 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.store;

import java.util.BitSet;

import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.Trace;
import org.h2.util.IntArray;

An output stream that writes into a page store.
/** * An output stream that writes into a page store. */
public class PageOutputStream { private PageStore store; private final Trace trace; private final BitSet exclude; private final boolean atEnd; private final int minPageId; private int trunkPageId; private int trunkNext; private IntArray reservedPages = new IntArray(); private PageStreamTrunk trunk; private int trunkIndex; private PageStreamData data; private int reserved; private boolean needFlush; private boolean writing; private int pageCount; private int logKey;
Create a new page output stream.
  • store – the page store
  • trunkPage – the first trunk page (already allocated)
  • exclude – the pages not to use
  • logKey – the log key of the first trunk page
  • atEnd – whether only pages at the end of the file should be used
/** * Create a new page output stream. * * @param store the page store * @param trunkPage the first trunk page (already allocated) * @param exclude the pages not to use * @param logKey the log key of the first trunk page * @param atEnd whether only pages at the end of the file should be used */
public PageOutputStream(PageStore store, int trunkPage, BitSet exclude, int logKey, boolean atEnd) { this.trace = store.getTrace(); this.store = store; this.trunkPageId = trunkPage; this.exclude = exclude; // minus one, because we increment before creating a trunk page this.logKey = logKey - 1; this.atEnd = atEnd; minPageId = atEnd ? trunkPage : 0; }
Allocate the required pages so that no pages need to be allocated while writing.
  • minBuffer – the number of bytes to allocate
/** * Allocate the required pages so that no pages need to be allocated while * writing. * * @param minBuffer the number of bytes to allocate */
void reserve(int minBuffer) { if (reserved < minBuffer) { int pageSize = store.getPageSize(); int capacityPerPage = PageStreamData.getCapacity(pageSize); int pages = PageStreamTrunk.getPagesAddressed(pageSize); int pagesToAllocate = 0, totalCapacity = 0; do { // allocate x data pages plus one trunk page pagesToAllocate += pages + 1; totalCapacity += pages * capacityPerPage; } while (totalCapacity < minBuffer); int firstPageToUse = atEnd ? trunkPageId : 0; store.allocatePages(reservedPages, pagesToAllocate, exclude, firstPageToUse); reserved += totalCapacity; if (data == null) { initNextData(); } } } private void initNextData() { int nextData = trunk == null ? -1 : trunk.getPageData(trunkIndex++); if (nextData == -1) { int parent = trunkPageId; if (trunkNext != 0) { trunkPageId = trunkNext; } int len = PageStreamTrunk.getPagesAddressed(store.getPageSize()); int[] pageIds = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pageIds[i] = reservedPages.get(i); } trunkNext = reservedPages.get(len); logKey++; trunk = PageStreamTrunk.create(store, parent, trunkPageId, trunkNext, logKey, pageIds); trunkIndex = 0; pageCount++; trunk.write(); reservedPages.removeRange(0, len + 1); nextData = trunk.getPageData(trunkIndex++); } data = PageStreamData.create(store, nextData, trunk.getPos(), logKey); pageCount++; data.initWrite(); }
Write the data.
  • b – the buffer
  • off – the offset
  • len – the length
/** * Write the data. * * @param b the buffer * @param off the offset * @param len the length */
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) { if (len <= 0) { return; } if (writing) { DbException.throwInternalError("writing while still writing"); } try { reserve(len); writing = true; while (len > 0) { int l = data.write(b, off, len); if (l < len) { storePage(); initNextData(); } reserved -= l; off += l; len -= l; } needFlush = true; } finally { writing = false; } } private void storePage() { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("pageOut.storePage " + data); } data.write(); }
Write all data.
/** * Write all data. */
public void flush() { if (needFlush) { storePage(); needFlush = false; } }
Close the stream.
/** * Close the stream. */
public void close() { store = null; } int getCurrentDataPageId() { return data.getPos(); }
Fill the data page with zeros and write it. This is required for a checkpoint.
/** * Fill the data page with zeros and write it. * This is required for a checkpoint. */
void fillPage() { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("pageOut.storePage fill " + data.getPos()); } reserve(data.getRemaining() + 1); reserved -= data.getRemaining(); data.write(); initNextData(); } long getSize() { return pageCount * store.getPageSize(); }
Remove a trunk page from the stream.
  • t – the trunk page
/** * Remove a trunk page from the stream. * * @param t the trunk page */
void free(PageStreamTrunk t) { pageCount -= t.free(0); }
Free up all reserved pages.
/** * Free up all reserved pages. */
void freeReserved() { if (reservedPages.size() > 0) { int[] array = new int[reservedPages.size()]; reservedPages.toArray(array); reservedPages = new IntArray(); reserved = 0; for (int p : array) { store.free(p, false); } } }
Get the smallest possible page id used. This is the trunk page if only appending at the end of the file, or 0.
Returns:the smallest possible page.
/** * Get the smallest possible page id used. This is the trunk page if only * appending at the end of the file, or 0. * * @return the smallest possible page. */
int getMinPageId() { return minPageId; } }