 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.index;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.dml.AllColumnsForPlan;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.result.SearchRow;
import org.h2.result.SortOrder;
import org.h2.store.Page;
import org.h2.store.PageStore;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.IndexColumn;
import org.h2.table.PageStoreTable;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter;
import org.h2.util.MathUtils;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;

The scan index allows to access a row by key. It can be used to iterate over all rows of a table. Each regular table has one such object, even if no primary key or indexes are defined.
/** * The scan index allows to access a row by key. It can be used to iterate over * all rows of a table. Each regular table has one such object, even if no * primary key or indexes are defined. */
public class PageDataIndex extends PageIndex { private final PageStore store; private final PageStoreTable tableData; private long lastKey; private long rowCount; private int mainIndexColumn = -1; private DbException fastDuplicateKeyException;
The estimated heap memory per page, in number of double words (4 bytes each).
/** * The estimated heap memory per page, in number of double words (4 bytes * each). */
private int memoryPerPage; private int memoryCount; public PageDataIndex(PageStoreTable table, int id, IndexColumn[] columns, IndexType indexType, boolean create, Session session) { super(table, id, table.getName() + "_DATA", columns, indexType); // trace = database.getTrace(Trace.PAGE_STORE + "_di"); // trace.setLevel(TraceSystem.DEBUG); tableData = table; this.store = database.getPageStore(); store.addIndex(this); if (!database.isPersistent()) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(table.getName()); } if (create) { rootPageId = store.allocatePage(); store.addMeta(this, session); PageDataLeaf root = PageDataLeaf.create(this, rootPageId, PageData.ROOT); store.update(root); } else { rootPageId = store.getRootPageId(id); PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); lastKey = root.getLastKey(); rowCount = root.getRowCount(); } if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} opened rows: {1}", this, rowCount); } table.setRowCount(rowCount); memoryPerPage = (Constants.MEMORY_PAGE_DATA + store.getPageSize()) >> 2; } @Override public DbException getDuplicateKeyException(String key) { if (fastDuplicateKeyException == null) { fastDuplicateKeyException = super.getDuplicateKeyException(null); } return fastDuplicateKeyException; } @Override public void add(Session session, Row row) { boolean retry = false; if (mainIndexColumn != -1) { row.setKey(row.getValue(mainIndexColumn).getLong()); } else { if (row.getKey() == 0) { row.setKey((int) ++lastKey); retry = true; } } if (tableData.getContainsLargeObject()) { for (int i = 0, len = row.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++) { Value v = row.getValue(i); Value v2 = v.copy(database, getId()); if (v2.isLinkedToTable()) { session.removeAtCommitStop(v2); } if (v != v2) { row.setValue(i, v2); } } } // when using auto-generated values, it's possible that multiple // tries are required (specially if there was originally a primary key) if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} add {1}", getName(), row); } long add = 0; while (true) { try { addTry(session, row); break; } catch (DbException e) { if (e != fastDuplicateKeyException) { throw e; } if (!retry) { throw getNewDuplicateKeyException(); } if (add == 0) { // in the first re-try add a small random number, // to avoid collisions after a re-start row.setKey((long) (row.getKey() + Math.random() * 10_000)); } else { row.setKey(row.getKey() + add); } add++; } finally { store.incrementChangeCount(); } } lastKey = Math.max(lastKey, row.getKey()); } public DbException getNewDuplicateKeyException() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("PRIMARY KEY ON "); table.getSQL(builder, false); if (mainIndexColumn >= 0 && mainIndexColumn < indexColumns.length) { builder.append('('); indexColumns[mainIndexColumn].getSQL(builder, false).append(')'); } DbException e = DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_KEY_1, builder.toString()); e.setSource(this); return e; } private void addTry(Session session, Row row) { while (true) { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); int splitPoint = root.addRowTry(row); if (splitPoint == -1) { break; } if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} split", this); } long pivot = splitPoint == 0 ? row.getKey() : root.getKey(splitPoint - 1); PageData page1 = root; PageData page2 = root.split(splitPoint); int id = store.allocatePage(); page1.setPageId(id); page1.setParentPageId(rootPageId); page2.setParentPageId(rootPageId); PageDataNode newRoot = PageDataNode.create(this, rootPageId, PageData.ROOT); newRoot.init(page1, pivot, page2); store.update(page1); store.update(page2); store.update(newRoot); root = newRoot; } row.setDeleted(false); invalidateRowCount(); rowCount++; store.logAddOrRemoveRow(session, tableData.getId(), row, true); }
Read an overflow page.
  • id – the page id
Returns:the page
/** * Read an overflow page. * * @param id the page id * @return the page */
PageDataOverflow getPageOverflow(int id) { Page p = store.getPage(id); if (p instanceof PageDataOverflow) { return (PageDataOverflow) p; } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, p == null ? "null" : p.toString()); }
Read the given page.
  • id – the page id
  • parent – the parent, or -1 if unknown
Returns:the page
/** * Read the given page. * * @param id the page id * @param parent the parent, or -1 if unknown * @return the page */
PageData getPage(int id, int parent) { Page pd = store.getPage(id); if (pd == null) { PageDataLeaf empty = PageDataLeaf.create(this, id, parent); // could have been created before, but never committed store.logUndo(empty, null); store.update(empty); return empty; } else if (!(pd instanceof PageData)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1, String.valueOf(pd)); } PageData p = (PageData) pd; if (parent != -1) { if (p.getParentPageId() != parent) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(p + " parent " + p.getParentPageId() + " expected " + parent); } } return p; } @Override public boolean canGetFirstOrLast() { return false; }
Get the key from the row.
  • row – the row
  • ifEmpty – the value to use if the row is empty
  • ifNull – the value to use if the column is NULL
Returns:the key
/** * Get the key from the row. * * @param row the row * @param ifEmpty the value to use if the row is empty * @param ifNull the value to use if the column is NULL * @return the key */
long getKey(SearchRow row, long ifEmpty, long ifNull) { if (row == null) { return ifEmpty; } Value v = row.getValue(mainIndexColumn); if (v == null) { return row.getKey(); } else if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return ifNull; } return v.getLong(); } @Override public Cursor find(Session session, SearchRow first, SearchRow last) { long from = first == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE : first.getKey(); long to = last == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : last.getKey(); PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); return root.find(session, from, to); }
Search for a specific row or a set of rows.
  • session – the session
  • first – the key of the first row
  • last – the key of the last row
Returns:the cursor
/** * Search for a specific row or a set of rows. * * @param session the session * @param first the key of the first row * @param last the key of the last row * @return the cursor */
Cursor find(Session session, long first, long last) { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); return root.find(session, first, last); } @Override public Cursor findFirstOrLast(Session session, boolean first) { throw DbException.throwInternalError(toString()); } long getLastKey() { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); return root.getLastKey(); } @Override public double getCost(Session session, int[] masks, TableFilter[] filters, int filter, SortOrder sortOrder, AllColumnsForPlan allColumnsSet) { // The +200 is so that indexes that can return the same data, but have less // columns, will take precedence. This all works out easier in the MVStore case, // because MVStore uses the same cost calculation code for the ScanIndex (i.e. // the MVPrimaryIndex) and all other indices. return 10 * (tableData.getRowCountApproximation() + Constants.COST_ROW_OFFSET) + 200; } @Override public boolean needRebuild() { return false; } @Override public void remove(Session session, Row row) { if (tableData.getContainsLargeObject()) { for (int i = 0, len = row.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++) { Value v = row.getValue(i); if (v.isLinkedToTable()) { session.removeAtCommit(v); } } } if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} remove {1}", getName(), row); } if (rowCount == 1) { removeAllRows(); } else { try { long key = row.getKey(); PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); root.remove(key); invalidateRowCount(); rowCount--; } finally { store.incrementChangeCount(); } } store.logAddOrRemoveRow(session, tableData.getId(), row, false); } @Override public void remove(Session session) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} remove", this); } removeAllRows(); store.free(rootPageId); store.removeMeta(this, session); } @Override public void truncate(Session session) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} truncate", this); } store.logTruncate(session, tableData.getId()); removeAllRows(); if (tableData.getContainsLargeObject() && tableData.isPersistData()) { // unfortunately, the data is gone on rollback session.commit(false); database.getLobStorage().removeAllForTable(table.getId()); } tableData.setRowCount(0); } private void removeAllRows() { try { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); root.freeRecursive(); root = PageDataLeaf.create(this, rootPageId, PageData.ROOT); store.removeFromCache(rootPageId); store.update(root); rowCount = 0; lastKey = 0; } finally { store.incrementChangeCount(); } } @Override public void checkRename() { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("PAGE"); } @Override public Row getRow(Session session, long key) { return getRowWithKey(key); }
Get the row with the given key.
  • key – the key
Returns:the row
/** * Get the row with the given key. * * @param key the key * @return the row */
public Row getRowWithKey(long key) { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); return root.getRowWithKey(key); } PageStore getPageStore() { return store; } @Override public long getRowCountApproximation() { return rowCount; } @Override public long getRowCount(Session session) { return rowCount; } @Override public long getDiskSpaceUsed() { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); return root.getDiskSpaceUsed(); } @Override public String getCreateSQL() { return null; } @Override public int getColumnIndex(Column col) { // can not use this index - use the PageDelegateIndex instead return -1; } @Override public boolean isFirstColumn(Column column) { return false; } @Override public void close(Session session) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} close", this); } // can not close the index because it might get used afterwards, // for example after running recovery writeRowCount(); }
The root page has changed.
  • session – the session
  • newPos – the new position
/** * The root page has changed. * * @param session the session * @param newPos the new position */
void setRootPageId(Session session, int newPos) { store.removeMeta(this, session); this.rootPageId = newPos; store.addMeta(this, session); store.addIndex(this); } public void setMainIndexColumn(int mainIndexColumn) { this.mainIndexColumn = mainIndexColumn; } public int getMainIndexColumn() { return mainIndexColumn; } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } private void invalidateRowCount() { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); root.setRowCountStored(PageData.UNKNOWN_ROWCOUNT); } @Override public void writeRowCount() { if (SysProperties.MODIFY_ON_WRITE && rootPageId == 0) { // currently creating the index return; } try { PageData root = getPage(rootPageId, 0); root.setRowCountStored(MathUtils.convertLongToInt(rowCount)); } finally { store.incrementChangeCount(); } } @Override public String getPlanSQL() { return table.getSQL(new StringBuilder(), false).append(".tableScan").toString(); } int getMemoryPerPage() { return memoryPerPage; }
The memory usage of a page was changed. The new value is used to adopt the average estimated memory size of a page.
  • x – the new memory size
/** * The memory usage of a page was changed. The new value is used to adopt * the average estimated memory size of a page. * * @param x the new memory size */
void memoryChange(int x) { if (memoryCount < Constants.MEMORY_FACTOR) { memoryPerPage += (x - memoryPerPage) / ++memoryCount; } else { memoryPerPage += (x > memoryPerPage ? 1 : -1) + ((x - memoryPerPage) / Constants.MEMORY_FACTOR); } } @Override public boolean isRowIdIndex() { return true; } }