 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.h2.compress.CompressDeflate;
import org.h2.compress.CompressLZF;
import org.h2.compress.Compressor;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.DataType;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.StringDataType;
import org.h2.store.fs.FilePath;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;

Utility methods used in combination with the MVStore.
/** * Utility methods used in combination with the MVStore. */
public class MVStoreTool {
Runs this tool. Options are case sensitive. Supported options are:
[-dump <fileName>] Dump the contends of the file
[-info <fileName>] Get summary information about a file
[-compact <fileName>] Compact a store
[-compress <fileName>] Compact a store with compression enabled
  • args – the command line arguments
/** * Runs this tool. * Options are case sensitive. Supported options are: * <table summary="command line options"> * <tr><td>[-dump &lt;fileName&gt;]</td> * <td>Dump the contends of the file</td></tr> * <tr><td>[-info &lt;fileName&gt;]</td> * <td>Get summary information about a file</td></tr> * <tr><td>[-compact &lt;fileName&gt;]</td> * <td>Compact a store</td></tr> * <tr><td>[-compress &lt;fileName&gt;]</td> * <td>Compact a store with compression enabled</td></tr> * </table> * * @param args the command line arguments */
public static void main(String... args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ("-dump".equals(args[i])) { String fileName = args[++i]; dump(fileName, new PrintWriter(System.out), true); } else if ("-info".equals(args[i])) { String fileName = args[++i]; info(fileName, new PrintWriter(System.out)); } else if ("-compact".equals(args[i])) { String fileName = args[++i]; compact(fileName, false); } else if ("-compress".equals(args[i])) { String fileName = args[++i]; compact(fileName, true); } else if ("-rollback".equals(args[i])) { String fileName = args[++i]; long targetVersion = Long.decode(args[++i]); rollback(fileName, targetVersion, new PrintWriter(System.out)); } else if ("-repair".equals(args[i])) { String fileName = args[++i]; repair(fileName); } } }
Read the contents of the file and write them to system out.
  • fileName – the name of the file
  • details – whether to print details
/** * Read the contents of the file and write them to system out. * * @param fileName the name of the file * @param details whether to print details */
public static void dump(String fileName, boolean details) { dump(fileName, new PrintWriter(System.out), details); }
Read the summary information of the file and write them to system out.
  • fileName – the name of the file
/** * Read the summary information of the file and write them to system out. * * @param fileName the name of the file */
public static void info(String fileName) { info(fileName, new PrintWriter(System.out)); }
Read the contents of the file and display them in a human-readable format.
  • fileName – the name of the file
  • writer – the print writer
  • details – print the page details
/** * Read the contents of the file and display them in a human-readable * format. * * @param fileName the name of the file * @param writer the print writer * @param details print the page details */
public static void dump(String fileName, Writer writer, boolean details) { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(writer, true); if (!FilePath.get(fileName).exists()) { pw.println("File not found: " + fileName); return; } long size = FileUtils.size(fileName); pw.printf("File %s, %d bytes, %d MB\n", fileName, size, size / 1024 / 1024); FileChannel file = null; int blockSize = MVStore.BLOCK_SIZE; TreeMap<Integer, Long> mapSizesTotal = new TreeMap<>(); long pageSizeTotal = 0; try { file = FilePath.get(fileName).open("r"); long fileSize = file.size(); int len = Long.toHexString(fileSize).length(); ByteBuffer block = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096); long pageCount = 0; for (long pos = 0; pos < fileSize;) { block.rewind(); DataUtils.readFully(file, pos, block); block.rewind(); int headerType = block.get(); if (headerType == 'H') { String header = new String(block.array(), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).trim(); pw.printf("%0" + len + "x fileHeader %s%n", pos, header); pos += blockSize; continue; } if (headerType != 'c') { pos += blockSize; continue; } block.position(0); Chunk c = null; try { c = Chunk.readChunkHeader(block, pos); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { pos += blockSize; continue; } if (c.len <= 0) { // not a chunk pos += blockSize; continue; } int length = c.len * MVStore.BLOCK_SIZE; pw.printf("%n%0" + len + "x chunkHeader %s%n", pos, c.toString()); ByteBuffer chunk = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); DataUtils.readFully(file, pos, chunk); int p = block.position(); pos += length; int remaining = c.pageCount; pageCount += c.pageCount; TreeMap<Integer, Integer> mapSizes = new TreeMap<>(); int pageSizeSum = 0; while (remaining > 0) { int start = p; try { chunk.position(p); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // too far pw.printf("ERROR illegal position %d%n", p); break; } int pageSize = chunk.getInt(); // check value (ignored) chunk.getShort(); int mapId = DataUtils.readVarInt(chunk); int entries = DataUtils.readVarInt(chunk); int type = chunk.get(); boolean compressed = (type & DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED) != 0; boolean node = (type & 1) != 0; if (details) { pw.printf( "+%0" + len + "x %s, map %x, %d entries, %d bytes, maxLen %x%n", p, (node ? "node" : "leaf") + (compressed ? " compressed" : ""), mapId, node ? entries + 1 : entries, pageSize, DataUtils.getPageMaxLength(DataUtils.getPagePos(0, 0, pageSize, 0)) ); } p += pageSize; Integer mapSize = mapSizes.get(mapId); if (mapSize == null) { mapSize = 0; } mapSizes.put(mapId, mapSize + pageSize); Long total = mapSizesTotal.get(mapId); if (total == null) { total = 0L; } mapSizesTotal.put(mapId, total + pageSize); pageSizeSum += pageSize; pageSizeTotal += pageSize; remaining--; long[] children = null; long[] counts = null; if (node) { children = new long[entries + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= entries; i++) { children[i] = chunk.getLong(); } counts = new long[entries + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= entries; i++) { long s = DataUtils.readVarLong(chunk); counts[i] = s; } } String[] keys = new String[entries]; if (mapId == 0 && details) { ByteBuffer data; if (compressed) { boolean fast = (type & DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED_HIGH) != DataUtils.PAGE_COMPRESSED_HIGH; Compressor compressor = getCompressor(fast); int lenAdd = DataUtils.readVarInt(chunk); int compLen = pageSize + start - chunk.position(); byte[] comp = Utils.newBytes(compLen); chunk.get(comp); int l = compLen + lenAdd; data = ByteBuffer.allocate(l); compressor.expand(comp, 0, compLen, data.array(), 0, l); } else { data = chunk; } for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { String k = StringDataType.INSTANCE.read(data); keys[i] = k; } if (node) { // meta map node for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { long cp = children[i]; pw.printf(" %d children < %s @ " + "chunk %x +%0" + len + "x%n", counts[i], keys[i], DataUtils.getPageChunkId(cp), DataUtils.getPageOffset(cp)); } long cp = children[entries]; pw.printf(" %d children >= %s @ chunk %x +%0" + len + "x%n", counts[entries], keys.length >= entries ? null : keys[entries], DataUtils.getPageChunkId(cp), DataUtils.getPageOffset(cp)); } else { // meta map leaf String[] values = new String[entries]; for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { String v = StringDataType.INSTANCE.read(data); values[i] = v; } for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) { pw.println(" " + keys[i] + " = " + values[i]); } } } else { if (node && details) { for (int i = 0; i <= entries; i++) { long cp = children[i]; pw.printf(" %d children @ chunk %x +%0" + len + "x%n", counts[i], DataUtils.getPageChunkId(cp), DataUtils.getPageOffset(cp)); } } } } pageSizeSum = Math.max(1, pageSizeSum); for (Integer mapId : mapSizes.keySet()) { int percent = 100 * mapSizes.get(mapId) / pageSizeSum; pw.printf("map %x: %d bytes, %d%%%n", mapId, mapSizes.get(mapId), percent); } int footerPos = chunk.limit() - Chunk.FOOTER_LENGTH; try { chunk.position(footerPos); pw.printf( "+%0" + len + "x chunkFooter %s%n", footerPos, new String(chunk.array(), chunk.position(), Chunk.FOOTER_LENGTH, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).trim()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // too far pw.printf("ERROR illegal footer position %d%n", footerPos); } } pw.printf("%n%0" + len + "x eof%n", fileSize); pw.printf("\n"); pageCount = Math.max(1, pageCount); pw.printf("page size total: %d bytes, page count: %d, average page size: %d bytes\n", pageSizeTotal, pageCount, pageSizeTotal / pageCount); pageSizeTotal = Math.max(1, pageSizeTotal); for (Integer mapId : mapSizesTotal.keySet()) { int percent = (int) (100 * mapSizesTotal.get(mapId) / pageSizeTotal); pw.printf("map %x: %d bytes, %d%%%n", mapId, mapSizesTotal.get(mapId), percent); } } catch (IOException e) { pw.println("ERROR: " + e); e.printStackTrace(pw); } finally { if (file != null) { try { file.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } pw.flush(); } private static Compressor getCompressor(boolean fast) { return fast ? new CompressLZF() : new CompressDeflate(); }
Read the summary information of the file and write them to system out.
  • fileName – the name of the file
  • writer – the print writer
Returns:null if successful (if there was no error), otherwise the error message
/** * Read the summary information of the file and write them to system out. * * @param fileName the name of the file * @param writer the print writer * @return null if successful (if there was no error), otherwise the error * message */
public static String info(String fileName, Writer writer) { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(writer, true); if (!FilePath.get(fileName).exists()) { pw.println("File not found: " + fileName); return "File not found: " + fileName; } long fileLength = FileUtils.size(fileName); MVStore store = new MVStore.Builder(). fileName(fileName). readOnly().open(); try { MVMap<String, String> meta = store.getMetaMap(); Map<String, Object> header = store.getStoreHeader(); long fileCreated = DataUtils.readHexLong(header, "created", 0L); TreeMap<Integer, Chunk> chunks = new TreeMap<>(); long chunkLength = 0; long maxLength = 0; long maxLengthLive = 0; long maxLengthNotEmpty = 0; for (Entry<String, String> e : meta.entrySet()) { String k = e.getKey(); if (k.startsWith("chunk.")) { Chunk c = Chunk.fromString(e.getValue()); chunks.put(c.id, c); chunkLength += c.len * MVStore.BLOCK_SIZE; maxLength += c.maxLen; maxLengthLive += c.maxLenLive; if (c.maxLenLive > 0) { maxLengthNotEmpty += c.maxLen; } } } pw.printf("Created: %s\n", formatTimestamp(fileCreated, fileCreated)); pw.printf("Last modified: %s\n", formatTimestamp(FileUtils.lastModified(fileName), fileCreated)); pw.printf("File length: %d\n", fileLength); pw.printf("The last chunk is not listed\n"); pw.printf("Chunk length: %d\n", chunkLength); pw.printf("Chunk count: %d\n", chunks.size()); pw.printf("Used space: %d%%\n", getPercent(chunkLength, fileLength)); pw.printf("Chunk fill rate: %d%%\n", maxLength == 0 ? 100 : getPercent(maxLengthLive, maxLength)); pw.printf("Chunk fill rate excluding empty chunks: %d%%\n", maxLengthNotEmpty == 0 ? 100 : getPercent(maxLengthLive, maxLengthNotEmpty)); for (Entry<Integer, Chunk> e : chunks.entrySet()) { Chunk c = e.getValue(); long created = fileCreated + c.time; pw.printf(" Chunk %d: %s, %d%% used, %d blocks", c.id, formatTimestamp(created, fileCreated), getPercent(c.maxLenLive, c.maxLen), c.len ); if (c.maxLenLive == 0) { pw.printf(", unused: %s", formatTimestamp(fileCreated + c.unused, fileCreated)); } pw.printf("\n"); } pw.printf("\n"); } catch (Exception e) { pw.println("ERROR: " + e); e.printStackTrace(pw); return e.getMessage(); } finally { store.close(); } pw.flush(); return null; } private static String formatTimestamp(long t, long start) { String x = new Timestamp(t).toString(); String s = x.substring(0, 19); s += " (+" + ((t - start) / 1000) + " s)"; return s; } private static int getPercent(long value, long max) { if (value == 0) { return 0; } else if (value == max) { return 100; } return (int) (1 + 98 * value / Math.max(1, max)); }
Compress the store by creating a new file and copying the live pages there. Temporarily, a file with the suffix ".tempFile" is created. This file is then renamed, replacing the original file, if possible. If not, the new file is renamed to ".newFile", then the old file is removed, and the new file is renamed. This might be interrupted, so it's better to compactCleanUp before opening a store, in case this method was used.
  • fileName – the file name
  • compress – whether to compress the data
/** * Compress the store by creating a new file and copying the live pages * there. Temporarily, a file with the suffix ".tempFile" is created. This * file is then renamed, replacing the original file, if possible. If not, * the new file is renamed to ".newFile", then the old file is removed, and * the new file is renamed. This might be interrupted, so it's better to * compactCleanUp before opening a store, in case this method was used. * * @param fileName the file name * @param compress whether to compress the data */
public static void compact(String fileName, boolean compress) { String tempName = fileName + Constants.SUFFIX_MV_STORE_TEMP_FILE; FileUtils.delete(tempName); compact(fileName, tempName, compress); try { FileUtils.moveAtomicReplace(tempName, fileName); } catch (DbException e) { String newName = fileName + Constants.SUFFIX_MV_STORE_NEW_FILE; FileUtils.delete(newName); FileUtils.move(tempName, newName); FileUtils.delete(fileName); FileUtils.move(newName, fileName); } }
Clean up if needed, in a case a compact operation was interrupted due to killing the process or a power failure. This will delete temporary files (if any), and in case atomic file replacements were not used, rename the new file.
  • fileName – the file name
/** * Clean up if needed, in a case a compact operation was interrupted due to * killing the process or a power failure. This will delete temporary files * (if any), and in case atomic file replacements were not used, rename the * new file. * * @param fileName the file name */
public static void compactCleanUp(String fileName) { String tempName = fileName + Constants.SUFFIX_MV_STORE_TEMP_FILE; if (FileUtils.exists(tempName)) { FileUtils.delete(tempName); } String newName = fileName + Constants.SUFFIX_MV_STORE_NEW_FILE; if (FileUtils.exists(newName)) { if (FileUtils.exists(fileName)) { FileUtils.delete(newName); } else { FileUtils.move(newName, fileName); } } }
Copy all live pages from the source store to the target store.
  • sourceFileName – the name of the source store
  • targetFileName – the name of the target store
  • compress – whether to compress the data
/** * Copy all live pages from the source store to the target store. * * @param sourceFileName the name of the source store * @param targetFileName the name of the target store * @param compress whether to compress the data */
public static void compact(String sourceFileName, String targetFileName, boolean compress) { try (MVStore source = new MVStore.Builder(). fileName(sourceFileName).readOnly().open()) { // Bugfix - Add double "try-finally" statements to close source and target stores for //releasing lock and file resources in these stores even if OOM occurs. // Fix issues such as "Cannot delete file "/h2/data/test.mv.db.tempFile" [90025-197]" //when client connects to this server and reopens this store database in this process. // @since 2018-09-13 little-pan FileUtils.delete(targetFileName); MVStore.Builder b = new MVStore.Builder(). fileName(targetFileName); if (compress) { b.compress(); } try (MVStore target = b.open()) { compact(source, target); } } }
Copy all live pages from the source store to the target store.
  • source – the source store
  • target – the target store
/** * Copy all live pages from the source store to the target store. * * @param source the source store * @param target the target store */
public static void compact(MVStore source, MVStore target) { int autoCommitDelay = target.getAutoCommitDelay(); int retentionTime = target.getRetentionTime(); target.setAutoCommitDelay(0); target.setRetentionTime(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // disable unused chunks collection MVMap<String, String> sourceMeta = source.getMetaMap(); MVMap<String, String> targetMeta = target.getMetaMap(); for (Entry<String, String> m : sourceMeta.entrySet()) { String key = m.getKey(); if (key.startsWith("chunk.")) { // ignore } else if (key.startsWith("map.")) { // ignore } else if (key.startsWith("name.")) { // ignore } else if (key.startsWith("root.")) { // ignore } else { targetMeta.put(key, m.getValue()); } } for (String mapName : source.getMapNames()) { MVMap.Builder<Object, Object> mp = new MVMap.Builder<>(). keyType(new GenericDataType()). valueType(new GenericDataType()); MVMap<Object, Object> sourceMap = source.openMap(mapName, mp); MVMap<Object, Object> targetMap = target.openMap(mapName, mp); targetMap.copyFrom(sourceMap); } target.setRetentionTime(retentionTime); target.setAutoCommitDelay(autoCommitDelay); }
Repair a store by rolling back to the newest good version.
  • fileName – the file name
/** * Repair a store by rolling back to the newest good version. * * @param fileName the file name */
public static void repair(String fileName) { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out); long version = Long.MAX_VALUE; OutputStream ignore = new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { // ignore } }; while (version >= 0) { pw.println(version == Long.MAX_VALUE ? "Trying latest version" : ("Trying version " + version)); pw.flush(); version = rollback(fileName, version, new PrintWriter(ignore)); try { String error = info(fileName + ".temp", new PrintWriter(ignore)); if (error == null) { FilePath.get(fileName).moveTo(FilePath.get(fileName + ".back"), true); FilePath.get(fileName + ".temp").moveTo(FilePath.get(fileName), true); pw.println("Success"); break; } pw.println(" ... failed: " + error); } catch (Exception e) { pw.println("Fail: " + e.getMessage()); pw.flush(); } version--; } pw.flush(); }
Roll back to a given revision into a file called *.temp.
  • fileName – the file name
  • targetVersion – the version to roll back to (Long.MAX_VALUE for the latest version)
  • writer – the log writer
Returns:the version rolled back to (-1 if no version)
/** * Roll back to a given revision into a file called *.temp. * * @param fileName the file name * @param targetVersion the version to roll back to (Long.MAX_VALUE for the * latest version) * @param writer the log writer * @return the version rolled back to (-1 if no version) */
public static long rollback(String fileName, long targetVersion, Writer writer) { long newestVersion = -1; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(writer, true); if (!FilePath.get(fileName).exists()) { pw.println("File not found: " + fileName); return newestVersion; } FileChannel file = null; FileChannel target = null; int blockSize = MVStore.BLOCK_SIZE; try { file = FilePath.get(fileName).open("r"); FilePath.get(fileName + ".temp").delete(); target = FilePath.get(fileName + ".temp").open("rw"); long fileSize = file.size(); ByteBuffer block = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096); Chunk newestChunk = null; for (long pos = 0; pos < fileSize;) { block.rewind(); DataUtils.readFully(file, pos, block); block.rewind(); int headerType = block.get(); if (headerType == 'H') { block.rewind(); target.write(block, pos); pos += blockSize; continue; } if (headerType != 'c') { pos += blockSize; continue; } Chunk c = null; try { c = Chunk.readChunkHeader(block, pos); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { pos += blockSize; continue; } if (c.len <= 0) { // not a chunk pos += blockSize; continue; } int length = c.len * MVStore.BLOCK_SIZE; ByteBuffer chunk = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); DataUtils.readFully(file, pos, chunk); if (c.version > targetVersion) { // newer than the requested version pos += length; continue; } chunk.rewind(); target.write(chunk, pos); if (newestChunk == null || c.version > newestChunk.version) { newestChunk = c; newestVersion = c.version; } pos += length; } int length = newestChunk.len * MVStore.BLOCK_SIZE; ByteBuffer chunk = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); DataUtils.readFully(file, newestChunk.block * MVStore.BLOCK_SIZE, chunk); chunk.rewind(); target.write(chunk, fileSize); } catch (IOException e) { pw.println("ERROR: " + e); e.printStackTrace(pw); } finally { if (file != null) { try { file.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } if (target != null) { try { target.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } pw.flush(); return newestVersion; }
A data type that can read any data that is persisted, and converts it to a byte array.
/** * A data type that can read any data that is persisted, and converts it to * a byte array. */
static class GenericDataType implements DataType { @Override public int compare(Object a, Object b) { throw DataUtils.newUnsupportedOperationException("Can not compare"); } @Override public int getMemory(Object obj) { return obj == null ? 0 : ((byte[]) obj).length * 8; } @Override public void write(WriteBuffer buff, Object obj) { if (obj != null) { buff.put((byte[]) obj); } } @Override public void write(WriteBuffer buff, Object[] obj, int len, boolean key) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { write(buff, obj[i]); } } @Override public Object read(ByteBuffer buff) { int len = buff.remaining(); if (len == 0) { return null; } byte[] data = new byte[len]; buff.get(data); return data; } @Override public void read(ByteBuffer buff, Object[] obj, int len, boolean key) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj[i] = read(buff); } } } }