package jflex.dfa;

import java.util.Arrays;
import jflex.exceptions.GeneratorException;
import jflex.logging.Out;
import jflex.option.Options;

Deprecated DFA class, only used for testing.
/** Deprecated DFA class, only used for testing. */
@Deprecated public class DeprecatedDfa extends DFA { DeprecatedDfa(int numEntryStates, int numInputs, int numLexStates, int numStates) { super(numEntryStates, numInputs, numLexStates, numStates); }
Much simpler, but slower and less memory efficient minimization algorithm than DFA.minimize().

This implementation is only useful for testing.

Returns:the equivalence relation on states.
Deprecated:Use DFA.minimize() instead.
/** * Much simpler, but slower and less memory efficient minimization algorithm than {@link * DFA#minimize()}. * * <p>This implementation is only useful for testing. * * @return the equivalence relation on states. * @deprecated Use {@link DFA#minimize()} instead. */
@Deprecated public boolean[][] old_minimize() { int i; int j; int c; if (numStates() == 0) { throw new GeneratorException(new IllegalStateException("DFA has no states")); } if (Options.no_minimize) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Options.no_minimize is set. Minimization is not allowed in this case"); } // equiv[i][j] == true <=> state i and state j are equivalent boolean[][] equiv = new boolean[numStates()][]; // list[i][j] contains all pairs of states that have to be marked "not equivalent" // if states i and j are recognized to be not equivalent StatePairList[][] list = new StatePairList[numStates()][]; // construct a triangular matrix equiv[i][j] with j < i // and mark pairs (final state, not final state) as not equivalent for (i = 1; i < numStates(); i++) { list[i] = new StatePairList[i]; equiv[i] = new boolean[i]; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { // i and j are equivalent, iff : // i and j are both final and their actions are equivalent and have same pushback behaviour // or // i and j are both not final if (isFinal[i] && isFinal[j]) { equiv[i][j] = action(i).isEquiv(action(j)); } else { equiv[i][j] = !isFinal[j] && !isFinal[i]; } } } for (i = 1; i < numStates(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (equiv[i][j]) { for (c = 0; c < numInput(); c++) { if (equiv[i][j]) { int p = table[i][c]; int q = table[j][c]; if (p < q) { int t = p; p = q; q = t; } if (p >= 0) { if (p != q && (q == -1 || !equiv[p][q])) { equiv[i][j] = false; if (list[i][j] != null) list[i][j].markAll(list, equiv); } if (DFA.DFA_DEBUG) { printTable(equiv); } } // if (p >= 0) .. } // if (equiv[i][j] } // for (char c = 0; c < numInput .. // if i and j are still marked equivalent.. if (equiv[i][j]) { for (c = 0; c < numInput(); c++) { int p = table[i][c]; int q = table[j][c]; if (p < q) { int t = p; p = q; q = t; } if (p != q && p >= 0 && q >= 0) { if (list[p][q] == null) { list[p][q] = new StatePairList(); } list[p][q].addPair(i, j); } } } } // of first if (equiv[i][j]) } // of for j } // of for i // } if (DFA.DFA_DEBUG) { printTable(equiv); } return equiv; }
Prints the equivalence table.
/** * Prints the equivalence table. * * @param equiv Equivalence table from {@link #old_minimize()} */
void printTable(boolean[][] equiv) { Out.dump("Equivalence table is : "); StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < numStates(); i++) { line.setLength(0); line.append(i).append(" :"); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (equiv[i][j]) { line.append(" E"); } else { line.append(" x"); } } Out.dump(line.toString()); } } public static DeprecatedDfa copyOf(DFA dfa) { DeprecatedDfa copy = new DeprecatedDfa( dfa.entryState.length, dfa.numInput(), dfa.numLexStates(), dfa.numStates()); copy.table = new int[dfa.table.length][dfa.numInput()]; for (int i = 0; i < dfa.table.length; i++) { System.arraycopy(dfa.table[i], 0, copy.table[i], 0, copy.numInput()); } copy.isFinal = Arrays.copyOf(dfa.isFinal, dfa.isFinal.length); copy.entryState = Arrays.copyOf(dfa.entryState, dfa.entryState.length); // Sets action and usedActions for (int i = 0; i < dfa.numStates(); i++) { copy.setAction(i, dfa.action(i)); } return copy; } }