 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.store;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.CommandInterface;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTableData;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.index.Cursor;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.index.IndexType;
import org.h2.index.PageBtreeIndex;
import org.h2.index.PageBtreeLeaf;
import org.h2.index.PageBtreeNode;
import org.h2.index.PageDataIndex;
import org.h2.index.PageDataLeaf;
import org.h2.index.PageDataNode;
import org.h2.index.PageDataOverflow;
import org.h2.index.PageDelegateIndex;
import org.h2.index.PageIndex;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.Trace;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.schema.Schema;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.IndexColumn;
import org.h2.table.PageStoreTable;
import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.table.TableType;
import org.h2.util.Cache;
import org.h2.util.CacheLRU;
import org.h2.util.CacheObject;
import org.h2.util.CacheWriter;
import org.h2.util.IntArray;
import org.h2.util.IntIntHashMap;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.value.CompareMode;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueInt;
import org.h2.value.ValueString;

This class represents a file that is organized as a number of pages. Page 0 contains a static file header, and pages 1 and 2 both contain the variable file header (page 2 is a copy of page 1 and is only read if the checksum of page 1 is invalid). The format of page 0 is:
  • 0-47: file header (3 time "-- H2 0.5/B -- \n")
  • 48-51: page size in bytes (512 - 32768, must be a power of 2)
  • 52: write version (read-only if larger than 1)
  • 53: read version (opening fails if larger than 1)
The format of page 1 and 2 is:
  • CRC32 of the remaining data: int (0-3)
  • write counter (incremented on each write): long (4-11)
  • log trunk key: int (12-15)
  • log trunk page (0 for none): int (16-19)
  • log data page (0 for none): int (20-23)
Page 3 contains the first free list page. Page 4 contains the meta table root page.
/** * This class represents a file that is organized as a number of pages. Page 0 * contains a static file header, and pages 1 and 2 both contain the variable * file header (page 2 is a copy of page 1 and is only read if the checksum of * page 1 is invalid). The format of page 0 is: * <ul> * <li>0-47: file header (3 time "-- H2 0.5/B -- \n")</li> * <li>48-51: page size in bytes (512 - 32768, must be a power of 2)</li> * <li>52: write version (read-only if larger than 1)</li> * <li>53: read version (opening fails if larger than 1)</li> * </ul> * The format of page 1 and 2 is: * <ul> * <li>CRC32 of the remaining data: int (0-3)</li> * <li>write counter (incremented on each write): long (4-11)</li> * <li>log trunk key: int (12-15)</li> * <li>log trunk page (0 for none): int (16-19)</li> * <li>log data page (0 for none): int (20-23)</li> * </ul> * Page 3 contains the first free list page. * Page 4 contains the meta table root page. */
public class PageStore implements CacheWriter { // TODO test running out of disk space (using a special file system) // TODO unused pages should be freed once in a while // TODO node row counts are incorrect (it's not splitting row counts) // TODO after opening the database, delay writing until required // TODO optimization: try to avoid allocating a byte array per page // TODO optimization: check if calling Data.getValueLen slows things down // TODO order pages so that searching for a key only seeks forward // TODO optimization: update: only log the key and changed values // TODO index creation: use less space (ordered, split at insertion point) // TODO detect circles in linked lists // (input stream, free list, extend pages...) // at runtime and recovery // TODO remove trace or use isDebugEnabled // TODO recover tool: support syntax to delete a row with a key // TODO don't store default values (store a special value) // TODO check for file size (exception if not exact size expected) // TODO online backup using bsdiff
The smallest possible page size.
/** * The smallest possible page size. */
public static final int PAGE_SIZE_MIN = 64;
The biggest possible page size.
/** * The biggest possible page size. */
public static final int PAGE_SIZE_MAX = 32768;
This log mode means the transaction log is not used.
/** * This log mode means the transaction log is not used. */
public static final int LOG_MODE_OFF = 0;
This log mode means the transaction log is used and FileDescriptor.sync() is called for each checkpoint. This is the default level.
/** * This log mode means the transaction log is used and FileDescriptor.sync() * is called for each checkpoint. This is the default level. */
public static final int LOG_MODE_SYNC = 2; private static final int PAGE_ID_FREE_LIST_ROOT = 3; private static final int PAGE_ID_META_ROOT = 4; private static final int MIN_PAGE_COUNT = 5; private static final int INCREMENT_KB = 1024; private static final int INCREMENT_PERCENT_MIN = 35; private static final int READ_VERSION = 3; private static final int WRITE_VERSION = 3; private static final int META_TYPE_DATA_INDEX = 0; private static final int META_TYPE_BTREE_INDEX = 1; private static final int META_TABLE_ID = -1; private static final int COMPACT_BLOCK_SIZE = 1536; private final Database database; private final Trace trace; private final String fileName; private FileStore file; private String accessMode; private int pageSize = Constants.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; private int pageSizeShift; private long writeCountBase, writeCount, readCount; private int logKey, logFirstTrunkPage, logFirstDataPage; private final Cache cache; private int freeListPagesPerList; private boolean recoveryRunning; private boolean ignoreBigLog;
The index to the first free-list page that potentially has free space.
/** * The index to the first free-list page that potentially has free space. */
private int firstFreeListIndex;
The file size in bytes.
/** * The file size in bytes. */
private long fileLength;
Number of pages (including free pages).
/** * Number of pages (including free pages). */
private int pageCount; private PageLog log; private Schema metaSchema; private PageStoreTable metaTable; private PageDataIndex metaIndex; private final IntIntHashMap metaRootPageId = new IntIntHashMap(); private final HashMap<Integer, PageIndex> metaObjects = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap<Integer, PageIndex> tempObjects;
The map of reserved pages, to ensure index head pages are not used for regular data during recovery. The key is the page id, and the value the latest transaction position where this page is used.
/** * The map of reserved pages, to ensure index head pages * are not used for regular data during recovery. The key is the page id, * and the value the latest transaction position where this page is used. */
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> reservedPages; private boolean isNew; private long maxLogSize = Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_LOG_SIZE; private final Session pageStoreSession;
Each free page is marked with a set bit.
/** * Each free page is marked with a set bit. */
private final BitSet freed = new BitSet(); private final ArrayList<PageFreeList> freeLists = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean recordPageReads; private ArrayList<Integer> recordedPagesList; private IntIntHashMap recordedPagesIndex;
The change count is something like a "micro-transaction-id". It is used to ensure that changed pages are not written to the file before the current operation is not finished. This is only a problem when using a very small cache size. The value starts at 1 so that pages with change count 0 can be evicted from the cache.
/** * The change count is something like a "micro-transaction-id". * It is used to ensure that changed pages are not written to the file * before the current operation is not finished. This is only a problem * when using a very small cache size. The value starts at 1 so that * pages with change count 0 can be evicted from the cache. */
private long changeCount = 1; private Data emptyPage; private long logSizeBase; private HashMap<String, Integer> statistics; private int logMode = LOG_MODE_SYNC; private boolean lockFile; private boolean readMode; private int backupLevel;
Create a new page store object.
  • database – the database
  • fileName – the file name
  • accessMode – the access mode
  • cacheSizeDefault – the default cache size
/** * Create a new page store object. * * @param database the database * @param fileName the file name * @param accessMode the access mode * @param cacheSizeDefault the default cache size */
public PageStore(Database database, String fileName, String accessMode, int cacheSizeDefault) { this.fileName = fileName; this.accessMode = accessMode; this.database = database; trace = database.getTrace(Trace.PAGE_STORE); // if (fileName.endsWith("X.h2.db")) // trace.setLevel(TraceSystem.DEBUG); String cacheType = database.getCacheType(); this.cache = CacheLRU.getCache(this, cacheType, cacheSizeDefault); pageStoreSession = new Session(database, null, 0); }
Start collecting statistics.
/** * Start collecting statistics. */
public void statisticsStart() { statistics = new HashMap<>(); }
Stop collecting statistics.
Returns:the statistics
/** * Stop collecting statistics. * * @return the statistics */
public HashMap<String, Integer> statisticsEnd() { HashMap<String, Integer> result = statistics; statistics = null; return result; } private void statisticsIncrement(String key) { if (statistics != null) { Integer old = statistics.get(key); statistics.put(key, old == null ? 1 : old + 1); } }
Copy the next page to the output stream.
  • pageId – the page to copy
  • out – the output stream
Returns:the new position, or -1 if there is no more data to copy
/** * Copy the next page to the output stream. * * @param pageId the page to copy * @param out the output stream * @return the new position, or -1 if there is no more data to copy */
public synchronized int copyDirect(int pageId, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[pageSize]; if (pageId >= pageCount) { return -1; } file.seek((long) pageId << pageSizeShift); file.readFullyDirect(buffer, 0, pageSize); readCount++; out.write(buffer, 0, pageSize); return pageId + 1; }
Open the file and read the header.
/** * Open the file and read the header. */
public synchronized void open() { try { metaRootPageId.put(META_TABLE_ID, PAGE_ID_META_ROOT); if (FileUtils.exists(fileName)) { long length = FileUtils.size(fileName); if (length < MIN_PAGE_COUNT * PAGE_SIZE_MIN) { if (database.isReadOnly()) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, fileName + " length: " + length); } // the database was not fully created openNew(); } else { openExisting(); } } else { openNew(); } } catch (DbException e) { close(); throw e; } } private void openNew() { setPageSize(pageSize); freeListPagesPerList = PageFreeList.getPagesAddressed(pageSize); file = database.openFile(fileName, accessMode, false); lockFile(); recoveryRunning = true; writeStaticHeader(); writeVariableHeader(); log = new PageLog(this); increaseFileSize(MIN_PAGE_COUNT); openMetaIndex(); logFirstTrunkPage = allocatePage(); log.openForWriting(logFirstTrunkPage, false); isNew = true; recoveryRunning = false; increaseFileSize(); } private void lockFile() { if (lockFile) { if (!file.tryLock()) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.DATABASE_ALREADY_OPEN_1, fileName); } } } private void openExisting() { try { file = database.openFile(fileName, accessMode, true); } catch (DbException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.IO_EXCEPTION_2) { if (e.getMessage().contains("locked")) { // in Windows, you can't open a locked file // (in other operating systems, you can) // the exact error message is: // "The process cannot access the file because // another process has locked a portion of the file" throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.DATABASE_ALREADY_OPEN_1, e, fileName); } } throw e; } lockFile(); readStaticHeader(); freeListPagesPerList = PageFreeList.getPagesAddressed(pageSize); fileLength = file.length(); pageCount = (int) (fileLength / pageSize); if (pageCount < MIN_PAGE_COUNT) { if (database.isReadOnly()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, fileName + " pageCount: " + pageCount); } file.releaseLock(); file.close(); FileUtils.delete(fileName); openNew(); return; } readVariableHeader(); log = new PageLog(this); log.openForReading(logKey, logFirstTrunkPage, logFirstDataPage); boolean isEmpty = recover(); if (!database.isReadOnly()) { readMode = true; if (!isEmpty || !SysProperties.MODIFY_ON_WRITE || tempObjects != null) { openForWriting(); removeOldTempIndexes(); } } } private void openForWriting() { if (!readMode || database.isReadOnly()) { return; } readMode = false; recoveryRunning = true; log.free(); logFirstTrunkPage = allocatePage(); log.openForWriting(logFirstTrunkPage, false); recoveryRunning = false; freed.set(0, pageCount, true); checkpoint(); } private void removeOldTempIndexes() { if (tempObjects != null) { metaObjects.putAll(tempObjects); for (PageIndex index: tempObjects.values()) { if (index.getTable().isTemporary()) { index.truncate(pageStoreSession); index.remove(pageStoreSession); } } pageStoreSession.commit(true); tempObjects = null; } metaObjects.clear(); metaObjects.put(-1, metaIndex); } private void writeIndexRowCounts() { for (PageIndex index: metaObjects.values()) { index.writeRowCount(); } } private void writeBack() { ArrayList<CacheObject> list = cache.getAllChanged(); Collections.sort(list); for (CacheObject cacheObject : list) { writeBack(cacheObject); } }
Flush all pending changes to disk, and switch the new transaction log.
/** * Flush all pending changes to disk, and switch the new transaction log. */
public synchronized void checkpoint() { trace.debug("checkpoint"); if (log == null || readMode || database.isReadOnly() || backupLevel > 0) { // the file was never fully opened, or is read-only, // or checkpoint is currently disabled return; } database.checkPowerOff(); writeIndexRowCounts(); log.checkpoint(); writeBack(); int firstUncommittedSection = getFirstUncommittedSection(); log.removeUntil(firstUncommittedSection); // write back the free list writeBack(); // ensure the free list is backed up again log.checkpoint(); if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("writeFree"); } byte[] test = new byte[16]; byte[] empty = new byte[pageSize]; for (int i = PAGE_ID_FREE_LIST_ROOT; i < pageCount; i++) { if (isUsed(i)) { freed.clear(i); } else if (!freed.get(i)) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("free " + i); } file.seek((long) i << pageSizeShift); file.readFully(test, 0, 16); if (test[0] != 0) { file.seek((long) i << pageSizeShift); file.write(empty, 0, pageSize); writeCount++; } freed.set(i); } } }
Shrink the file so there are no empty pages at the end.
  • compactMode – 0 if no compacting should happen, otherwise TransactionCommand.SHUTDOWN_COMPACT or TransactionCommand.SHUTDOWN_DEFRAG
/** * Shrink the file so there are no empty pages at the end. * * @param compactMode 0 if no compacting should happen, otherwise * TransactionCommand.SHUTDOWN_COMPACT or TransactionCommand.SHUTDOWN_DEFRAG */
public synchronized void compact(int compactMode) { if (!database.getSettings().pageStoreTrim) { return; } if (SysProperties.MODIFY_ON_WRITE && readMode && compactMode == 0) { return; } openForWriting(); // find the last used page int lastUsed = -1; for (int i = getFreeListId(pageCount); i >= 0; i--) { lastUsed = getFreeList(i).getLastUsed(); if (lastUsed != -1) { break; } } // open a new log at the very end // (to be truncated later) writeBack(); log.free(); recoveryRunning = true; try { logFirstTrunkPage = lastUsed + 1; allocatePage(logFirstTrunkPage); log.openForWriting(logFirstTrunkPage, true); // ensure the free list is backed up again log.checkpoint(); } finally { recoveryRunning = false; } long start = System.nanoTime(); boolean isCompactFully = compactMode == CommandInterface.SHUTDOWN_COMPACT; boolean isDefrag = compactMode == CommandInterface.SHUTDOWN_DEFRAG; if (database.getSettings().defragAlways) { isCompactFully = isDefrag = true; } int maxCompactTime = database.getSettings().maxCompactTime; int maxMove = database.getSettings().maxCompactCount; if (isCompactFully || isDefrag) { maxCompactTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxMove = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } int blockSize = isCompactFully ? COMPACT_BLOCK_SIZE : 1; int firstFree = MIN_PAGE_COUNT; for (int x = lastUsed, j = 0; x > MIN_PAGE_COUNT && j < maxMove; x -= blockSize) { for (int full = x - blockSize + 1; full <= x; full++) { if (full > MIN_PAGE_COUNT && isUsed(full)) { synchronized (this) { firstFree = getFirstFree(firstFree); if (firstFree == -1 || firstFree >= full) { j = maxMove; break; } if (compact(full, firstFree)) { j++; long now = System.nanoTime(); if (now > start + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(maxCompactTime)) { j = maxMove; break; } } } } } } if (isDefrag) { log.checkpoint(); writeBack(); cache.clear(); ArrayList<Table> tables = database.getAllTablesAndViews(false); recordedPagesList = new ArrayList<>(); recordedPagesIndex = new IntIntHashMap(); recordPageReads = true; Session sysSession = database.getSystemSession(); for (Table table : tables) { if (!table.isTemporary() && TableType.TABLE == table.getTableType()) { Index scanIndex = table.getScanIndex(sysSession); Cursor cursor = scanIndex.find(sysSession, null, null); while (cursor.next()) { cursor.get(); } for (Index index : table.getIndexes()) { if (index != scanIndex && index.canScan()) { cursor = index.find(sysSession, null, null); while (cursor.next()) { // the data is already read } } } } } recordPageReads = false; int target = MIN_PAGE_COUNT - 1; int temp = 0; for (int i = 0, size = recordedPagesList.size(); i < size; i++) { log.checkpoint(); writeBack(); int source = recordedPagesList.get(i); Page pageSource = getPage(source); if (!pageSource.canMove()) { continue; } while (true) { Page pageTarget = getPage(++target); if (pageTarget == null || pageTarget.canMove()) { break; } } if (target == source) { continue; } temp = getFirstFree(temp); if (temp == -1) { DbException.throwInternalError("no free page for defrag"); } cache.clear(); swap(source, target, temp); int index = recordedPagesIndex.get(target); if (index != IntIntHashMap.NOT_FOUND) { recordedPagesList.set(index, source); recordedPagesIndex.put(source, index); } recordedPagesList.set(i, target); recordedPagesIndex.put(target, i); } recordedPagesList = null; recordedPagesIndex = null; } // TODO can most likely be simplified checkpoint(); log.checkpoint(); writeIndexRowCounts(); log.checkpoint(); writeBack(); commit(pageStoreSession); writeBack(); log.checkpoint(); log.free(); // truncate the log recoveryRunning = true; try { setLogFirstPage(++logKey, 0, 0); } finally { recoveryRunning = false; } writeBack(); for (int i = getFreeListId(pageCount); i >= 0; i--) { lastUsed = getFreeList(i).getLastUsed(); if (lastUsed != -1) { break; } } int newPageCount = lastUsed + 1; if (newPageCount < pageCount) { freed.set(newPageCount, pageCount, false); } pageCount = newPageCount; // the easiest way to remove superfluous entries freeLists.clear(); trace.debug("pageCount: " + pageCount); long newLength = (long) pageCount << pageSizeShift; if (file.length() != newLength) { file.setLength(newLength); writeCount++; } } private int getFirstFree(int start) { int free = -1; for (int id = getFreeListId(start); start < pageCount; id++) { free = getFreeList(id).getFirstFree(start); if (free != -1) { break; } } return free; } private void swap(int a, int b, int free) { if (a < MIN_PAGE_COUNT || b < MIN_PAGE_COUNT) { System.out.println(isUsed(a) + " " + isUsed(b)); DbException.throwInternalError("can't swap " + a + " and " + b); } Page f = (Page) cache.get(free); if (f != null) { DbException.throwInternalError("not free: " + f); } if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("swap " + a + " and " + b + " via " + free); } Page pageA = null; if (isUsed(a)) { pageA = getPage(a); if (pageA != null) { pageA.moveTo(pageStoreSession, free); } free(a); } if (free != b) { if (isUsed(b)) { Page pageB = getPage(b); if (pageB != null) { pageB.moveTo(pageStoreSession, a); } free(b); } if (pageA != null) { f = getPage(free); if (f != null) { f.moveTo(pageStoreSession, b); } free(free); } } } private boolean compact(int full, int free) { if (full < MIN_PAGE_COUNT || free == -1 || free >= full || !isUsed(full)) { return false; } Page f = (Page) cache.get(free); if (f != null) { DbException.throwInternalError("not free: " + f); } Page p = getPage(full); if (p == null) { freePage(full); } else if (p instanceof PageStreamData || p instanceof PageStreamTrunk) { if (p.getPos() < log.getMinPageId()) { // an old transaction log page // probably a leftover from a crash freePage(full); } } else { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("move " + p.getPos() + " to " + free); } try { p.moveTo(pageStoreSession, free); } finally { if (++changeCount < 0) { throw DbException.throwInternalError( "changeCount has wrapped"); } } } return true; }
Read a page from the store.
  • pageId – the page id
Returns:the page
/** * Read a page from the store. * * @param pageId the page id * @return the page */
public synchronized Page getPage(int pageId) { Page p = (Page) cache.get(pageId); if (p != null) { return p; } Data data = createData(); readPage(pageId, data); int type = data.readByte(); if (type == Page.TYPE_EMPTY) { return null; } data.readShortInt(); data.readInt(); if (!checksumTest(data.getBytes(), pageId, pageSize)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "wrong checksum"); } switch (type & ~Page.FLAG_LAST) { case Page.TYPE_FREE_LIST: p = PageFreeList.read(this, data, pageId); break; case Page.TYPE_DATA_LEAF: { int indexId = data.readVarInt(); PageIndex idx = metaObjects.get(indexId); if (idx == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "index not found " + indexId); } if (!(idx instanceof PageDataIndex)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "not a data index " + indexId + " " + idx); } PageDataIndex index = (PageDataIndex) idx; if (statistics != null) { statisticsIncrement(index.getTable().getName() + "." + index.getName() + " read"); } p = PageDataLeaf.read(index, data, pageId); break; } case Page.TYPE_DATA_NODE: { int indexId = data.readVarInt(); PageIndex idx = metaObjects.get(indexId); if (idx == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "index not found " + indexId); } if (!(idx instanceof PageDataIndex)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "not a data index " + indexId + " " + idx); } PageDataIndex index = (PageDataIndex) idx; if (statistics != null) { statisticsIncrement(index.getTable().getName() + "." + index.getName() + " read"); } p = PageDataNode.read(index, data, pageId); break; } case Page.TYPE_DATA_OVERFLOW: { p = PageDataOverflow.read(this, data, pageId); if (statistics != null) { statisticsIncrement("overflow read"); } break; } case Page.TYPE_BTREE_LEAF: { int indexId = data.readVarInt(); PageIndex idx = metaObjects.get(indexId); if (idx == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "index not found " + indexId); } if (!(idx instanceof PageBtreeIndex)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "not a btree index " + indexId + " " + idx); } PageBtreeIndex index = (PageBtreeIndex) idx; if (statistics != null) { statisticsIncrement(index.getTable().getName() + "." + index.getName() + " read"); } p = PageBtreeLeaf.read(index, data, pageId); break; } case Page.TYPE_BTREE_NODE: { int indexId = data.readVarInt(); PageIndex idx = metaObjects.get(indexId); if (idx == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "index not found " + indexId); } if (!(idx instanceof PageBtreeIndex)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "not a btree index " + indexId + " " + idx); } PageBtreeIndex index = (PageBtreeIndex) idx; if (statistics != null) { statisticsIncrement(index.getTable().getName() + "." + index.getName() + " read"); } p = PageBtreeNode.read(index, data, pageId); break; } case Page.TYPE_STREAM_TRUNK: p = PageStreamTrunk.read(this, data, pageId); break; case Page.TYPE_STREAM_DATA: p = PageStreamData.read(this, data, pageId); break; default: throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "page=" + pageId + " type=" + type); } cache.put(p); return p; } private int getFirstUncommittedSection() { trace.debug("getFirstUncommittedSection"); Session[] sessions = database.getSessions(true); int firstUncommittedSection = log.getLogSectionId(); for (Session session : sessions) { int firstUncommitted = session.getFirstUncommittedLog(); if (firstUncommitted != Session.LOG_WRITTEN) { if (firstUncommitted < firstUncommittedSection) { firstUncommittedSection = firstUncommitted; } } } return firstUncommittedSection; } private void readStaticHeader() { file.seek(FileStore.HEADER_LENGTH); Data page = Data.create(database, new byte[PAGE_SIZE_MIN - FileStore.HEADER_LENGTH], false); file.readFully(page.getBytes(), 0, PAGE_SIZE_MIN - FileStore.HEADER_LENGTH); readCount++; setPageSize(page.readInt()); int writeVersion = page.readByte(); int readVersion = page.readByte(); if (readVersion > READ_VERSION) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.FILE_VERSION_ERROR_1, fileName); } if (writeVersion > WRITE_VERSION) { close(); database.setReadOnly(true); accessMode = "r"; file = database.openFile(fileName, accessMode, true); } } private void readVariableHeader() { Data page = createData(); for (int i = 1;; i++) { if (i == 3) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, fileName); } page.reset(); readPage(i, page); CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); crc.update(page.getBytes(), 4, pageSize - 4); int expected = (int) crc.getValue(); int got = page.readInt(); if (expected == got) { writeCountBase = page.readLong(); logKey = page.readInt(); logFirstTrunkPage = page.readInt(); logFirstDataPage = page.readInt(); break; } } }
Set the page size. The size must be a power of two. This method must be called before opening.
  • size – the page size
/** * Set the page size. The size must be a power of two. This method must be * called before opening. * * @param size the page size */
public void setPageSize(int size) { if (size < PAGE_SIZE_MIN || size > PAGE_SIZE_MAX) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, fileName + " pageSize: " + size); } boolean good = false; int shift = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= size;) { if (size == i) { good = true; break; } shift++; i += i; } if (!good) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, fileName); } pageSize = size; emptyPage = createData(); pageSizeShift = shift; } private void writeStaticHeader() { Data page = Data.create(database, new byte[pageSize - FileStore.HEADER_LENGTH], false); page.writeInt(pageSize); page.writeByte((byte) WRITE_VERSION); page.writeByte((byte) READ_VERSION); file.seek(FileStore.HEADER_LENGTH); file.write(page.getBytes(), 0, pageSize - FileStore.HEADER_LENGTH); writeCount++; }
Set the trunk page and data page id of the log.
  • logKey – the log key of the trunk page
  • trunkPageId – the trunk page id
  • dataPageId – the data page id
/** * Set the trunk page and data page id of the log. * * @param logKey the log key of the trunk page * @param trunkPageId the trunk page id * @param dataPageId the data page id */
void setLogFirstPage(int logKey, int trunkPageId, int dataPageId) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("setLogFirstPage key: " + logKey + " trunk: "+ trunkPageId +" data: " + dataPageId); } this.logKey = logKey; this.logFirstTrunkPage = trunkPageId; this.logFirstDataPage = dataPageId; writeVariableHeader(); } private void writeVariableHeader() { trace.debug("writeVariableHeader"); if (logMode == LOG_MODE_SYNC) { file.sync(); } Data page = createData(); page.writeInt(0); page.writeLong(getWriteCountTotal()); page.writeInt(logKey); page.writeInt(logFirstTrunkPage); page.writeInt(logFirstDataPage); CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); crc.update(page.getBytes(), 4, pageSize - 4); page.setInt(0, (int) crc.getValue()); file.seek(pageSize); file.write(page.getBytes(), 0, pageSize); file.seek(pageSize + pageSize); file.write(page.getBytes(), 0, pageSize); // don't increment the write counter, because it was just written }
Close the file without further writing.
/** * Close the file without further writing. */
public synchronized void close() { trace.debug("close"); if (log != null) { log.close(); log = null; } if (file != null) { try { file.releaseLock(); file.close(); } finally { file = null; } } } @Override public synchronized void flushLog() { if (file != null) { log.flush(); } }
Flush the transaction log and sync the file.
/** * Flush the transaction log and sync the file. */
public synchronized void sync() { if (file != null) { log.flush(); file.sync(); } } @Override public Trace getTrace() { return trace; } @Override public synchronized void writeBack(CacheObject obj) { Page record = (Page) obj; if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("writeBack " + record); } record.write(); record.setChanged(false); }
Write an undo log entry if required.
  • page – the page
  • old – the old data (if known) or null
/** * Write an undo log entry if required. * * @param page the page * @param old the old data (if known) or null */
public synchronized void logUndo(Page page, Data old) { if (logMode == LOG_MODE_OFF) { return; } checkOpen(); database.checkWritingAllowed(); if (!recoveryRunning) { int pos = page.getPos(); if (!log.getUndo(pos)) { if (old == null) { old = readPage(pos); } openForWriting(); log.addUndo(pos, old); } } }
Update a page.
  • page – the page
/** * Update a page. * * @param page the page */
public synchronized void update(Page page) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!page.isChanged()) { trace.debug("updateRecord " + page.toString()); } } checkOpen(); database.checkWritingAllowed(); page.setChanged(true); int pos = page.getPos(); if (SysProperties.CHECK && !recoveryRunning) { // ensure the undo entry is already written if (logMode != LOG_MODE_OFF) { log.addUndo(pos, null); } } allocatePage(pos); cache.update(pos, page); } private int getFreeListId(int pageId) { return (pageId - PAGE_ID_FREE_LIST_ROOT) / freeListPagesPerList; } private PageFreeList getFreeListForPage(int pageId) { return getFreeList(getFreeListId(pageId)); } private PageFreeList getFreeList(int i) { PageFreeList list = null; if (i < freeLists.size()) { list = freeLists.get(i); if (list != null) { return list; } } int p = PAGE_ID_FREE_LIST_ROOT + i * freeListPagesPerList; while (p >= pageCount) { increaseFileSize(); } if (p < pageCount) { list = (PageFreeList) getPage(p); } if (list == null) { list = PageFreeList.create(this, p); cache.put(list); } while (freeLists.size() <= i) { freeLists.add(null); } freeLists.set(i, list); return list; } private void freePage(int pageId) { int index = getFreeListId(pageId); PageFreeList list = getFreeList(index); firstFreeListIndex = Math.min(index, firstFreeListIndex); list.free(pageId); }
Set the bit of an already allocated page.
  • pageId – the page to allocate
/** * Set the bit of an already allocated page. * * @param pageId the page to allocate */
void allocatePage(int pageId) { PageFreeList list = getFreeListForPage(pageId); list.allocate(pageId); } private boolean isUsed(int pageId) { return getFreeListForPage(pageId).isUsed(pageId); }
Allocate a number of pages.
  • list – the list where to add the allocated pages
  • pagesToAllocate – the number of pages to allocate
  • exclude – the exclude list
  • after – all allocated pages are higher than this page
/** * Allocate a number of pages. * * @param list the list where to add the allocated pages * @param pagesToAllocate the number of pages to allocate * @param exclude the exclude list * @param after all allocated pages are higher than this page */
void allocatePages(IntArray list, int pagesToAllocate, BitSet exclude, int after) { list.ensureCapacity(list.size() + pagesToAllocate); for (int i = 0; i < pagesToAllocate; i++) { int page = allocatePage(exclude, after); after = page; list.add(page); } }
Allocate a page.
Returns:the page id
/** * Allocate a page. * * @return the page id */
public synchronized int allocatePage() { openForWriting(); int pos = allocatePage(null, 0); if (!recoveryRunning) { if (logMode != LOG_MODE_OFF) { log.addUndo(pos, emptyPage); } } return pos; } private int allocatePage(BitSet exclude, int first) { int page; for (int i = firstFreeListIndex;; i++) { PageFreeList list = getFreeList(i); page = list.allocate(exclude, first); if (page >= 0) { firstFreeListIndex = i; break; } } while (page >= pageCount) { increaseFileSize(); } if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { // trace.debug("allocatePage " + pos); } return page; } private void increaseFileSize() { int increment = INCREMENT_KB * 1024 / pageSize; int percent = pageCount * INCREMENT_PERCENT_MIN / 100; if (increment < percent) { increment = (1 + (percent / increment)) * increment; } int max = database.getSettings().pageStoreMaxGrowth; if (max < increment) { increment = max; } increaseFileSize(increment); } private void increaseFileSize(int increment) { for (int i = pageCount; i < pageCount + increment; i++) { freed.set(i); } pageCount += increment; long newLength = (long) pageCount << pageSizeShift; file.setLength(newLength); writeCount++; fileLength = newLength; }
Add a page to the free list. The undo log entry must have been written.
  • pageId – the page id
/** * Add a page to the free list. The undo log entry must have been written. * * @param pageId the page id */
public synchronized void free(int pageId) { free(pageId, true); }
Add a page to the free list.
  • pageId – the page id
  • undo – if the undo record must have been written
/** * Add a page to the free list. * * @param pageId the page id * @param undo if the undo record must have been written */
void free(int pageId, boolean undo) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { // trace.debug("free " + pageId + " " + undo); } cache.remove(pageId); if (SysProperties.CHECK && !recoveryRunning && undo) { // ensure the undo entry is already written if (logMode != LOG_MODE_OFF) { log.addUndo(pageId, null); } } freePage(pageId); if (recoveryRunning) { writePage(pageId, createData()); if (reservedPages != null && reservedPages.containsKey(pageId)) { // re-allocate the page if it is used later on again int latestPos = reservedPages.get(pageId); if (latestPos > log.getLogPos()) { allocatePage(pageId); } } } }
Add a page to the free list. The page is not used, therefore doesn't need to be overwritten.
  • pageId – the page id
/** * Add a page to the free list. The page is not used, therefore doesn't need * to be overwritten. * * @param pageId the page id */
void freeUnused(int pageId) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("freeUnused " + pageId); } cache.remove(pageId); freePage(pageId); freed.set(pageId); }
Create a data object.
Returns:the data page.
/** * Create a data object. * * @return the data page. */
public Data createData() { return Data.create(database, new byte[pageSize], false); }
Read a page.
  • pos – the page id
Returns:the page
/** * Read a page. * * @param pos the page id * @return the page */
public synchronized Data readPage(int pos) { Data page = createData(); readPage(pos, page); return page; }
Read a page.
  • pos – the page id
  • page – the page
/** * Read a page. * * @param pos the page id * @param page the page */
void readPage(int pos, Data page) { if (recordPageReads) { if (pos >= MIN_PAGE_COUNT && recordedPagesIndex.get(pos) == IntIntHashMap.NOT_FOUND) { recordedPagesIndex.put(pos, recordedPagesList.size()); recordedPagesList.add(pos); } } if (pos < 0 || pos >= pageCount) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, pos + " of " + pageCount); } file.seek((long) pos << pageSizeShift); file.readFully(page.getBytes(), 0, pageSize); readCount++; }
Get the page size.
Returns:the page size
/** * Get the page size. * * @return the page size */
public int getPageSize() { return pageSize; }
Get the number of pages (including free pages).
Returns:the page count
/** * Get the number of pages (including free pages). * * @return the page count */
public int getPageCount() { return pageCount; }
Write a page.
  • pageId – the page id
  • data – the data
/** * Write a page. * * @param pageId the page id * @param data the data */
public synchronized void writePage(int pageId, Data data) { if (pageId <= 0) { DbException.throwInternalError("write to page " + pageId); } byte[] bytes = data.getBytes(); if (SysProperties.CHECK) { boolean shouldBeFreeList = (pageId - PAGE_ID_FREE_LIST_ROOT) % freeListPagesPerList == 0; boolean isFreeList = bytes[0] == Page.TYPE_FREE_LIST; if (bytes[0] != 0 && shouldBeFreeList != isFreeList) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(); } } checksumSet(bytes, pageId); file.seek((long) pageId << pageSizeShift); file.write(bytes, 0, pageSize); writeCount++; }
Remove a page from the cache.
  • pageId – the page id
/** * Remove a page from the cache. * * @param pageId the page id */
public synchronized void removeFromCache(int pageId) { cache.remove(pageId); } Database getDatabase() { return database; }
Run recovery.
Returns:whether the transaction log was empty
/** * Run recovery. * * @return whether the transaction log was empty */
private boolean recover() { trace.debug("log recover"); recoveryRunning = true; boolean isEmpty = true; isEmpty &= log.recover(PageLog.RECOVERY_STAGE_UNDO); if (reservedPages != null) { for (int r : reservedPages.keySet()) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("reserve " + r); } allocatePage(r); } } isEmpty &= log.recover(PageLog.RECOVERY_STAGE_ALLOCATE); openMetaIndex(); readMetaData(); isEmpty &= log.recover(PageLog.RECOVERY_STAGE_REDO); boolean setReadOnly = false; if (!database.isReadOnly()) { if (log.getInDoubtTransactions().isEmpty()) { log.recoverEnd(); int firstUncommittedSection = getFirstUncommittedSection(); log.removeUntil(firstUncommittedSection); } else { setReadOnly = true; } } PageDataIndex systemTable = (PageDataIndex) metaObjects.get(0); isNew = systemTable == null; for (PageIndex index : metaObjects.values()) { if (index.getTable().isTemporary()) { // temporary indexes are removed after opening if (tempObjects == null) { tempObjects = new HashMap<>(); } tempObjects.put(index.getId(), index); } else { index.close(pageStoreSession); } } allocatePage(PAGE_ID_META_ROOT); writeIndexRowCounts(); recoveryRunning = false; reservedPages = null; writeBack(); // clear the cache because it contains pages with closed indexes cache.clear(); freeLists.clear(); metaObjects.clear(); metaObjects.put(-1, metaIndex); if (setReadOnly) { database.setReadOnly(true); } trace.debug("log recover done"); return isEmpty; }
A record is added to a table, or removed from a table.
  • session – the session
  • tableId – the table id
  • row – the row to add
  • add – true if the row is added, false if it is removed
/** * A record is added to a table, or removed from a table. * * @param session the session * @param tableId the table id * @param row the row to add * @param add true if the row is added, false if it is removed */
public synchronized void logAddOrRemoveRow(Session session, int tableId, Row row, boolean add) { if (logMode != LOG_MODE_OFF) { if (!recoveryRunning) { log.logAddOrRemoveRow(session, tableId, row, add); } } }
Mark a committed transaction.
  • session – the session
/** * Mark a committed transaction. * * @param session the session */
public synchronized void commit(Session session) { checkOpen(); openForWriting(); log.commit(session.getId()); long size = log.getSize(); if (size - logSizeBase > maxLogSize / 2) { int firstSection = log.getLogFirstSectionId(); checkpoint(); int newSection = log.getLogSectionId(); if (newSection - firstSection <= 2) { // one section is always kept, and checkpoint // advances two sections each time it is called return; } long newSize = log.getSize(); if (newSize < size || size < maxLogSize) { ignoreBigLog = false; return; } if (!ignoreBigLog) { ignoreBigLog = true; trace.error(null, "Transaction log could not be truncated; size: " + (newSize / 1024 / 1024) + " MB"); } logSizeBase = log.getSize(); } }
Prepare a transaction.
  • session – the session
  • transaction – the name of the transaction
/** * Prepare a transaction. * * @param session the session * @param transaction the name of the transaction */
public synchronized void prepareCommit(Session session, String transaction) { log.prepareCommit(session, transaction); }
Check whether this is a new database.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check whether this is a new database. * * @return true if it is */
public boolean isNew() { return isNew; }
Reserve the page if this is a index root page entry.
  • logPos – the redo log position
  • tableId – the table id
  • row – the row
/** * Reserve the page if this is a index root page entry. * * @param logPos the redo log position * @param tableId the table id * @param row the row */
void allocateIfIndexRoot(int logPos, int tableId, Row row) { if (tableId == META_TABLE_ID) { int rootPageId = row.getValue(3).getInt(); if (reservedPages == null) { reservedPages = new HashMap<>(); } reservedPages.put(rootPageId, logPos); } }
Redo a delete in a table.
  • tableId – the object id of the table
  • key – the key of the row to delete
/** * Redo a delete in a table. * * @param tableId the object id of the table * @param key the key of the row to delete */
void redoDelete(int tableId, long key) { Index index = metaObjects.get(tableId); PageDataIndex scan = (PageDataIndex) index; Row row = scan.getRowWithKey(key); if (row == null || row.getKey() != key) { trace.error(null, "Entry not found: " + key + " found instead: " + row + " - ignoring"); return; } redo(tableId, row, false); }
Redo a change in a table.
  • tableId – the object id of the table
  • row – the row
  • add – true if the record is added, false if deleted
/** * Redo a change in a table. * * @param tableId the object id of the table * @param row the row * @param add true if the record is added, false if deleted */
void redo(int tableId, Row row, boolean add) { if (tableId == META_TABLE_ID) { if (add) { addMeta(row, pageStoreSession, true); } else { removeMeta(row); } } Index index = metaObjects.get(tableId); if (index == null) { throw DbException.throwInternalError( "Table not found: " + tableId + " " + row + " " + add); } Table table = index.getTable(); if (add) { table.addRow(pageStoreSession, row); } else { table.removeRow(pageStoreSession, row); } }
Redo a truncate.
  • tableId – the object id of the table
/** * Redo a truncate. * * @param tableId the object id of the table */
void redoTruncate(int tableId) { Index index = metaObjects.get(tableId); Table table = index.getTable(); table.truncate(pageStoreSession); } private void openMetaIndex() { CreateTableData data = new CreateTableData(); ArrayList<Column> cols = data.columns; cols.add(new Column("ID", Value.INT)); cols.add(new Column("TYPE", Value.INT)); cols.add(new Column("PARENT", Value.INT)); cols.add(new Column("HEAD", Value.INT)); cols.add(new Column("OPTIONS", Value.STRING)); cols.add(new Column("COLUMNS", Value.STRING)); metaSchema = new Schema(database, 0, "", null, true); data.schema = metaSchema; data.tableName = "PAGE_INDEX"; data.id = META_TABLE_ID; data.temporary = false; data.persistData = true; data.persistIndexes = true; data.create = false; data.session = pageStoreSession; metaTable = new PageStoreTable(data); metaIndex = (PageDataIndex) metaTable.getScanIndex( pageStoreSession); metaObjects.clear(); metaObjects.put(-1, metaIndex); } private void readMetaData() { Cursor cursor = metaIndex.find(pageStoreSession, null, null); // first, create all tables while (cursor.next()) { Row row = cursor.get(); int type = row.getValue(1).getInt(); if (type == META_TYPE_DATA_INDEX) { addMeta(row, pageStoreSession, false); } } // now create all secondary indexes // otherwise the table might not be created yet cursor = metaIndex.find(pageStoreSession, null, null); while (cursor.next()) { Row row = cursor.get(); int type = row.getValue(1).getInt(); if (type != META_TYPE_DATA_INDEX) { addMeta(row, pageStoreSession, false); } } } private void removeMeta(Row row) { int id = row.getValue(0).getInt(); PageIndex index = metaObjects.get(id); index.getTable().removeIndex(index); if (index instanceof PageBtreeIndex || index instanceof PageDelegateIndex) { if (index.isTemporary()) { pageStoreSession.removeLocalTempTableIndex(index); } else { index.getSchema().remove(index); } } index.remove(pageStoreSession); metaObjects.remove(id); } private void addMeta(Row row, Session session, boolean redo) { int id = row.getValue(0).getInt(); int type = row.getValue(1).getInt(); int parent = row.getValue(2).getInt(); int rootPageId = row.getValue(3).getInt(); String[] options = StringUtils.arraySplit( row.getValue(4).getString(), ',', false); String columnList = row.getValue(5).getString(); String[] columns = StringUtils.arraySplit(columnList, ',', false); Index meta; if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("addMeta id="+ id +" type=" + type + " root=" + rootPageId + " parent=" + parent + " columns=" + columnList); } if (redo && rootPageId != 0) { // ensure the page is empty, but not used by regular data writePage(rootPageId, createData()); allocatePage(rootPageId); } metaRootPageId.put(id, rootPageId); if (type == META_TYPE_DATA_INDEX) { CreateTableData data = new CreateTableData(); if (columns == null) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(row.toString()); } for (int i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; i++) { Column col = new Column("C" + i, Value.INT); data.columns.add(col); } data.schema = metaSchema; data.tableName = "T" + id; data.id = id; data.temporary = options[2].equals("temp"); data.persistData = true; data.persistIndexes = true; data.create = false; data.session = session; PageStoreTable table = new PageStoreTable(data); boolean binaryUnsigned = SysProperties.SORT_BINARY_UNSIGNED; if (options.length > 3) { binaryUnsigned = Boolean.parseBoolean(options[3]); } boolean uuidUnsigned = SysProperties.SORT_UUID_UNSIGNED; if (options.length > 4) { uuidUnsigned = Boolean.parseBoolean(options[4]); } CompareMode mode = CompareMode.getInstance( options[0], Integer.parseInt(options[1]), binaryUnsigned, uuidUnsigned); table.setCompareMode(mode); meta = table.getScanIndex(session); } else { Index p = metaObjects.get(parent); if (p == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "Table not found:" + parent + " for " + row + " meta:" + metaObjects); } PageStoreTable table = (PageStoreTable) p.getTable(); Column[] tableCols = table.getColumns(); int len = columns.length; IndexColumn[] cols = new IndexColumn[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String c = columns[i]; IndexColumn ic = new IndexColumn(); int idx = c.indexOf('/'); if (idx >= 0) { String s = c.substring(idx + 1); ic.sortType = Integer.parseInt(s); c = c.substring(0, idx); } ic.column = tableCols[Integer.parseInt(c)]; cols[i] = ic; } IndexType indexType; if (options[3].equals("d")) { indexType = IndexType.createPrimaryKey(true, false); Column[] tableColumns = table.getColumns(); for (IndexColumn indexColumn : cols) { tableColumns[indexColumn.column.getColumnId()].setNullable(false); } } else { indexType = IndexType.createNonUnique(true); } meta = table.addIndex(session, "I" + id, id, cols, indexType, false, null); } metaObjects.put(id, (PageIndex) meta); }
Add an index to the in-memory index map.
  • index – the index
/** * Add an index to the in-memory index map. * * @param index the index */
public synchronized void addIndex(PageIndex index) { metaObjects.put(index.getId(), index); }
Add the meta data of an index.
  • index – the index to add
  • session – the session
/** * Add the meta data of an index. * * @param index the index to add * @param session the session */
public void addMeta(PageIndex index, Session session) { Table table = index.getTable(); if (SysProperties.CHECK) { if (!table.isTemporary()) { // to prevent ABBA locking problems, we need to always take // the Database lock before we take the PageStore lock synchronized (database) { synchronized (this) { database.verifyMetaLocked(session); } } } } synchronized (this) { int type = index instanceof PageDataIndex ? META_TYPE_DATA_INDEX : META_TYPE_BTREE_INDEX; IndexColumn[] columns = index.getIndexColumns(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, length = columns.length; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0) { builder.append(','); } IndexColumn col = columns[i]; int id = col.column.getColumnId(); builder.append(id); int sortType = col.sortType; if (sortType != 0) { builder.append('/').append(sortType); } } String columnList = builder.toString(); CompareMode mode = table.getCompareMode(); StringBuilder options = new StringBuilder().append(mode.getName()).append(',').append(mode.getStrength()) .append(','); if (table.isTemporary()) { options.append("temp"); } options.append(','); if (index instanceof PageDelegateIndex) { options.append('d'); } options.append(',').append(mode.isBinaryUnsigned()).append(',').append(mode.isUuidUnsigned()); Row row = metaTable.getTemplateRow(); row.setValue(0, ValueInt.get(index.getId())); row.setValue(1, ValueInt.get(type)); row.setValue(2, ValueInt.get(table.getId())); row.setValue(3, ValueInt.get(index.getRootPageId())); row.setValue(4, ValueString.get(options.toString())); row.setValue(5, ValueString.get(columnList)); row.setKey(index.getId() + 1); metaIndex.add(session, row); } }
Remove the meta data of an index.
  • index – the index to remove
  • session – the session
/** * Remove the meta data of an index. * * @param index the index to remove * @param session the session */
public void removeMeta(Index index, Session session) { if (SysProperties.CHECK) { if (!index.getTable().isTemporary()) { // to prevent ABBA locking problems, we need to always take // the Database lock before we take the PageStore lock synchronized (database) { synchronized (this) { database.verifyMetaLocked(session); } } } } synchronized (this) { if (!recoveryRunning) { removeMetaIndex(index, session); metaObjects.remove(index.getId()); } } } private void removeMetaIndex(Index index, Session session) { int key = index.getId() + 1; Row row = metaIndex.getRow(session, key); if (row.getKey() != key) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, "key: " + key + " index: " + index + " table: " + index.getTable() + " row: " + row); } metaIndex.remove(session, row); }
Set the maximum transaction log size in megabytes.
  • maxSize – the new maximum log size
/** * Set the maximum transaction log size in megabytes. * * @param maxSize the new maximum log size */
public void setMaxLogSize(long maxSize) { this.maxLogSize = maxSize; }
Commit or rollback a prepared transaction after opening a database with in-doubt transactions.
  • sessionId – the session id
  • pageId – the page where the transaction was prepared
  • commit – if the transaction should be committed
/** * Commit or rollback a prepared transaction after opening a database with * in-doubt transactions. * * @param sessionId the session id * @param pageId the page where the transaction was prepared * @param commit if the transaction should be committed */
public synchronized void setInDoubtTransactionState(int sessionId, int pageId, boolean commit) { boolean old = database.isReadOnly(); try { database.setReadOnly(false); log.setInDoubtTransactionState(sessionId, pageId, commit); } finally { database.setReadOnly(old); } }
Get the list of in-doubt transaction.
Returns:the list
/** * Get the list of in-doubt transaction. * * @return the list */
public ArrayList<InDoubtTransaction> getInDoubtTransactions() { return log.getInDoubtTransactions(); }
Check whether the recovery process is currently running.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check whether the recovery process is currently running. * * @return true if it is */
public boolean isRecoveryRunning() { return recoveryRunning; } private void checkOpen() { if (file == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_CLOSED); } }
Get the file write count since the database was created.
Returns:the write count
/** * Get the file write count since the database was created. * * @return the write count */
public long getWriteCountTotal() { return writeCount + writeCountBase; }
Get the file write count since the database was opened.
Returns:the write count
/** * Get the file write count since the database was opened. * * @return the write count */
public long getWriteCount() { return writeCount; }
Get the file read count since the database was opened.
Returns:the read count
/** * Get the file read count since the database was opened. * * @return the read count */
public long getReadCount() { return readCount; }
A table is truncated.
  • session – the session
  • tableId – the table id
/** * A table is truncated. * * @param session the session * @param tableId the table id */
public synchronized void logTruncate(Session session, int tableId) { if (!recoveryRunning) { openForWriting(); log.logTruncate(session, tableId); } }
Get the root page of an index.
  • indexId – the index id
Returns:the root page
/** * Get the root page of an index. * * @param indexId the index id * @return the root page */
public int getRootPageId(int indexId) { return metaRootPageId.get(indexId); } public Cache getCache() { return cache; } private void checksumSet(byte[] d, int pageId) { int ps = pageSize; int type = d[0]; if (type == Page.TYPE_EMPTY) { return; } int s1 = 255 + (type & 255), s2 = 255 + s1; s2 += s1 += d[6] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[(ps >> 1) - 1] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[ps >> 1] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[ps - 2] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[ps - 1] & 255; d[1] = (byte) (((s1 & 255) + (s1 >> 8)) ^ pageId); d[2] = (byte) (((s2 & 255) + (s2 >> 8)) ^ (pageId >> 8)); }
Check if the stored checksum is correct
  • d – the data
  • pageId – the page id
  • pageSize – the page size
Returns:true if it is correct
/** * Check if the stored checksum is correct * @param d the data * @param pageId the page id * @param pageSize the page size * @return true if it is correct */
public static boolean checksumTest(byte[] d, int pageId, int pageSize) { int s1 = 255 + (d[0] & 255), s2 = 255 + s1; s2 += s1 += d[6] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[(pageSize >> 1) - 1] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[pageSize >> 1] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[pageSize - 2] & 255; s2 += s1 += d[pageSize - 1] & 255; return d[1] == (byte) (((s1 & 255) + (s1 >> 8)) ^ pageId) && d[2] == (byte) (((s2 & 255) + (s2 >> 8)) ^ (pageId >> 8)); }
Increment the change count. To be done after the operation has finished.
/** * Increment the change count. To be done after the operation has finished. */
public void incrementChangeCount() { if (++changeCount < 0) { throw DbException.throwInternalError("changeCount has wrapped"); } }
Get the current change count. The first value is 1
Returns:the change count
/** * Get the current change count. The first value is 1 * * @return the change count */
public long getChangeCount() { return changeCount; } public void setLogMode(int logMode) { this.logMode = logMode; } public int getLogMode() { return logMode; } public void setLockFile(boolean lockFile) { this.lockFile = lockFile; } public BitSet getObjectIds() { BitSet f = new BitSet(); Cursor cursor = metaIndex.find(pageStoreSession, null, null); while (cursor.next()) { Row row = cursor.get(); int id = row.getValue(0).getInt(); if (id > 0) { f.set(id); } } return f; } public Session getPageStoreSession() { return pageStoreSession; } public synchronized void setBackup(boolean start) { backupLevel += start ? 1 : -1; } public synchronized void setMaxCacheMemory(int size) { cache.setMaxMemory(size); } }