package com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.comp;

import java.util.Collection;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;

Base class for all composer implementations.
/** * Base class for all composer implementations. */
public abstract class ComposerBase implements Flushable { protected ComposerBase _child; protected boolean _open = true; protected ComposerBase() { } /* /********************************************************************** /* Abstract methods sub-classes have to implement /********************************************************************** */ protected abstract ComposerBase _start() throws IOException; protected abstract Object _finish() throws IOException;
Helper method used to "peel away" bogus exception declaration
/** * Helper method used to "peel away" bogus exception declaration */
protected Object _safeFinish() { try { return _finish(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected final void _childClosed() { _child = null; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper methods for sub-classes /********************************************************************** */ protected IllegalStateException _illegalCall() { return new IllegalStateException("This code path should never be executed"); } protected <P extends ComposerBase> ArrayComposer<P> _startArray(P parent, JsonGenerator g) throws IOException { ArrayComposer<P> child = new ArrayComposer<P>(parent, g); _child = child; return child._start(); } protected <P extends ComposerBase> ObjectComposer<P> _startObject(P parent, JsonGenerator g) throws IOException { ObjectComposer<P> child = new ObjectComposer<P>(parent, g); _child = child; return child._start(); } protected <P extends ComposerBase> CollectionComposer<P,?> _startCollection(P parent) { CollectionComposer<P,?> child = new CollectionComposer<P,Collection<Object>>(parent); _child = child; return child._start(); } protected <P extends ComposerBase> MapComposer<P> _startMap(P parent) { MapComposer<P> child = new MapComposer<P>(parent); _child = child; return child._start(); } }