 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. This program is made
 * available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

Maintain list of all the encryption algorithm factory classes
/** * Maintain list of all the encryption algorithm factory classes */
final class SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactoryList { private ConcurrentHashMap<String, SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactory> encryptionAlgoFactoryMap; private static final SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactoryList instance = new SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactoryList(); private SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactoryList() { encryptionAlgoFactoryMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); encryptionAlgoFactoryMap.putIfAbsent(SQLServerAeadAes256CbcHmac256Algorithm.algorithmName, new SQLServerAeadAes256CbcHmac256Factory()); } static SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactoryList getInstance() { return instance; }
Returns:list of registered algorithms separated by comma
/** * @return list of registered algorithms separated by comma */
String getRegisteredCipherAlgorithmNames() { StringBuffer stringBuff = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (String key : encryptionAlgoFactoryMap.keySet()) { if (first) { stringBuff.append("'"); first = false; } else { stringBuff.append(", '"); } stringBuff.append(key); stringBuff.append("'"); } return stringBuff.toString(); }
Return instance for given algorithm
  • key –
  • encryptionType –
  • algorithmName –
Returns:instance for given algorithm
/** * Return instance for given algorithm * * @param key * @param encryptionType * @param algorithmName * @return instance for given algorithm * @throws SQLServerException */
SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithm getAlgorithm(SQLServerSymmetricKey key, SQLServerEncryptionType encryptionType, String algorithmName) throws SQLServerException { SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithm encryptionAlgorithm = null; SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactory factory = null; if (!encryptionAlgoFactoryMap.containsKey(algorithmName)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat( SQLServerException.getErrString("R_UnknownColumnEncryptionAlgorithm")); Object[] msgArgs = {algorithmName, SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactoryList.getInstance().getRegisteredCipherAlgorithmNames()}; throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } factory = encryptionAlgoFactoryMap.get(algorithmName); assert null != factory : "Null Algorithm Factory class detected"; encryptionAlgorithm = factory.create(key, encryptionType, algorithmName); return encryptionAlgorithm; } }