 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.util;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

Utility to detect AB-BA deadlocks.
/** * Utility to detect AB-BA deadlocks. */
public class AbbaDetector { private static final boolean TRACE = false; private static final ThreadLocal<Deque<Object>> STACK = new ThreadLocal<Deque<Object>>() { @Override protected Deque<Object> initialValue() { return new ArrayDeque<>(); } };
Map of (object A) -> ( map of (object locked before object A) -> (stack trace where locked) )
/** * Map of (object A) -> ( * map of (object locked before object A) -> * (stack trace where locked) ) */
private static final Map<Object, Map<Object, Exception>> LOCK_ORDERING = new WeakHashMap<>(); private static final Set<String> KNOWN_DEADLOCKS = new HashSet<>();
This method is called just before or just after an object is synchronized.
  • o – the object, or null for the current class
Returns:the object that was passed
/** * This method is called just before or just after an object is * synchronized. * * @param o the object, or null for the current class * @return the object that was passed */
public static Object begin(Object o) { if (o == null) { o = new SecurityManager() { Class<?> clazz = getClassContext()[2]; }.clazz; } Deque<Object> stack = STACK.get(); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { // Ignore locks which are locked multiple times in succession - // Java locks are recursive if (stack.contains(o)) { // already synchronized on this return o; } while (!stack.isEmpty()) { Object last = stack.peek(); if (Thread.holdsLock(last)) { break; } stack.pop(); } } if (TRACE) { String thread = "[thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "]"; String indent = new String(new char[stack.size() * 2]).replace((char) 0, ' '); System.out.println(thread + " " + indent + "sync " + getObjectName(o)); } if (!stack.isEmpty()) { markHigher(o, stack); } stack.push(o); return o; } private static Object getTest(Object o) { // return o.getClass(); return o; } private static String getObjectName(Object o) { return o.getClass().getSimpleName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(o); } private static synchronized void markHigher(Object o, Deque<Object> older) { Object test = getTest(o); Map<Object, Exception> map = LOCK_ORDERING.get(test); if (map == null) { map = new WeakHashMap<>(); LOCK_ORDERING.put(test, map); } Exception oldException = null; for (Object old : older) { Object oldTest = getTest(old); if (oldTest == test) { continue; } Map<Object, Exception> oldMap = LOCK_ORDERING.get(oldTest); if (oldMap != null) { Exception e = oldMap.get(test); if (e != null) { String deadlockType = test.getClass() + " " + oldTest.getClass(); if (!KNOWN_DEADLOCKS.contains(deadlockType)) { String message = getObjectName(test) + " synchronized after \n " + getObjectName(oldTest) + ", but in the past before"; RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException(message); ex.initCause(e); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); // throw ex; KNOWN_DEADLOCKS.add(deadlockType); } } } if (!map.containsKey(oldTest)) { if (oldException == null) { oldException = new Exception("Before"); } map.put(oldTest, oldException); } } } }