 * This file is part of lanterna (https://github.com/mabe02/lanterna).
 * lanterna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Martin Berglund
package com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalPosition;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.TerminalSize;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.graphics.Theme;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.Interactable.Result;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.gui2.menu.MenuBar;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyStroke;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.KeyType;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.MouseAction;
import com.googlecode.lanterna.input.MouseActionType;

This abstract implementation of BasePane has the common code shared by all different concrete implementations.
/** * This abstract implementation of {@code BasePane} has the common code shared by all different concrete * implementations. */
public abstract class AbstractBasePane<T extends BasePane> implements BasePane { protected final ContentHolder contentHolder; private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<BasePaneListener<T>> listeners; protected InteractableLookupMap interactableLookupMap; private Interactable focusedInteractable; private boolean invalid; private boolean strictFocusChange; private boolean enableDirectionBasedMovements; private Theme theme; private Interactable mouseDownForDrag = null; protected AbstractBasePane() { this.contentHolder = new ContentHolder(); this.listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.interactableLookupMap = new InteractableLookupMap(new TerminalSize(80, 25)); this.invalid = false; this.strictFocusChange = false; this.enableDirectionBasedMovements = true; this.theme = null; } @Override public boolean isInvalid() { return invalid || contentHolder.isInvalid(); } @Override public void invalidate() { invalid = true; //Propagate contentHolder.invalidate(); } @Override public void draw(TextGUIGraphics graphics) { graphics.applyThemeStyle(getTheme().getDefinition(Window.class).getNormal()); graphics.fill(' '); if(!interactableLookupMap.getSize().equals(graphics.getSize())) { interactableLookupMap = new InteractableLookupMap(graphics.getSize()); } else { interactableLookupMap.reset(); } contentHolder.draw(graphics); contentHolder.updateLookupMap(interactableLookupMap); //interactableLookupMap.debug(); invalid = false; } @Override public boolean handleInput(KeyStroke key) { // Fire events first and decide if the event should be sent to the focused component or not AtomicBoolean deliverEvent = new AtomicBoolean(true); for (BasePaneListener<T> listener : listeners) { listener.onInput(self(), key, deliverEvent); } if (!deliverEvent.get()) { return true; } // Now try to deliver the event to the focused component boolean handled = doHandleInput(key); // If it wasn't handled, fire the listeners and decide what to report to the TextGUI if(!handled) { AtomicBoolean hasBeenHandled = new AtomicBoolean(false); for(BasePaneListener<T> listener: listeners) { listener.onUnhandledInput(self(), key, hasBeenHandled); } handled = hasBeenHandled.get(); } return handled; } abstract T self(); private boolean doHandleInput(KeyStroke key) { boolean result = false; if(key.getKeyType() == KeyType.MouseEvent) { return handleMouseInput((MouseAction) key); } Interactable.FocusChangeDirection direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.TELEPORT; // Default Interactable nextFocus = null; if(focusedInteractable == null) { // If nothing is focused and the user presses certain navigation keys, try to find if there is an // Interactable component we can move focus to. MenuBar menuBar = getMenuBar(); Component baseComponent = getComponent(); switch (key.getKeyType()) { case Tab: case ArrowRight: case ArrowDown: direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.NEXT; // First try the menu, then the actual component nextFocus = menuBar.nextFocus(null); if (nextFocus == null) { if (baseComponent instanceof Container) { nextFocus = ((Container) baseComponent).nextFocus(null); } else if (baseComponent instanceof Interactable) { nextFocus = (Interactable) baseComponent; } } break; case ReverseTab: case ArrowUp: case ArrowLeft: direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.PREVIOUS; if (baseComponent instanceof Container) { nextFocus = ((Container) baseComponent).previousFocus(null); } else if (baseComponent instanceof Interactable) { nextFocus = (Interactable) baseComponent; } // If no component can take focus, try the menu if (nextFocus == null) { nextFocus = menuBar.previousFocus(null); } break; } if (nextFocus != null) { setFocusedInteractable(nextFocus, direction); result = true; } } else { Interactable.Result handleResult = focusedInteractable.handleInput(key); if(!enableDirectionBasedMovements) { if(handleResult == Interactable.Result.MOVE_FOCUS_DOWN || handleResult == Interactable.Result.MOVE_FOCUS_RIGHT) { handleResult = Interactable.Result.MOVE_FOCUS_NEXT; } else if(handleResult == Interactable.Result.MOVE_FOCUS_UP || handleResult == Interactable.Result.MOVE_FOCUS_LEFT) { handleResult = Interactable.Result.MOVE_FOCUS_PREVIOUS; } } switch (handleResult) { case HANDLED: result = true; break; case UNHANDLED: //Filter the event recursively through all parent containers until we hit null; give the containers //a chance to absorb the event Container parent = focusedInteractable.getParent(); while(parent != null) { if(parent.handleInput(key)) { return true; } parent = parent.getParent(); } result = false; break; case MOVE_FOCUS_NEXT: nextFocus = contentHolder.nextFocus(focusedInteractable); if(nextFocus == null) { nextFocus = contentHolder.nextFocus(null); } direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.NEXT; break; case MOVE_FOCUS_PREVIOUS: nextFocus = contentHolder.previousFocus(focusedInteractable); if(nextFocus == null) { nextFocus = contentHolder.previousFocus(null); } direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.PREVIOUS; break; case MOVE_FOCUS_DOWN: nextFocus = interactableLookupMap.findNextDown(focusedInteractable); direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.DOWN; if(nextFocus == null && !strictFocusChange) { nextFocus = contentHolder.nextFocus(focusedInteractable); direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.NEXT; } break; case MOVE_FOCUS_LEFT: nextFocus = interactableLookupMap.findNextLeft(focusedInteractable); direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.LEFT; break; case MOVE_FOCUS_RIGHT: nextFocus = interactableLookupMap.findNextRight(focusedInteractable); direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.RIGHT; break; case MOVE_FOCUS_UP: nextFocus = interactableLookupMap.findNextUp(focusedInteractable); direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.UP; if(nextFocus == null && !strictFocusChange) { nextFocus = contentHolder.previousFocus(focusedInteractable); direction = Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.PREVIOUS; } break; } } if(nextFocus != null) { setFocusedInteractable(nextFocus, direction); result = true; } return result; } private boolean handleMouseInput(MouseAction mouseAction) { TerminalPosition localCoordinates = fromGlobal(mouseAction.getPosition()); if (localCoordinates == null) { return false; } Interactable interactable = interactableLookupMap.getInteractableAt(localCoordinates); if (mouseAction.isMouseDown()) { mouseDownForDrag = interactable; } Interactable wasMouseDownForDrag = mouseDownForDrag; if (mouseAction.isMouseUp()) { mouseDownForDrag = null; } if (mouseAction.isMouseDrag() && mouseDownForDrag != null) { return mouseDownForDrag.handleInput(mouseAction) == Result.HANDLED; } if (interactable == null) { return false; } if (mouseAction.isMouseUp()) { // MouseUp only handled by same interactable as MouseDown if (wasMouseDownForDrag == interactable) { return interactable.handleInput(mouseAction) == Result.HANDLED; } // did not handleInput because mouse up was not on component mouse down was on return false; } return interactable.handleInput(mouseAction) == Result.HANDLED; } @Override public Component getComponent() { return contentHolder.getComponent(); } @Override public void setComponent(Component component) { contentHolder.setComponent(component); } @Override public Interactable getFocusedInteractable() { return focusedInteractable; } @Override public TerminalPosition getCursorPosition() { if(focusedInteractable == null) { return null; } TerminalPosition position = focusedInteractable.getCursorLocation(); if(position == null) { return null; } //Don't allow the component to set the cursor outside of its own boundaries if(position.getColumn() < 0 || position.getRow() < 0 || position.getColumn() >= focusedInteractable.getSize().getColumns() || position.getRow() >= focusedInteractable.getSize().getRows()) { return null; } return focusedInteractable.toBasePane(position); } @Override public void setFocusedInteractable(Interactable toFocus) { setFocusedInteractable(toFocus, toFocus != null ? Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.TELEPORT : Interactable.FocusChangeDirection.RESET); } protected void setFocusedInteractable(Interactable toFocus, Interactable.FocusChangeDirection direction) { if(focusedInteractable == toFocus) { return; } if(toFocus != null && !toFocus.isEnabled()) { return; } if(focusedInteractable != null) { focusedInteractable.onLeaveFocus(direction, focusedInteractable); } Interactable previous = focusedInteractable; focusedInteractable = toFocus; if(toFocus != null) { toFocus.onEnterFocus(direction, previous); } invalidate(); } @Override public void setStrictFocusChange(boolean strictFocusChange) { this.strictFocusChange = strictFocusChange; } @Override public void setEnableDirectionBasedMovements(boolean enableDirectionBasedMovements) { this.enableDirectionBasedMovements = enableDirectionBasedMovements; } @Override public synchronized Theme getTheme() { if(theme != null) { return theme; } else if(getTextGUI() != null) { return getTextGUI().getTheme(); } return null; } @Override public synchronized void setTheme(Theme theme) { this.theme = theme; invalidate(); } @Override public MenuBar getMenuBar() { return contentHolder.getMenuBar(); } @Override public void setMenuBar(MenuBar menuBar) { contentHolder.setMenuBar(menuBar); } protected void addBasePaneListener(BasePaneListener<T> basePaneListener) { listeners.addIfAbsent(basePaneListener); } protected void removeBasePaneListener(BasePaneListener<T> basePaneListener) { listeners.remove(basePaneListener); } protected List<BasePaneListener<T>> getBasePaneListeners() { return listeners; } protected class ContentHolder extends AbstractComposite<Container> { private MenuBar menuBar; ContentHolder() { this.menuBar = new EmptyMenuBar(); } private void setMenuBar(MenuBar menuBar) { if (menuBar == null) { menuBar = new EmptyMenuBar(); } if (this.menuBar != menuBar) { menuBar.onAdded(this); this.menuBar.onRemoved(this); this.menuBar = menuBar; if(focusedInteractable == null) { setFocusedInteractable(menuBar.nextFocus(null)); } invalidate(); } } private MenuBar getMenuBar() { return menuBar; } @Override public boolean isInvalid() { return super.isInvalid() || menuBar.isInvalid(); } @Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); menuBar.invalidate(); } @Override public void updateLookupMap(InteractableLookupMap interactableLookupMap) { super.updateLookupMap(interactableLookupMap); menuBar.updateLookupMap(interactableLookupMap); } @Override public void setComponent(Component component) { if(getComponent() == component) { return; } setFocusedInteractable(null); super.setComponent(component); if(focusedInteractable == null && component instanceof Interactable) { setFocusedInteractable((Interactable)component); } else if(focusedInteractable == null && component instanceof Container) { setFocusedInteractable(((Container)component).nextFocus(null)); } } public boolean removeComponent(Component component) { boolean removed = super.removeComponent(component); if (removed) { focusedInteractable = null; } return removed; } @Override public TextGUI getTextGUI() { return AbstractBasePane.this.getTextGUI(); } @Override protected ComponentRenderer<Container> createDefaultRenderer() { return new ComponentRenderer<Container>() { @Override public TerminalSize getPreferredSize(Container component) { Component subComponent = getComponent(); if(subComponent == null) { return TerminalSize.ZERO; } return subComponent.getPreferredSize(); } @Override public void drawComponent(TextGUIGraphics graphics, Container component) { if (!(menuBar instanceof EmptyMenuBar)) { int menuBarHeight = menuBar.getPreferredSize().getRows(); TextGUIGraphics menuGraphics = graphics.newTextGraphics(TerminalPosition.TOP_LEFT_CORNER, graphics.getSize().withRows(menuBarHeight)); menuBar.draw(menuGraphics); graphics = graphics.newTextGraphics(TerminalPosition.TOP_LEFT_CORNER.withRelativeRow(menuBarHeight), graphics.getSize().withRelativeRows(-menuBarHeight)); } Component subComponent = getComponent(); if(subComponent == null) { return; } subComponent.draw(graphics); } }; } @Override public TerminalPosition toGlobal(TerminalPosition position) { return AbstractBasePane.this.toGlobal(position); } @Override public TerminalPosition toBasePane(TerminalPosition position) { return position; } @Override public BasePane getBasePane() { return AbstractBasePane.this; } } private static class EmptyMenuBar extends MenuBar { @Override public boolean isInvalid() { return false; } @Override public synchronized void onAdded(Container container) { } @Override public synchronized void onRemoved(Container container) { } @Override public boolean isEmptyMenuBar() { return true; } } }