 * This file is part of lanterna (https://github.com/mabe02/lanterna).
 * lanterna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Martin Berglund
package com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2;

import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalPosition;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalSize;

import java.util.List;

The default window manager implementation used by Lanterna. New windows will be generally added in a tiled manner, starting in the top-left corner and moving down-right as new windows are added. By using the various window hints that are available you have some control over how the window manager will place and size the windows.
/** * The default window manager implementation used by Lanterna. New windows will be generally added in a tiled manner, * starting in the top-left corner and moving down-right as new windows are added. By using the various window hints * that are available you have some control over how the window manager will place and size the windows. * * @author Martin */
public class DefaultWindowManager implements WindowManager { private final WindowDecorationRenderer windowDecorationRendererOverride; private TerminalSize lastKnownScreenSize;
Default constructor, will create a window manager that uses DefaultWindowDecorationRenderer for drawing window decorations, unless the current theme has an override. Any size calculations done before the text GUI has actually been started and displayed on the terminal will assume the terminal size is 80x24.
/** * Default constructor, will create a window manager that uses {@code DefaultWindowDecorationRenderer} for drawing * window decorations, unless the current theme has an override. Any size calculations done before the text GUI has * actually been started and displayed on the terminal will assume the terminal size is 80x24. */
public DefaultWindowManager() { this(null); }
Creates a new DefaultWindowManager using a DefaultWindowDecorationRenderer for drawing window decorations, unless the current theme has an override. Any size calculations done before the text GUI has actually been started and displayed on the terminal will use the size passed in with the initialScreenSize parameter (if null then size will be assumed to be 80x24)
  • initialScreenSize – Size to assume the terminal has until the text GUI is started and can be notified of the correct size
/** * Creates a new {@code DefaultWindowManager} using a {@code DefaultWindowDecorationRenderer} for drawing window * decorations, unless the current theme has an override. Any size calculations done before the text GUI has * actually been started and displayed on the terminal will use the size passed in with the * {@code initialScreenSize} parameter (if {@code null} then size will be assumed to be 80x24) * * @param initialScreenSize Size to assume the terminal has until the text GUI is started and can be notified of the * correct size */
public DefaultWindowManager(TerminalSize initialScreenSize) { this(null, initialScreenSize); }
Creates a new DefaultWindowManager using a specified windowDecorationRendererOverride for drawing window decorations. Any size calculations done before the text GUI has actually been started and displayed on the terminal will use the size passed in with the initialScreenSize parameter
  • windowDecorationRenderer – Window decoration renderer to use when drawing windows
  • initialScreenSize – Size to assume the terminal has until the text GUI is started and can be notified of the correct size
/** * Creates a new {@code DefaultWindowManager} using a specified {@code windowDecorationRendererOverride} for drawing window * decorations. Any size calculations done before the text GUI has actually been started and displayed on the * terminal will use the size passed in with the {@code initialScreenSize} parameter * * @param windowDecorationRenderer Window decoration renderer to use when drawing windows * @param initialScreenSize Size to assume the terminal has until the text GUI is started and can be notified of the * correct size */
public DefaultWindowManager(WindowDecorationRenderer windowDecorationRenderer, TerminalSize initialScreenSize) { this.windowDecorationRendererOverride = windowDecorationRenderer; if(initialScreenSize != null) { this.lastKnownScreenSize = initialScreenSize; } else { this.lastKnownScreenSize = new TerminalSize(80, 24); } } @Override public boolean isInvalid() { return false; } @Override public WindowDecorationRenderer getWindowDecorationRenderer(Window window) { if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.NO_DECORATIONS)) { return new EmptyWindowDecorationRenderer(); } else if(windowDecorationRendererOverride != null) { return windowDecorationRendererOverride; } else if(window.getTheme() != null && window.getTheme().getWindowDecorationRenderer() != null) { return window.getTheme().getWindowDecorationRenderer(); } else { return new DefaultWindowDecorationRenderer(); } } @Override public void onAdded(WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI, Window window, List<Window> allWindows) { WindowDecorationRenderer decorationRenderer = getWindowDecorationRenderer(window); TerminalSize expectedDecoratedSize = decorationRenderer.getDecoratedSize(window, window.getPreferredSize()); window.setDecoratedSize(expectedDecoratedSize); //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.FIXED_POSITION)) { //Don't place the window, assume the position is already set } else if(allWindows.isEmpty()) { window.setPosition(TerminalPosition.OFFSET_1x1); } else if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.CENTERED)) { int left = (lastKnownScreenSize.getColumns() - expectedDecoratedSize.getColumns()) / 2; int top = (lastKnownScreenSize.getRows() - expectedDecoratedSize.getRows()) / 2; window.setPosition(new TerminalPosition(left, top)); } else { TerminalPosition nextPosition = allWindows.get(allWindows.size() - 1).getPosition().withRelative(2, 1); if(nextPosition.getColumn() + expectedDecoratedSize.getColumns() > lastKnownScreenSize.getColumns() || nextPosition.getRow() + expectedDecoratedSize.getRows() > lastKnownScreenSize.getRows()) { nextPosition = TerminalPosition.OFFSET_1x1; } window.setPosition(nextPosition); } // Finally, run through the usual calculations so the window manager's usual prepare method can have it's say prepareWindow(lastKnownScreenSize, window); } @Override public void onRemoved(WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI, Window window, List<Window> allWindows) { //NOP } @Override public void prepareWindows(WindowBasedTextGUI textGUI, List<Window> allWindows, TerminalSize screenSize) { this.lastKnownScreenSize = screenSize; for(Window window: allWindows) { prepareWindow(screenSize, window); } }
Called by DefaultWindowManager when iterating through all windows to decide their size and position. If you override DefaultWindowManager to add your own logic to how windows are placed on the screen, you can override this method and selectively choose which window to interfere with. Note that the two key properties that are read by the GUI system after preparing all windows are the position and decorated size. Your custom implementation should set these two fields directly on the window. You can infer the decorated size from the content size by using the window decoration renderer that is attached to the window manager.
  • screenSize – Size of the terminal that is available to draw on
  • window – Window to prepare decorated size and position for
/** * Called by {@link DefaultWindowManager} when iterating through all windows to decide their size and position. If * you override {@link DefaultWindowManager} to add your own logic to how windows are placed on the screen, you can * override this method and selectively choose which window to interfere with. Note that the two key properties that * are read by the GUI system after preparing all windows are the position and decorated size. Your custom * implementation should set these two fields directly on the window. You can infer the decorated size from the * content size by using the window decoration renderer that is attached to the window manager. * * @param screenSize Size of the terminal that is available to draw on * @param window Window to prepare decorated size and position for */
protected void prepareWindow(TerminalSize screenSize, Window window) { TerminalSize contentAreaSize; if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.FIXED_SIZE)) { contentAreaSize = window.getSize(); } else { contentAreaSize = window.getPreferredSize(); } TerminalSize size = getWindowDecorationRenderer(window).getDecoratedSize(window, contentAreaSize); TerminalPosition position = window.getPosition(); if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.FULL_SCREEN)) { position = TerminalPosition.TOP_LEFT_CORNER; size = screenSize; } else if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.EXPANDED)) { position = TerminalPosition.OFFSET_1x1; size = screenSize.withRelative( -Math.min(4, screenSize.getColumns()), -Math.min(3, screenSize.getRows())); if(!size.equals(window.getDecoratedSize())) { window.invalidate(); } } else if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.FIT_TERMINAL_WINDOW) || window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.CENTERED)) { //If the window is too big for the terminal, move it up towards 0x0 and if that's not enough then shrink //it instead while(position.getRow() > 0 && position.getRow() + size.getRows() > screenSize.getRows()) { position = position.withRelativeRow(-1); } while(position.getColumn() > 0 && position.getColumn() + size.getColumns() > screenSize.getColumns()) { position = position.withRelativeColumn(-1); } if(position.getRow() + size.getRows() > screenSize.getRows()) { size = size.withRows(screenSize.getRows() - position.getRow()); } if(position.getColumn() + size.getColumns() > screenSize.getColumns()) { size = size.withColumns(screenSize.getColumns() - position.getColumn()); } if(window.getHints().contains(Window.Hint.CENTERED)) { int left = (lastKnownScreenSize.getColumns() - size.getColumns()) / 2; int top = (lastKnownScreenSize.getRows() - size.getRows()) / 2; position = new TerminalPosition(left, top); } } window.setPosition(position); window.setDecoratedSize(size); } }