 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.fulltext;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.h2.util.SoftHashMap;

The global settings of a full text search.
/** * The global settings of a full text search. */
final class FullTextSettings {
The settings of open indexes.
/** * The settings of open indexes. */
private static final Map<String, FullTextSettings> SETTINGS = new HashMap<>();
Whether this instance has been initialized.
/** * Whether this instance has been initialized. */
private boolean initialized;
The set of words not to index (stop words).
/** * The set of words not to index (stop words). */
private final Set<String> ignoreList = new HashSet<>();
The set of words / terms.
/** * The set of words / terms. */
private final Map<String, Integer> words = new HashMap<>();
The set of indexes in this database.
/** * The set of indexes in this database. */
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, IndexInfo> indexes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
The prepared statement cache.
/** * The prepared statement cache. */
private final SoftHashMap<Connection, SoftHashMap<String, PreparedStatement>> cache = new SoftHashMap<>();
The whitespace characters.
/** * The whitespace characters. */
private String whitespaceChars = " \t\n\r\f+\"*%&/()=?'!,.;:-_#@|^~`{}[]<>\\";
Create a new instance.
/** * Create a new instance. */
private FullTextSettings() { // don't allow construction }
Clear set of ignored words
/** * Clear set of ignored words */
public void clearIgnored() { synchronized (ignoreList) { ignoreList.clear(); } }
Amend set of ignored words
  • words – to add
/** * Amend set of ignored words * @param words to add */
public void addIgnored(Iterable<String> words) { synchronized (ignoreList) { for (String word : words) { word = normalizeWord(word); ignoreList.add(word); } } }
Clear set of searchable words
/** * Clear set of searchable words */
public void clearWordList() { synchronized (words) { words.clear(); } }
Get id for a searchable word
  • word – to find id for
Returns:Integer id or null if word is not found
/** * Get id for a searchable word * @param word to find id for * @return Integer id or null if word is not found */
public Integer getWordId(String word) { synchronized (words) { return words.get(word); } }
Register searchable word
  • word – to register
  • id – to register with
/** * Register searchable word * @param word to register * @param id to register with */
public void addWord(String word, Integer id) { synchronized (words) { if(!words.containsKey(word)) { words.put(word, id); } } }
Get the index information for the given index id.
  • indexId – the index id
Returns:the index info
/** * Get the index information for the given index id. * * @param indexId the index id * @return the index info */
protected IndexInfo getIndexInfo(int indexId) { return indexes.get(indexId); }
Add an index.
  • index – the index
/** * Add an index. * * @param index the index */
protected void addIndexInfo(IndexInfo index) { indexes.put(index.id, index); }
Convert a word to uppercase. This method returns null if the word is in the ignore list.
  • word – the word to convert and check
Returns:the uppercase version of the word or null
/** * Convert a word to uppercase. This method returns null if the word is in * the ignore list. * * @param word the word to convert and check * @return the uppercase version of the word or null */
protected String convertWord(String word) { word = normalizeWord(word); synchronized (ignoreList) { if (ignoreList.contains(word)) { return null; } } return word; }
Get or create the fulltext settings for this database.
  • conn – the connection
Returns:the settings
/** * Get or create the fulltext settings for this database. * * @param conn the connection * @return the settings */
protected static FullTextSettings getInstance(Connection conn) throws SQLException { String path = getIndexPath(conn); FullTextSettings setting; synchronized (SETTINGS) { setting = SETTINGS.get(path); if (setting == null) { setting = new FullTextSettings(); SETTINGS.put(path, setting); } } return setting; }
Get the file system path.
  • conn – the connection
Returns:the file system path
/** * Get the file system path. * * @param conn the connection * @return the file system path */
private static String getIndexPath(Connection conn) throws SQLException { Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery( "CALL IFNULL(DATABASE_PATH(), 'MEM:' || DATABASE())"); rs.next(); String path = rs.getString(1); if ("MEM:UNNAMED".equals(path)) { throw FullText.throwException( "Fulltext search for private (unnamed) " + "in-memory databases is not supported."); } rs.close(); return path; }
Prepare a statement. The statement is cached in a soft reference cache.
  • conn – the connection
  • sql – the statement
Returns:the prepared statement
/** * Prepare a statement. The statement is cached in a soft reference cache. * * @param conn the connection * @param sql the statement * @return the prepared statement */
protected synchronized PreparedStatement prepare(Connection conn, String sql) throws SQLException { SoftHashMap<String, PreparedStatement> c = cache.get(conn); if (c == null) { c = new SoftHashMap<>(); cache.put(conn, c); } PreparedStatement prep = c.get(sql); if (prep != null && prep.getConnection().isClosed()) { prep = null; } if (prep == null) { prep = conn.prepareStatement(sql); c.put(sql, prep); } return prep; }
Remove all indexes from the settings.
/** * Remove all indexes from the settings. */
protected void removeAllIndexes() { indexes.clear(); }
Remove an index from the settings.
  • index – the index to remove
/** * Remove an index from the settings. * * @param index the index to remove */
protected void removeIndexInfo(IndexInfo index) { indexes.remove(index.id); }
Set the initialized flag.
  • b – the new value
/** * Set the initialized flag. * * @param b the new value */
protected void setInitialized(boolean b) { this.initialized = b; }
Get the initialized flag.
Returns:whether this instance is initialized
/** * Get the initialized flag. * * @return whether this instance is initialized */
protected boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; }
Close all fulltext settings, freeing up memory.
/** * Close all fulltext settings, freeing up memory. */
protected static void closeAll() { synchronized (SETTINGS) { SETTINGS.clear(); } } protected void setWhitespaceChars(String whitespaceChars) { this.whitespaceChars = whitespaceChars; } protected String getWhitespaceChars() { return whitespaceChars; } private static String normalizeWord(String word) { // TODO this is locale specific, document return word.toUpperCase(); } }