package com.fasterxml.classmate.util;

import java.util.List;

import com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType;
import com.fasterxml.classmate.types.TypePlaceHolder;

Simple LRU cache used for storing up to specified number of most recently accessed ResolvedType instances. Since usage pattern is such that caller needs synchronization, cache access methods are fully synchronized so that caller need not do explicit synchronization.
/** * Simple LRU cache used for storing up to specified number of most recently accessed * {@link ResolvedType} instances. * Since usage pattern is such that caller needs synchronization, cache access methods * are fully synchronized so that caller need not do explicit synchronization. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class ResolvedTypeCache implements Serializable {
/** * @since 1.4 */
public static ResolvedTypeCache lruCache(int maxEntries) { return new LRUTypeCache(maxEntries); }
/** * @since 1.4 */
public static ResolvedTypeCache concurrentCache(int maxEntries) { return new ConcurrentTypeCache(maxEntries); }
Helper method for constructing reusable cache keys
/** * Helper method for constructing reusable cache keys */
public ResolvedTypeKey key(Class<?> simpleType) { return new ResolvedTypeKey(simpleType); }
Helper method for constructing reusable cache keys
/** * Helper method for constructing reusable cache keys */
public ResolvedTypeKey key(Class<?> simpleType, ResolvedType[] tp) { int len = (tp == null) ? 0 : tp.length; if (len == 0) { return new ResolvedTypeKey(simpleType); } // 25-Oct-2015, tatu: Need to prevent caching of anything with TypePlaceHolder; // can cause problems otherwise as those are ephemeral/mutable containers for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (tp[i] instanceof TypePlaceHolder) { return null; } } return new ResolvedTypeKey(simpleType, tp); } public abstract ResolvedType find(ResolvedTypeKey key); public abstract int size(); public abstract void put(ResolvedTypeKey key, ResolvedType type); // // // Methods for unit tests
Method only used by test code: do not use otherwise.
/** * Method only used by test code: do not use otherwise. */
protected void _addForTest(ResolvedType type) { List<ResolvedType> tp = type.getTypeParameters(); ResolvedType[] tpa = tp.toArray(new ResolvedType[0]); put(key(type.getErasedType(), tpa), type); } }