package com.carrotsearch.hppc.sorting;

import java.util.Comparator;

Sorting routines that return an array of sorted indices implied by a given comparator rather than move elements of whatever the comparator is using for comparisons.

A practical use case for this class is when the index of an array is meaningful and one wants to acquire the order of values in that array. None of the methods in Java Collections would provide such functionality directly and creating a collection of boxed Integer objects for indices seems to be too costly.

/** * Sorting routines that return an array of sorted indices implied by a given * comparator rather than move elements of whatever the comparator is using for * comparisons. * <p> * A practical use case for this class is when the index of an array is * meaningful and one wants to acquire the order of values in that array. None * of the methods in Java Collections would provide such functionality directly * and creating a collection of boxed {@link Integer} objects for indices seems * to be too costly. */
public final class IndirectSort {
Minimum window length to apply insertion sort in merge sort.
/** * Minimum window length to apply insertion sort in merge sort. */
No instantiation.
/** * No instantiation. */
private IndirectSort() { // No instantiation. }
Returns the order of elements between indices start and length, as indicated by the given comparator.

This routine uses merge sort. It is guaranteed to be stable.

/** * Returns the order of elements between indices <code>start</code> and * <code>length</code>, as indicated by the given <code>comparator</code>. * <p> * This routine uses merge sort. It is guaranteed to be stable. * </p> */
public static int[] mergesort(int start, int length, IndirectComparator comparator) { final int[] src = createOrderArray(start, length); if (length > 1) { final int[] dst = (int[]) src.clone(); topDownMergeSort(src, dst, 0, length, comparator); return dst; } return src; }
Returns the order of elements between indices start and length, as indicated by the given comparator. This method is equivalent to calling mergesort(int, int, IndirectComparator) with DelegatingComparator.

This routine uses merge sort. It is guaranteed to be stable.

/** * Returns the order of elements between indices <code>start</code> and * <code>length</code>, as indicated by the given <code>comparator</code>. * This method is equivalent to calling * {@link #mergesort(int, int, IndirectComparator)} with * {@link IndirectComparator.DelegatingComparator}. * <p> * This routine uses merge sort. It is guaranteed to be stable. * </p> */
public static <T> int[] mergesort(T[] input, int start, int length, Comparator<? super T> comparator) { return mergesort(start, length, new IndirectComparator.DelegatingComparator<T>(input, comparator)); }
Perform a recursive, descending merge sort.
  • fromIndex – inclusive
  • toIndex – exclusive
/** * Perform a recursive, descending merge sort. * * @param fromIndex * inclusive * @param toIndex * exclusive */
private static void topDownMergeSort(int[] src, int[] dst, int fromIndex, int toIndex, IndirectComparator comp) { if (toIndex - fromIndex <= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_INSERTION_SORT) { insertionSort(fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex, dst, comp); return; } final int mid = (fromIndex + toIndex) >>> 1; topDownMergeSort(dst, src, fromIndex, mid, comp); topDownMergeSort(dst, src, mid, toIndex, comp); /* * Both splits in of src are now sorted. */ if ([mid - 1], src[mid]) <= 0) { /* * If the lowest element in upper slice is larger than the highest element in * the lower slice, simply copy over, the data is fully sorted. */ System.arraycopy(src, fromIndex, dst, fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex); } else { /* * Run a manual merge. */ for (int i = fromIndex, j = mid, k = fromIndex; k < toIndex; k++) { if (j == toIndex || (i < mid &&[i], src[j]) <= 0)) { dst[k] = src[i++]; } else { dst[k] = src[j++]; } } } }
Internal insertion sort for ints.
/** * Internal insertion sort for <code>int</code>s. */
private static void insertionSort(final int off, final int len, int[] order, IndirectComparator intComparator) { for (int i = off + 1; i < off + len; i++) { final int v = order[i]; int j = i, t; while (j > off && = order[j - 1], v) > 0) { order[j--] = t; } order[j] = v; } }
Creates the initial order array.
/** * Creates the initial order array. */
private static int[] createOrderArray(final int start, final int length) { final int[] order = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { order[i] = start + i; } return order; } }