 * This file is part of lanterna (https://github.com/mabe02/lanterna).
 * lanterna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Martin Berglund
package com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2;

import com.googlecode.lanterna.*;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.graphics.*;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.*;

import java.util.*;

/** * * @author ginkoblongata */
public class SplitPanel extends Panel { private final Component compA; private final ImageComponent thumb; private final Component compB; private boolean isHorizontal; private double ratio = 0.5; public static SplitPanel ofHorizontal(Component left, Component right) { SplitPanel split = new SplitPanel(left, right, true); return split; } public static SplitPanel ofVertical(Component top, Component bottom) { SplitPanel split = new SplitPanel(top, bottom, false); return split; } /** * */ protected SplitPanel(Component a, Component b, boolean isHorizontal) { this.compA = a; this.compB = b; this.isHorizontal = isHorizontal; thumb = makeThumb(); setLayoutManager(new ScrollPanelLayoutManager()); setRatio(10, 10); addComponent(a); addComponent(thumb); addComponent(b); } ImageComponent makeThumb() { ImageComponent imageComponent = new ImageComponent() { TerminalSize aSize; TerminalSize bSize; TerminalSize tSize; TerminalPosition down = null; TerminalPosition drag = null; @Override public Result handleKeyStroke(KeyStroke keyStroke) { if (!(keyStroke instanceof MouseAction)) { return Result.UNHANDLED; } MouseAction mouse = (MouseAction)keyStroke; if (mouse.isMouseDown()) { aSize = compA.getSize(); bSize = compB.getSize(); tSize = thumb.getSize(); down = mouse.getPosition(); } if (mouse.isMouseDrag()) { drag = mouse.getPosition(); // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx // this is a hack, should not be needed if the pane drag // only on mouse down'd comp stuff was completely working if (down == null) { down = drag; } // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx int delta = isHorizontal ? drag.minus(down).getColumn() : drag.minus(down).getRow(); // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if (isHorizontal) { int a = Math.max(1, tSize.getColumns() + aSize.getColumns() + delta); int b = Math.max(1, bSize.getColumns() - delta); setRatio(a, b); } else { int a = Math.max(1, tSize.getRows() + aSize.getRows() + delta); int b = Math.max(1, bSize.getRows() - delta); setRatio(a, b); } // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx } if (mouse.isMouseUp()) { down = null; drag = null; } return Result.HANDLED; } }; return imageComponent; } class ScrollPanelLayoutManager implements LayoutManager { public ScrollPanelLayoutManager() { } @Override public TerminalSize getPreferredSize(List<Component> components) { TerminalSize sizeA = compA.getPreferredSize(); int aWidth = sizeA.getColumns(); int aHeight = sizeA.getRows(); TerminalSize sizeB = compB.getPreferredSize(); int bWidth = sizeB.getColumns(); int bHeight = sizeB.getRows(); int tWidth = thumb.getPreferredSize().getColumns(); int tHeight = thumb.getPreferredSize().getRows(); if (isHorizontal) { TerminalSize result = new TerminalSize(aWidth + tWidth + bWidth, Math.max(aHeight, Math.max(tHeight, bHeight))); return result; } else { TerminalSize result = new TerminalSize(Math.max(aWidth, Math.max(tWidth, bWidth)), aHeight + tHeight + bHeight); return result; } } @Override public void doLayout(TerminalSize area, List<Component> components) { TerminalSize size = getSize(); // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx // TODO: themed int length = isHorizontal ? size.getRows() : size.getColumns(); TerminalSize tsize = new TerminalSize(isHorizontal ? 1 : length, !isHorizontal ? 1 : length); TextImage textImage = new BasicTextImage(tsize); Theme theme = getTheme(); ThemeDefinition themeDefinition = theme.getDefaultDefinition(); ThemeStyle themeStyle = themeDefinition.getNormal(); textImage.setAll(new TextCharacter(isHorizontal ? Symbols.SINGLE_LINE_VERTICAL : Symbols.SINGLE_LINE_HORIZONTAL, themeStyle.getForeground(), themeStyle.getBackground())); thumb.setTextImage(textImage); // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx int tWidth = thumb.getPreferredSize().getColumns(); int tHeight = thumb.getPreferredSize().getRows(); int w = size.getColumns(); int h = size.getRows(); if (isHorizontal) { w -= tWidth; } else { h -= tHeight; } if (isHorizontal) { int leftWidth = Math.max(0, (int)(w * ratio)); int leftHeight = Math.max(0, Math.min(compA.getPreferredSize().getRows(), h)); int rightWidth = Math.max(0, w - leftWidth); int rightHeight = Math.max(0, Math.min(compB.getPreferredSize().getRows(), h)); compA.setSize(new TerminalSize(leftWidth, leftHeight)); thumb.setSize(thumb.getPreferredSize()); compB.setSize(new TerminalSize(rightWidth, rightHeight)); compA.setPosition(new TerminalPosition(0,0)); thumb.setPosition(new TerminalPosition(leftWidth, h/2 - tHeight/2)); compB.setPosition(new TerminalPosition(leftWidth + tWidth, 0)); } else { int leftWidth = Math.max(0, Math.min(compA.getPreferredSize().getColumns(), w)); int leftHeight = Math.max(0, (int)(h * ratio)); int rightWidth = Math.max(0, Math.min(compB.getPreferredSize().getColumns(), w)); int rightHeight = Math.max(0, h - leftHeight); compA.setSize(new TerminalSize(leftWidth, leftHeight)); thumb.setSize(thumb.getPreferredSize()); compB.setSize(new TerminalSize(rightWidth, rightHeight)); compA.setPosition(new TerminalPosition(0,0)); thumb.setPosition(new TerminalPosition(w/2 - tWidth/2, leftHeight)); compB.setPosition(new TerminalPosition(0, leftHeight + tHeight)); } } @Override public boolean hasChanged() { return true; } } /* * Use whatever sizing. * * */ public void setRatio(int left, int right) { if (left == 0 || right == 0) { ratio = 0.5; } int total = Math.abs(left) + Math.abs(right); ratio = (double)left / (double)total; } }