 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.engine;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;

A right owner (sometimes called principal).
/** * A right owner (sometimes called principal). */
public abstract class RightOwner extends DbObjectBase {
The map of granted roles.
/** * The map of granted roles. */
private HashMap<Role, Right> grantedRoles;
The map of granted rights.
/** * The map of granted rights. */
private HashMap<DbObject, Right> grantedRights; protected RightOwner(Database database, int id, String name, int traceModuleId) { super(database, id, StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name), traceModuleId); } @Override public void rename(String newName) { super.rename(StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(newName)); }
Check if a role has been granted for this right owner.
  • grantedRole – the role
Returns:true if the role has been granted
/** * Check if a role has been granted for this right owner. * * @param grantedRole the role * @return true if the role has been granted */
public boolean isRoleGranted(Role grantedRole) { if (grantedRole == this) { return true; } if (grantedRoles != null) { for (Role role : grantedRoles.keySet()) { if (role == grantedRole) { return true; } if (role.isRoleGranted(grantedRole)) { return true; } } } return false; }
Check if a right is already granted to this object or to objects that were granted to this object. The rights for schemas takes precedence over rights of tables, in other words, the rights of schemas will be valid for every each table in the related schema.
  • table – the table to check
  • rightMask – the right mask to check
Returns:true if the right was already granted
/** * Check if a right is already granted to this object or to objects that * were granted to this object. The rights for schemas takes * precedence over rights of tables, in other words, the rights of schemas * will be valid for every each table in the related schema. * * @param table the table to check * @param rightMask the right mask to check * @return true if the right was already granted */
boolean isRightGrantedRecursive(Table table, int rightMask) { Right right; if (grantedRights != null) { if (table != null) { right = grantedRights.get(table.getSchema()); if (right != null) { if ((right.getRightMask() & rightMask) == rightMask) { return true; } } } right = grantedRights.get(table); if (right != null) { if ((right.getRightMask() & rightMask) == rightMask) { return true; } } } if (grantedRoles != null) { for (RightOwner role : grantedRoles.keySet()) { if (role.isRightGrantedRecursive(table, rightMask)) { return true; } } } return false; }
Grant a right for the given table. Only one right object per table is supported.
  • object – the object (table or schema)
  • right – the right
/** * Grant a right for the given table. Only one right object per table is * supported. * * @param object the object (table or schema) * @param right the right */
public void grantRight(DbObject object, Right right) { if (grantedRights == null) { grantedRights = new HashMap<>(); } grantedRights.put(object, right); }
Revoke the right for the given object (table or schema).
  • object – the object
/** * Revoke the right for the given object (table or schema). * * @param object the object */
void revokeRight(DbObject object) { if (grantedRights == null) { return; } grantedRights.remove(object); if (grantedRights.size() == 0) { grantedRights = null; } }
Grant a role to this object.
  • role – the role
  • right – the right to grant
/** * Grant a role to this object. * * @param role the role * @param right the right to grant */
public void grantRole(Role role, Right right) { if (grantedRoles == null) { grantedRoles = new HashMap<>(); } grantedRoles.put(role, right); }
Remove the right for the given role.
  • role – the role to revoke
/** * Remove the right for the given role. * * @param role the role to revoke */
void revokeRole(Role role) { if (grantedRoles == null) { return; } Right right = grantedRoles.get(role); if (right == null) { return; } grantedRoles.remove(role); if (grantedRoles.size() == 0) { grantedRoles = null; } }
Remove all the temporary rights granted on roles
/** * Remove all the temporary rights granted on roles */
public void revokeTemporaryRightsOnRoles() { if (grantedRoles == null) { return; } List<Role> rolesToRemove= new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<Role,Right> currentEntry : grantedRoles.entrySet()) { if ( currentEntry.getValue().isTemporary() || !currentEntry.getValue().isValid()) { rolesToRemove.add(currentEntry.getKey()); } } for (Role currentRoleToRemove : rolesToRemove) { revokeRole(currentRoleToRemove); } }
Get the 'grant schema' right of this object.
  • object – the granted object (table or schema)
Returns:the right or null if the right has not been granted
/** * Get the 'grant schema' right of this object. * * @param object the granted object (table or schema) * @return the right or null if the right has not been granted */
public Right getRightForObject(DbObject object) { if (grantedRights == null) { return null; } return grantedRights.get(object); }
Get the 'grant role' right of this object.
  • role – the granted role
Returns:the right or null if the right has not been granted
/** * Get the 'grant role' right of this object. * * @param role the granted role * @return the right or null if the right has not been granted */
public Right getRightForRole(Role role) { if (grantedRoles == null) { return null; } return grantedRoles.get(role); } }