 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. This program is made
 * available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE;

import com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential;
import com.azure.identity.ManagedIdentityCredentialBuilder;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.KeyClient;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.KeyClientBuilder;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.CryptographyClient;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.CryptographyClientBuilder;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.models.KeyWrapAlgorithm;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.models.SignResult;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.models.SignatureAlgorithm;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.models.UnwrapResult;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.models.VerifyResult;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography.models.WrapResult;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.models.KeyType;
import com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.models.KeyVaultKey;

Provides implementation similar to certificate store provider. A CEK encrypted with certificate store provider should be decryptable by this provider and vice versa. Envelope Format for the encrypted column encryption key version + keyPathLength + ciphertextLength + keyPath + ciphertext + signature version: A single byte indicating the format version. keyPathLength: Length of the keyPath. ciphertextLength: ciphertext length keyPath: keyPath used to encrypt the column encryption key. This is only used for troubleshooting purposes and is not verified during decryption. ciphertext: Encrypted column encryption key signature: Signature of the entire byte array. Signature is validated before decrypting the column encryption key.
/** * Provides implementation similar to certificate store provider. A CEK encrypted with certificate store provider should * be decryptable by this provider and vice versa. * * Envelope Format for the encrypted column encryption key version + keyPathLength + ciphertextLength + keyPath + * ciphertext + signature version: A single byte indicating the format version. keyPathLength: Length of the keyPath. * ciphertextLength: ciphertext length keyPath: keyPath used to encrypt the column encryption key. This is only used for * troubleshooting purposes and is not verified during decryption. ciphertext: Encrypted column encryption key * signature: Signature of the entire byte array. Signature is validated before decrypting the column encryption key. */
public class SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider extends SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider { private final static java.util.logging.Logger akvLogger = java.util.logging.Logger .getLogger("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider"); private static final int KEY_NAME_INDEX = 4; private static final int KEY_URL_SPLIT_LENGTH_WITH_VERSION = 6; private static final String KEY_URL_DELIMITER = "/"; private static final String NULL_VALUE = "R_NullValue"; private HttpPipeline keyVaultPipeline; private KeyVaultTokenCredential keyVaultTokenCredential;
Column Encryption Key Store Provider string
/** * Column Encryption Key Store Provider string */
String name = "AZURE_KEY_VAULT"; private static final String MSSQL_JDBC_PROPERTIES = "mssql-jdbc.properties"; private static final String AKV_TRUSTED_ENDPOINTS_KEYWORD = "AKVTrustedEndpoints"; private static final String RSA_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_WITH_OAEP_FOR_AKV = "RSA-OAEP"; private static final List<String> akvTrustedEndpoints = getTrustedEndpoints();
Algorithm version
/** * Algorithm version */
private final byte[] firstVersion = new byte[] {0x01}; private Map<String, KeyClient> cachedKeyClients = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, CryptographyClient> cachedCryptographyClients = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private TokenCredential credential; public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getName() { return this.name; }
Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider to authenticate to AAD using the client id and client key. This is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault.
  • clientId – Identifier of the client requesting the token.
  • clientKey – Secret key of the client requesting the token.
/** * Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider to authenticate to AAD using the client id and client * key. This is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. * * @param clientId * Identifier of the client requesting the token. * @param clientKey * Secret key of the client requesting the token. * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */
public SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider(String clientId, String clientKey) throws SQLServerException { if (null == clientId || clientId.isEmpty()) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString(NULL_VALUE)); Object[] msgArgs1 = {"Client ID"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs1), null); } if (null == clientKey || clientKey.isEmpty()) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString(NULL_VALUE)); Object[] msgArgs1 = {"Client Key"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs1), null); } // create a token credential with given client id and secret which internally identifies the tenant id. keyVaultTokenCredential = new KeyVaultTokenCredential(clientId, clientKey); // create the pipeline with the custom Key Vault credential keyVaultPipeline = new KeyVaultHttpPipelineBuilder().credential(keyVaultTokenCredential).buildPipeline(); }
Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider to authenticate to AAD. This is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault.
  • SQLServerException – when an error occurs
/** * Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider to authenticate to AAD. This is used by KeyVault * client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. * * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */
SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider() throws SQLServerException { setCredential(new ManagedIdentityCredentialBuilder().build()); }
Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider to authenticate to AAD. This is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault.
  • clientId – Identifier of the client requesting the token.
/** * Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider to authenticate to AAD. This is used by KeyVault * client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. * * @param clientId * Identifier of the client requesting the token. * * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */
SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider(String clientId) throws SQLServerException { if (null == clientId || clientId.isEmpty()) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString(NULL_VALUE)); Object[] msgArgs1 = {"Client ID"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs1), null); } setCredential(new ManagedIdentityCredentialBuilder().clientId(clientId).build()); }
Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider using the provided TokenCredential to authenticate to AAD. This is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault.
  • tokenCredential – The TokenCredential to use to authenticate to Azure Key Vault.
/** * Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider using the provided TokenCredential to authenticate to * AAD. This is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. * * @param tokenCredential * The TokenCredential to use to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. * * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */
public SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider(TokenCredential tokenCredential) throws SQLServerException { if (null == tokenCredential) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString(NULL_VALUE)); Object[] msgArgs1 = {"Token Credential"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs1), null); } setCredential(tokenCredential); }
Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider with a callback function to authenticate to AAD. This is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. This constructor is present to maintain backwards compatibility with 8.0 version of the driver. Deprecated for removal in next stable release.
  • authenticationCallback – - Callback function used for authenticating to AAD.
/** * Constructs a SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider with a callback function to authenticate to AAD. This * is used by KeyVault client at runtime to authenticate to Azure Key Vault. * * This constructor is present to maintain backwards compatibility with 8.0 version of the driver. Deprecated for * removal in next stable release. * * @param authenticationCallback * - Callback function used for authenticating to AAD. * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */
public SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider( SQLServerKeyVaultAuthenticationCallback authenticationCallback) throws SQLServerException { if (null == authenticationCallback) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString(NULL_VALUE)); Object[] msgArgs1 = {"SQLServerKeyVaultAuthenticationCallback"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs1), null); } keyVaultTokenCredential = new KeyVaultTokenCredential(authenticationCallback); keyVaultPipeline = new KeyVaultHttpPipelineBuilder().credential(keyVaultTokenCredential).buildPipeline(); }
Sets the credential that will be used for authenticating requests to Key Vault service.
/** * Sets the credential that will be used for authenticating requests to Key Vault service. * * @param credential * A credential of type {@link TokenCredential}. * @throws SQLServerException * If the credential is null. */
private void setCredential(TokenCredential credential) throws SQLServerException { if (null == credential) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString(NULL_VALUE)); Object[] msgArgs1 = {"Credential"}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs1), null); } this.credential = credential; }
Decrypts an encrypted CEK with RSA encryption algorithm using the asymmetric key specified by the key path
  • masterKeyPath – - Complete path of an asymmetric key in AKV
  • encryptionAlgorithm – - Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithm
  • encryptedColumnEncryptionKey – - Encrypted Column Encryption Key
Returns:Plain text column encryption key
/** * Decrypts an encrypted CEK with RSA encryption algorithm using the asymmetric key specified by the key path * * @param masterKeyPath * - Complete path of an asymmetric key in AKV * @param encryptionAlgorithm * - Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithm * @param encryptedColumnEncryptionKey * - Encrypted Column Encryption Key * @return Plain text column encryption key */
@Override public byte[] decryptColumnEncryptionKey(String masterKeyPath, String encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) throws SQLServerException { // Validate the input parameters this.ValidateNonEmptyAKVPath(masterKeyPath); if (null == encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NullEncryptedColumnEncryptionKey"), null); } if (0 == encryptedColumnEncryptionKey.length) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_EmptyEncryptedColumnEncryptionKey"), null); } // Validate encryptionAlgorithm KeyWrapAlgorithm keyWrapAlgorithm = this.validateEncryptionAlgorithm(encryptionAlgorithm); // Validate whether the key is RSA one or not and then get the key size int keySizeInBytes = getAKVKeySize(masterKeyPath); // Validate and decrypt the EncryptedColumnEncryptionKey // Format is // version + keyPathLength + ciphertextLength + keyPath + ciphertext + signature // // keyPath is present in the encrypted column encryption key for identifying the original source of the // asymmetric key pair and // we will not validate it against the data contained in the CMK metadata (masterKeyPath). // Validate the version byte if (encryptedColumnEncryptionKey[0] != firstVersion[0]) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat( SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidEcryptionAlgorithmVersion")); Object[] msgArgs = {String.format("%02X ", encryptedColumnEncryptionKey[0]), String.format("%02X ", firstVersion[0])}; throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } // Get key path length int currentIndex = firstVersion.length; short keyPathLength = convertTwoBytesToShort(encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex); // We just read 2 bytes currentIndex += 2; // Get ciphertext length short cipherTextLength = convertTwoBytesToShort(encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex); currentIndex += 2; // Skip KeyPath // KeyPath exists only for troubleshooting purposes and doesnt need validation. currentIndex += keyPathLength; // validate the ciphertext length if (cipherTextLength != keySizeInBytes) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AKVKeyLengthError")); Object[] msgArgs = {cipherTextLength, keySizeInBytes, masterKeyPath}; throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } // Validate the signature length int signatureLength = encryptedColumnEncryptionKey.length - currentIndex - cipherTextLength; if (signatureLength != keySizeInBytes) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AKVSignatureLengthError")); Object[] msgArgs = {signatureLength, keySizeInBytes, masterKeyPath}; throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } // Get ciphertext byte[] cipherText = new byte[cipherTextLength]; System.arraycopy(encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, cipherText, 0, cipherTextLength); currentIndex += cipherTextLength; // Get signature byte[] signature = new byte[signatureLength]; System.arraycopy(encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, signature, 0, signatureLength); // Compute the hash to validate the signature byte[] hash = new byte[encryptedColumnEncryptionKey.length - signature.length]; System.arraycopy(encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, 0, hash, 0, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey.length - signature.length); MessageDigest md = null; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoSHA256Algorithm"), e); } md.update(hash); byte dataToVerify[] = md.digest(); if (null == dataToVerify) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_HashNull"), null); } // Validate the signature if (!AzureKeyVaultVerifySignature(dataToVerify, signature, masterKeyPath)) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CEKSignatureNotMatchCMK")); Object[] msgArgs = {masterKeyPath}; throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } // Decrypt the CEK byte[] decryptedCEK = this.AzureKeyVaultUnWrap(masterKeyPath, keyWrapAlgorithm, cipherText); return decryptedCEK; } private short convertTwoBytesToShort(byte[] input, int index) throws SQLServerException { short shortVal; if (index + 1 >= input.length) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_ByteToShortConversion"), null, 0, false); } ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); byteBuffer.put(input[index]); byteBuffer.put(input[index + 1]); shortVal = byteBuffer.getShort(0); return shortVal; }
Encrypts CEK with RSA encryption algorithm using the asymmetric key specified by the key path.
  • masterKeyPath – - Complete path of an asymmetric key in AKV
  • encryptionAlgorithm – - Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithm
  • columnEncryptionKey – - Plain text column encryption key
Returns:Encrypted column encryption key
/** * Encrypts CEK with RSA encryption algorithm using the asymmetric key specified by the key path. * * @param masterKeyPath * - Complete path of an asymmetric key in AKV * @param encryptionAlgorithm * - Asymmetric Key Encryption Algorithm * @param columnEncryptionKey * - Plain text column encryption key * @return Encrypted column encryption key */
@Override public byte[] encryptColumnEncryptionKey(String masterKeyPath, String encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] columnEncryptionKey) throws SQLServerException { // Validate the input parameters this.ValidateNonEmptyAKVPath(masterKeyPath); if (null == columnEncryptionKey) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NullColumnEncryptionKey"), null); } if (0 == columnEncryptionKey.length) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_EmptyCEK"), null); } // Validate encryptionAlgorithm KeyWrapAlgorithm keyWrapAlgorithm = this.validateEncryptionAlgorithm(encryptionAlgorithm); // Validate whether the key is RSA one or not and then get the key size int keySizeInBytes = getAKVKeySize(masterKeyPath); // Construct the encryptedColumnEncryptionKey // Format is // version + keyPathLength + ciphertextLength + ciphertext + keyPath + signature // // We currently only support one version byte[] version = new byte[] {firstVersion[0]}; // Get the Unicode encoded bytes of cultureinvariant lower case masterKeyPath byte[] masterKeyPathBytes = masterKeyPath.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).getBytes(UTF_16LE); byte[] keyPathLength = new byte[2]; keyPathLength[0] = (byte) (((short) masterKeyPathBytes.length) & 0xff); keyPathLength[1] = (byte) (((short) masterKeyPathBytes.length) >> 8 & 0xff); // Encrypt the plain text byte[] cipherText = this.AzureKeyVaultWrap(masterKeyPath, keyWrapAlgorithm, columnEncryptionKey); byte[] cipherTextLength = new byte[2]; cipherTextLength[0] = (byte) (((short) cipherText.length) & 0xff); cipherTextLength[1] = (byte) (((short) cipherText.length) >> 8 & 0xff); if (cipherText.length != keySizeInBytes) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CipherTextLengthNotMatchRSASize"), null); } // Compute hash // SHA-2-256(version + keyPathLength + ciphertextLength + keyPath + ciphertext) byte[] dataToHash = new byte[version.length + keyPathLength.length + cipherTextLength.length + masterKeyPathBytes.length + cipherText.length]; int destinationPosition = version.length; System.arraycopy(version, 0, dataToHash, 0, version.length); System.arraycopy(keyPathLength, 0, dataToHash, destinationPosition, keyPathLength.length); destinationPosition += keyPathLength.length; System.arraycopy(cipherTextLength, 0, dataToHash, destinationPosition, cipherTextLength.length); destinationPosition += cipherTextLength.length; System.arraycopy(masterKeyPathBytes, 0, dataToHash, destinationPosition, masterKeyPathBytes.length); destinationPosition += masterKeyPathBytes.length; System.arraycopy(cipherText, 0, dataToHash, destinationPosition, cipherText.length); MessageDigest md = null; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoSHA256Algorithm"), e); } md.update(dataToHash); byte dataToSign[] = md.digest(); // Sign the hash byte[] signedHash = AzureKeyVaultSignHashedData(dataToSign, masterKeyPath); if (signedHash.length != keySizeInBytes) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SignedHashLengthError"), null); } if (!this.AzureKeyVaultVerifySignature(dataToSign, signedHash, masterKeyPath)) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidSignatureComputed"), null); } // Construct the encrypted column encryption key // EncryptedColumnEncryptionKey = version + keyPathLength + ciphertextLength + keyPath + ciphertext + signature int encryptedColumnEncryptionKeyLength = version.length + cipherTextLength.length + keyPathLength.length + cipherText.length + masterKeyPathBytes.length + signedHash.length; byte[] encryptedColumnEncryptionKey = new byte[encryptedColumnEncryptionKeyLength]; // Copy version byte int currentIndex = 0; System.arraycopy(version, 0, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, version.length); currentIndex += version.length; // Copy key path length System.arraycopy(keyPathLength, 0, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, keyPathLength.length); currentIndex += keyPathLength.length; // Copy ciphertext length System.arraycopy(cipherTextLength, 0, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, cipherTextLength.length); currentIndex += cipherTextLength.length; // Copy key path System.arraycopy(masterKeyPathBytes, 0, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, masterKeyPathBytes.length); currentIndex += masterKeyPathBytes.length; // Copy ciphertext System.arraycopy(cipherText, 0, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, cipherText.length); currentIndex += cipherText.length; // copy the signature System.arraycopy(signedHash, 0, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey, currentIndex, signedHash.length); return encryptedColumnEncryptionKey; }
Validates that the encryption algorithm is RSA_OAEP and if it is not, then throws an exception.
  • encryptionAlgorithm – - Asymmetric key encryptio algorithm
Returns:The encryption algorithm that is going to be used.
/** * Validates that the encryption algorithm is RSA_OAEP and if it is not, then throws an exception. * * @param encryptionAlgorithm * - Asymmetric key encryptio algorithm * @return The encryption algorithm that is going to be used. * @throws SQLServerException */
private KeyWrapAlgorithm validateEncryptionAlgorithm(String encryptionAlgorithm) throws SQLServerException { if (null == encryptionAlgorithm) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NullKeyEncryptionAlgorithm"), null, 0, false); } // Transform to standard format (dash instead of underscore) to support enum lookup if ("RSA_OAEP".equalsIgnoreCase(encryptionAlgorithm)) { encryptionAlgorithm = RSA_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_WITH_OAEP_FOR_AKV; } if (!RSA_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_WITH_OAEP_FOR_AKV.equalsIgnoreCase(encryptionAlgorithm.trim())) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidKeyEncryptionAlgorithm")); Object[] msgArgs = {encryptionAlgorithm, RSA_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_WITH_OAEP_FOR_AKV}; throw new SQLServerException(this, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } return KeyWrapAlgorithm.fromString(encryptionAlgorithm); }
Checks if the Azure Key Vault key path is Empty or Null (and raises exception if they are).
  • masterKeyPath –
/** * Checks if the Azure Key Vault key path is Empty or Null (and raises exception if they are). * * @param masterKeyPath * @throws SQLServerException */
private void ValidateNonEmptyAKVPath(String masterKeyPath) throws SQLServerException { // throw appropriate error if masterKeyPath is null or empty if (null == masterKeyPath || masterKeyPath.trim().isEmpty()) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AKVPathNull")); Object[] msgArgs = {masterKeyPath}; throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } else { URI parsedUri = null; try { parsedUri = new URI(masterKeyPath); // A valid URI. // Check if it is pointing to a trusted endpoint. String host = parsedUri.getHost(); if (null != host) { host = host.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } for (final String endpoint : akvTrustedEndpoints) { if (null != host && host.endsWith(endpoint)) { return; } } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AKVURLInvalid")); Object[] msgArgs = {masterKeyPath}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, e); } MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AKVMasterKeyPathInvalid")); Object[] msgArgs = {masterKeyPath}; throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } }
Encrypts the text using specified Azure Key Vault key.
  • masterKeyPath – - Azure Key Vault key url.
  • encryptionAlgorithm – - Encryption Algorithm.
  • columnEncryptionKey – - Plain text Column Encryption Key.
Returns:Returns an encrypted blob or throws an exception if there are any errors.
/** * Encrypts the text using specified Azure Key Vault key. * * @param masterKeyPath * - Azure Key Vault key url. * @param encryptionAlgorithm * - Encryption Algorithm. * @param columnEncryptionKey * - Plain text Column Encryption Key. * @return Returns an encrypted blob or throws an exception if there are any errors. * @throws SQLServerException */
private byte[] AzureKeyVaultWrap(String masterKeyPath, KeyWrapAlgorithm encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] columnEncryptionKey) throws SQLServerException { if (null == columnEncryptionKey) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CEKNull"), null); } CryptographyClient cryptoClient = getCryptographyClient(masterKeyPath); WrapResult wrappedKey = cryptoClient.wrapKey(KeyWrapAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP, columnEncryptionKey); return wrappedKey.getEncryptedKey(); }
Encrypts the text using specified Azure Key Vault key.
  • masterKeyPath – - Azure Key Vault key url.
  • encryptionAlgorithm – - Encrypted Column Encryption Key.
  • encryptedColumnEncryptionKey – - Encrypted Column Encryption Key.
Returns:Returns the decrypted plaintext Column Encryption Key or throws an exception if there are any errors.
/** * Encrypts the text using specified Azure Key Vault key. * * @param masterKeyPath * - Azure Key Vault key url. * @param encryptionAlgorithm * - Encrypted Column Encryption Key. * @param encryptedColumnEncryptionKey * - Encrypted Column Encryption Key. * @return Returns the decrypted plaintext Column Encryption Key or throws an exception if there are any errors. * @throws SQLServerException */
private byte[] AzureKeyVaultUnWrap(String masterKeyPath, KeyWrapAlgorithm encryptionAlgorithm, byte[] encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) throws SQLServerException { if (null == encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_EncryptedCEKNull"), null); } if (0 == encryptedColumnEncryptionKey.length) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_EmptyEncryptedCEK"), null); } CryptographyClient cryptoClient = getCryptographyClient(masterKeyPath); UnwrapResult unwrappedKey = cryptoClient.unwrapKey(encryptionAlgorithm, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey); return unwrappedKey.getKey(); } private CryptographyClient getCryptographyClient(String masterKeyPath) throws SQLServerException { if (this.cachedCryptographyClients.containsKey(masterKeyPath)) { return cachedCryptographyClients.get(masterKeyPath); } KeyVaultKey retrievedKey = getKeyVaultKey(masterKeyPath); CryptographyClient cryptoClient; if (null != credential) { cryptoClient = new CryptographyClientBuilder().credential(credential).keyIdentifier(retrievedKey.getId()) .buildClient(); } else { cryptoClient = new CryptographyClientBuilder().pipeline(keyVaultPipeline) .keyIdentifier(retrievedKey.getId()).buildClient(); } cachedCryptographyClients.putIfAbsent(masterKeyPath, cryptoClient); return cachedCryptographyClients.get(masterKeyPath); }
Generates signature based on RSA PKCS#v1.5 scheme using a specified Azure Key Vault Key URL.
  • dataToSign – - Text to sign.
  • masterKeyPath – - Azure Key Vault key url.
/** * Generates signature based on RSA PKCS#v1.5 scheme using a specified Azure Key Vault Key URL. * * @param dataToSign * - Text to sign. * @param masterKeyPath * - Azure Key Vault key url. * @return Signature * @throws SQLServerException */
private byte[] AzureKeyVaultSignHashedData(byte[] dataToSign, String masterKeyPath) throws SQLServerException { assert ((null != dataToSign) && (0 != dataToSign.length)); CryptographyClient cryptoClient = getCryptographyClient(masterKeyPath); SignResult signedData = cryptoClient.sign(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, dataToSign); return signedData.getSignature(); }
Verifies the given RSA PKCSv1.5 signature.
  • dataToVerify –
  • signature –
  • masterKeyPath – - Azure Key Vault key url.
Returns:true if signature is valid, false if it is not valid
/** * Verifies the given RSA PKCSv1.5 signature. * * @param dataToVerify * @param signature * @param masterKeyPath * - Azure Key Vault key url. * @return true if signature is valid, false if it is not valid * @throws SQLServerException */
private boolean AzureKeyVaultVerifySignature(byte[] dataToVerify, byte[] signature, String masterKeyPath) throws SQLServerException { assert ((null != dataToVerify) && (0 != dataToVerify.length)); assert ((null != signature) && (0 != signature.length)); CryptographyClient cryptoClient = getCryptographyClient(masterKeyPath); VerifyResult valid = cryptoClient.verify(SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, dataToVerify, signature); return valid.isValid(); }
Returns the public Key size in bytes.
  • masterKeyPath – - Azure Key Vault Key path
Returns:Key size in bytes
/** * Returns the public Key size in bytes. * * @param masterKeyPath * - Azure Key Vault Key path * @return Key size in bytes * @throws SQLServerException * when an error occurs */
private int getAKVKeySize(String masterKeyPath) throws SQLServerException { KeyVaultKey retrievedKey = getKeyVaultKey(masterKeyPath); return retrievedKey.getKey().getN().length; }
Fetches the key from Azure Key Vault for given key path. If the key path includes a version, then that specific version of the key is retrieved, otherwise the latest key will be retrieved.
  • masterKeyPath – The key path associated with the key
Returns:The Key Vault key.
/** * Fetches the key from Azure Key Vault for given key path. If the key path includes a version, then that specific * version of the key is retrieved, otherwise the latest key will be retrieved. * * @param masterKeyPath * The key path associated with the key * @return The Key Vault key. * @throws SQLServerException * If there was an error retrieving the key from Key Vault. */
private KeyVaultKey getKeyVaultKey(String masterKeyPath) throws SQLServerException { String[] keyTokens = masterKeyPath.split(KEY_URL_DELIMITER); String keyName = keyTokens[KEY_NAME_INDEX]; String keyVersion = null; if (keyTokens.length == KEY_URL_SPLIT_LENGTH_WITH_VERSION) { keyVersion = keyTokens[keyTokens.length - 1]; } try { KeyClient keyClient = getKeyClient(masterKeyPath); KeyVaultKey retrievedKey; if (null != keyVersion) { retrievedKey = keyClient.getKey(keyName, keyVersion); } else { retrievedKey = keyClient.getKey(keyName); } if (null == retrievedKey) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_AKVKeyNotFound")); Object[] msgArgs = {keyTokens[keyTokens.length - 1]}; throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } if (retrievedKey.getKeyType() != KeyType.RSA && retrievedKey.getKeyType() != KeyType.RSA_HSM) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NonRSAKey")); Object[] msgArgs = {retrievedKey.getKeyType().toString()}; throw new SQLServerException(null, form.format(msgArgs), null, 0, false); } return retrievedKey; } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new SQLServerException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
Creates a new KeyClient if one does not exist for the given key path. If the client already exists, the client is returned from the cache. As the client is stateless, it's safe to cache the client for each key path.
  • masterKeyPath – The key path for which the KeyClient will be created, if it does not exist.
Returns:The KeyClient associated with the key path.
/** * Creates a new {@link KeyClient} if one does not exist for the given key path. If the client already exists, the * client is returned from the cache. As the client is stateless, it's safe to cache the client for each key path. * * @param masterKeyPath * The key path for which the {@link KeyClient} will be created, if it does not exist. * @return The {@link KeyClient} associated with the key path. */
private KeyClient getKeyClient(String masterKeyPath) { if (cachedKeyClients.containsKey(masterKeyPath)) { return cachedKeyClients.get(masterKeyPath); } String vaultUrl = getVaultUrl(masterKeyPath); KeyClient keyClient; if (null != credential) { keyClient = new KeyClientBuilder().credential(credential).vaultUrl(vaultUrl).buildClient(); } else { keyClient = new KeyClientBuilder().pipeline(keyVaultPipeline).vaultUrl(vaultUrl).buildClient(); } cachedKeyClients.putIfAbsent(masterKeyPath, keyClient); return cachedKeyClients.get(masterKeyPath); }
Returns the vault url extracted from the master key path.
  • masterKeyPath – The master key path.
Returns:The vault url.
/** * Returns the vault url extracted from the master key path. * * @param masterKeyPath * The master key path. * @return The vault url. */
private static String getVaultUrl(String masterKeyPath) { String[] keyTokens = masterKeyPath.split("/"); String hostName = keyTokens[2]; return "https://" + hostName; } @Override public boolean verifyColumnMasterKeyMetadata(String masterKeyPath, boolean allowEnclaveComputations, byte[] signature) throws SQLServerException { if (!allowEnclaveComputations) { return false; } KeyStoreProviderCommon.validateNonEmptyMasterKeyPath(masterKeyPath); try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(name.toLowerCase().getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE)); md.update(masterKeyPath.toLowerCase().getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE)); // value of allowEnclaveComputations is always true here md.update("true".getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE)); byte[] dataToVerify = md.digest(); if (null == dataToVerify) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_HashNull"), null); } // Sign the hash byte[] signedHash = AzureKeyVaultSignHashedData(dataToVerify, masterKeyPath); if (null == signedHash) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_SignedHashLengthError"), null); } // Validate the signature return AzureKeyVaultVerifySignature(dataToVerify, signature, masterKeyPath); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NoSHA256Algorithm"), e); } } private static List<String> getTrustedEndpoints() { Properties mssqlJdbcProperties = getMssqlJdbcProperties(); List<String> trustedEndpoints = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean append = true; if (null != mssqlJdbcProperties) { String endpoints = mssqlJdbcProperties.getProperty(AKV_TRUSTED_ENDPOINTS_KEYWORD); if (null != endpoints && !endpoints.trim().isEmpty()) { endpoints = endpoints.trim(); // Append if the list starts with a semicolon. if (';' != endpoints.charAt(0)) { append = false; } else { endpoints = endpoints.substring(1); } String[] entries = endpoints.split(";"); for (String entry : entries) { if (null != entry && !entry.trim().isEmpty()) { trustedEndpoints.add(entry.trim()); } } } } /* * List of Azure trusted endpoints * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/key-vault-secure-your-key-vault */ if (append) { trustedEndpoints.add("vault.azure.net"); trustedEndpoints.add("vault.azure.cn"); trustedEndpoints.add("vault.usgovcloudapi.net"); trustedEndpoints.add("vault.microsoftazure.de"); trustedEndpoints.add("managedhsm.azure.net"); trustedEndpoints.add("managedhsm.azure.cn"); trustedEndpoints.add("managedhsm.usgovcloudapi.net"); trustedEndpoints.add("managedhsm.microsoftazure.de"); } return trustedEndpoints; }
Returns:corresponding Properties object or null if failed to read the file.
/** * Attempt to read MSSQL_JDBC_PROPERTIES. * * @return corresponding Properties object or null if failed to read the file. */
private static Properties getMssqlJdbcProperties() { Properties props = null; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(MSSQL_JDBC_PROPERTIES)) { props = new Properties(); props.load(in); } catch (IOException e) { if (akvLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { akvLogger.finer("Unable to load the mssql-jdbc.properties file: " + e); } } return (null != props && !props.isEmpty()) ? props : null; } }