int index = readGlobalIndex(); Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(index, module.symbolTable().maxGlobalIndex(), "Invalid global index for global.get.", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); state.push(module.symbolTable().globalValueType(index)); break; } case Instructions.GLOBAL_SET: { final int index = readGlobalIndex(); // Assert localIndex exists. Assert.assertIntLessOrEqual(index, module.symbolTable().maxGlobalIndex(), "Invalid global index for global.set.", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); // Assert that the global is mutable. Assert.assertTrue(module.symbolTable().globalMutability(index) == GlobalModifier.MUTABLE, "Immutable globals cannot be set: " + index, Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); state.popChecked(module.symbolTable().globalValueType(index)); break; } case Instructions.F32_LOAD: load(state, F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_LOAD: load(state, F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_LOAD: case Instructions.I32_LOAD8_S: case Instructions.I32_LOAD8_U: case Instructions.I32_LOAD16_S: case Instructions.I32_LOAD16_U: load(state, I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_LOAD: case Instructions.I64_LOAD8_S: case Instructions.I64_LOAD8_U: case Instructions.I64_LOAD16_S: case Instructions.I64_LOAD16_U: case Instructions.I64_LOAD32_S: case Instructions.I64_LOAD32_U: load(state, I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_STORE: store(state, F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_STORE: store(state, F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_STORE: case Instructions.I32_STORE_8: case Instructions.I32_STORE_16: store(state, I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_STORE: case Instructions.I64_STORE_8: case Instructions.I64_STORE_16: case Instructions.I64_STORE_32: store(state, I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.MEMORY_SIZE: // Skip the constant 0x00. read1(); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.MEMORY_GROW: { // Skip the constant 0x00. read1(); state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; } case Instructions.I32_CONST: readSignedInt32(); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_CONST: readSignedInt64(); state.push(I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_CONST: read4(); state.push(F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_CONST: read8(); state.push(F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_EQZ: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_EQ: case Instructions.I32_NE: case Instructions.I32_LT_S: case Instructions.I32_LT_U: case Instructions.I32_GT_S: case Instructions.I32_GT_U: case Instructions.I32_LE_S: case Instructions.I32_LE_U: case Instructions.I32_GE_S: case Instructions.I32_GE_U: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_EQZ: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_EQ: case Instructions.I64_NE: case Instructions.I64_LT_S: case Instructions.I64_LT_U: case Instructions.I64_GT_S: case Instructions.I64_GT_U: case Instructions.I64_LE_S: case Instructions.I64_LE_U: case Instructions.I64_GE_S: case Instructions.I64_GE_U: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_EQ: case Instructions.F32_NE: case Instructions.F32_LT: case Instructions.F32_GT: case Instructions.F32_LE: case Instructions.F32_GE: state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_EQ: case Instructions.F64_NE: case Instructions.F64_LT: case Instructions.F64_GT: case Instructions.F64_LE: case Instructions.F64_GE: state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_CLZ: case Instructions.I32_CTZ: case Instructions.I32_POPCNT: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_ADD: case Instructions.I32_SUB: case Instructions.I32_MUL: case Instructions.I32_DIV_S: case Instructions.I32_DIV_U: case Instructions.I32_REM_S: case Instructions.I32_REM_U: case Instructions.I32_AND: case Instructions.I32_OR: case Instructions.I32_XOR: case Instructions.I32_SHL: case Instructions.I32_SHR_S: case Instructions.I32_SHR_U: case Instructions.I32_ROTL: case Instructions.I32_ROTR: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_CLZ: case Instructions.I64_CTZ: case Instructions.I64_POPCNT: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_ADD: case Instructions.I64_SUB: case Instructions.I64_MUL: case Instructions.I64_DIV_S: case Instructions.I64_DIV_U: case Instructions.I64_REM_S: case Instructions.I64_REM_U: case Instructions.I64_AND: case Instructions.I64_OR: case Instructions.I64_XOR: case Instructions.I64_SHL: case Instructions.I64_SHR_S: case Instructions.I64_SHR_U: case Instructions.I64_ROTL: case Instructions.I64_ROTR: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_ABS: case Instructions.F32_NEG: case Instructions.F32_CEIL: case Instructions.F32_FLOOR: case Instructions.F32_TRUNC: case Instructions.F32_NEAREST: case Instructions.F32_SQRT: state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.push(F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_ADD: case Instructions.F32_SUB: case Instructions.F32_MUL: case Instructions.F32_DIV: case Instructions.F32_MIN: case Instructions.F32_MAX: case Instructions.F32_COPYSIGN: state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.push(F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_ABS: case Instructions.F64_NEG: case Instructions.F64_CEIL: case Instructions.F64_FLOOR: case Instructions.F64_TRUNC: case Instructions.F64_NEAREST: case Instructions.F64_SQRT: state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.push(F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_ADD: case Instructions.F64_SUB: case Instructions.F64_MUL: case Instructions.F64_DIV: case Instructions.F64_MIN: case Instructions.F64_MAX: case Instructions.F64_COPYSIGN: state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.push(F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_WRAP_I64: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_TRUNC_F32_S: case Instructions.I32_TRUNC_F32_U: state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_TRUNC_F64_S: case Instructions.I32_TRUNC_F64_U: state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_EXTEND_I32_S: case Instructions.I64_EXTEND_I32_U: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_TRUNC_F32_S: case Instructions.I64_TRUNC_F32_U: state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.push(I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_TRUNC_F64_S: case Instructions.I64_TRUNC_F64_U: state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.push(I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_CONVERT_I32_S: case Instructions.F32_CONVERT_I32_U: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_CONVERT_I64_S: case Instructions.F32_CONVERT_I64_U: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_DEMOTE_F64: state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.push(F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_CONVERT_I32_S: case Instructions.F64_CONVERT_I32_U: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_CONVERT_I64_S: case Instructions.F64_CONVERT_I64_U: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_PROMOTE_F32: state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.push(F64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I32_REINTERPRET_F32: state.popChecked(F32_TYPE); state.push(I32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.I64_REINTERPRET_F64: state.popChecked(F64_TYPE); state.push(I64_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F32_REINTERPRET_I32: state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); state.push(F32_TYPE); break; case Instructions.F64_REINTERPRET_I64: state.popChecked(I64_TYPE); state.push(F64_TYPE); break; default: Assert.fail(Assert.format("Unknown opcode: 0x%02x", opcode), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); break; } } while (opcode != Instructions.END && opcode != Instructions.ELSE); currentBlock.initialize(toArray(children), offset() - startOffset, state.intConstantOffset() - startIntConstantOffset, state.branchTableOffset() - startBranchTableOffset, state.profileCount() - startProfileCount); state.endBlock(); return currentBlock; } private void store(ExecutionState state, byte type) { // We don't store the `align` literal, as our implementation does not make use // of it, but we need to store its byte length, so that we can skip it // during the execution. readUnsignedInt32(); // align hint readUnsignedInt32(); // store offset state.popChecked(type); // value to store state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); // base address } private void load(ExecutionState state, byte type) { // We don't store the `align` literal, as our implementation does not make use // of it, but we need to store its byte length, so that we can skip it // during execution. readUnsignedInt32(); // align hint readUnsignedInt32(); // load offset state.popChecked(I32_TYPE); // base address state.push(type); // loaded value } static Node[] toArray(ArrayList<Node> list) { if (list.size() == 0) { return null; } return list.toArray(new Node[list.size()]); } private LoopNode readLoop(WasmInstance instance, WasmCodeEntry codeEntry, ExecutionState state, byte returnTypeId) { final int initialStackPointer = state.stackSize(); WasmBlockNode loopBlock = readBlockBody(instance, codeEntry, state, returnTypeId, true); // TODO: Hack to correctly set the stack pointer for abstract interpretation. // If a block has branch instructions that target "shallower" blocks which return no value, // then it can leave no values in the stack, which is invalid for our abstract // interpretation. // Correct the stack pointer to the value it would have in case there were no branch // instructions. state.unwindStack(returnTypeId != WasmType.VOID_TYPE ? initialStackPointer + 1 : initialStackPointer); return Truffle.getRuntime().createLoopNode(loopBlock); } private WasmIfNode readIf(WasmInstance instance, WasmCodeEntry codeEntry, ExecutionState state) { byte blockTypeId = readBlockType(); // Note: the condition value was already popped at this point. int stackSizeAfterCondition = state.stackSize(); // Read true branch. int startOffset = offset(); WasmBlockNode trueBranchBlock = readBlockBody(instance, codeEntry, state, blockTypeId, false); // If a block has branch instructions that target "shallower" blocks which return no value, // then it can leave no values in the stack, which is invalid for our abstract // interpretation. // Correct the stack pointer to the value it would have in case there were no branch // instructions. state.unwindStack(stackSizeAfterCondition); // Read false branch, if it exists. WasmBlockNode falseBranchBlock = null; if (peek1(-1) == Instructions.ELSE) { falseBranchBlock = readBlockBody(instance, codeEntry, state, blockTypeId, false); } else if (blockTypeId != WasmType.VOID_TYPE) { Assert.fail("An if statement without an else branch block cannot return values.", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } int stackSizeBeforeCondition = stackSizeAfterCondition + 1; return new WasmIfNode(instance, codeEntry, trueBranchBlock, falseBranchBlock, offset() - startOffset, blockTypeId, stackSizeBeforeCondition); } private void readElementSection() { int numElements = readVectorLength(); if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkElementSegmentCount(numElements); } for (int elemSegmentId = 0; elemSegmentId != numElements; ++elemSegmentId) { int tableIndex = readUnsignedInt32(); // At the moment, WebAssembly (1.0, MVP) only supports one table instance, thus the only // valid table index is 0. // Support for different table indices and "segment flags" might be added in the future // (see // https://github.com/WebAssembly/bulk-memory-operations/blob/master/proposals/bulk-memory-operations/Overview.md#element-segments). Assert.assertIntEqual(tableIndex, 0, "Invalid table index", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); // Table offset expression must be a constant expression with result type i32. // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/syntax/modules.html#element-segments // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/valid/instructions.html#constant-expressions // Read the offset expression. byte instruction = read1(); int offsetAddress = -1; int offsetGlobalIndex = -1; switch (instruction) { case Instructions.I32_CONST: { offsetAddress = readSignedInt32(); readEnd(); break; } case Instructions.GLOBAL_GET: { offsetGlobalIndex = readGlobalIndex(); readEnd(); break; } default: { Assert.fail(String.format("Invalid instruction for table offset expression: 0x%02X", instruction), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } // Copy the contents, or schedule a linker task for this. int segmentLength = readVectorLength(); final SymbolTable symbolTable = module.symbolTable(); final int currentElemSegmentId = elemSegmentId; final int currentOffsetAddress = offsetAddress; final int currentOffsetGlobalIndex = offsetGlobalIndex; final int[] functionIndices = new int[segmentLength]; for (int index = 0; index != segmentLength; ++index) { final int functionIndex = readDeclaredFunctionIndex(); functionIndices[index] = functionIndex; } module.addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { // Note: we do not check if the earlier element segments were executed, // and we do not try to execute the element segments in order, // as we do with data sections and the memory. // Instead, if any table element is written more than once, we report an error. // Thus, the order in which the element sections are loaded is not important // (also, I did not notice the toolchains overriding the same element slots, // or anything in the spec about that). WasmFunction[] elements = new WasmFunction[segmentLength]; for (int index = 0; index != segmentLength; ++index) { final int functionIndex = functionIndices[index]; final WasmFunction function = symbolTable.function(functionIndex); elements[index] = function; } context.linker().resolveElemSegment(context, instance, currentElemSegmentId, currentOffsetAddress, currentOffsetGlobalIndex, segmentLength, elements); }); } } private void readEnd() { byte instruction = read1(); Assert.assertByteEqual(instruction, (byte) Instructions.END, "Initialization expression must end with an END", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } private void readStartSection() { int startFunctionIndex = readDeclaredFunctionIndex(); module.symbolTable().setStartFunction(startFunctionIndex); } private void readExportSection() { int numExports = readVectorLength(); if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkExportCount(numExports); } for (int i = 0; i != numExports; ++i) { String exportName = readName(); byte exportType = readExportType(); switch (exportType) { case ExportIdentifier.FUNCTION: { int functionIndex = readDeclaredFunctionIndex(); module.symbolTable().exportFunction(functionIndex, exportName); break; } case ExportIdentifier.TABLE: { int tableIndex = readTableIndex(); Assert.assertTrue(module.symbolTable().tableExists(), "No table was imported or declared, so cannot export a table", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); Assert.assertIntEqual(tableIndex, 0, "Cannot export table index different than zero (only one table per module allowed)", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); module.symbolTable().exportTable(exportName); break; } case ExportIdentifier.MEMORY: { readMemoryIndex(); module.symbolTable().exportMemory(exportName); break; } case ExportIdentifier.GLOBAL: { int index = readGlobalIndex(); module.symbolTable().exportGlobal(exportName, index); break; } default: { Assert.fail(String.format("Invalid export type identifier: 0x%02X", exportType), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } } } private void readGlobalSection() { int numGlobals = readVectorLength(); if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkGlobalCount(numGlobals); } int startingGlobalIndex = module.symbolTable().maxGlobalIndex() + 1; for (int globalIndex = startingGlobalIndex; globalIndex != startingGlobalIndex + numGlobals; globalIndex++) { byte type = readValueType(); // 0x00 means const, 0x01 means var byte mutability = readMutability(); long value = 0; int existingIndex = -1; byte instruction = read1(); final boolean isInitialized; // Global initialization expressions must be constant expressions: // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/valid/instructions.html#constant-expressions switch (instruction) { case Instructions.I32_CONST: value = readSignedInt32(); isInitialized = true; break; case Instructions.I64_CONST: value = readSignedInt64(); isInitialized = true; break; case Instructions.F32_CONST: value = readFloatAsInt32(); isInitialized = true; break; case Instructions.F64_CONST: value = readFloatAsInt64(); isInitialized = true; break; case Instructions.GLOBAL_GET: existingIndex = readGlobalIndex(); isInitialized = false; break; default: throw Assert.fail(String.format("Invalid instruction for global initialization: 0x%02X", instruction), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } instruction = read1(); Assert.assertByteEqual(instruction, (byte) Instructions.END, "Global initialization must end with END", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); module.symbolTable().declareGlobal(globalIndex, type, mutability); final int currentGlobalIndex = globalIndex; final int currentExistingIndex = existingIndex; final long currentValue = value; module.addLinkAction((context, instance) -> { final GlobalRegistry globals = context.globals(); final int address = instance.globalAddress(currentGlobalIndex); if (isInitialized) { globals.storeLong(address, currentValue); context.linker().resolveGlobalInitialization(instance, currentGlobalIndex); } else { if (!module.symbolTable().importedGlobals().containsKey(currentExistingIndex)) { // The current WebAssembly spec says constant expressions can only refer to // imported globals. We can easily remove this restriction in the future. Assert.fail("The initializer for global " + currentGlobalIndex + " in module '" + module.name() + "' refers to a non-imported global.", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } context.linker().resolveGlobalInitialization(context, instance, currentGlobalIndex, currentExistingIndex); } }); } } private void readDataSection(WasmContext linkedContext, WasmInstance linkedInstance) { int numDataSegments = readVectorLength(); if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkDataSegmentCount(numDataSegments); } for (int dataSegmentId = 0; dataSegmentId != numDataSegments; ++dataSegmentId) { int memIndex = readUnsignedInt32(); // At the moment, WebAssembly only supports one memory instance, thus the only valid // memory index is 0. Assert.assertIntEqual(memIndex, 0, "Invalid memory index, only the memory index 0 is currently supported.", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); byte instruction = read1(); // Data dataOffset expression must be a constant expression with result type i32. // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/syntax/modules.html#data-segments // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/valid/instructions.html#constant-expressions // Read the offset expression. int offsetAddress = -1; int offsetGlobalIndex = -1; switch (instruction) { case Instructions.I32_CONST: offsetAddress = readSignedInt32(); readEnd(); break; case Instructions.GLOBAL_GET: offsetGlobalIndex = readGlobalIndex(); readEnd(); break; default: Assert.fail(String.format("Invalid instruction for data offset expression: 0x%02X", instruction), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } int byteLength = readVectorLength(); if (linkedInstance != null) { if (offsetGlobalIndex != -1) { int offsetGlobalAddress = linkedInstance.globalAddress(offsetGlobalIndex); offsetAddress = linkedContext.globals().loadAsInt(offsetGlobalAddress); } // Reading of the data segment is called after linking, so initialize the memory // directly. final WasmMemory memory = linkedInstance.memory(); for (int writeOffset = 0; writeOffset != byteLength; ++writeOffset) { byte b = read1(); memory.store_i32_8(null, offsetAddress + writeOffset, b); } } else { // Reading of the data segment occurs during parsing, so add a linker action. byte[] dataSegment = new byte[byteLength]; for (int writeOffset = 0; writeOffset != byteLength; ++writeOffset) { byte b = read1(); dataSegment[writeOffset] = b; } final int currentDataSegmentId = dataSegmentId; final int currentOffsetAddress = offsetAddress; final int currentOffsetGlobalIndex = offsetGlobalIndex; module.addLinkAction((context, instance) -> context.linker().resolveDataSegment(context, instance, currentDataSegmentId, currentOffsetAddress, currentOffsetGlobalIndex, byteLength, dataSegment)); } } } private void readFunctionType() { int paramsLength = readVectorLength(); int resultLength = peekUnsignedInt32(paramsLength, true); resultLength = (resultLength == 0x40) ? 0 : resultLength; if (moduleLimits != null) { moduleLimits.checkParamCount(paramsLength); moduleLimits.checkReturnCount(resultLength); } int idx = module.symbolTable().allocateFunctionType(paramsLength, resultLength); readParameterList(idx, paramsLength); readResultList(idx); } private void readParameterList(int funcTypeIdx, int numParams) { for (int paramIdx = 0; paramIdx != numParams; ++paramIdx) { byte type = readValueType(); module.symbolTable().registerFunctionTypeParameterType(funcTypeIdx, paramIdx, type); } } // Specification seems ambiguous: // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/types.html#result-types // According to the spec, the result type can only be 0x40 (void) or 0xtt, where tt is a value // type. // However, the Wasm binary compiler produces binaries with either 0x00 or 0x01 0xtt. Therefore, // we support both. private void readResultList(int funcTypeIdx) { byte b = read1(); switch (b) { case WasmType.VOID_TYPE: // special byte indicating empty return type (same as above) break; case 0x00: // empty vector break; case 0x01: // vector with one element (produced by the Wasm binary compiler) byte type = readValueType(); module.symbolTable().registerFunctionTypeReturnType(funcTypeIdx, 0, type); break; default: Assert.fail(String.format("Invalid return value specifier: 0x%02X", b), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } private boolean isEOF() { return offset == data.length; } private int readVectorLength() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private int readDeclaredFunctionIndex() { final int index = readUnsignedInt32(); module.symbolTable().checkFunctionIndex(index); return index; } private int readTypeIndex() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private int readFunctionIndex() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private int readTableIndex() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private int readMemoryIndex() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private int readGlobalIndex() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private int readLocalIndex() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private int readTargetOffset() { return readUnsignedInt32(); } private byte readExportType() { return read1(); } private byte readImportType() { return read1(); } private byte readElemType() { return read1(); } private void readTableLimits(int[] out) { long upperBound = (moduleLimits == null) ? TABLE_MAX_SIZE : moduleLimits.getTableSizeLimit(); readLimits(upperBound, "initial table size", "max table size", out); } private void readMemoryLimits(int[] out) { long upperBound = (moduleLimits == null) ? MEMORY_MAX_PAGES : moduleLimits.getMemorySizeLimit(); readLimits(upperBound, "initial memory size", "max memory size", out); } private void readLimits(long upperBound, String minName, String maxName, int[] out) { byte limitsPrefix = readLimitsPrefix(); switch (limitsPrefix) { case LimitsPrefix.NO_MAX: { out[0] = readUnsignedInt32(); out[1] = -1; break; } case LimitsPrefix.WITH_MAX: { out[0] = readUnsignedInt32(); out[1] = readUnsignedInt32(); break; } default: Assert.fail(String.format("Invalid limits prefix (expected 0x00 or 0x01, got 0x%02X", limitsPrefix), Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } // Convert min and max to longs to avoid checking bounds on overflowed values. long longMin = unsignedInt32ToLong(out[0]); long longMax = unsignedInt32ToLong(out[1]); Assert.assertLongLessOrEqual(longMin, upperBound, "Invalid " + minName + ", must be less than upper bound", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); if (out[1] != -1) { Assert.assertLongLessOrEqual(longMax, upperBound, "Invalid " + maxName + ", must be less than upper bound", Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); Assert.assertLongLessOrEqual(longMin, longMax, "Invalid " + minName + ", must be less than " + maxName, Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED); } } private byte readLimitsPrefix() { return read1(); } private String readName() { int nameLength = readVectorLength(); int afterNameOffset = nameLength + offset; if (afterNameOffset < 0 || data.length < afterNameOffset) { throw WasmException.format(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED, "The binary is truncated at: %d", data.length); } // Decode and verify UTF-8 encoding of the name CharsetDecoder decoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder(); decoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); CharBuffer result; try { result = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(data, offset, nameLength)); } catch (CharacterCodingException ex) { throw WasmException.format(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_MALFORMED, "Invalid UTF-8 encoding of the name at: %d", offset); } offset += nameLength; return result.toString(); } protected int readUnsignedInt32() { int value = peekUnsignedInt32(data, offset, true); byte length = peekLeb128Length(data, offset); offset += length; return value; } protected int readSignedInt32() { long valueAndLength = peekSignedInt32AndLength(data, offset); int length = (int) ((valueAndLength >>> 32) & 0xffff_ffffL); offset += length; return (int) (valueAndLength & 0xffff_ffffL); } private long readSignedInt64() { long value = peekSignedInt64(data, offset); byte length = peekLeb128Length(data, offset); offset += length; return value; } private boolean tryJumpToSection(int targetSectionId) { offset = 0; validateMagicNumberAndVersion(); while (!isEOF()) { byte sectionID = read1(); int size = readUnsignedInt32(); if (sectionID == targetSectionId) { return true; } offset += size; } return false; }
Reset the state of the globals in a module that had already been parsed and linked.
/** * Reset the state of the globals in a module that had already been parsed and linked. */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public void resetGlobalState(WasmContext context, WasmInstance instance) { int globalIndex = 0; if (tryJumpToSection(Section.IMPORT)) { int numImports = readVectorLength(); for (int i = 0; i != numImports; ++i) { String moduleName = readName(); String memberName = readName(); byte importType = readImportType(); switch (importType) { case ImportIdentifier.FUNCTION: { readTableIndex(); break; } case ImportIdentifier.TABLE: { readElemType(); readTableLimits(limitsResult); break; } case ImportIdentifier.MEMORY: { readMemoryLimits(limitsResult); break; } case ImportIdentifier.GLOBAL: { readValueType(); byte mutability = readMutability(); if (mutability == GlobalModifier.MUTABLE) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_UNLINKABLE, "Cannot reset imports of mutable global variables (not implemented)."); } globalIndex++; break; } default: { // The module should have been parsed already. } } } } if (tryJumpToSection(Section.GLOBAL)) { final GlobalRegistry globals = context.globals(); int numGlobals = readVectorLength(); int startingGlobalIndex = globalIndex; for (; globalIndex != startingGlobalIndex + numGlobals; globalIndex++) { readValueType(); // Read mutability; read1(); byte instruction = read1(); long value = 0; switch (instruction) { case Instructions.I32_CONST: { value = readSignedInt32(); break; } case Instructions.I64_CONST: { value = readSignedInt64(); break; } case Instructions.F32_CONST: { value = readFloatAsInt32(); break; } case Instructions.F64_CONST: { value = readFloatAsInt64(); break; } case Instructions.GLOBAL_GET: { int existingIndex = readGlobalIndex(); if (module.symbolTable().globalMutability(existingIndex) == GlobalModifier.MUTABLE) { throw WasmException.create(Failure.UNSPECIFIED_UNLINKABLE, "Cannot reset global variables that were initialized " + "with a non-constant global variable (not implemented)."); } final int existingAddress = instance.globalAddress(existingIndex); value = globals.loadAsLong(existingAddress); break; } } // Read END. read1(); final int address = instance.globalAddress(globalIndex); globals.storeLong(address, value); } } } public void resetMemoryState(WasmContext context, WasmInstance instance) { if (tryJumpToSection(Section.DATA)) { readDataSection(context, instance); } } }