 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. This program is made
 * available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc;

Specifies the spatial data types values
/** * Specifies the spatial data types values */
public enum InternalSpatialDatatype { POINT((byte) 1, "POINT"), LINESTRING((byte) 2, "LINESTRING"), POLYGON((byte) 3, "POLYGON"), MULTIPOINT((byte) 4, "MULTIPOINT"), MULTILINESTRING((byte) 5, "MULTILINESTRING"), MULTIPOLYGON((byte) 6, "MULTIPOLYGON"), GEOMETRYCOLLECTION((byte) 7, "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION"), CIRCULARSTRING((byte) 8, "CIRCULARSTRING"), COMPOUNDCURVE((byte) 9, "COMPOUNDCURVE"), CURVEPOLYGON((byte) 10, "CURVEPOLYGON"), FULLGLOBE((byte) 11, "FULLGLOBE"), INVALID_TYPE((byte) 0, null); private byte typeCode; private String typeName; private static final InternalSpatialDatatype[] VALUES = values(); private InternalSpatialDatatype(byte typeCode, String typeName) { this.typeCode = typeCode; this.typeName = typeName; } byte getTypeCode() { return this.typeCode; } String getTypeName() { return this.typeName; } static InternalSpatialDatatype valueOf(byte typeCode) { for (InternalSpatialDatatype internalType : VALUES) { if (internalType.typeCode == typeCode) { return internalType; } } return INVALID_TYPE; } }