package com.carrotsearch.hppc;

public final class HashContainers {
Maximum array size for hash containers (power-of-two and still allocable in Java, not a negative int).
/** * Maximum array size for hash containers (power-of-two and still * allocable in Java, not a negative int). */
public final static int MAX_HASH_ARRAY_LENGTH = 0x80000000 >>> 1;
Minimum hash buffer size.
/** * Minimum hash buffer size. */
public final static int MIN_HASH_ARRAY_LENGTH = 4;
Default load factor.
/** * Default load factor. */
public final static float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
Minimal sane load factor (99 empty slots per 100).
/** * Minimal sane load factor (99 empty slots per 100). */
public final static float MIN_LOAD_FACTOR = 1 / 100.0f;
Maximum sane load factor (1 empty slot per 100).
/** * Maximum sane load factor (1 empty slot per 100). */
public final static float MAX_LOAD_FACTOR = 99 / 100.0f;
Compute and return the maximum number of elements (inclusive) that can be stored in a hash container for a given load factor.
/** * Compute and return the maximum number of elements (inclusive) * that can be stored in a hash container for a given load factor. */
public static int maxElements(double loadFactor) { checkLoadFactor(loadFactor, 0, 1); return expandAtCount(MAX_HASH_ARRAY_LENGTH, loadFactor) - 1; } /** */ static int minBufferSize(int elements, double loadFactor) { if (elements < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Number of elements must be >= 0: " + elements); } long length = (long) Math.ceil(elements / loadFactor); if (length == elements) { length++; } length = Math.max(MIN_HASH_ARRAY_LENGTH, BitUtil.nextHighestPowerOfTwo(length)); if (length > MAX_HASH_ARRAY_LENGTH) { throw new BufferAllocationException( "Maximum array size exceeded for this load factor (elements: %d, load factor: %f)", elements, loadFactor); } return (int) length; } /** */ static int nextBufferSize(int arraySize, int elements, double loadFactor) { assert checkPowerOfTwo(arraySize); if (arraySize == MAX_HASH_ARRAY_LENGTH) { throw new BufferAllocationException( "Maximum array size exceeded for this load factor (elements: %d, load factor: %f)", elements, loadFactor); } return (int) arraySize << 1; } /** */ static int expandAtCount(int arraySize, double loadFactor) { assert checkPowerOfTwo(arraySize); // Take care of hash container invariant (there has to be at least one empty slot to ensure // the lookup loop finds either the element or an empty slot). return Math.min(arraySize - 1, (int) Math.ceil(arraySize * loadFactor)); } /** */ static void checkLoadFactor(double loadFactor, double minAllowedInclusive, double maxAllowedInclusive) { if (loadFactor < minAllowedInclusive || loadFactor > maxAllowedInclusive) { throw new BufferAllocationException( "The load factor should be in range [%.2f, %.2f]: %f", minAllowedInclusive, maxAllowedInclusive, loadFactor); } } /** */ static boolean checkPowerOfTwo(int arraySize) { // These are internals, we can just assert without retrying. assert arraySize > 1; assert BitUtil.nextHighestPowerOfTwo(arraySize) == arraySize; return true; } }