package com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;

Definition of a single Bean-style Java class, without assumptions on usage for serialization or deserialization, used as input for constructing bean readers and writers.
/** * Definition of a single Bean-style Java class, without assumptions * on usage for serialization or deserialization, used as input * for constructing bean readers and writers. * * @since 2.8 */
public class POJODefinition { protected final Class<?> _type; protected final Prop[] _properties;
Possible per-class definition of names that may be ignored safely during deserialization.
/** * Possible per-class definition of names that may be ignored safely * during deserialization. * * @since 2.11 */
protected final Set<String> _ignorableNames; public final Constructor<?> defaultCtor; public final Constructor<?> stringCtor; public final Constructor<?> longCtor; public POJODefinition(Class<?> type, Prop[] props, Constructor<?> defaultCtor0, Constructor<?> stringCtor0, Constructor<?> longCtor0) { _type = type; _properties = props; defaultCtor = defaultCtor0; stringCtor = stringCtor0; longCtor = longCtor0; _ignorableNames = null; } protected POJODefinition(POJODefinition base, Prop[] props, Set<String> ignorableN) { _type = base._type; _properties = props; defaultCtor = base.defaultCtor; stringCtor = base.stringCtor; longCtor = base.longCtor; _ignorableNames = ignorableN; } public POJODefinition withProperties(Collection<Prop> props) { return new POJODefinition(this, props.toArray(new Prop[0]), _ignorableNames); } // @since 2.11 public POJODefinition withIgnorals(Set<String> ignorableN) { return new POJODefinition(this, _properties, ignorableN); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Public API /********************************************************************** */ public List<Prop> getProperties() { return Arrays.asList(_properties); } @Deprecated // in 2.11, will be removed soon public Prop[] properties() { return _properties; } public Set<String> getIgnorableNames() { if (_ignorableNames == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return _ignorableNames; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper class for containing property definitions /********************************************************************** */ public static final class Prop { public final String name; public final Field field; public final Method setter, getter, isGetter; private final Collection<String> aliases; public Prop(String n, Field f, Method setter0, Method getter0, Method isGetter0, Collection<String> aliases0) { name = n; field = f; setter = setter0; getter = getter0; isGetter = isGetter0; if (aliases0 == null) { aliases0 = Collections.emptyList(); } aliases = aliases0; } public static PropBuilder builder(String name) { return new PropBuilder(name); } public boolean hasSetter() { return (setter != null) || (field != null); } public boolean hasAliases() { return !aliases.isEmpty(); } public Iterable<String> aliases() { return aliases; } } static final class PropBuilder { private final String _name; private Field _field; private Method _setter, _getter, _isGetter; public PropBuilder(String name) { _name = name; } public Prop build() { return new Prop(_name, _field, _setter, _getter, _isGetter, null); } public PropBuilder withField(Field f) { _field = f; return this; } public PropBuilder withSetter(Method m) { _setter = m; return this; } public PropBuilder withGetter(Method m) { _getter = m; return this; } public PropBuilder withIsGetter(Method m) { _isGetter = m; return this; } } }